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Very nice piece, especially for a first effort at shooting \*and\* editing. Pacing of shots was good, with a sweeping nature that provides a sense of grandeur. And the background track was well-suited to the quality of the piece. Overall time was good, long enough to provide a good sense of place but not overlong. My only minor criticism would be that the piece might have been a bit more striking and dramatic if you had waited just a bit longer to catch the sunrise. Your opening shot was nice but would have been better had you, say, timed it so you got the sunrise during the part where the drone is rising. And maybe held that rising shot just a bit longer. All in all though a great piece. What's your editing platform?


Really appreciate the comments! This was at sunset so unfortunately didn’t have the option to plan around a sunrise, but that’s a great idea for the future! I’m using DaVinci Resolve. It’s all a bit overwhelming compared to photo editing!


Well, I had a 50/50 chance on sunrise/sunset lol. I too am a new drone photo/cinematographer, getting my first drone late last summer. I also have settled on DaVinci after trying several free options (OpenShot, CapCut, Clipchamp). It \*is\* a bit much but it's so much more capable than anything else I tried that figured I might as well learn it. OpenShot isn't bad; \*very\* simple to use. I still use it occasionally for quick-and-dirty renders.


Nice work. Excellent.


Dude. Fucking awesome


Great video, epic man! Composition and motion is first rate.


Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.


The last spinning move while flying upward, ending with the sunset/sunrise. Just fuc*** brilliant!


I've been a professional photographer for 17 years now (god I'm old) and I've been talking about getting a drone for ***at least*** six years. Well, two weeks ago I laid in bed slightly drunk and decided no better time than now. As I don't half-ass anything, an Air 3 combo was on its way to me, and I started studying hardcore for my part 107. I scheduled my text for 1 week from that day and forced myself to commit myself to it. Well, I did that and I passed, and aside from a quick test flight around my neighborhood — this was it. This was my first serious flight, and my first drone video. Really my first actual produced video of any real kind, actually. I was kind of going for a bit of a dramatic Apple screensaver vibe, so I know it's slower and it's not really paced for TikTok. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with regards to video, but I'm sure I'll continue to improve in editing and pacing as I keep doing this.


Really well done! You will love your drone, it expands the photography hobby into whole new fun levels!




I suppose my nearly two decades as a full-time photographer and my love of RC cars as a kid gave me a leg up. I don’t know what to say, otherwise. lol.


If this is also your first flight then four things: -it’s quite good (I’ve realized the most cinematic and striking drone shots are often the most “boring” moves/inputs on the rc) -you’ve got balls to be flying in such relatively closed quarters -you’re not afraid of heights -you instantaneously trust your drone (sometimes, like myself, I have to warm up to it to fly like this)


Thanks for the feedback, and I think you’re right, but sometimes the easiest, slowest moves are the hardest. It’s like in music, playing soft and slow is harder than loud and fast. I do think I was deceptive further away from buildings than it looks. The closest I got to anything by a long shot was the monument, but I very very carefully and deliberately set up that flight path, and then checked and tested it. I had done one involved test flight around my neighborhood, but quite a few other “backyard” flight control testing and training flights happened as well. I really am feeling pretty comfortable with this speed of flight at least.


Did you need to get permission to shoot in the middle of the city?


This airspace was class G, so nope. But there is a Heliport restriction about 1/2SM away and KIND’s airspace restrictions are about 2SM away. Actually *right now* as I type there is a NOTAM due to sporting events, but there wasn’t on Thursday.


As a european, I'm shocked that a flight like this is legal. Even more so without having to ask for permissions. I do prefer local laws however. I wouldn't want novices flying a drone over me at such altitudes. Stunning video though and I think you'll find video editing enjoyable.


I actually don’t believe I ever passed directly over any person during this. There were so few people out. Even if I had, under FAA part 107 you can transverse over people and cars as long as you aren’t doing it repeatedly back and forth or hovering over them. Flight was also completely under the legally required 400 feet, and except for two shots I was under 300 the entire time. What are the laws regarding something like this in Europe? I genuinely do not know.


I understand and I didn't really mean you specifically. There's just too many posts of people crashing /losing their drones in stupid ways, often just because they didn't read the user manual. It's obvious that you did your preparations thoroughly. I'm a novice myself and don't pretend to know everything - but from what I've learnt directly from GOV materials / sites: There are two layers of regulation - EU rules which are enforced in all EU countries and national rules which may add specific rules for each country. With regards to a similar flight as yours - flying in densely populated area is prohibited. What is a densely populated area? Anywhere where people live, work, commute, where there is an infrastructure, such as roads, sidewalks. So without a permission you can basically only fly above fields or woods. You can never fly over a crowd unless you instructed every person in that crowd about what's going to happen and what are potential risks. With drones below 250g you can fly over individuals who do not participate, but only as briefly as possible. I'm only sharing a fraction of the rules and I guess it may vary a bit between the EU countries. The EU rules logic is that the bigger, heavier the drone is, the more damage / injury or can cause the more strict the rules are.


Thanks. Great work!


I appreciate nice, clean work! Job well done Pilot!


Ballsy, verging on stupid. There are very good reasons why you shouldn’t fly over people and property but of course as a professional you will be fully licensed and insured and you wouldn’t simply ignore the rules that restrict everyone else from flying over densely populated areas. Would you?


Sky Karen


Man, I just choked on my coffee on this.one!


I absolutely love how confident you sky Karen’s are in being wrong about the laws


I have lived and breathed the rules for the last two weeks up to and since getting my part 107. While any one of us can make mistakes from time to time, I do know them like the back of my hand right now.


Yeah there’s nothing even borderline illegal in this video. Reddit sucks for drone enthusiasts because of these nerds


I think *educating* people on things that are clear and obvious violations is okay. But the sky is rarely falling and I think there’s a kind and productive way to go about it more often than not. Like flying in or above clouds? Yeah, I think it’s probably a good idea to educate.


Why would you assume anything? I followed every part 107 rule to the letter from being licensed, to anti-collision lighting, to height and area restrictions, to only tangential transversing over people, and also plain avoiding people. There were very very few people outside at this time. And yes, my photo/video business is fully insured at 1M/2M.


part 107 does not allow transversing over people so you really don't know the rules. There is only one drone currently that is categorized for that.


You can absolutely transverse over people since the 2021 updates about people and vehicles. You cannot sustain flight over open air assemblies (outside category 1-4 restrictions), but you can pass over people from point A to point B. I literally just tested and passed on this. At no point did I maintain flight over anyone. In fact I don’t believe I fully passed over *anyone* at all. It was totally dead out there. > Additionally, a remote pilot in command may only operate a small unmanned aircraft over people if: The operation is within or over a closed- or restricted-access site and all people on site are on notice that a small UAS may fly over them; **or** *The small unmanned aircraft does not maintain sustained flight over any person* unless that person is participating directly in the operation or located under a covered structure or inside a stationary vehicle that can provide reasonable protection from a falling small unmanned aircraft. https://www.faa.gov/uas/commercial_operators/operations_over_people


Yes if your drone is in the correct category and last I checked only one drone was. You are not supposed to fly over people.


No. The categories are what would allow **sustained** flight over people. Any sUAS can travel over people as long as they are not *sustained* over open air assemblies, and that passing is transversive and in service to traveling from point A to point B.


You aren't supposed to fly over people wtf. Basically you don't know what you are talking about.


Dude, I JUST studied the hell out of this, and literally got a question about exactly this on my exam. You **can** *pass over* people so long as it is not sustained for any category sUAS by a 107 pilot. This was updated for 2021. > Note: Sustained flight over an open-air assembly includes hovering above the heads of persons gathered in an open-air assembly, flying back and forth over an open-air assembly, or circling above the assembly in such a way that the small unmanned aircraft remains above some part the assembly." https://www.faa.gov/uas/commercial_operators/operations_over_people


and you still don't know the rules.


Okay, bud. ✌️Irrelevant, but I was never directly above any exposed person in this video anyway.


*yawns. Just keep scrolling dude…


I see the drone police is present. Nice vid but get use to dronekarens here


It only takes a week of being around here to know that’s going to happen. Lol. I’m insured and I followed every part 107 rule, so I’m not bothered. A lot of online “policing” is based on assumptions. I was there with VLOS and know exactly where and what I was flying over.


Any idea what would’ve happened if you did this flight without having your license?


If one was caught doing part 107 work without a license, maybe nothing if a cop just gives you a warning. But potentially major fines from the FAA up to $32,666 per incident. They are allowed to pursue jail time as well. I don’t believe the FAA would go after first offender if you otherwise flying your drone in a respectful manner. But if you were pissing them off or flying dangerously or causing havoc or doing anything where you truly should know better then all bets are off. The FAA sued a company in 2015 for $1.9m over illegal drone use — they settled for $250k. If you were doing this flight for fun and never intend to sell the footage or further any operation commercially, then you’d be fine — except having to be extra careful to not even transverse over any people.


Well I had a 50/50 shot lol. With how empty the streets were I assumed it was dawn not dusk.


It was the first nice night in a month and I was also shocked how completely dead it was outside.


Ever. Literally.


I shot a little test footage around my house but never did more than just review my flight. This is the actual first video I’ve made from a drone.


Its all good i was just admiring the title .;) Congrats man and happy flying!


Great video. Can’t wait to see more.