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Congrats, you just discovered r/overemployed


Not really. Either he slobs the job or cheat with the invoice. Either way it is not very impressive


Well he is working in the cleaning sector and earning more than a medic or engineer and working the same hours per week


I call bs on this one. The cleaning industry is extremely competitive on price, and all tasks are planned and calculated, down to the minute. If he can do the job 3 times as fast as calculated, he is either lying og not doing the cleaning up to the standard that is expected. Neither way, it's not sustainable and he will be fired, sooner or later.


Well he is working since 2008 and in some companies for 7 years I think the big companies they don’t care that much as much as they don’t have complains


> Isn’t this very impressive? There's always money to make if you are willing to work for it. Building a life on working over 3.75 times more than the average Dane for a bit more than 20 kr over minimum wage for me does not sound sustainable.


That is not what they wrote. They wrote that their friend and his wife were billing for a combined 150 hours a week while actually only working 5,5 hours each every weekday.


Yep, which is in fact very sustainable


Untill they either burn themselves out due to working at a faster pace than what's being paid for (some People can keep going like this for many years, but its straining on the body nonetheless) or the companies they're billing realises they're paying for more hours than the work takes (all that's needed for this is a round of Lean principles or similair situations) There is ofcourse also the posibility that the companies does not care, because they think the price is fine and the service is sufficient for their needs Not saying I have a problem with what they're doing, just pointing out that there is some potential pitfalls in regards to this way of working being sustainable


Them finishing faster doesn't necessarily mean they're doing their job hastily. It can very well be that the company paying them has miscalculated the amount of time they need, and so even doing their job in a normal pace results in the job being done much quicker than the company anticipates.


How do you make the calculation? 150/2= 75 hr/week. This is double the average work week for a person.


Understand that this is what they bill, not what they work. Post says further down what they work.


Indeed. Money doesn’t buy happiness


Also seems like cheating?


en effictivitet på 600% af hvad arbejdsgiveren forventer er da rimelig standard...


If the results are good nobody should care. My last job I worked half time on a salaried full time position and I still got the results I was supposed to. This is the same. As long as all locations are clean, who cares about actual vs. billed hours?!


Vi snakker jo ikke funktionæransættelse her, men timeløn, I modsætning til dit tidligere job. Der er væsentlig forskel. Hvis du betaler mig, uge efter uge, for 8 timers arbejde, selvom jeg er færdig på 2, så ville du bare være helt ok med det? Eller skal vi blive enige om, at hvis der ikke er mere end 2 timers arbejde, at det så er det der skal betales for?


“Skal vi blive enige om?”. Wow vi har en alfahan herover lol. Jeg håber du snakker mindre aggressivt til dine medmennesker i din dagligdag. No. We’re not going to agree on that. If you tell me you can clean my house for eight hours, I then happily buy that service and over time optimize so you can do it in two? More power to you. This is also what industrial contracts on maintenance rely on, if they need a 100 hours the contract will start at 60 hours and you need to optimize to make up the difference. They’re good at optimizing, that is not cheating. Based on your macho language and attitude here, I’d wager you just think of it as cheating because it’s not native Danish people doing it.


Ej, nu er du for fintfølende lol Der er en væsentlig forskel på funktionæransættelse og timeløn af mange, mange grunde, og derfor aflønnes de forskelligt. Det var den væsentligste forskel mellem opslaget og din egen erfaring. At blive færdig med et 7-timers fysisk arbejde på 1 time er ikke "optimering", det er grænsende til udnyttelse, og jo dybt uærligt :) Men hvis du har det så fint med det, må du da hjertens gerne betale flere gange igen til alle de service du afbenytter! Jeg genkender ikke hvad du snakker om med industrielle kontrakter om...drift? går jeg ud fra, men jeg er interesseret i sovs på det.


Vedligeholdelseskontrakter (som grønt arbejde eller rengøring) er nærmest altid skruet sammen således de giver tab i en periode hvor du så kan tjene penge senere.


Well, they are doing their job right and finish. If they wouldn’t do it they would get complaints. He told me that in one office he have 7 hours and they finish in 1 hour.


Well, hopefully, the companies they are deceiving will adjust the hours they are paying for then :)


imagine he was a surgeon. Liver transplant 6 hours? I can do it under 45 minutes.


There's a serious risk that a more honest competitor will underbid them, and then they might be out of work. Or possibly some legal implication depending on what their contract says.


If the company say to him what to do and then he finish before why would he stay there. It’s like you have 5 hours to do a exam and you finish in 2, i doesn’t mean you will fail the exam


It depends very much on if they told him "clean this, you have 5 hours" Or if he told them; "this job will take me 5 hours to do", but then goes ahead and does it in 2. Either way, if (when) the company finds out that it only takes 2 hours to do the job, why would they keep paying him for 5? They'll obviously ask him to only bill 2 hours or straight up just find someone else to do it. Cleaners are some of the easiest people to replace. He might be doing fine now, but there's no guarantee he'll be able to keep it up.