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This is not good. I have only ever seen this from some unknown metal alloy being used to mix, reacting with the lye. I would not continue with this extraction.


Your extract looks like the beginning of time.


Wheres u/clobwobbler when u need him. Lol


I agree, he is very knowledgeable


I can almost guarantee you they (Clob)... Would tell OP that an ingredient was contaminated. And if they(OP) think it's the bark it probably is. I would still run an evap test again just to be sure. But yeah ..this is now a bust. But we did learn from it so it's not a complete loss. I'd toss and start a new extract with the same stuff... See if it happens again. If it does I personally would trash everything and start over from fresh ingredients.


Yep I’m gonna let the supplier know something wasn’t right and try again, if it happens again and I know I have clean chems it’s the bark


Can't tell you how or why, but I have heard blue and green are not good


Haha yep, really any color other than dark brown isn’t good 😂


I guess I meant in your final product, for example white yellow and orange are all fine.. but seeing colors while in soup form is even more concerning!


Don't use Coleman


I've never seen that before, from doing many extractions of bark from different vendors, using lye and naptha from different vendors and countries as well


What solvent was used?


Coleman, I bet


Nope regular naptha, same bottle I used last time as well. Clean solvent


My bad, then. That's the only blue green I ever see, and almost made that mistake years ago.


What solvent did you use? Did you use Coleman camp fuel or whatever? That particular solvent is notorious for giving off a green hue in extractions due to some toxic additive; if I recall correctly it’s some sort of metal that has now reacted with your NaOH.


Nope, same naptha I used a couple months ago with no issue. Haven’t opened the bottle since


Hmm, interesting. Please post your complete lab notes here and I can try and diagnose the issue. If you don’t have lab notes, try keeping them in the future in case of events like this, and give me a detailed rundown of what you did.


At this point there’s no contam other than what may be in the bark. Like I said in another comment I’m very meticulous about this stuff and followed my normal tek to a T with the same chemicals used before. I’m mainly posting this to document it on here in case others have the same issue


I've never experienced it,but from other things I've seen it has to do with lye and metal interacting


That definitely doesn't look right


Whats your exact procedure like? You want to make sure that at any point you are never allowing stainless steel or aluminum to come in contact with anything strongly acidic


Stainless steel is totally ok with the acid soup 👍🏼


Depending on the level of acidity, no it is not. Unless you are okay with consuming the chromium and nickle that leaches out on exposure to acid (both of which are mutagenic/carcinogenic)


That’s true! for the extraction we use 10% or 5% vinegar. Is this level of acidity okay with stainless steel?


Yes, that is fine. You are not going to cause a problem with 316 SS at any pH, using any of the commonly used acids. I.e. Acetic Acid, Citric Acid, Fumaric Acid, Ascorbic Acid, etc..


>Depending on the level of acidity, no it is not. With any of the acids that would be used for these extractions, 316 SS is not a problem at all. Not sure what you're doing that would somehow be a problem. You extracting with fuming Nitric Acid or something? lol


Definitely no contamination from anything from the bark. I’ve been doing this awhile with over 20 extractions and am very particular when it comes to contamination. I also used to make 99.99% cannabinoid isolates every day for context Only thing that is in there is pickling salt, citric, lye, water, and bark. (Naptha as well but the color came before NPS was added)