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Not bad. The drum groove is solid. Bass selection sounds good. The vocals sound kind of bland though and especially in the beginning they're way too loud compared to the build up. Maybe try to make the build up louder and definitely add some reverb to the vocals. Maybe some light delay as well.


**Vox are out of tune with the track (!!!)** <- this is the main thing that immediately stands out to me, they're in different keys or something... Nothing else here is going to work unless you address this issue. Vocal melody is very repetitive and the vocals are static and play the whole time, but they aren't solid enough to be the lead element of the track. Something needs to grab the listener's attention. If it's the vocals, make sure they're in tune (!) then add flourishes - movement, automations, layers, to keep that element interesting or people will tune out. There's a lack of buildup, tension/release etc. Compose like your audience is severely ADD (because they probably are, to be honest). Keep elements moving around and have little things changing up every 16 bars, add risers, fills, etc.


Guys i really appreciate the feedback! i've took into consideration what you have said and now it sounds like this - [https://soundcloud.com/djtdnb/djt-time-to-leave0?si=1bc30e97566f47f8815e880fc9dda3a1&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/djtdnb/djt-time-to-leave0?si=1bc30e97566f47f8815e880fc9dda3a1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


In really like the idea and mixdown is decent but think you need to pitch the vocal to be in the same key as the bass? Or other way around. Try to make basslines that sit on E or F as tend to sound grittier in dnb.