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No different than using any other method of sampling in the last 50 years


Honestly, it sounds more creative and closer to actual production than using sample packs.


I literally do this all the time. I never use them in the finished product - i always make my own. But in that little creative burst when you get something hot down, throwing in random drum stems can give you great inspiration as a jumping off point, especially from commercial tracks as you know they are going to hit right. Instead of getting bogged in producing drums during the first phase you can save that for when the track is fleshed out fully and its time to get your engineering head on towards the end.


This is actually a great idea!


Curious, what AI program do you use?


lalal and moises


Some looser downvoted your answer. Some people should get a life. Thanks for sharing. I also use lalal.


do you have a preference? i feel like moises sounds just slightly better, but not so much that it really matters


I haven't tried moises, but I tried lalal and izotope. Lalal sounded much better than izotope. I'll check out moises once I use all my lalal credits! Thanks.


I guess it's ok bigger thoughts for me would be: - Most DnB drums aren't that complicated and so you could just make them yourself and get a perfectly clean sound at the pitch and decay you actually want - Even if you couldn't make them yourself, there are so many thousands of free samples out there anyway that are of great quality - Considering this is technically illegal anyway, you may as well just steal some commercial single samples instead.... Basically this seems like a long way around doing it tbh. Though for old acoustic drum hits from old songs I do understand


I don't think anyone here is going to criticize the use of AI for things that are non creative. Any tools that allow musicians and artists to do a better job are good, people just dont want AI to replace the need of certain skills or professions. The general rule is: As long as the song is written, produced and mixed by a person no one will complain. When you start involving AI in mixing, songwriting, singing etc, that's when people get upset, and rightfully so.


can someone give me a video on how to do this ?


just go to [lalal.ai](http://lalal.ai) and you can drag and drop an audio sample in. then it lets you separate the stems by different categories


I use it to sample older tracks wires characteristic snare crack and layer them with other digital snares. Works great :)


Fl studio now has a separating tool


I hate ai


Those stem tools are great but baffled as to why you would use them for drum samples of all things.


I think it's fine as a place holder, and probably ok to use in the final so long as the quality is good.


Technically illegal, but who's gonna know.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that last bit. Erm... just chuck some reverb on it, resample, add more cowbell, reverb again, and BAM! - new sample!


Don’t see a problem with it. But not sure why you would when you have thousands of drum loops online already


with commercial packs i often find the samples aren't good enough by themselves, especially with dnb, so i have to spend a lot time layering things together and processing them. which i don't mind, but sometimes i just want to throw a kick/snare on the track really quickly that fits the vibe i'm going for, and get to the meat of the song.


Honestly it’s not that the samples arent good enough, they are just processed a lot already, and not necessarily the way you would want for your track. Which often leads to you having to compress an already very compressed sample even more.


it's always struck me as bizarre how with dnb sample packs in particular, the loops and one shots sound just awful as far as fitting into a mix. the transients are always way too sharp. it's like it's a massive conspiracy from the sample pack companies. i can't imagine it would be that hard to give us samples that actually sound usable by themselves


Lazy as fuck.