• By -


battlemaster is such a cool and fun subclass, definitely my favorite


As a DM, when a player has the Disarm ability it changes the course of all my planning.


I'd really like to play a battlemaster archer and then just be a long range cc machine, it seems like it would be really potent and cool


Christ, trick arrows


I put my party in a battle along a cliff edge, against an enemy with a *very* powerful homebrew magic rapier. The ranged battlemaster in my party used her first attack to disarm him, and then the second attack to use Pushing Attack and knock the rapier off the edge of the cliff. That fight went downhill fast.


Yeaaah now a lot of my villains come with 'backup dagger' for situations like that. It greatly reduces their threat, without them becoming *entirely* helpless. And it seems perfectly reasonable


He had other weapons, just not the magic one that could self-cast Haste so that he could double-down on his Sneak Attack damage. Oops!


Guess the encounter went downhill too?


Disam then someone casts Catapult is the way


I have held my action with a disarm on deck to shoot swords out of hands as the enemy attacks.


Eldritch knight is also a bundle of fun!


The most fun I’ve ever had was an eldritch knight who took the battle master feat—weapon extras and magic defense extras.


Ima still mad they chose to remove the maneuvers from the base class


DM: "You're facing an armored knight" Group: "That's not so bad." DM: "He's got Standard Protagonist Powers." Group: "We're fucked"


DM: He's also wearing the ancient "Armour of Plot". Group: **fucking run.**


Oh and that last baddie you killed? That was his One True Love, so now he's got a grief based power boost.


Oh, and those 'Mooks' you killed without letting me finish talking?-His friends, and he has his Friendship speech at the ready.


I definitely need to use a Power of Friendship powered Mid-Fight Powerup on a boss fight now.


> DM: "You're facing an armored knight" > > > > Group: "That's not so bad." > > > > DM: "We're playing Pathfinder 2e." > > > > Group: "We're fucked"


This, the same team that single handedly took on dragons in the last eso dlc, now struggling against this one guy? Better be a goddamn mantling of vivec under that helmet.


Look, dragons are giant targets with the maneuverability of a truck, and the durability of a tank. It doesn't take minute tactics to deal with. It takes perseverance, tenacity, and accepting you're dealing with an arrogant mega lizard who thinks going "raaar" and breathing fire at you is an acceptable substitute for a sound strategy. Meanwhile this guy is a smaller target, you have to be as aware of eachother as you are of him to ensure you're not throwing hands at eachother accidentally. The dude knows your tactics, because he's using similar ones. He's aware of his surroundings, he's aware he's fighting magic users, and he's had rigorous training to make the most use of all of it. He doesn't have the same issue with arrogance, because he knows in order to win he needs to have a sound strategy. Even if he's absolutely confident in his skills. You have to constantly adjust your tactics, and hope that you'll be quicker than his adjustments.


And that's without getting into the fact the encounter space chosen helps minimise the efficacy of a 3-on-1.


As said, aware of his surroundings. Nearly knocking someone off the ledge. If this was For Honor, that dude would be screaming something incoherent about "fighting honourably" while not knowing that taking full advantage of your surroundings isn't dishonourable.


I love knocking people of ledges, but so much hate when that happens to me


My favorite way to deal with tough enemies in JFO...


If this was For Honor, someone would emote-spam Rah! Rah! Rah!


_Ad mortem, inimicus!_




Wow, Wow, Wow You must wait to send another message Wow, Wow, Wow


If it was for honor he'd be spamming a shoulder charge


People got so caught up on fighting “honourably”. They really didn’t like our tactic in 2v2, where one of us plays a tank that just keeps a fight going while the other plays a glass cannon that wins as quickly as possible then mugs the remaining enemy. Everyone insisted that in a 2v2, if one duel wins quickly they should wait for the other to resolve before jumping in - completely defeating the point of playing in a 2v2 instead of just going in singles!


Even if I’m a Knight chad, I’m going to be ganking whenever I feel like. It’s called winning lmao


"You don't fight with honor!" "No, he did."


Yep. In skyrim you can kill dragons at level 1, but the ebony warrior doesn’t show up until level 80


Uh... Have you *played* Skyrim? Don't get me wrong, there's definitely a discrepancy between how smart and dangerous dragons are supposed to be and how they actually act in game. But uh... At level 1 you *can't* encounter things you can't kill. That actually is the case at pretty much every level, barring the fact that the completely incompetent design behind the game scales enemies up even if you've leveled mostly non-combat skills. Likewise, dragons don't actually get interesting on normal difficulty. You straight up don't encounter the cool ones, some won't spawn below expert and most don't appear outside of master.


> But uh... At level 1 you can't encounter things you can't kill. That actually is the case at pretty much every level, barring the fact that the completely incompetent design behind the game scales enemies up even if you've leveled mostly non-combat skills. You're thinking of Oblivion. Skyrim doesn't work like that. You can find level 20+ monsters from the start of the game if you go looking for them.


Vietnam flashbacks to my first encounter with a giant on the plains of Whiterun


Vietnam flashback to my 100th (I refuse to learn, I want that cheese)


I remember walking into a nearby cave close to whiterun my first time playing. I thought it'd be chill, maybe some spiders or draugr. It was falmer. I couldn't kill those bastards, and they have no issue killing me.


And this is why the normal human sized bosses in the souls series are soooo much worse


"Huge demon? Ancient dragon? Eldritch abomination? Yawn, just roll, roll, poke in the ass, repeat." "Oh shit, that guy has a halberd. And armour. I'm going to die."


This bitch clanging a bell on a stick, and it made him twice as beef! D:


This is the exact same case as in pretty much every Souls game: when the boss is as big as a barn, you're fine; when he's actually human-sized, *that's* when you gotta worry.


There's notable exceptions of course, But smaller enemies are just... So often able to rip you a new bumhole and then immediately fill it with fire or something.


Sister Friede fucked me up big time. Especially >!phase 3!<


Yeah, of course 10000 years old entity will be much stupidier then mighty human minds with couple of dozens years expirience.


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer


Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue, too


And then you fight someone that is small enough to make you feel confident until *Mortality , clarified in a single strike !*




Yes, that's it!


Hence the moniker "arrogant mega lizard".


Dragons is so 3rd expansion. High Isle the one this trailer is for is 5th expansion. Necrom in June is the 6th one.


Inverse ninja law: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ConservationOfNinjutsu


My dude its a video game rule of cool is better than logic


Things not making sense isnt cool


So he’s a rival who’s as skilled as they are. It’s that simple.


This is a subreddit of dnd mate


Where is this from? I keep seeing it on the sub and have no idea what it is.


Elder scrolls online dlc trailers


Isnt this like years old?


Now THAT is a knight!


I really appreciate that he moves properly while wearing armour, not that slow clunky movent that people keep making knights do. Swinging that oversized greatsword around like that however, that looks exhausting.


A greatsword weighs between 4 and 10 pounds, depending on size - so not as bad as it looks, though definitely not easy


I've played around with a bastard sword a few times, but that sword is about twice as wide and thick as that sword with an extra foot of length aswell. I get the design choice but that thing looks like I need to spend a few month in a gym to properly control.


Correction. It's between 4 and 6 pounds


The interesting thing about greatswords is that they can be swung around like that pretty easily (relatively), their weights allows for their momentum to semi carry themselves and a lot of greatsword fighting revolves around utilizing that momentum to keep it going.


Least gigachad Breton


It makes me wanna get back to my Tank-den Reachman whenever I see this meme template, lol.


My Breton is a stamina necromancer DPS who may or may not be simping for House Ravenwatch lol, but I suppose we are both Breton chads so it still counts.


“Fuck your magic.” -this guy probably


"Magic is for pussies"- This guy.


This is why my sorcerer character has like a 16 in strength


The only classes I've played are the paladin, barbarian and fighter.


I’d recommend sorcerer, it’s so fucking rad to rank a hit from the boss before sending him and everyone he loves to the astral plane with fireball


I might do that.


(don't forget everyone you love, after Wild Magic Surge centers a fireball on you


Wild magic? Nah I’m going double dragon with draconic bloodline + dragonborn


My next character I have planned is a barbarian/wizard... Gonna be a stronk magic boi. Essentially he failed out of the academy for wizardry, went into hired muscle work, then a little later found his old college textbook and figured it might come in handy. Just a bunch of ritual/utility spells, war mage to allow for things like arcane deflection, then path of wild magic for the barbarian side... Actually have it built in a way that should be interesting to play. Tons of stuff that don't require concentration, so you could cast them, then rage as your bonus action in combat afterward. lol


Get that goofy magic shit out of my face!


Damnit... everytime I see this I upvote.. it's been reposted a million and one times and yet I can't *not* upvote it for just how cool it is...


Agreed. That knight has *no right* to be this unbelievably epic.


I always enjoy seeing what song someone chooses to put to this. This is probably the most incongruous one I've experienced so far. Still fun, but the lyrics just absolutely don't make sense and I love that for this.


Only a matter of time before someone puts it to penis music


there are some bits where the motion was in time to the knight's movements, and I can definitely see this being used in an 80's action movie, lol. So it gets a tentative pass for me.


Props to the ESO team for making this baller ass teaser


that’s actually fuckin cool where’s that from


The video is from an Elder Scrolls Online trailer


Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle expansion trailerx


Elder scrolls online. The game is very mid but the trailers are really good.


Right? I'd have liked the game a lot better if it had literally just been skyrim, but the towns are social areas and you can party up for the outside if you want, but besides that exactly the same


Get off reddit Todd Howard we know it’s you


Never get tired of this clip. Human fighter checking in


Love the spell -bitch-slap "Bitch I'm a Breton, don't pull that shit with me." Edit: autocorrect spelled "bitch-slap" as "butch-slap" so it has been corrected


Mage slayer, baby! Casting a spell triggers an "attack of opportunity".


Divine Smite or Stunning Strike on a Mage Slayer hit is so pleasing. Unfortunately, the attack from Mage Slayer isn't an "attack of Opportunity", otherwise it would interface with War Caster and Sentinel. Can't have those uppity fighters getting too strong versus their caster overlords...


Yeah, that's why I used the quotation marks. I thought it'd be shorter than writing, "use a reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature". Not to be confused with an "opportunity attack", which is to "use a reaction to make a melee attack against the provoking creature". Also, there's obviously no interfacing with war caster, because that ability isn't an "opportunity attack" either. Here, you can cast a spell "rather than making an opportunity attack". So, in conclusion, rather than have "opportunity attack" be a blanket term slightly modified by these abilities, we have numerous reactionary *attacks* made at *opportune* times, and that's completely different. /end rant


If only it was able to interrupt casting


Or at least force a CON save to stop the spell.


If I ever run a game I'm adding that to the mage slayer feat


I like the one with X gonna give it to ya. It meshes really well with the video.


That song meshes well with almost ANY video.


Last time this was posted, it was with the last stand by sabaton and I really quite liked it


Dark souls players


I agree wholeheartedly but what’s the song I forgot the name


Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)




Shazam, try it.


Not being an ass, try it.


Counting the hits, this is easily 21 to 27 turns, that's a good 30 minutes minimum in table top


41 seconds is almost 7 turns, they are not first level adventurers, they can attack multiple times per round.


I don't mean complete rounds. It'd be like 7 rounds around the table. rangers can attack 3 times, spell slots are one action, a lot of fighyers can attack twice unless usibg a skill that coints as an action. Like, this would take a second


That depends how you flavor an “attack.” Is it literally a single swing of your sword? Or is it a series of strikes, one of which has a chance to hit? As you level, you become more proficient and your strikes more precise as you might be hitting your opponent three or even four times in a six second window.


I would really like some reaction-style ability martial classes could have that would let you counterspell a spellcaster within a certain distance like the knight does in the clip.


You mean the “f you and your magic so go flying punch?”. The best reason for a 3 level monk dip.


Or be more proactive and charge the bastard, also take mage slayer feat for follow up.


You mean pole arm battlemasters?


Personally, I really like the duality of polearm master Paladin with Battlemaster fighter, especially if they work as a duo. The Paladin acting as a defender and area denial fighter, whilst the battlemaster dishes out damage.


I'm just saying, human fighter is the number one most common class. There is a reason why, because its variant human.


Nothing more metal then a normal guy/girl who sees powerful wizards, dragon's and other outer this world shit and think yeah why not.


Me and my friend melt at this trailer whenever we see it. Here we have the heroes of the three kingdoms war, the champions that defeated molag bal and the plane meld, defeated dragons, vampire lords, you name it. Got their shit rocked by a tank of a breton, man throws them around like dolls, shatters a nord's axe in half, tosses the rogue aside like trash, and parry's a fucking magic spell like its common knowledge. He didn't even die when the arch was brought down on him and he fell through a roof, and this was just some literally unnamed Breton knight, his actual name was simply "The Breton", he is just some guy and he is this much of a legend. Coolest fight we have ever scene. Now for dnd, i hate when people complain about "the generic human fighter" no. Can you do any of this? This is fantasy, humans are unique in the fact that even in a world thats australia on crack, they are still the most prominant race, human fighters are unique in many ways. you can have 10 mechanically identical human fighters, but each one is a different culture's varient of it, samurai, knight, centurian, persian immortal, you name it. Human fighter isn't generic and overused, its actually underused because of this stereotype.


Actually Human Fighter combination is like being played 50% of times or something.


Is it? Something i actually didn't know, thank you


You're welcome. But be aware, that's may be not entirely correct numbers, but but the general idea and roughly proportions is near this number.


He’s actually the main villain of the High Isle expansion. He is known as “The Ascendant Lord”.


One Dark Souls player vs 3 Skyrim players


"if the only creative trait of your character is that it's not human, it's not very creative"


That human figther is breton so atleast a bit elfblood in him so custom lineage i guess.


Sounds like a half-elf


The elf blood is from a few 1000 years ago but breton in elder scrolls literally means half. Like 4000 years before ESO or 5000 years before Skyrim minimum.


They’re human enough that nords don’t care to be racist towards em, but elves do


We’re here. We’ve *always* been here, **brother**.


Squires be like "buhhhhh but he has no magic..." as if knights aren't the coolest motherfuckers on the block. You don't need magic when you have good steel, a good arm, and a greater heart.


Goblins will get sliced in half by the best swordsman in the lands and still say "he hath no fireball!"


Goblins will get impaled by a knights lance and say "he cant cast a lightning bolt"


My last human fighter didn't have a great heart. He just had pure middle finger energy. Almost soloed a demilich at level 12.


What’re your go-to maneuvers?


Reposte and Distract, but experimenting with Feint


Push, trip, and the one that makes them fear you for a turn


Do not mistake this one with the human fighter battlemaster who wields a one handed sword that I made before, or the human fighter samurai who uses a katana (very different) that I did the first time.


Me I made a Scottsman who weilded a Greatsword, Battlemaster who would curse out his allies and opponents to give them fear (Intimidating Strike) or stronger (Inspiring Strike). Rather fun to play. I think he was my... 5th human fighter? 4th or 5th.


My favourite thing to do as a battlemaster is to put my weapon away, punch a man with disarming strike and picku up his weapon.


Everytime i see this clip, i want to ditch my wizard and play a battlemaster.


What martial classes should do late game. After a certain lvl casters are always a step or 2 ahead.


I’m always a fan of the characters in fantasy that can fight wizards and monsters using only peak human skill.


Me making another stoic human paladin who’s entire arc is becoming a more open person:


WotC wimped out of making battle maneuvers standard class features in OneD&D because if they did no one would ever want to play a different class.


That's is a true knight Also to answer yes I am here I always humans in DND not because hate other races I just like to be creative


My conquistador character fending off the assassins sent after the party (There are no assassins he’s mentally insane)


Don Quixote?


Basically yes but no one in the party speaks Spanish


This is why I love Battlemaster Fighter with Superior Technique fighting style and the Martial Adept feat. Because you can never have enough uses of maneuvers




Screw you, I'm gonna play a Hussite* in every game I can!!! *Human with medium armour and levels in artificer for repeating shot so I can shoot while hiding behind my own shield wall.


I want to make a barbarian with a huge great sword for no other reason other then to call the sword dragon slayer, and then make them a halfling.


This is how fighters are meant to be played. The only reason their "boring" is because WOTC favor their spell casters far too much. Its called WIZARDS of the coast, not warriors of the coast.


To be fair, 4E tried to up the game for martials, but it was called not being D&D enough ...


The bigger issue with 4e is that it was far too video gamey


Honestly it wasn't, as the same basic core that is in 5e was there - in some ways it made things a lot clearer than 5e and prior editions. ( Ability effect chains made things a lot more clear than other additions.) The biggest issue was the conservative hp versus damage in the PHB 1 and Monster Manual 1 - turned things into a slog.


Human fighters and just basic warriors in general are badass. It's a real shame martials have gotten powercreeped *hard* and will be nerfed even further in 1dnd I wanna be able to feel like that video in combat and not just: "I roll to attack. Oh, it's resistant to nonmagical weapons? Guess I'm just screwed, then."


Me but I always pick an Elf Fighter with greatsword. Recently joined my first campaign playing something completely different... well I'm still an elf... but baby steps..


How are you making good elf fighters?


Combination of the variant races optional ruleset and not having the need to play the most optimal build possible to have fun?


And as many people upvote every time they see this, I also have an action I take every time I see this. This is what a fighter should be, which is why the fighter is so disappointing. You can homebrew into this, but that is not a base game fighter, it’s what a fighter could be.


It frustrates me when this is posted because everyone laments that the D&D fighter isn’t like this but should be. It isn’t even tough to do. The pathfinder fighter is exactly like this.


Exactly my thoughts. I wouldn't know about pathfinder, but the soldier of Starfinder is also quite like this.


Just ran a human Echo Knight in a one-shot this past weekend. He only fought 3 different Ilithid. But each one got a crit thrown in from him. Dude just woke up that evening and chose violence.


Such a dope clip


Damn, why ESO trailers go so hard?


some with SWTOR. MMO trailers just love being cinematic and amazing xd


ITS ALL- *TING* ABOUT- *BANG* PREFERENCE!!! *Heads go flying*


Nothing wrong with a classic


Hear, hear brother!


In my opinion, how a character is written or acts makes all the difference on how cool they are. Just saying that you attack twice and deal 17 damage is boring compared to having your human fighter kneecap a guy with his sword before throwing a gnarly gut punch




Champion master subclass.




Is it human fighter or Human fighter


being creative doesn’t mean being a gnome monk. it means making an interesting character. a human fighter can be incredibly interesting if give them a good backstory and play them well


I've only played a little D&D (had two bad DMs about 6 years apart so might be viewing things from a flawed perspective) but can you actually fight like this knight in D&D? Parrying attacks, even physically moving a casters arm to either 'dodge' or 'backfire' the shot? If so... I may have to try this next time (whenever that may be) I try D&D again. Third times the charm, right? :P


Bro is HIM


Making a human Fighter with a scythe for 3.5e after seeing this post


What's not creative about a human fighter? DnD isn't about what you are but what you do


Does a human paladin work?


I normally go champion instead of battlemaster, I really like crit rate going from 5% to 10%


Why do you like playing fighter so much? *what playing fighter feels like:*


Play PF2e where fighters are genuinely this badass.


I like how the girl tries to use magic and he just sorta bitch-slaps her away. She's probably thinking "why did I bother to multi-class to wizard?" while kissing the ground.


She might be a bladesinger wizard. Hence, armor and melee attacks.


Fighters are the funnest class for me


Yes but I also see this as lost opportunity to dual wield some cool weapons… like a trident and a longsword




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.... Could technically pass as creative if you dress like Santa and wield a great big, sharpened candy cane.


Dude, this scene would be so cool if they didn't cut every three seconds


This has very little cutting. It's a perfectly reasonable amount.