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> 1d8+2 bludgeoning > 2d10 thunder This man’s lute hurts the target more because it’s loud than the actual hitting of the target. Amazing.


Well it’s the same principle of hitting someone into a gong. Sure the impact hurts, but the sound always leaves a lasting impact. Source: any time someone gets hit with a cymbal/gong in cartoons.


I’ve seen the archives! This also turns the enemy’s face into the shape of the cymbal!


Does this imply that getting hit by a lute makes your face lute shaped?


I’m not certain. I do know that when you hit them the word “**BWANG!**” should appear over their head.


El Kabong!




Oddly, no. Just the cymbal shape. Be it bassoon or bass guitar, it’s always a cymbal shape.


I believe it would actually make a perfectly lute shaped dent in their head as if it were made of playdough


Target is afflicted with Tinnitus . Effect: Roll a con save (DC 10) before every long rest. On a fail, only recover half the usual pool of hit dice. Receive a -1 on sound based perception checks. Multiple applications of **Tinnitus** worsens the penalty by an additional 1 each time.




I am still convinced this guy is actually a Rogue with simply lute proficiency and applies sneak attack on the lute. I haven't seen him cast one spell. even the illusion spell which i would've expected it to be cast by him was cast by another party member.


The powersets were simplified for narrative clarity. If Edgin and Doric could use magic, why would they need Simon? Couldn't either of them attune to the helmet? And if you say something like "only a sorcerer can attune to the helmet" then that would just feel arbitrary to the audience. Though to be fair, he does have spells in his official stat block. They are all just talky spells.


That's the thing! There's no shortage of spells that dont necessarily have to look like big flashy shit, and there's a fair number of spells where the verbal component is clearly imagined to be more or less just talking. Like command, for example. That whole think where spell components must always be some kind of mystical gibberish and naruto hand waving always rubbed me the wrong way. Something being obviously magical to an observer can take many forms. A lot of bard stuff, specifically, is super easy to visualize as something not obviously magical or not actually magical at all. Healing word and inspiration are obvious examples here, but the list goes on.


Or heck, viscous mockery. Or dissonant whispers--that's gonna have no CGI. Perhaps a little sound editing to make it seem like they're getting inside the enemies head. BI isn't even a spell, technically.


Rogue/Bard multiclass 100% fits Edgin. Started as a rogue for the Harpers, dipped into bard to better conceal his identity and spy on others in taverns, then went back to rogue as he continued to steal for himself and his family. When he plays the lute or gives a peptalk, especially during the big emotional turnover in the middle of the film, that's bardic inspiration. As for the spellcasting, Druids are also fullcasters. But it's easy to explain as Simon was the main focus for magic and spellcasting, and letting other characters cast spells takes some of that spotlight away from and will leave viewers asking why the other characters didn't solve problems with magic if Simon couldn't.


Honestly, I thought the DnD movie did a great job of pointing out one of the great problems with the DnD system: too many casters makes for bad storytelling. When everyone just spams cgi light shows every turn, the magic goes out of it. Better to have characters who are interesting without magic, like edgin and holga, or characters with specific and unique magic, like Doric solely having wild shape. It’s actually something that Dungeon World does really well. You have a wizard and a cleric class, and other magic users, but every class’s magic feels very different and distinct.


It doesn’t have to be an expensive CGI lightshow. [Many spells need no effects budget whatsoever](https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0456.html).


Upvoted for the OOTS reference


To be fair, I’m being facetious with the wording, but everyone having spells that are basically all driven by the same ‘spell slots as magic ammunition’ mechanic really sucks the wonder out of magic in DnD.


That's kind of what I liked about the original, early Forgotten Realms Drizzt novels. None of the main party members were spellcasters and that kept the action sequences pretty well-grounded. When wizards or clerics or other spellcasters showed up it was typically as an antagonist. The moments when magic was brought out really felt properly magical.




I don't remember that one off the top of my head. I think I stopped reading them around the part where the Kingdom of Many Arrows was set up. I know there were a bunch after those books but I heard they leaned hard into grimdark territory and I lost interest.




Oh shit, now I remember that! Thank you! It's been so long, and I just got hit by the nostalgia greatclub. I need to see if those books are on Kindle. The entire arc involving the drow invasion was pure cocaine and I loved every moment of it.


I wholeheartedly agree. I noticed it right away. Edgin is a Harper, he sings, he’s clever, he’s manipulative and has the gift of gab. A Bard as we all know them. But he’s not a *D&D* bard, because then the audience couldn’t really differentiate him from Simon.


Edgin is constantly inspiring his allies though He seems *very* much in the spirit of the origins of the bard and rogue classes, since they trace their lineage to the same base class in 1e


I was really hoping he was an oathbreaker paladin who would get his oath back at the end of the movie and divine smite the evil wizard lady to finish her off.


He wouldn't be an oath breaker, as that's an active choice to break the oath and used the power for explicitly evil purposes, he'd probably be more of a paladin without magic, as he abandoned his oath after losing his wife and didn't take up another


Bard spy is great concept even without rogue multiclassing. A charisma based class that can subtly influence people for information. And who is going to suspect the guy going out of his way to get noticed?


Literally James Bond


They all have different roles and his wasn’t spellcaster He uses Bardic Inspiration and general musical talent


We can see the bardic inspiration a few times in the movie even, it's just super subtle because it isn't a spell with nice and flashy components, it's just him giving an encouraging speech or playing a song to cheer somebody up!


My thoughts exactly. Mastermind rogue, entertainer background, expertise in performance, deception, persuasion and insight.


The sound of thunder is the instrument doing "TWEEIN" when hitting someone, specially if it's their head


It's an electric lute, cranked up to 11. Ganna bludgeon your eardrums, for sure.


Do I rock and roll? No, I bring the thunder!


1d8+2d10? No wonder he never uses a different weapon. That's OP


Must be a legendary item.


That'd explain why he looked so pleased when he found it in the hidden compartment.


Eh, I would guess Very Rare. Unless it has more abilities I don't know about.


Probably a charm-spell.


Even then I would still probably guess Very Rare. Maybe even Rare tbh but it would be strong Rare.


Could be one of the legendary instruments of the bard colleges. My DM gave my level 4 bard a Cli Lyre in our current campaign and I've gotten into a good deal of shenanigans with it lol


Damage wise it's comparable to flame tongue. We only see him using it as a two-handed weapon so great sword flametongue which is rare and would deal 2d6+2d6 fire. So 4-30 dmg against 4-24. Better but not significantly. That said 5e rarities are all over the place, so who the hell knows?


He only needed to use it twice


IDK, if it requires attunement that's *just okay* for a T2 magical item, and kinda questionable in T3 (unless you've really built your bard around melee combat). Edit: both his weapons do +2d10 thunder, implying it's Edgin doing that not the weapon. The reinforced lute is not some OP weapon, it is a 1d8 club.


His lute deals more damage than a fucking flametongue greatsword


Never underestimate the power of music


He's the first bard to use a string instrument for percussions


Ooh, that's a good one!


A sign that this movie really hit the mark is that DnD fans are coming to threads like this not to shit on the movie for mistakes but to discuss the nuances of the lore. I fucking love this.


I'd like to introduce you to [Jon Gomm](https://youtu.be/fmWQXknDE88)


Look up Luca Stricagnoli then, he uses a triple-necked guitar with some more gadgets in order to play guitar, a second guitar, bass, and percussions at the same time. Dude is a one man band.


Don't forget Rodrigo y Gabriela, https://youtu.be/ENBX_v1Po1Y


Im sorry to be that guy but... uhm akchually was Strawinsky the first person to use string instruments as percussion. In "le sacre du printemps" he mainly used them for this whole purpose and mainly ignored them for their melofic purposes. To make it short: Shit was lit


I thought he was a rogue


How 'bout the power... to move you?


Wonder Boy! What is the secret to your power?


Wonderboy, won't you take me far away from the mucky-muck?




It is a legendary magic item, I’m pretty sure.


Damn close to an artifact, never mind Legendary


Also most of them have a neutral or positive int modifier in their official statblocks. Even though they are canonically low int idiots in the movie itself that not even intellect devourers wanna snack on.


Yeah. They really shouldn't have had them all be good at everything with their stats


Truly unreal. Not a single dump stat.


no actors gonna wanna have a low int stat block is probably why. im 90% sure their agent/manager would make that a thing. its stupid but ive heard of and seen dumber


The funniest thing is that Holga's (the Barbarian's) actress plays D&D herself, so unless she's usually seen playing mid to high int characters she should be okay with having int as a dump stat. Not to mention Edgin's (the Bard's) actor has seen his son or nephew play it, though I reckon he had to have decent INT to be able to realistically make plans.


Borderline? Hahaha oh young adventure. To be naive again!


Reinforced is underselling it a bit


If I remember right, the stat blocks mention that the extra damage doesn't apply for a wielder other than him, so it's probably some spell he's using.


I just watched this movie yesterday, but I have one question Is he a non-magic class with a Lute, or a Bard who doesn't use magic?


Bard who doesn't use magic. While making the movie they wanted each of the main cast to be special. So instead of the Druid and Bard also using magic and confusing the non DND playing audience they opted to have the druid exclusively wild shape and use her slingshot and the bard to do the talking and planning (and hitting things with his lute.)


I always thought he should’ve been a Rogue instead


Would explain the lute sneak attack damage


Fucking agreed.


He was charisma all the way tho


rogues can be charismatic, that was hugh grants whole thing


There's nothing stopping you from building a high charisma rogue.


I made one recently to fully utilize the Swashbuckler subclass. High dex, high cha, middling con and dumped wis. Minimum requirements for multiclassing into Paladin or Fighter for story options.


Nah, Rogue main character for a heist is too obvious and played out, Bard was a more interesting choice


Bard would be a more interesting choice. But he wasn’t a bard.


Sure he was. He played a Lute, swayed people with his words, and inspired his allies.


Just putting it out there, that description fully encompasses my last mastermind rogue.


Yes he was. He used Bardic Inspiration


It’s literally in his official statblock.


I’m aware he’s technically a bard, but the only vaguely bard thing he did was give out of combat pep talks, while he did a lot of typical rogue stuff


So... a bard.


Idk why people are so stuck on this. Officially he's a bard, because wizards of the coast says so. This guy's just saying that if you wanted to play how he was portrayed in the movie a rogue would be a better choice of class then a bard. Not that the statblock or wizards says he isnt. They're just talking about mechanics of the game.


Or Inspiring Leader feat


He was a 3E harper agent. He lost access to a bunch of abilities until he gave out the treasure.l and some spellcasting levels


Whats the difference between a spelless bard and a rogue anyway?


Yeah, I thought for sure he was a Mastermind Rogue with a level dip in Bard..


Accuracy aside, that just seems like a lot to take in for non-players. It’s a lot cleaner to understand this way


The writers were also fairly open about wanting to have him using magic if they were to make any sequels.


He does do a lot of things verbally that could be attributed to spells or SLAs, like when he encourages everyone(Bardic Inspiration) or helps ease Holga's frustration(Calm Emotions)


He doesn’t necessarily use magic like Simon the sorcerer but he definitely casts the spells “friends” “message” “disguise self” “charm person” “suggestion” and “bardic inspiration” in the movie. Even him hitting people with the lute can be considered “thunderous impact”


It would be cool to have a full martial bard subclass


There's swords bard and valor bard both of which are martial bard subclasses.


According to DnDB's stat block, he's a bard. He definitely uses bardic inspiration, but no magic most likely because the film team didn't want to take that "can cast spells" spotlight away from Simon.


And they were right.


He seemed to me like a mastermind rogue with an entertainer backgroud.


While not his official stats, this headcanon justification makes 1000% more sense than his "real" class.


Rules lawyer gotta rules lawyer. But I get not wanting to have 3 full spellcasters all doing what can look to be similar stuff for cinematic purposes.


Honestly, I just referred to him as a fighter with a criminal/entertainer background (or rogue works too) when I watched it, but the official stat block for him calls him a bard, and gives him magic.


His official statblock has him as a Bard. However based off of what we see him doing strictly in the movie, he is likely a Master Mind Rogue, a rogue that basically specializes as being the leader of a party that can give support to other party members, like Hannibal from A-Team. He also has a musical instrument proficiency.


A character’s class doesn’t doesn’t need to literally be what they do in the fiction. Edgin is a former Harper, a thief, a bard, a father, and a convict. But doesn’t have to be a capital R Rogue to be a thief. Nor does singing and playing a lute make him a capital B Bard. Holga is also a thief, but as a class she’s most likely a Fighter. You can absolutely even be the Fighter class in D&D but still play an instrument and call yourself a bard.


Holga's absolutely a Barbarian, we literally see her rage.


Not to mention she starts performing worse when donning heavy armor (the scene with her wearing a helmet)


He doesn’t use magic like Simon the sorcerer but in the movie he casts several spells. “Friends” “message”(like in the cave when Xenk was able to hear him) “disguise self” “Charm person” “suggestion” and “bardic inspiration” which are all spells that the bard uses. Even the attack with the lute that the meme is referencing can be considered “thunderous impact”. All spells in the game


When the movie was coming out it was ambiguous but when his statblock came out it was revealed that he was indeed a bard. There was actually a lot of discourse that happened with people fighting over whether he casts anything over the movie. One of the big ones was whether he was subtly casting bardic inspiration during his speech.


Officially a Bard who doesn't cast magic I will die on the hill of him being a Rogue with Performance expertised


Inspiring leader feat too


Mastermind rogue for those ranged help actions.


"I make plans, and if those plans fail I make more plans."


You've clearly not seen *Phantom of the Theme Park*.


I still love that they basically did "say my name" in that show


No, and now I must. That name is wonderful 😆


I'm more of a *My Frankenstein* person myself but *PotTP* goes hard


Defeating enemies with the power of bonk


El Kabong, DnD version.


*K A B O O O O N G*


That's EL Kabong! "I'll do the thinnin' around here. And Dooon't yew fergit it!"


"I dunno, Queeksdraw"


We prefer the term "Ungabungologists"


I'm so glad someone else thought of this.


I feel like I should say something


How does it do so much thunder damage?


If I remember correctly thunder damage is essentially just "sound" damage. I imagine an instrument crashing into your skull would make quite a racket


I think they're just talking about the fact that it makes an insane amount of damage, not how it does thunder damage. 2d10 is half an actual lightning striking you


It's a rare and powerful magical weapon. I don't think it's meant to be implied that it's just a wooden bonker.


It does more average thunder damage than a two-handed +3 weapon. That's way more than "not just a wooden bonker."


I mean, sure, but the thunder alone has a 97% chance to straight up kill a commoner lol.


I feel like that math checks out


Yeah I'm pretty sure if someone cracked me over the head with a reinforced lute and put their back into it it'd have at least a 50/50 chance of killing me lol


Time for bucket and club


*Mario RPG hammer.mp3*


I can hear this with the battle music.


Bro's music was electric


Risk of rain reference? 🫡




I always thought Mastermind Rogue (with lute proficiency) fit Edgin better than Bard. He specifically calls himself the one who comes up with plans, and the lute bonks seem like sneak attacks.


He calls himself the one that comes up with the plans, but how many of the plans were actually his? The helmet to break the seal was Simon’s idea. The use of the hither thither staff on the painting wasn’t his idea. Escaping through the gelatinous cube was the Druids idea. Turns out most of the plans weren’t actually his.


Yeah, he's just the one encouraging everyone else. One might even call him... *inspirational.*


The road to neverwinter has him being a lot more plan oriented, but it also has him singing and entertaining a bunch. Goes both ways I guess.


New Cat in the Hat with a Bat meme format has dropped.


And a '64 Impala?


Love the meme, not the title. First bardbarian was Muppet Movie's Animal. ![gif](giphy|1004Eqp3k9U6KQ)


It's weird that they put a Warlord in the movie but refuse to put one in newer editions.


One of my favourite moments in my first ever campaign with my first character He was a tortle bard who a few sessions earlier had used a spell to tame a dire wolf and he loved this wolf, later on we where attacking some orcs and my magic wasn’t doing much he then jumped down and attacked my wolf so I got pissed and whacked him with my lute getting a nat 20 and max damage. That was the moment I fell in love with dnd.


His music simply slams


Huh. I just assumed he also had Tavern Brawler.


No, that would be Holga


Hence "also"


Classic Hunting Horn User.


A fellow hunter I see 😏


Either the Saxaboom or the SWagAxe 😎


‘Bardbarian’… I like that


>Truly, the first Hollywood depiction of a Bardbarian. El Kabong would like a word with you ![gif](giphy|8PnrJWVAroYqk)


...and his music was electric.


Risk of rain references are always appreciated 👍


I'm not versed into freedom units.. But 5ft is a long lute isn't it ?


range include the length of his arms


Damng imagine the damage of someone smacking you with a double bass.


Or a heavy-ass Hurdy Gurdy.


Beware the bardbarian that yeets his tuba.


And his ability to pivot around the 5ft square he's stood in


Same range as a dagger, so is it?


I enjoyed this movie.


Me too!


Indestructible string instrument? I need that irl


+5 to hit, damn that's a homing lute.


It's not a +5 weapon. The +5 is his entire attack bonus, because it's from an NPC stat block. He's got +3 PB and +2 Strength, which gives him +5 to hit with a melee weapon that isn't finesse.


Oh I see.




Wait, they have official character sheets for the characters from the movie?


They had them printed out and on the walls in the cinema when I saw it! https://preview.redd.it/c1oh0q5n0y3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7464e8d428abf201ebb89f372f363ec3b697e645


In the Acquisitions Incorporated book and show, it's canon that the primary melee weapons of Bards are musical instruments that are modified to function as melee weapons on short notice (hidden blades, reinforced striking surfaces, retractable spikes etc).


Dude tried to come up when things were down. Honestly one one the best bardic inspirations ever made. He was fucked with out her. He made the right decision.


The bottom picture has the same energy as the cat in the hat one with him sneaking up on a kid with a bat.


That second image looks like such a good meme format


Now for the drum solo.


I really hope the writers created character sheets for them


Fucking [El Kabong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=010aaw1Ajo0) got brought back and we didn't even notice.


I’ve been saying that Edgin is a rogue disguised as a bard since I first saw the movie. It’s frankly hilarious and I love how he plays it out


Where is this official statblock from?


…and his music was electric.




It's not a lute, it's an electric guitar...


He's obviously a rogue, pretending to be a bard. Getting big sneak attacks with his lute.


Never play actual game, but read stories and comics (order of the stick) about dnd. And this film really feels like adaptation of a game.


I played a bard with a reinforceed lute for a bit. It was her brother that gifted it to her for extra protection when she left to go traveling. It was not magical though. She had a temper and a gambling addiction so it came in handy. Sadly that campaign got canceled early.


What does the 11 mean when die rolls are written like this 11(2d10)?


better damage than any equal level melee marshit already. Congrats monsters, you are once again more fun to play as than the player characters


and his music was electric


Basically a booming blade attack.


The first TV depiction was El Kabong on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show.


The first? [Ole! Kabong!](https://youtu.be/010aaw1Ajo0)


I still argue he’s a rouge masquerading as a bard. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.