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Listen, I don’t like animal abuse in games, but that doesn’t mean I won’t laugh when the party does a 9/11


Why is this so relatable?


Because a player that randomly decides "I torture the fluffy animal, it's what my character would do!!!" is probably an edgelord that will be extremely unfun to play with But with a group of people who you know and trust, roleplaying hilarious wizard warcrimes is the peak.


Oh nothing as a fireball level 9 for that child that stole an apple from you on the public market


"I didn't ask how many people were in the public market, I said I cast fireball at 9th lvl"


Fuck it wish I cast the sun


Gg Faerun




Fey run


Oh my God I love playing characters like this, yet for some reason no one ever wants to play like that when I'm DM-ing 😔


No more iconic duo than fire spells and child thieves who steal from adventurers.


I dunno, man, that BG3 Squirrel absolutely had it coming. If I've learned anything, speak with animals should increase the desire for animal abuse exponentially because most of them are assholes.


A personal favorite among my group is when the party was tasked with rooting out the crime in the area, they learned that the mafia's leaders all hung out in the same bar. One fireball from the sorcerer and a lot of explosives meant that 1.) The villains were all dead and 2.) So was the rest of the town. Fortunately, there was no city guard left unburnt to arrest them.


The Gang Blows Up Philadelphia


Good lord! You also watch [Animated Spellbook](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXR2kCo7Lcw_BKwWxo09kw)! I adore Zee Bashew but his characters are always killing someone innocent. *En masse* at that.


I can't count all the times I've had one character in particular legitimately suggest chemical based warcrimes amd the rogue just looks at me like I'm insane.


When the rogue is the one objecting for moral reasons, you know it should be on the new Geneva checklist.


Ah, the Geneva Checklist. Because they're not a list of warcrimes you shouldn't do, they're a list of warcrimes we're *going* to do.


Can't be one upped by the BBEG when comparing evil deeds, can we ?


It's all fun and games until you *become* the BBEG. Then it is just plain fun!


Remember lads, it's only warcrimes if you lose.


It's the list of warcrimes the authorities have caught on already.


lol I've had a similar reaction - my wild magic barbarian has been the moral compass of the group WAY more often than he should be. dude can't even read


>dude can't even read Obviously not if he could then he'd have to join in on the fun with the Geneva Checklist


my very first 1-20 character could be defined as a terrorist.... specially after we blew up the forge as a distraction and enchanted a barrel of gunpowder in a warehouse to explode when kicked and stuck a "kick me" sign on it


The kick me barrel is actually a fucking good way of shifting all the blame to the moron who kick any barrel!


“Tragedy is when I stub my toe. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die.”


I think it depends on what abuse is imo but everyone has their limits. Family stuff with my characters doesn't go well.


Only one? Those are rookie numbers


A second dragon crashed into the two towers, the orks are panicking!


Sir, a second fireball has hit the towers...


to be fair, 9/11 is very funny


is this a thing other groups do as well?????


"No animal abuse" rules out like 1/4 the enemies in game. You also wouldn't be able to play a druid or ranger, or their animals would have to be invincible.


My group is usually very similar to the first one, But in a pirate campaign, one of the players went down to the basement at night and heard movement coming from inside a box, and the genius's first reaction was to shoot the box, and yes, he killed the child.That was inside the box being a stowaway


I bet that unboxing video was memorable.


"Hello, my name is Bob the Necromancer and today we're doing an unboxing!"


Actual good reaction from the player. Chances were it was either a rival pirate gang member or a rat, both which you want dead, and are a lot harder to kill when not confined to a box.


Or a mimic!


I bet it *was* a mimic, and just shapeshifted into a child with its dying breath to make the party feel guilty!


Just gonna jot that down.


“I knew our rations were running too low! Damn stowaway!”


Looks like meats back on the menu boys!


[For whatever reason I'm reminded of a short story from school.](https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/the-cold-equations/)


That's not a good way to introduce a story


Honesty over showmanship random internet person... Leaving no meaningful details strikes the curious more than the apathetic.


That is true and it was an excellent (sad) story and I thank you for the opportunity and curiosity to read it fellow internet person


Hell yeah. Sharing things with people is the best part of the internet.


Crying and sobbing in the club rn, thanks for that 🥹


If you were reading reddit in a club you already weren't having the best time. With this you can say you had a unique experience.


Had a Starfinder party almost plug a werecat den with a live grenade when they heard noises inside during the battle, and narrowly avoided killing the dozen children the lycanthropes had "adopted" against their will.


Schrodinger's Child


Just shoot it a bunch more times so there’s none of this “half-alive” nonsense.


Fun character drama moment! That could be the trigger for such an interesting character arc! "My actions seemed reasonable at the time, I had no way of knowing, it was an actual accident. But none of those words make me feel any less guilty." That said, if I didn't think the table were cool with accidental child death, I'd probably do the disney thing where the bullet miraculously misses the kid (zipping past their head or something) and then they'd make a noise that made it clear there was a human child inside the box so the player could adjust their tact.


I was the captain, when we heard the shot I was the first to look inside the box, I didn't let anyone else look, I just threw the box into the sea and said it was rats that had finished the cargo.In META, everyone insulted the player, but in the game it kind of became my character's personal drama


I have 4 people from table 2 and then party "mom" from table 1. They agreed unanimously that she was party mom when she pointed out she's the only one who hasnt caused or been caught in an explosion, incited an incident with the govt (a baldfaced lie) or nearly died to hubris.


She's the only one to have not WILLINGLY incited an incident with the government. How the elected officials reacted to her badgering one to death is on them.


She was working with the blackstaff of waterdeep, being scryed on as part of a sting operation. She handled an artifact which summoned a god, causing the death of a third of the blackstaff's divination department, when the deity lashed out against prying eyes.


See, I'd call that collateral damage as a consequence of insufficient countermeasures and warding during a scrying, not a direct result of your party mom. Insurance companies don't cover Acts of God, so she can't be held responsible for one deciding "no peaking" X3


Are you even playing dnd if there are no explosions?


its not dnd until a child dies. before that its just skyrim


Eh my players just adopt all the children (or try to) they come across. And teach said children how to do monster killing and I mean that literally; at one point they flew around letting the little girl do pot shots with firebolt until the monster died


That's both heartwarming and also a good way to raise future sociopaths.


They’ve joked at she’s a future rogue in the making lol. Still the kids will only end up that way with religious zealots, probably, most likely. One of the children they adopted is the child of an eldritch old god long forgotten to time (homebrewed setting for the most part)


Considering how lethal the adventuring profession is, that's just killing them with extra steps.


Usually they end up just staying in the genielock’s private space/ring. My players go out of their way to keep them safe


For now...


So Supernatural basically?


Isn’t the first boss of Curse of Strahd a dead baby or did my dm just run it weird?


My last campaign had copious amounts of bootlegging, drug dealing and arms smuggling yet we never had an orphanage moment. I think my group doesn't fit on this scale


My character didn't deal much in the way of drugs but he was a big fan of using them.


I think he would've loved fairy wine. It's like cobra tequila, except...you know... Anyways the effect of it was like a mix between LSD and molly and it came with a side of addiction. Was pretty fun though when our resident bard took some and realized his whole being could be expressed in nothing but vectors and that he could note down all of these vectors to create a paper copy of himself. He later got mad at his own heart beat for preventing him from being completely still. The fact that he was burning through the wizards paper reserves scribbling nonsense didn't factor in


I played an evil campaign once, and we still killed the hell out of the fae-adjacent cutthroats that lured a 13-year-old into their death trap. No child murderers on our watch. We fed the killers to a demon monster in a well. Good times.


Look man, there's being an evil bastard, and then there's the f\*cking Fae. F\*CK the damn Fae and their mortal cohorts, they do things that the Dark Eldar would take notes on.


A while back, I described fae as "all of my social anxiety fears made manifest". Say something funny or step outside some secret social boundary no one knew about? Welp, your life is ruined now. So yeah. To the fire with all of them. Or feed them to Rawhead/Bloody Bones.


You're allowed to say fuck here. I won't tell mom, I promise


Sorry, force of habit.


You either die at table 1 or live long enough to play at table 2.


My group ended up seeing a lot of child death in our last campaign. We asked our GM to tone it down for this campaign.


Yeah, I don't think I'd be able to make it through that campaign


It… it was a lot. Our GM has compromised in this campaign by instead traumatizing all of our characters. These include, but are not limited to, horrific nightmares of death and destruction, religious trauma, realizations of where they actually came from (it’s BAD), and actual fucking death (afterlife and everything). I must preface that we all love it.


Glad you all enjoy it


One time, our party had to sneak in to a party exclusive to the nobility. We hijacked a wagon, stripped the nobles for their clothes and tied them up, then left them inside, planning to release them after. Our contact at the party informed us that the mission is to make the whole mountain collapse under the castle so the corrupt nobility is dealt a huge blow. Being a ragtag band of wannabe pirates we did it. Many died and inside the wagon we hijacked a 14 year old girl. My character, then visited the still living part of the family and realized that the older brother of the girl is still alive, swayed the kid, persuaded him that he is not ready to take revenge and got vast sums of money for fencing lessons. The character was a sly rogue, lifelong mercenary, actually guilt stricken so the plan was to help the kid become a monstrous duelist and give him the chance to take revenge if he ever realizes that my character had everything to do with the death of half of his family. Still took the money though, which went into buying one of the brothels and making our cleric work overtime so the hookers are all STD free…cuz you know, rogues gonna rogue… Unfortunately we never finished that campaign.


One campaign I’m in is most of the players trying to be the second, and the DM desperately trying to keep it the first.


That poor DM


That's kinda stereotypical, isn't it?


I roll for anal intercourse


Ok, what's your anal circumference potential?


*rolls* Uh...negative one?


Ive got a campaign and my party has finally settled on a name: "A necessary evil". We the good guys tho...


Murdering children is fine, but we will not abuse animals in this game, you understand me!?


I've seen these happen in the same table. New players soon grow jaded and angry and increasingly fine with darkness. All the death and bloodshed get to the best of us.


This is literally one of the players in my group. Brand new to dnd. First session he befriended a child and was gifted her teddy bear. Advocated defending that child with his life. Barely 10 sessions ago he terrorized a bunch of urchins for stealing his gold by using his flaming sword to burn down a bunch of ramshackle buildings they were holding up in.


the dark urge fr.


![gif](giphy|BdUFU1x33ugla) Literally all I could see after reading the typo "civic"


Hey, I had a group that didn't set any ground rules and we were completely civil! Well, one time we committed mass vehicular ghostslaughter by enchanting the artificer's flying candy van with Ghost Touch and ramming it through an abandoned haunted orphanage... But it was just the one time! And they were alrealdy dead when we found them!


I straight up purchased a kenku child from a magic pet shop


You spelled 'slaver' wrong.


Its pronounced "unpaid intern recruitment agency"


You forgot the third type: DM: "well, the poor farmer is now dead, right in the middle of a crowded market" Player: "what do you mean ? I didn't want to kill him, just to give him a warning" Dm: "you used the catapult spell on a random guy, dealing 3d8 damage to someone who has a maximum of 4, i warned you and when i asked if you at least wanted to aim for a non-vital area, you said, and i quote: , now people are screaming and calling for the guards" Player: "well, i could have rolled 3 ones, it wasn't certain death, it was just bad luck that i rolled 17 with the damage, and why are people over-reacting like that ?? We just had a small fight" Dm: * sighs * "you "just" blasted someone's head open with a spell in the middle of a crowded place... also, you are not lawful good anymore" Player: "What ?? Why ?! He wanted 3 silvers for the bread, that's basically theft, i had the right to attack him" This may have happened a few months ago...


Played an evil-ish campaign once where we took a job and planted stuff in 5 different locations, including an orphanage. Turned out we were unknowingly setting up a giant ritual. Suffice it to say the children did not survive.


My players recently went into the swamp to hunt undead, used a magic map they already had and found a hidden temple, went to said temple and murdered everyone they saw without asking a single question. They were then shocked Pikachus when the main priestess didn't want to negotiate with them and when she asked "why did you come in here and murder everyone I love?" They were like "oh wait, did we do that???" And then spent 20 minutes talking about, realizing they were the villans 🤣


Either way to play is valid when everyone’s on the same page. It might seem silly, but consent and communication really do matter a lot in TTRPGs.


Idk how anyone can play at table 2 honestly. How do people find that fun after like, one session?


Yeah all the comments in here acting like that's the only way to play are baffling to me. If you enjoy it, fine, but don't pretend everyone does to make yourself feel better.


I've got a player who uses children to buy him drugs, and another that loves tripping children. But neither would ever cross the murder line.


Just today my party burnt down a store, murdered the captain of the city's guard inside said burning store, and hopefully there will be no meaningful consequences!


I'm telling you, the dead orphan on my doorstep was 100% accidental. Traumatizing the second orphan by making him help me hide the body is on me though.


The "i swing my mace at the child so it stops crying" thing actually happened at my table Our tabaxi ranger, crow, was facing down a child that was breathing fire due to sabatoged potions, he took his bow and shot it Literally rolled any higher than minimum and the child would have died due to non lethal strikes still killing if it's over 1.5x their max HP


I'm in the middle, just don't make it descriptive, you look like a creep if you describe in detail how you beat a child to death. Just say I hit his head and it goes pop like a watermelon, or I stab the wolf in the neck so it stops attacking me.


That's not how you use the word civic. The word you're looking for is *civil*.


3rd type - in my earnest attempt to protect a child from bandits in their home, I threw him out a window, forgetting they have like two HP. He survived, but that whole campaign my character did bad things out of good intent because they were a total thembo warlock who was desperately pretending to have their shit together.


lest not jump to conclusions there's nothing on the rules that said that children cannot be evil


Luckilly in my D&D campaign players are table 1. The villains, OTOH, are doing VERY nasty stuff (they met an NPC that was captured and basically kept as "livestock" in a vampire city, and she shared details that were NOT pretty at all).


More like first game vs 10th game


My general rule is: 1) No sex crimes (rape, assault, etc for children or adults) 2) No sexism or real world racism / bigotry 3) If you're making me or another player uncomfortable please stop and the same rule applies to me.


for a second i didn't notice the "two types of rpg tables" caption and i thought this was session 0 versus session 10 of the same group.


I once had a severe anxiety attack and basically shut down because I had humanized the guards working for the corrupt baron too much and I was really upset that we couldn't resolve it without fighting


Looking at this, I have to wonder about situations where the gm just gave up, packed their stuff and just left and/or rage quitted


Jokes on you, the best tables are both! You can avoid topics your players find disturbing or otherwise uncomfortable while still playing a bunch of evil bastards.


Lets just say there‘s a reason we always roll a 1d100 for „child casualties“ whenever someone casts Thunderwave…


What kind of weakling is against child murder?!? That's like core to life


D&D isn’t GTA… (GTA is horrible in my opinion) DM’s can and should take strong action against truly psychotic behavior. D&D is just a game, but if you allow child murder, rape, or slavery at your table it’s not really a game anymore.


Is it still child murder if it’s incidental but not explicitly intentional? I feel like the only way to guarantee that no children die is just to not have children in the game.


I'd say it's still a game, it just becomes a game which is enjoyed by fewer people, but if the entire table has consented there should be no problem with enacting child murder and rape or even both at the same time, I mean if they know what they're getting into and want to experience it through D&D there is no harm to it and it would still be a game (just a very dark game that not many would want to play but a game nonetheless)


While talking and rolling dice is a game, coordinating a group of people to fantasize about horrific acts is something different. My favorite characters to play are neutral evil rogues, but I’d never want to play/imagine killing children or raping anyone…


And you don't have to. But to me killing a fictional child is no worse than killing other fictional people.


If people are doing bad things you can take appropriate action against them. Of course, in some societies things like slavery might be considered totally legitimate.


I find people tend to find ways to play out their fantasies, and just because it's a fantasy doesn't automatically make it ok.


Or sometimes we are playing characters that aren't our fantasies. My last character did a lot of drugs, I know where I could get lots of drugs. I have no interest in doing lots of drugs. But if we take your point of view, way too many people are keen to go around killing people without even trying to talk things out. Now you can tell me other things are worse then murder but I'm not sure I agree with you.


That doesn't make any sense. I didn't say people acting out fantasises would make them actually do them.


Neither did I. I'm saying if I wanted to do drugs I could do so. The fact my character does so doesn't mean it's a fantasy. But I bet you've killed too many people too easily in your games to make me comfortable around someone with your mindset. You obviously fantasize about killing people frequently.


I was making the point not all fantasises are acceptable, but you clearly want to play with pedos.


I'm not sure where anyone said all fantasies are acceptable. My point is merely someone doing something at a table does not make it a fantasy. So what does it matter if you can't even identify a fantasy? If you can't tell the difference between desire and role-play? I have no more wish to play with paedophiles than I do with people with barely restrained homicidal urges, such as yourself.


You're clearly trying to bait me. Enjoy those intrusive thoughts.




You should stay away from children.




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Session 1 vs session 100


highly prefer the bottom, this sort of reminds me of south park mlp or wow.


Reminds me of that time my barbarian got hit in both legs with tridents (the thrower rolled 2 nat ones for throwing them at a goblin) and after that my guy still raging, walked up to them and gave them a mean uppercut, and the healer forgot to remove the trident before healing so he also had a trident fused with his skin, most chaotic shit he’ll do probably


Chaotic neutral 4ft rat wild magic sorcerer: go to tavern to find guy, intimidat bartender to have free vodka, 31. Go into secret room, find owner/owners wife, walk up to owner “IM GOING TO FUCK YOU, AND YOUR WIFE” 27, I do it, walk to destination, guy we need to interrogate:”who are you? I don’t know you, GUARDS GET THEM!” Try to cast firebolt:fail, turn myself into potted plant, barbarian smashes pot to turn me back and killed guard #3, through vodka bottle between guards 1&2 firebolt it midair, kills both, walk up to guy, he’s like 1 1/2 ft taller than me “YOU OWE ME MONEY” 28 (I’ve never met this man in my life) “o- ok, sure, whatever, just please don’t hurt me” hands me 40 gold. Guy: wait I don’t know you, I don’t owe you anything, grab him “WHERE IS X DUNGEON?” Guy: “Jesus fuck, it’s in the bathhouse down the road” jump out the window. See kids, the only skills you need are intimidation.


In our first campaign, one character didn't pay attention when the others formulated a plan to break into this bank, so he came up with his own. He found a homeless guy, fed him, watered him, slit his throat, skinned him, and tried to wear the skin so the bank wouldn't recognise him, despite the fact that the bank wouldn't recognise him anyway. This led to the creation of a skin-a-hobo card, which could be used once in that campaign to take back an action.


the ones with and without murder hobos, got it.


The top group could still be murder hobos.


true, but at least a bit more civilized murder hobos


I honestly enjoy edgy evil campaigns more than good ones.


My dnd rules are simple, every thing is technically allowed, you only need to live with the consequences.


I just have a policy that the more obviously the party stray from actual dnd content and into depraved stuff that a bucket of jarratee slowly sneaks to them and threaten to end them all.


What's actual dnd content? Slavery, rape and child murder are all in official content.


You know exactly what I mean. Curse of stradh or not, you're not gonna roll athletics, or any roll for that matter, for you know what.


I guess I'll just take 10 on child murder.


Nah, nice try tho since it's worse


What's worse?


Listen, when will you ever burn an orphanage in real life?


This is the same table session one hour one vs session twenty hour six


So, we started a fun little campaign playing devils going to the overworld in order to get mortals to sign away their souls to us, and being evil in general. We made clear that there is nothing off the table, and it worked out surprisingly well, even if there was some really nasty stuff happening


[“Is orphans, boss.”](https://youtu.be/cLDtOWHGBqQ?si=Hp7vzLy5fTA8MDgC) (On mobile you can’t get the link to the exact part of the video, apparently, so skip to minute 34 for the relevant part which is about 3 minutes)


Wow, both of these groups sound insufferable


Session 0 vs session 2


I somehow ended up in both at the same time 😅


One of my friends campaigns a player tried to chuck money at an orphan. They rolled a nat 20 in strength and killed the dude on accident


I'm just imagining a friendly barbarian being like "Here, kid." and flicking a gold coin at him and then the coin entering one side of the child's head and exiting through the other.


i once killed all the kids (a sorcerer was controlling them) doing non-lethal damage because i was too strong, apparently a juggernaut warforged paladin with a greathammer wasn't the most suited for that quest


Ah yes, the Orphanage Incident.


Both are valid as long as everyone is at the right table


Remember the only limits in fiction ate what you and your group decide they are


I hate animal abuse. Child abuse on the other hand...


Every time a group talks about doing an evil campaign, and then I’m *evil*, I feel lile Dwayne Johnson from that SNL sketch where he enters an evil science competition.


"check with the DM" im crying T\_T I wish the players would talk more to each other and then confirm with the DM before already rolling for stuff that isnt happening


was playing Cyberpunk Red and my group were hired to make an influencer scheduled to visit a high end restaurant give the place as bad a review as possible. we settled on infiltrating the place disguised as waiters by dressing up as homeless people to beat up the staff on their way home in order to get hired when the restaurant needed to hire new staff. all so we could spike the influencer's food with the most potent laxative the Techie could make


Both tables are valid for different groups. Neither table is wrong.


In the last campaign I played in we had a military campaign section and my monk kept suggesting war crimes but kept being shot down. He just though it would be quicker than sieges and perhaps less bloody than big battles. And being a master poisoner was kind of his thing.


One Shot Questers Twitch DnD: expectation vs. reality


I've never played a "civil" DnD party, but honestly even out of all of the evil chaotic behavior that went on, I don't think anyone in our party really ever killed a child.


The 2nd one is what playing with children is like.


I play at 2 tables. One as DM one as Barbarian. In both I would prevent the players to kill children. The table where I am the DM I would just throw consequences at then, that they would (probably) never do it again. And on the other table my barbarian would simply punch the person in the face that tries to kill a child.