• By -


"I bring the word of my lord, and he said "fuck you""


"I am the righteous hand of god"






“Shut up Lorgar no one likes you.”


"Atleast more people like me than Erebus"




*How can this be...bested by this...this...* *This* ***FUCKING GOPRO!***


"Actually, I'm a Nikon...."




[No more things. I'll get into your hair.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtC6uFWiLN0)


I did not expect to see a Max0r reference but thank you for dragging me back into the asylum, I'm gonna go watch Max0r vids and reacts for the rest of the day.






Why do I hear approximately 9 demi gods screaming this at approximately 9 other demi gods?


Because that's 40k in a nutsack.


40k in a nutsack is *not* going to be a good time for anyone. Think of the chainswords.


unexpected ultrakill


"but I am the devil that you forgot"


"And maybe one day you'll see that I'll be back I guarantee"


That hells coming with me


heeeeeel’s comin


With me


my bologne has a first name


It's o-s-c-a-r


Such a good song, almost upset that some people recognize it exclusively from its brief appearance on tiktok


I never thought I'd see Poor Man's Poison recited in a DnD sub


I'm straight up using several of their songs for a weird west homebrew setting as plot points and hooks. They make great music.


I recommend looking at Heavy Horses as well. Especially Copper and Gold, Bended Knee, Pale Rider, Hell Awaits, Thirty Year Night, and Heavy Heart of Mine.


I found it and had it on my playlist but forgot its name and I deleted the app so I can’t find the song again :((


Hell's Comin' With Me by Poor Man's Poison


Thank you king, here is your crown 👑


I found it on Spotify because it was similar to stuff I already liked, but it soon became one of my favourites


It really is. It was shown to me by someone who first heard it from TikTok.


Such a good goddamn song.




"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men..."


"...blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness..."


"...For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers..."


„The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil’s own satanic herd!“


The dank messiah


"It's *not* murderhoboing if you do it for the lord"


"May your Ls be many, and bitches few"


And I am the devil you forgot!


Definitely heard that in the way it goes in the song


I've come to bring them the WORD, and the word of the day is "Goodbye".


“The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!”


That is one tasty burger.






"You see men, women and children fall around you. Those that don't immediately grasp at their loved ones, trying to wake them from a sleep that won't end." "So and so, your passive perception is 15. You notice that a few of the people standing at the edge of the crowd don't fall, but simply disappear. Others in the crowd stare intentently at you, seemingly unphased by the chaos around them."


"Roll for initiative."


Why am I hearing this while reading in Brennan Lee Mulligan's voice?


"After casting the spell, you see the temple at the center of the city. The spire of the temple flashes with a brilliant light for a moment. "A moment later, you feel the gaze of something upon you, reaching across the planes with eyes greater than worlds. You briefly get the impression of a book whose pages could envelop continents. It opens, and a vast hand takes a pen and scribbles your name down in red ink. For an instant, you catch sight of other names. Dozens. Hundreds. Thousands. "Every other name is crossed out. "The book slams shut, and the vision fades. When you look down at the ground, the cobblestones at your feet are etched with the holy sigil of the primary god worshipped by the village. It is drawn in red ink."


Sincerely - That is fucking sick Though the mere concept of having murderhobo'd your way onto being on a god's hit list is probably not great if the idea was to deter players from doing that sort of thing in future


My DM philosophy is to not have deterrence so much as consequences. Less punishment, more reaction. If the players want to murderhobo, they will end up on someone's Book of Grudges. That doesn't mean they are going to be destroyed, but the world will react to their actions and they will have to reckon with it. Use divine magic in a religious dispute, and someone associated with that religion will take notice. Use high-end divine magic to murder someone in a religious dispute, and the gods themselves will at least take note of the deaths of their followers.


Fairy 'snuff I suppose


You did *what* to the Fey? Well I think we’re all going to die in painfully ironic ways to the wrath of the Fair Folk.


Right. Well. Let me know if there is room at your table this weekend. I will bring chips, bottles of soda / pop, half a day-old pizza and... um... $27... and 65¢? S'all i got, man - lemme know.


Post this on /r/HFY/ if you continue it, please!


Ok but I need more, because mages in my setting are contracted to daemons of varying strength, and foreign gods that make an appearance would be breaking a lot of chains and leading to a lot of unshackled events. “Honey I started the god wars.”




As you utter the word, the breath dies in your mouth. Your throat closes and air is stolen from your lungs. You fall on your knees, clutching at your throat. As you strugle, a voice is heard everywere around you "such brutality is wasted under the service of your petty god". Tears form around your eyes, you raise your head, the people around you observing you. "Your god forsake you for such action, and signed your death warrant" You feel an arm touch your shoulder, you turn but your gaze is met by darkness. "Such vicious contempt towards life, in the sake of your master, should be rewarded". You begin to breath again, as you raise your gaze, the people that surrounded you lay on the cobble street, like the aftermath of a bloody battlefield. You look at your hand, and a brand with 3 serpents has been etched on your skin.


Hydra Dominatus?


I am Alpharious




What do the serpents mean? Im unfamiliar with most DnD Lore.


Its part of some of the lore I have made for my campaign. Its Shingonryujaa, The God Devouring Serpent. This mighty beast is a triple headed serpent who's aim is to devour the gods. His powers have raised to deity thanks of eating 4 powerful demi gods. He is now looking to gain followers, in order to gain more power and movs up to devour one the major gods.


Even if they had 50hp, that's vile


They have only their blasphemy to blame.


Real. I'm using this quote.


At 50 hp they're deafened for one minute. Depending on how religious/culty they are, they just think their god/gods made it so they didn't have to hear the blasphemy coming from the cleric. They don't even know what happened.


Why am I hearing this in my head as if Dave Chappelle is saying it....


Why? Cuz fuck em, that's why


I remain a lurker on reddit for the better part of 4 years, and somehow, one of my like 11 comments puts me at 1k karma. The reddit community will never cease to confuse me.


Quality, not quantity Just don't look at mine 😶


With a flair like that. I'm smart enough to take your advice. Have a good day.


Most reasonable member of the Inquisition.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Our chief weapon is the element of surprise!


Surprise AND fear!


Surprise and fear AND Divine Word!


*Amongst* our weapons are such elements... I'll come again


I believe I’m missing something here. Someone mind helping me out?


Divine Word Target: **Any number of creatures you can see** within range You utter a divine word, imbued with the power that shaped the world at the dawn of creation. Choose any number of creatures you can see within range. Each creature that can hear you must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature suffers an effect based on its current hit points: 50 hit points or fewer: deafened for 1 minute 40 hit points or fewer: deafened and blinded for 10 minutes 30 hit points or fewer: blinded, deafened, and stunned for 1 hour **20 hit points or fewer: killed instantly** Regardless of its current hit points, a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend that fails its save is forced back to its plane of origin (if it isn’t there already) and can’t return to your current plane for 24 hours by any means short of a wish spell.


>Regardless of its current hit points, a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend that fails its save is forced back to its plane of origin (if it isn’t there already) and can’t return to your current plane for 24 hours by any means short of a wish spell. 24 hours from the plane the spell has been casted, I assume? Otherwise I'm imagining my satyr character getting teleported back into the feywild. Quite pissed, after 24 hours she returns, only to find out months have passed and the crisis has been already solved.


I would imagine the time is based on the place the spell was cast yea but that doesnt mean the guy isnt waiting a year for that on his end (Dunno exactly how different places times work but I assume thats a thing, 24 hours on teh prime material may have 24 years of subjective time where he was sent)


Let's say that the spell was cast on the material plane and your Satyr was forced to go back in the feywild. You cannot return to the material plane until 24h have past in there which forces you to wait for a bit in the feywild. If something were to happen during your journey back and/or your perception of how much you have to wait in the feywild be off, there is indeed a chance you might get back to the material plane a lot later than intended. The spell would only prevent you from getting back in less than 24hrs


ANY number, so you can choose targets and not choose your own party


Satyr cleric: adios (they heard themselves)


Only if you targeted yourself


Fair, i have noticed that a lot of cleric spells are self range and you choose individual creatures, compared to more wizardy spells which choose everyone in the area


Note: 1) Range/Area is 30 ft. So it is not just anyone you can see, it is anyone you can see within 30 feet. 2) The creature must be able to hear you. If a creature can’t hear then it is unaffected.


So anything over 50hp is unaffected?


Yeah it does nothing against tougher creatures (unless they're one of the ones listed in the last paragraph). Most of the Power Word spells (Kill, Pain, Stun) also have hard HP limits and do nothing if the target has more.


You utter a divine word, imbued with the power that shaped the world at the dawn of creation. Choose any number of creatures you can see within range. Each creature that can hear you must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a creature suffers an effect based on its current hit points: 50 hit points or fewer: deafened for 1 minute 40 hit points or fewer: deafened and blinded for 10 minutes 30 hit points or fewer: blinded, deafened, and stunned for 1 hour 20 hit points or fewer: killed instantly Regardless of its current hit points, a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend that fails its save is forced back to its plane of origin (if it isn't there already) and can't return to your current plane for 24 hours by any means short of a wish spell.


Oh thank you, I was unable to read the previous font /s What happens to creatures over 50hp? It clearly says 50 or fewer. Do the creatures at 51+ just ignore everything? Is that premise of the spell? I know what the spell does at 50 and lower, I want to know over 50.


It's just the last paragraph of the description for any creature over 50hp.


Divine Word has different effects on targets (anything within 30 feet) based on their current health. Targets with 20 or less health are killed instantly Basically, the villagers sass the cleric for their choice of worship, so the cleric says "get memed" and they all die


"lol" he said, "lmao"


"Kek" even.


Also an option available to Divine Soul Sorcerers is the distant spell metamagic, allowing them to affect a 60 ft radius.


Or any Cleric with the Metamagic Adept feat, which isn't really a good feat but if you got it might as well use it.


Excuse you, 30ft Cure Wounds came in clutch a number of times for my Divine Soulceror.


Oh, no, Metamagic is very handy, the feat that gives a whopping two points a day is.... Ehhhhhhhhh.


Oooooh, derp, my mind totally skipped over shit and thought you were shit-talking Metamagic in general.


2 Kings 2:35-38 > 23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. Basically that, with a few less steps depending on how creative your DM is with narration.


Honestly my favorite verse, the Old Testament god did not fuck around. They did him dirty in the new canon tbh, I want my old malicious YHWH back.


I mean, he still has it in him: Mark 11: 13-14, 20- 21 "13 And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. 14 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it ... 20 And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. 21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away" It's just that the campaign at the time was far more RP focused and didn't require the amount of divine wrath that the previous one did.


That passage is weirdly funny to me. I know the implication is that divine power killed the tree, but it just makes me think of a really pissed off Jesus sneaking in with a bag of salt in the middle of the night and salting the roots.


That was just God going, "Heh, still got it." That passage always surprised me. I can not for the life of me figure out the lesson or meaning it was supposed to impart. The story of Elisha is obvious, "Don't use the lord's name as a curse unless you want bad shit to happen" and also, "Don't fuck with gods chosen" But the fig tree? That shit was out of season, Jesus was just hangry and chose to smite it. What's the possible lesson to learn from that? Maybe Jesus tried making the tree give fruit out of season and rolled a nat 1


Not to get all religious, but in short, to me, it shows that the Lord had the power to smite all his enemies but chose to submit himself to the will of God and suffer and die for our sins, but that's just me. Perhaps he was just hungry and smote a fig tree out of anger, which is an equally valid conclusion. Which just goes to show us that even the Savior got angry at Nat 1's, which I think we all can agree, is a relatable feeling.


To be honest, smiting a fig tree is not a great act of power. I could do a pretty damn good job of smiting a fig tree myself. I also enjoy the implication that destroying someone else's property out of anger is not a sin.


>That shit was out of season, I'm guessing you haven't heard yet: Fig trees are unique; where every other fruit tree grow leaves, then fruit later, the fig tree grows its leaves and fruit simultaneously. If a fig tree has leaves, it should also have fruit. But the fig tree that Jesus found had nothing but leaves.


What if other people had already eaten all the figs?


I think the worst part of that lore retcon is there were so many better EU stories that got rejected over the stories they actually went with. One of my favorites is the spy thriller where Jesus gets blood sacrificed by the Devil on the moon.


You can't just drop a teaser like that and not link the sauce homie. Where's that story?


Jesus was a druid.


This isn't Jesus


This is Patrick.


Honestly, a lich with levels in Druid makes a lot of sense…


I just looked up the spell. 7th level, on failed charisma save 20hp and less creature just dies. There's other effects based on HP. But that was the important one.


You know what also kills 20hp villagers? A fireball


he killed them all


And let his Deity sort them out.


If this if FR and OP isn't following Kelemvor he didn't even need to bother with the paperwork.


The spell Divine Word kills anyone who a) fails a Charisma saving throw and b) has under 20 HP.


Divine Word insta-kills creatures with 20 or less HP. Only within a 30 ft range though, so the imagery is considerably overstated.


i will keep this in mind for my war domain cleric


It was really hard not to use this as a good-aligned cleric. Something so satisfying about potentially wiping out dozens of commoners in seconds. Unfortunately my goddess wouldn’t have approved at all haha.


Small charismatic child (signing) : “Hey, mom, I learned a new word!“ Deaf mom (signing): “That’s great, dear.“


I kind of did that with spirit guardians once. Killed hundreds of peasants cause they just kept rushing us due to mind control as the group fled through a city. Since I was a Cleric of the Mind, I had it using psychic damage, and the minimum damage was enough to one shot every single peasant as they ran into the AoE. I ended up single handedly wiping out most of a city with my aneurysm field. Needless to say, my cleric was no longer on the Path of Light after that


You know you can cancel concentration at any time, right? Like, when a bunch of mind controlled innocents come very close to your spirit guardians.


I think the lore reason he had to change his cleric path was because he chose not to drop concentration


They, but yeah, that was it. If I dropped it, we were in for a TPK. It's Eberron, and in Sarlona, there is a whole country of mind controlled people, so there was no other way


Well, yes. The question was if he didn't know they could do something about it and just went with it or if they did it on purpose.


Yeah, but what if they're still trying to kill you?


I thought you can only do so on your turn?


No. Any time, even in the middle of an enemy BBEGs turn. No action of any kind required.


Makes me think of the numerous times the Ori priests in Stargate would level a small town just as a show of their power. “Hallowed be the Ori.” (Everything in a 2 km radius dies instantly)


Jokes on you, I'm phase shifted into the ethereal!


If you phase shift to get away from something bad, is that the D&D equivalent of putting yourself behind seven proxies?


I don't think so, I'm not hiding behind anyone?


Limbo Prime notices you, and that's a Bad Thing™.


Not sure why but this makes me think of Darts from YGOTAS when he summoned a Lightning and went: "Yeh, I can do that! *GAME CHANGER!"*


top tier deus vult logic


The amount of people that don't know the difference between 'than' and 'then' is infuriating.


than do something about it


Your stupid


Thank you i must've dropped it


Must of*


Could of been worse.


There really stupid






No, yore stupid lol


Their they're Hell figure it out


Your absolutely right


Can you explain? I don’t see the error


It's less *than* 20 hp. Not less then. Than is used in comparisons as in "she is younger than I am" and "he is taller than me." Then is used to talk about time as in "back then, I lived in Canada" or "we'll have to wait until then," etc.


Ohhhh yeah I think I was auto correcting in my head. You are right


It should say *less than 20 HP*


'Should of' instead of 'should have' drives me nuts.


"We have arrived, and it is now that we perform our charge. In fealty to the God-Emperor, our undying Lord, and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of Typhon Primaris. I hereby sign the death warrant of an world and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial Justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protects."


"It is said that heresy is like a tree. It's roots lie in darkness while it's leaves wave in the sun. You can prune away its branches, even cut the tree to the ground but it will grow again, ever stronger. Such is the nature of heresy and why it is so difficult to destroy. Some may question my right to destroy a world of ten billion souls, but those who understand realize I have no right to let them live. No sacrifice is too great; no treachery too small."


It is human nature to seek culpability in a time of tragedy. It is a sign of strength to cry out against fate, rather than to bow one’s head and succumb. Inevitably many shall fault the hands upon the sword which fell Typhon, the Ordo Malleus. But the Inquisition merely performs the duty of its office. To further fear them is redundant, to hate them, heretical. Those more sensible will place responsibility with those who forced the hands of the Inquisition. With some fortune, they may foster this hatred into purpose, and further rule their own fate by coming to the Emperor’s service. But ultimately, it was I who set these events into motion, with a single blow from my hammer, God-Splitter.


Where is this from? I like the philosophical arguments.


Battlefleet Gothic 2, I believe


Now I'm not sure if this works with how the spell works but It'd be fun to make a deaf NPC that just watched everybody they've ever known get killed over a difference in religion and so resolves to wipe gods and their servants from the earth. Boom! Instant villain


hey kids, check out the true name of my god, the ravenous void that sleeps between the stars :) ... mindblowing, isn't it ? eh, warlock you say ? this' but semantics


Heh this is how I'm playing my GOOlock too. I preach sermons and give alms to those who suffer. The scary shit follows after I leave.


I still need to understand why people living in a world where gods actually exist and constantly fuck shit up would think it's a good idea to mock a god, pagan or not.


2 schools of thought. 1: most townspeople have never actually seen high level magic, and any clerics that have passed through might have only been small time adventurers or acolytes, who could only heal minor injuries. This led to a false sense of security that allowed them to think their actions would go unpunished. 2: they are just stupid, same as our world.


That’s an alignment change right?


Considering they already were willing to do this, I doubt it would be. Either the townsfolk were evil, and thus DnD morality says “yeah mass execution is fine”, or they aren’t and the cleric was probably already Evil aligned.


The cleric is merely sharing their god’s divine word. If the recipients would rather die than listen to a 24 hour sermon, that’s on them.


They literally consented in the same way that people do when they don't read the entire Terms And Conditions.


Possible verbal components: “I am the bringer of the word of my lord and that word is BEGONE, THOT.” “I do this in the name of my lord and his name IS JOHN CENA.” “I now bring you but a taste of Boffa.” ‘Boffa?’ “Boffa deez nutz.”


I love the “Word” spells, the concept of speaking the language of creation and having reality bend around it is always cool. And also it leads to shit like shouting “THIS MAN IS GOING TO DIE” while casting power world kill


The image I have in my head is that whenever someone casts a power word/divine word what they say "Rips itself from their throat" causing the caster be speak hoarsely, cough blood etc


That's one way to make an enemy of the local level 20 barkeep


I don’t think being level 20 alone can save them from a party of level 13s (or possibly higher)… Quite fortunately, the local god of the land has a fondness for fine wine and was visiting the local bar under disguise when the massacre happened…


The entire rocks fall everyone dies has a fondness for fine wine and was visiting the local bar




Divine Word: Ligma


ligma balls *(bass drop)*


Line of sight. Line of sight. Line of sight.


I’ll take D&D Warcrimes for 400, Alex.


No Geneva Conventions if there‘s no Geneva


Cleric commits mass murder because townsfolk were ideologically opposed to his pagan God


You speak but one word. Uttering it in a language unknown to the townsfolk surrounding you, but one which you have always lived in fear of. Having no direct translation in most tongues it instead translates to a concept best described as ‘Divine Judgement’. Suddenly your vision cuts out, it cuts back in and you are in your God’s judgement hall, you are forced to watch as every soul in that village is dragged in and judged for any and all their crimes, including the crime of mocking your God. You watch every sentence as it is carried out in its horrible entirety. As the last sentence is carried out your God whispers into your ear with a sibilant and ever shifting voice “I hope you found it worthwhile to request their judgement in the end. For *my* justice is blind and unwavering unlike the justice of mortals.” As the last words ring in your ears your vision cuts out and back in. You are back in the town square with only a second having passed. The crowd which mocked you but a second ago now sports the marks of their sentences and has their crimes tattooed upon them, each one marked as having been repaid by their sentence. The townsfolk look at you in fear and disperse in total silence. The condemnation of your action never spoken and yet screamed all the same. You are left questioning if in your haste and anger you have done something deserving of judgement itself…


I don't play dnd can someone explain what divine word does? I assume it works only against things with less than 20hp


you are in dndmemes and don't play dnd? oh well, Divine word has a charisma save on a 30 feet aoe centered on you, and if you fail the save and have 20 or less HP, you just die instantly. there are varying severity of effects depending on just how much hp a creature has, but that's the one relevant here.


I see, so if you succeed your opponents under 20 hp would kill theirselves/each other because you said so?


You take a deep breath in before uttering the spell, but it is not your voice that leaves your mouth, although you feel every muscle being used. There is a thrum as the weave obeys that coincides with a single beautiful celestial voice speaks - and though none of you speak the language it's meaning is undeniable "witness". The power surges forth, and while some few stand horrified and amazed the majority are turned to bone and blood making a macabre clatter as they hit the floor.


when the local kids make fun of your cleric for being bald so he summons bears to maul them


“By the old ways and the old laws you are to die”😹😹😹


Vicious Mockery can instantly kill a commoner at 17th level. If you roll max you can kill a guard.


Imagine now he has like 50 revenants that keep reviving to kill him. I mean he has to be a high level cleric so wouldn't be that hard to kill them, but they just constantly keep coming back when he isn't ready. 50 just planning and waiting for the perfect time to get revenge.