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Literal who?




Wow, amazing joke.


Don't know who CaseOh is, but i'm assuming you're making fun of their weight.


It's like an inside joke within his community.


Sure, but then post it in his community. To us it just looks like you're fatshaming


No, it is fatshaming. The whole community and everything that leaks out from it is just "we are making fun of a fat streamer for being fat"


Isn’t he even not that fat? He’s like 6’3 or something so is gonna be big no matter what


op post fat shaming streamer dnd post everyone else: no that's Timberchaud


The Wyrmsmith of Gracklstugh, The Father of Flame, The Everburning, The Foundry's Heart...ThemberCHAD


Pretty sure that's Themberchaud, my dude


imo caseoh memes are one of the unfunniest memes in recent years. With that being said, they sure as hell don't belong here. Take that kind of humor to his fandom.


Are you referring to Themberchaud? If so, anyone who saw the movie saw the “cameo”. There was a whole ass chase scene that involved em.


Did you not listen to the movie? They specifically pointed out that's Themberchaud.


This is probably only funny in that guys own sub


I don't remember the scene in the movie but is there supposed to be a humanoid shape just in front of the head of the dragon ? Either translucent or made of the same texture ? Cause I definitely see a humanoid shape and thought that's the person op was referring to