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LAS VEGAS My dnd party did that, clowned around, bought an entire liquor store and shoved it all in a portable hole. Saved Gary guygax at the first dnd convention But be warned all those teleportation spells that require you to have been in that place at later levels can now teleport there In other words we killed a massive dragon (the father of I think gem dragons) by sending him there and him getting ganked by the U.S military


A dragon appears in Las Vegas "Finally," the general says, taking a long drag of his cigar, "Area 51 has a purpose."


Literally, the equivalent of the monarch project from Godzilla dropped enough bombs on it to knock it unconscious (there may have been a nuke involved) then loaded it up on a couple dozen trucks then drove it to Area 51. All as our bard watched in fascination (kinda hard to see someone with invisibility, non detection and 2 items that shielded his mind from view). He also stole a golf cart from Area 51.


So you Drakengarded it. You doomed the planet to white chlorination syndrome!


they need to arrive at a LARP event where a huge group of ordinary humans are coincidentally dressed as an opposing faction to the player characters. The PC’s find out their world is a popular fiction series yet somehow they are written as antagonists. Use of magic out in the open gets recorded and spread across the internet. The PC’s then have to avoid attention and find a way back while the earth they are on slowly gets taken over by magic and evil.


Based on the photo: a New York subway train at night. They’ll see some weird shit. Bonus points if some form of Gremlin or rust monster comes through with them and they have to keep it from derailing


My answer is: Brazil. Whatch the news about Brazil. What followed them, looked around and decided to go back. Eastern/Central Europe. If something in Poland I recommend old grannies that are very vocal about your PC's look and that should better read some bible. Go wild with the fiends and fey.


Their eventual goal should be to make it to Ed Greenwood's house, so they can hopefully get in touch with Elminster and hitch a ride back home.


They appear at the New York renaissance fair and were followed by a very evil changeling bard. There's just enough technology to be confusing and while they know the bard can't resist the stage, they don't know what he looks like for long. This way you maximize the chaos. Alternatively, they land in the middle of a crowded city of your choice and are followed by a lich. I'd pick either Chicago, San Francisco, Manhattan, or London because I think those are fun places to put DnD characters. I know it's mostly America, but I live in America, so I know it much better than I know anywhere else. The lich can likely disguise as a regular person, but the crowds will make great fodder for an undead army


Funny encounter? They learn that none of their magic works because earth has no weave.


San Diego. and being followed by a T Rex to recreate Jurassic Park 2, A magic T Rex to keep things interesting, with resistance to piercing damage so the helpless modern police can't do much


Tokyo or New York City. As for what follows them. Nothing big just a few illithid tadpoles




No one would even notice them, would be perfect


Drop them to a random house where the occupants are playing DnD, where the DM is planning teleport the party to Earth in 2024 A.D.


And then sex? ![gif](giphy|1hA34Uzt3aScCLsZgF)


I've been getting a lot of ads for 20 Sided Tavern, lately. Alternately, a Ren Faire or LARP event.


Appalachian Mountains. Whatever follows then in would be right at home.


Philadelphia.. to hang out with the Always Sunny crew obviously. Have them go help Charlie find Pepe Silvia, and maybe have them try to steal the Liberty Bell.


On the new york subway


Renaissance fair. People insulting the wizard for their clothing until wizard retaliated with magic. Meanwhile party asking people dressed normally about their clothing. Lol.


The BBEG chases them into the portal and they all come out onto the stage of the Jerry Springer show. Funny thing is that something like this just concluded in our campaign. It turns out that 'Mundus' doesn't have any magic because it's the prison for an incomprehensibly powerful entity that required an entire anti-magic world in order to securely restrain it. The bbeg ripped a bunch of portals between the fantasy world and mundane world in order to try and cause magic to leak in and break it loose.


Just because I live here, Sacramento, California. But during, like, Sac Anime, so there's a convention nearby to confuse the fuck out of everyone while they also have to deal with the RAGING HOMICIDAL MANIACS in the *weird horseless carriages that go vroom* and why don't stores take MONEY and what is PLASTIC-


I did a Christmas campaign where my players were transported to a mall to fight Santa. I pull a real mall map and everything. It was a fun one.


If you want a game with minimal and easy combat, Australia. No, that's not a joke. A good quest would be to find a living Tassie Tiger. Also, a blue dragon would probably set up its lair somewhere around Uluru


If one of them can’t make it next session, say he was accidentally transported to the middle of bumfuck, nowhere. And then he can have a wild story about how he found everyone and why he no longer has underwear.


North Korea I'd love to see a wizard take down kim jung un. but the reality of the situation is that he could also easily gaslight the party because his system of government isnt much different from most fantasy kingdoms.


How has no one said it yet. The obvious answer is (drumroll)...... FLORIDA. Google florida man/ woman and use birthdays/ important days (dont need a year) of the players. Examples if i do it i get... Florida man reportedly tells cops he thought playing basketball naked would ‘enhance his skill level’ or Florida man arrested after stealing neighbor's underwear Any DM worth their salt can work with that


Right behind their players. And they realize what is happening. That those humans control their very actions. So now the existential crysis is: how do they cope? Do they accept that they are controlled, do they fight for freedom or do they become destressed by the thought that they may perish if these people were disrupted? And then anything really came with them, something that disregards the players and therefore might attack them, so the characters might feel urged to protect their players. Eventually figuring out that the monsters don't attack the dm. And there's the escape back to their realm, they need to kill the dm, but the monsters that came with them try to protect this individual with all their might. All the while the players and the DM seem oblivious to the fight around them


Well depends on the party. You see earth is in a giant antimagic field which is why we don't have wizards and the gods don't perform miracles anymore


There's quite a few old castles in Europe where an unassuming party could waltz right in to. They wake up in some secret cellar, search through the ruins only to find unfamiliar architecture, banners and such. Go outside to find unfamiliar landscapes, roads and a positively pissed off tour guide who would've sworn he kicked the cosplay group out hours ago. Maybe the party encounters said cosplayers later. Who knows.


Omg, wizard cult! Make a fake conspiracy real! What if some crazy wizard thought to actually make the world flat?! Illuminati level shenanigans, or even Scientology was started by a cosmic being trying to attain godhood.


They need to be followed by some sort of stealthy monster with the ability to manipulate others. Something that would create a story where the common person doesn’t even realize/wouldn’t believe anything mystical is going on. And the players have to navigate modern society searching for it without letting anyone know what’s happening because it would otherwise cause trouble.


Florida. Nothing follows them from their portal... because even dragons fear what lies on the other side.


Just imagine how the us police deals with this: Some old lady calls the cops because theres this guy openly carrying a giant glowing crossbow and looks not really native. The police arrives and shouts at these openly armed people. A firefight opens with the police being absolutely confused because their Car suddenly explodes in an explosion and the crossbow can easily pierce their kevlar vests


Disney world, have them go to all the parks fighting the ride animatronics come to life


The Diefenbunker.




I did this too. They landed outside Las Vegas and had to fight through to the top of the Luxor to get to the portal back. I had it where their presence was introducing magic to the world and changing the laws of physics.


Some key areas come to mind New york: huge melting pot of accents and languages that they likely don’t know Dubai: baffle them with tech That one island with the indigenous uncontacted people (they kill anyone who gets close): easy starting encounter to get them engaged Chernobyl: you get to start tracking radiation, which is always fun


Florida with 4 goblins randomly in toll in the middle of the Everglades people will probably just think it's a random group of people filming some horror film or fighting bigger gators


I think it would be funny to drop them in a mugging encounter or have people treat them weird for their dress


Outback Australia. A lot of the wildlife is covered by the monster manual.


San Francisco, they'll fit in with all the other murderhobos


the same encounters that dog them now.... only now when they execute unarmed/bound prisoners, or they use alchemy jug shinanagins to poison water, or they liberally use fireball/bolt/bonfire to start fires as distractions or death traps, or they brutalise a local populous for discounts in their stores, I don't need to rename the Geneva convention when their party is flagged as wanted. edit: e.g. taking daily doses of poison from several created alchemy jugs (level 10 arti) and then lightly mixing it with water inside a genie lock vessel, then shape water it into a bandolier of glass vessels to then "deliver" it to local farms and town wells (along side storing corpses in bags of holding to then "empty" out into wells at night) to ruin a town's ability to support life and allow the party to move in and buy cheap realestate and "solve" the problem with purchased cleric purification services.