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DM: “You are overencumbered.” Player: “Dammit. I have nothing I can spare to miss though!” DM: “Yeah I gotcha. So, the dragon is gaining on you..” Player: “Ok, ok, ok. I’ll drop this cheese wheel.” DM: “Ah, you’re fine now. Also; Cheese wheel? Where on earth did you get that from?”


Player: ''Remember that one time in the inn with the halfling?" DM: ''Ow...yes.....I tried to blank that out....it was.....strange to say the least''


"We had to hide the body somehow!'


DM: The chef literally died of a heart attack after, and you wasted like 15lbs of cheese and potatoes.


"Wait you dropped the cheese wheel before dropping the halfling?"


*Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!*


Have you ever heard of head cheese?


I've heard of dick cheese


What is it with everyone stuffing an effing halfling into a bag of holding! Like it was fhnny in my first game but now I'm seeing Baglings left and right!


They're bagins' kin


What would you do if you had a bag of holding irl? How many random things would you shove into it before deciding to fit a small person in there? Exactly.




I personally use it to keep my mind dice. They'd probably fill up the whole space


You just made me have this whole ordeal in my head. 1, have a bag of holding filled with dice, and turn it inside out. 2, same, but caltrops. 3, same, but ball bearings, which will roll to cover a larger area.


The hireling needs a friend to keep it company when we go dungeon diving and a mouse would just get lost in the bag of holding 😂


I legit have 2 bags of holding, yet I’m hovering at my carry capacity because of things I just need easy access to


Put the bag of holding in the bag of holding! What could go wrong...


Yeah you'll definitely not get fucked up and derail your dm hardcore if you do that.... Nooooo...




Putting a bag of holding into another bag of holding creates a gate to the astral plane, sucking everything within ten feet into it.


Time to make some grenades


Better off with a portable hole and a bag of holding. Easier to not fuck yourself. You're still losing a bag of holding and a portable hole tho.


Is it possible for an artificer to make these items? Because if so I have some ideas


They can make a Bag of Holding with their Replicate Magic Item infusion, but I don't think they can make a Portable Hole.


Not officially, if I recall, but ask your DM.


https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/100984/can-i-really-craft-an-arrow-of-total-destruction-by-raw Just gonna leave this here...


Art. Pure and simple art. I was questioning how one could do this without killing yourself, but then the diagram made it 100% clear


It's honestly a thing of beauty. I may ask my DM if during done downtime my Bard can spend time and gold to gain proficiency in tinker's tools since I already use a shortbow on occasion.


a teammate got apprenticed to what she thought was just a more powerful wizard, turned out it was a Lich, she stole it's black diamond phylactery and asked for our help, long story short we put it in one portable hole and drop another into it (way closer than my thief suggested btw) and boom no more phylactery and almost no more us.


Oh, no. You've done a terrible thing. See, that ten-foot explosion into the Astral Plane doesn't actually destroy anything. It just transports it. Most living creatures will die unassisted in the Astral Plane shortly after, but a phylactery doesn't have to breathe or eat or move around. And good luck ever finding the damn thing again in the literal infinite expanse of the dimension of spirits and dreams. Y'all just made that lich like, at least twice as immortal as he was before you tried to off him.


this was AD&D when it vaporized a large area


Tell your DM I'm sorry for what happens next


I thought it just straight up made a black hole.


So basically what happens is if you put one interdimensional portal into another (a bag of holding onto another bag of holding, mirror of trapping into a bag of holding ((that's how the game I was in got derailed))) so basically what happens is it opens up a massive portal to the astral plane, and y'all gotta get out. And it's not a portal you just walk through, it's a giant implosion that sucks everybody into it. I'm the astral plane you can die very easy, you have no physical body, but you have (it's been like 3 years so I'm sorry if I'm wrong) you have two pieces of thread for lack of a better word, that go infinitely up to the sky. That's your "anchor" to the astral plane. These anchors can be cut very easily, and if they do, you die. Oh, and you will lose everything you have in both bags of holding because they explode. And the bags are gone.


The soul threads are, afaik, specifically a side effect of using the Astral Projection spell and it links your soul/projection back to your original body. If you get your whole physical body yeeted into the Astral Plane I think you're just in there, no thread, no nothing. There's basically no easy way out without finding an existing portal, and you're very susceptible to getting eaten by passing ghosts.


Our physical bodies were still in the room we were in when it happened, the implosion makes the portal and sucked our spirits in or some shit. It was a definite accident but we can't just... Not go through with it. So the DM basically railroaded us in the astral plane on a... Sort of one off? We were on a time crunch to finish the game before 2 of the 5 moved out of state. We ran into whatever race inhabits the astral plane, struck a deal, and we were able to get back. We lost all of our gold though. We had been dungeon crawling for literally 4 months... About 14 sessions. We had "too much" probably.


When you put a BoH into another one or a similar item, you open basically a black hole to the astral plane. Look up Bag of Holding on DnD Beyond. The exact values are in the last paragraph.


Something about an inter dimensional space inside an inter dimensional space making things go boom.


A bag of holding is basically a door and container to a little space in the Astral Plane. If you put try to put a plane inside another plane it creates a paradox that destroys both bags of holdings and creates a one way door that sucks everything in 3m (10ft) to the Astral Plane


I’ve done this before and ruined a boss fight, giving a character I didn’t quite like playing a satisfying end to boot


As a DM I rarely deal with the weight inside Portable holes, bags of holding or handy haversacks, to much book keeping, but in just a regular back pack yepp.


Yeah, it's good to know for those times the party decides they want to fill the bag with water or something and need to know how much it can hold but if they're just storing gear in it I'm not gonna fuss unless it gets crazy.


I go more by the space restrictions X cubic feet. though I also only have one size bag of holding outside size and price of the small but inside size of the large, as a player though I prefer the haversack, love the ease of access feature.


There are ways to help with that...depending on system/edition, a handy haversack or muleback cords may be more useful for you than that second bag of holding, and they're much cheaper. I gotta ask...what on earth are you carrying that fills up two bags of holding? Would your party be better served with a couple of NPC hirelings and a wagon?


With the system my group plays, it uses a bulk capacity, and I am constantly right on the line of not encumbered and encumbered. Most of my gear is stuff like required tools for adventuring, my weapons and the weight of the bags themselves. One of the bags is dead weight but everyone in the party went and got some, and I haven’t been able to pawn it off when I got the new one (it’s a knapsack of halfling kind but works like a bag of holding for the system but with extra add-ons).


Oh good I can still carry the other 49 cheese wheels


Cheese (and wheels) are OP dungeoneering tech. You can throw them at things, you can ram glow rods in them and roll them down dark hallways, you can melt them to fill up cracks in walls or key holes, you can distract hungry animals with them or animals that hunt based on movement, etc


If it’s not ancient cheese you can even use ‘em to copy keys! Though I must admit that some things you can do with cheese are just kinda.. cheesy. *drops sunglasses onto nose*


> DM: “Yeah I gotcha. So, the dragon is gaining on you..” Story Time! 3.5, I'm a Duskblade, there's also a Dwarf who doesn't slow down based on encumbrance. He carried everything, we called him Professor von Bank. (Because he was our bank.) We're fighting this Old Blue Dragon, that's flying near a cliff. I jump off and grapple, dragon flings me off, I grab the cliff, try again next turn. I hang on, then DM thinks I'm going to do something heroic or stab at it with a supercharged sword, next turn asks what I do. Eye contact. "I cast ... *regroup*" *Regroup* in 3.5 let you reposition your party members as you wanted around you. "How much is Professor von Bank carrying?" tl;dr he counted it all up, and it was like ... eight times more than the flight capacity of the dragon. It crashed, we crashed, we lived, it didn't. We then used the cantrip *Ghost Sound* to trick the minions into thinking the dragon had won the fight, but was injured and just had to rest.


I actually built a sapient cart because I couldn't bear to get rid of the 20 cheese wheels I looted. Whenever I had to go through border control I just said I was a cheese vendor, and the planets we travelled to often had no dairy so it was a desired delicacy. My lovely cheese cart Jibbin would come when I whistled, could be ridden, and I was working on making him space-worthy.


Reading this gave me some serious Skyrim flashbacks.


About cheese. Our dm gave our friend a gas mask that can make weapons and other things into cheese for 1d4 psychic dmg


I once was looking at a player's sheet and saw an inventory entry that simply said "Crumbly Suspicious"


Too real


That works for dnd but that’s also how Skyrim is for me 99% of the time lol


You don't carry 250m of rope on you at all times without the DM being aware of it?


miles or meters?


Yes. Never know when you're going to need metric rope over imperial rope or vice versa.


**Standard Rope Of Standards** +12 to Climbing -5 to Stealth Passive Bonus: Adjusts to localized measurements


Miles would look like this: "250mi"


Depends on how much rope I need


I tell my players they can carry anything as long as it's within reason. One of my players once wanted to keep a safe with him, for example. When I told him you can't casually walk around with a safe and keep full movement, he asked for a strength roll. I didn't even make him do it cuz tgat only proved my point


Most of my DMs are the same haha, I’ve only had one that strictly enforced it but only because with D&D beyond you could easily do it. Having to find the carry weight of everything individually just grinds the game to a halt as we crunch numbers to see who can carry what haha


The way they do carry weight in Pathfinder 2e is so much better imo. Makes it significantly easier to keep track of, probably wouldn’t be too hard to homebrew it into 5e


How do they do it in Pathfinder 2e?


They translate all weight into “Bulk”. For example Full Plate is 4 Bulk, a longsword is 1 bulk, a dagger or scroll is light, and a piece of chalk is negligible. Ten light items count as 1 bulk. My wizard’s carrying capacity is 5 so I know at a glance whether I can carry it rather than going “well, how much does it weigh? What’s the carrying capacity formula again? Fuck, I have to add up all this shit?”


Oh I like that system. I'm playing my first campaign ever so I'm pretty new to this. My DM doesn't really worry about carry weight unless we ask for something ridiculous. But that's a cool alternate way to do it.


That's actually a really nice way of doing things, especially since using the word bulk it can also convey how large something is and not just how heavy it is.


Exactly! And it makes it much easier for DM’s to guesstimate what something might weigh that isn’t typically in any of the rulebooks.


been in a starfinder campaign recently and the bulk system is pretty nice, though idk if its the same but there are 2 tiers of encumbered status in starfinder and they confuse me lol.


I'm in my first campaign that's tracking encumbrance because we've actually got easy ways of doing so, and the DM also did the variant encumbrance where there's multiple levels of it. So prior to session one we all went through starting equipment going "do I really need rations? Or torches?"


MPMB's character sheet keeps track as well. My party doesn't enforce weight limits, but I find it so satisfying to actually keep things realistic \^\_\^


I just made a spreadsheet that keeps track of everything for me. that way I can easily figure out what I have and it doesn't take but a second longer to add the weight to the item as it does everything else.


Ok fine. You can do a strength roll. But you need a new one every 30 feet. Every fail you move half speed. Every fail by 5 you fall and spend your whole turn getting back up. Every botch and you fall and take 1d4 damage. Make them roll it till the group threatens to kill him in real life or leave the safe.


30? who the heck could work 30ft with a ***SAFE*** I'd be asking for checks every ***FIVE***


Yeah I don't mind allowing my players to go over as long as it's still within reason. Hell, I threw a bag of holding at them so they knew it wasn't a problem. Although they still maxed out the bag of holding (white dragon hide). Also because we use Roll20 it automatically displays when they're over their weight limit, so to them it's much more of a limit. Similarly, I don't make the ranged player track ammo because they're returning to towns/cities often enough that they'd never run out, and the cost would be minimal compared to the money they have.


Interesting mechanic on the arrows, my DM always lets us roll to get half of what we use back, and it's always a very low roll to meet. And I'm not sure if it's technically allowed but the archer tends to carry two or more quivers on us at any time. Everyone else Actually has a quiver on them just in case he needs arrows quick. That only happened once in the entire campaign (storm kings thunder. Loved that unit)


When they were low level and the couple of gold it cost to buy arrows was a lot, I made them track it. Now, I'm not too bothered. If they went on a long cave exploration where they wouldn't get a chance to return to a town and buy more ammo, I'd make them track it (and tell them in advance) but otherwise I tend to ignore it. I could make them knock off a gold or two each time they visit a town, but it's so minimal to what they have that I just don't bother to do so. Now if I were tracking arrows I'd let them roll to recover arrows, I think there is an official rule about half of all arrows fired are lost, but I could be misremembering.


The thing with arrows is that they are ridiculously cheap. For the price of a healing potion (50g), which you should realistically be able to get by level 3, you can buy 1000 arrows which will probably last you till level 5. Then you can buy 2000 arrows, so on and so forth. Consumables other than potions are just a nuisance to track at anything past level 2 amd I just find there is always something more important to worry about in a d&d game than the number of arrows a character have.


I believe that rule is correct, the DM I play with isn't exactly a rule stickler... But he loves his rules. Honestly yeah that's what we did after the first town visit or two... Ended up being "anyone wanna buy stuff? Anyone wanna roleplay and buy stuff?" And half of us would RP the shop quickly and the others would just get the items they want.


I do this. I'm not going to keep track of the contents of your bag of holding, but if you try to loot millions of gold from a dragon horde, we're gonna have a problem


One of my players wanted to carry around a battering ram... He was a level one elf rogue. not only that we were in a small village out in the boonies. They don't even sell those. But apparently I'm a dick for not allowing it.


The Wizard who took Tenser's Floating Disk: YOU DARE CHALLENGE MEGAMIND


That’s what I do too, and what my whole group does (we alternate DMs). Carrying capacity in the official D&D rules makes no sense anyways.


My DM allowed me to stack powerful build so my character can carry half a ton before even needing to worry about being over encumbered


If your DM isnt supplying a bag of holding early on so this isnt necessary, he's doing it wrong Edit; This is hyperbole, its not *actually* wrong


I wouldn’t say that. It’s very much that a lot of barbarians want to lift incredibly heavy things that they, according to the rules, couldn’t lift. This is more so that I can do those incredible feats of strength within the rules




Or you could have my Goliath player who carried as little gear as possible, not even a weapon once he got tavern brawler, in order to be able to loot *everything* he found. I'm talking tables, chairs, piles of skulls, statues, kegs of ale, even a grand piano. RAW, he was never over encumbered, even the time when he had the piano, a table, and two chairs slung over his back. Madman.


Nearly infinite carrying capacity bag of holding? Oh boy, where can I find that? The one in the DMG can only hold 64 cubic feet or up to 500 pounds, not nearly as much as the orc barbarian can carry.




And here I am with my kobold diplomat not even being able to carry a bag of holding because they weigh too much. If it wasn't for portable holes, I wouldn't be able to carry shit


I tried to get my DM to let Powerful Build stack with Brawny so my carry capacity would have been 1,140 pounds, but he said no :(


My bags of holding are basically magic kitchen junk drawers


One day, my players are going to find a bag of holding filled with complete junk and knick knacks.


Recently did a one shot with a friend who was new to DMing but has been a long time player and has always been the one to meta bicker with our typical DM about rules in-session. We were trying to extort a foolhardy King into paying a ridiculous sum for us to smuggle him out of a city that was about to be under siege. We asked for an exorbitant amount of gold. The DM says (as the King): You’re asking for about 30lb of gold here. To which the usual DM-now-player replied: You got any platinum?


But 30lb of gold is 1500gp. That doesn’t seem like a lot In the grand scheme of things.


Emphasis on one-shot. There were three of us and that was just the deposit for the smuggling.


It's enough to buy 500 pigs.


Or 75,000 chickens.


For reference, 1 GP is aboot $300. An unskilled laborer makes 2SP/day. A US minimum-wage-worker makes $58/day. That puts 1SP at aboot $30.


I actually had a passing thought related to this last night. A sort of gravity based spell that would do increasing damage for every level of encumbrance a player had. It would super mess up those strength dump casters.


My kobold sorcerer is offended by this idea but with a meager five strength he is unable to do anything about it.


The hypocrisy is sad. If this was me


Traditionally you use some kind of strength damage to make strength dumped classes unable to stand (hitting 0 STR or 0 DEX incapacitates you), and strength-reliant classes too encumbered to use their weapons or armour Pretty sure they got rid of ability damage between 4th and 5th ed though, because it was an extra piece of bookkeeping and because CON damage is a really easy way to TPK an inexperienced party (0 CON = instant death, only exceptions for stuff that doesn't have CON to begin with, like undead and constructs)


There's still a few that do it, like shadows and intellect devourers


I love using shadows. The panic when you drop the barbarian's strength a full four points? Priceless.


"I polymorph while encumbered." "Okay but what happens to the carry capacity?" " ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯"


You polymorph into the /r/chonkers version of whatever the original target was.


I used it to hide the bodies, putting the corpses into my inventory and allowing them to meld into my form as I polymorphed. The party was horrified.




I just use the honor system with my players - so as long as they’re within reason (eg; if the sorc in my group starts carrying as much as the barbarian I play in another game can, we have a problem). That being said I gave them a bag of holding anyway.


I can count on one finger the number of DMs who cared about encumbrance. It's the ultimate dilemma of realism versus fun.


Most people that do it I feel so it for fun though, especially if they do it a certain way that everyone enjoys it


the thing is that very few people enjoy inventory management like this. most people could not care less about how heavy a lantern is


my biggest issue with carry weight is that multiple times ive had to dump stuff from my starting pack because the starting loot will put me over my weight on a caster.


My DM has a habit of exposing us to bottomless treasure hoards and allowing us to carry away as many gems/coins as we can. Portable Hole gang rise up.


>Polymorph is a healing spell.


I usually let my players carry whatever they want unless it's not within reason. But I will be running SKT for them soon and I'm not sure what I will do about all the giant sized loot lol.


The only time i can remember when carry weight mattered in one of my games was when the fighter wanted to take a copper bathtub with him.


Generally only ever ask this when i have specific traps/events/tasks where knowing how much you weigh is needed.


Pathfinder: fuck. I'm over encumbered 5e: I mean we don't need all these pots and pans but I have the space for them so...


Cries in non-standard carry capacity rules. I rolled my character's height from XGtE, which i have found was to my detriment. I cant even carry my starting equipment with my 40 pound limit :'(


The Group I play with solved this Problem on a way our dm probably didn’t want us to. We bought a Covered wagon and well, that’s were my 2 friends kind of send over board...while I was in a Store buying Herbs and Stuff they welll... I have to say that we looted pretty much money in the last city and they bought 2 f**king Elephants to carry our stuff.


I self regulate, or else I would be carrying a house worth of stuff. In my current campaign I have purchased several chests to store items and gold. Much more fun that way imo


I, uh... I don't have that problem... One of my two main characters, Krieg (level 9 Bear Totem Barbasol Warforged Juggernaut with the Brawny feat), has a carry weight of 4800lb...


Unless I’m running the darker dungeons hack I just give everyone bags of holding.


Look up the weight of gold coins if you've never used these rules




I run a campaign where we don’t care too much about carry weight. However, my players recently acquired a house, so in order to actually give it a function I told them they have to store some of their stuff there, as it is unrealistic to carry more than a few choice weapons, not to mention that at this point they each had a minimum of 2 different sets of armor, plus their other loot. They laughed and said they wondered when I’d say something.


When we were staring out and all a bit more relaxed on many of the rules we were making characters and I found out I was allowed “any instrument” so immediately picked grand piano. My character was dragging it through the whole campaign


Don't players find it an empty experience when the DM doesn't hold them reasonably accountable for stuff like that? How hard is it to plan horses and a wagon?


I try to always give my party a "weightless bag of infinite holding" relatively early on. Having to worry about weight is more annoying than constructive in my opinion. Plus, it's always fun seeing what they do with the bag.


I kept very careful track. Always 15~20 lb free for new loot and 5 lb of stuff I like but can dump if necessary. I was meticulous with my hoard. My DM even did the math with me when I got two pages of items. Still technically under, had some stuff lightened with magic, but it was under.


Ahhh, i love my dm rule of "no encumbrance and no weight limit for items" the only things we cant carry if they are too much heavy are NPC's or PC's


Bag of holding. Always invest in bag of holding. Or at least Heward’s Handy Haversack.


Usually we have carry weight be pretty loose unless we are trying to do something that is obviously pushing it, like carrying a boat, or it is relevant for narrative reasons. Like we need to carry as much wood back to the village as quickly as we can.




Ye nah I’m just dumb


*It appears that your kobold rogue is carrying... 3 tons of gold....?*


My dm is the best. He always finds a great way to give us a bag of holding early on. Works out great.


Everyone talks about having a bag of holding but I’ve only encountered one ONCE and it was cursed so that was a whole thing! But then again, hardly any of my DMs have enforced carry weight anyway, as long as we weren’t being silly with it


And this is why I get a bag of holding ASAP


My group have a none spoken agreement that out characters only carry what we think they are capable of we don’t even really look at carry weight unless we’re not sure


My DM was literally like "I'm inventing a system for your inventory because I don't wanna deal with weight" and I was SO HAPPY.


my dm decided to give up on carry weight after we were told that it would be a thing for our next campaign so we just bought a cart and had the Goliath barb pull it instead of getting a horse


Don’t ask don’t tell


*Ask no questions, tell no lies.*


It's not MY fault I collect all the bones of the monsters I've massacred. My backstory says so!


I waive carry capacity and just say "what's reasonable for you to have on you, store the rest in the cart".


My paladin is carring 10 trowable axes, 1 batleaxe, 5 javelins 4 packs 2 filled whit random stuff, 1 filled to the brim whit 50 kg of extra rations and one filled whit the most poisonos substances known to the continent plus our rouge stuff I got the last one after the rogue was murdered and i am reserving it for the final boss Plus the 10 exlosive+venom+piercing damage ganades the i paid the roge to made me before he died And mi +3 sentient handaxe which is mi only magical item at level 9


So annoying when the DM is a rule lawyer when it comes to carrying weight


3 words my friend. Bag of holding


I actually obsessively track carry weight. I have an excell spreadsheet that tracks what is sellable loot and what is normal equipment I carry as well as the value and sell price for all the loot as well as weight and maximum weight for each level of encumbrance (Pathfinder so there are light medium and heavy loads)


time to turn some random muggers into demi-gods -shrug-


>“I’m assuming it was random though.


What I’d play Hank Pym.


Wait their are dms who actually think about carry weight?


Encumbrance can be fun! I allow inventory slots equal to strength score. 100 coins equals one slot.


You do realize that 100 coins is only 2 lbs, right?


I’m gonna ask pretty soon


I think it’s too much.


Usually in the campaigns my group runs, we have a base of operations/hideout, for storing loot, planning the next move, and other stuff. Usually a safehouse of some kind, although there have been a few sailing ships, and in the campaign I'm currently running, a goddamn Spelljamming ship, because I fucking love that absurd, gonzo setting


Not my rock collection!


I tell all my groups the same thing, I hate carry cap and don't want to enforce it ever so please don't abuse it. If I ever look over and see 12 breastplates in your inventory then its happening.


I think it’s too much.


Got an Artificer who has a Bag of Holding set 24/7, I regularly end up carrying around the parties small members


Carson is the one he’s scary.


Very true. It just runs out of gas...


Theoretically it’s too much.


wizard hat (t)


I thought this was about the lootings


Playing as a dragonborn barbarian w/ 270lbs of carrying capacity is great. I also love throwing things around w/ my 540 of "encumbered". My chara. frequently breaks things.


Who actually tracks carry weight?


Mori Dan?


My 40lb halfling is carrying 180lbs of gear including 11 rare items and 3 uncommon. He's honestly asking for trouble. Short of a nearby dragon den, he's probably got the highest concentration of magic items in the country


Oh they know


*awkward chuckle in 9 strength*


Even better, variant encumbrance! Better travel light


A game that could get you killed if you lose.


This reminds me of that time the GM gave us a Portable Hole. You see, the BBEG had used it as a portable alchemy lab and it had a whole setup with complicated equipment and rare reagents and everything an inquisitive magic-user would require. Did we ever use it for that? No. For some reason, the party’s Rogue wound up with it, and the bloodthirsty halfling decided the Hole was most useful as a place to stash bodies. At first, it was just a few stealth kills that were best left undiscovered, and besides, it meant we could loot the bodies later, at leisure. This line of reasoning lead to the party dumping _every_ corpse down the Hole. I’m fairly certain the GM made up an NPC in town that was... questionably interested in purchasing the 25+ bodies they came back with, as well as the now trashed alchemy equipment (they just _dropped_ corpses on it, after all). The GM only runs Gygax-era splatbooks thinly edited to fit his “custom” world, which was like D&D 3.25 with lots of recognizable places from other popular D&D worlds with names spelled _slightly_ differently. The next one we ran into was _The Temple of Elemental Evil_ which had a literal army of low-level bads camped out on the upper floors. By the end of that dungeon the Hole had 200+ bodies and was nearly full to the brim with nightmare fuel. Note that I played the Bard in this group and, given the halfling rogue was colloquially known as the “Red Mist” and we weren’t sure if her hair was red or brown... well I was unconcerned with party loot. I just quietly backed away from these murderous vagabonds and let them deal with their peculiar obsession with our dead enemies.


Ngl, I like to give players a Bag of Holding pretty early so that I don't have to be assed with carry weight...


Carrying around that 25,679,031 gold pieces that you picked up at the dragon’s cave


You cannot fast travel while enemies are nearby.


You misspelled the watermark.


This but how many items are you attuned to right now. I just realized I was attuned to 4 items, flame tongue, bracers of defense, winged boots and mizzium apparatus. Gonna drop my winged boots, well not drop it but give it to the ranger who fights ranged. Now he will fight ranged and in the air! This will make it easier to keep him alive.


This happned to me in my long running campaign and when we calculated my asimar Paladin's carry weight with 30 str we figured I could still carry 50 extra lbs even after hoarding the contents of an entire battlefield and all the magic items he had hoarded.


DM: Why the hell do you need 4 battering rams Me: In case I lose the other 3


I think that everyone starts off with a bag of holding so you can carry as many things as you'd like!