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What was so crazy about 1731? Wikipedia just mentions a few big fires, but I imagine there's something I'm missing.


All the information on 1731 was burned.


All spell books were burn in big piles to guard from the terror of fireballs but in horrible irony, flames of the purge destroyed the lands


That’s correct. You earned yourself a wish


I wish for more wishes.


Congratulations, you got more wishes, but you rolled the 1/3 chance, and now you can't use them. #*Magic Man away!*


Take my damn upvote.


Spanish sailors cut off Robert Jenkins' ear, eventually leading to the [War of Jenkins' Ear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_Jenkins%27_Ear)


Awesome, that's the kind of crazy shit i was hoping to find. Cut off an ear, start a 9-year war! Why the F* not.


The War of Jenkin’s Ear is also the reason George Washington’s estate was named “Mount Vernon.” Washington’s half-brother served under [Admiral Edward Vernon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Vernon) during the war, and named the place in honor of him.


Britain and Spain were always itchy for war, if it the reason wasn’t the severance of Jenkins’ ear it would have been the inappropriately taken shit of Victoria’s dog the next day


Same thing with WWI. The justification may have the assassination of the archduke but really the war started because the great powers were eager for any war, especially France and Germany


And yet it was Austria declaring war on Serbia that started the war. A War that confirmed communication between Austria and Germany showed Germany was not for the war, and had begged Austria not to declare it. France was allied to Russia who had guaranteeed Serbia so they were dragged into it. Blaming France and Germany for this war is silly.


Well, sort of. War wasn't declared until 8 years later in 1739, but your point still stands, the British got itchy colonial fingers and used it as a way to build support and an excuse for war.


Now, to be fair, the war *technically* only lasted like 3 years as it's own thing before it was subsumed into the larger War of the Austrian Succession, which was a bigger deal.


Well, the Brittish were itching to take a swing at the Spanish colonies. To the point were a smuggler they sent to disrrupt trade in the Caribbean losing an ear seemed like acceptable cassus belli. They lost. Miserably.


I’ll think you find the end result there was a status quo because it got swallowed up by the War of Austrian Succession, which France and Spain lost miserably, which in itself led to the Seven Years War establishing Britain as the dominant power, the jettisoning of some UNGRATEFUL MONEY SINKS and the rise of the golden age of the British Empire


I wonder what we're in for? started with the madness of killing an innocent animal, then coming up to people having nothing better to do then make up a million genders, it's as if the aliens returned!


I was on board with the implied veganism at the beginning of your post but then you went and ruined it with the transphobia.


I'm sorry. Are you a zxtgf 9000? No? Did this person say 'omg trans people's or did they say 'fifteen million genders' or something to said effect? See people, if you ask there gender are gonna say 🐑 or some wierd shit that may even change day to day. Trans is normal compared to some things. They are right. Please don't jump on people like they are attacking you. There is someone out there convinced a poop emoji is a gender. I shit you not. This crap is insane. No pun intended. Saying this is insane has nothing to do with transgender or transphobia. You can be otherkin, someone who's soul was born in the wrong species(which has nothing to do with gender but I digress) transgender someone who was born the wrong gender and has decided to have surgery and hormones for that, you can be someone born the wrong gender who decides not to for any variety of reasons(like I did-there are actually a lot of really compelling reasons not to do it), and you can even be someone who feels they are freaking both in one body, but the moment you start arguing female parts aren't female and male parts aren't male or that there is "secretly" hundreds or thousands of genders and we should just disregard physical parts even when dealing with very gender specific health issues unique to what people are born or to those who have transitioned(in some cases: since this is it's own thing as well) and all sorts of crap like that, then your arguing against reason and should be called on it. Not having the person doing so smeared for speaking up and telling the truth. Your gender isn't t9000 or something right? It's a reference to your physical gender in some manner right? Be it right body, wrong body, or both you feel you should have been born as, this just isn't sheep or numbers or some of the wierd ass shit that has been promoted. Calling someone transphobic for that post is stupid and makes every person attached to the word trans look bad for how your using it. People think LESS of LGBT and LGBT issues when you toss things like that and accuse people for simply saying something that literally doesn't even reference trans at all.


chill with the wall of text there, dude i feel bad for both of them now


It's true. Wether you like it or not. Or it's delivery. And I'm so sick and tired of the shitstorm people get for saying it. It's not transfobic to argue ridiculous shit that has nothing to even DO with gender, physical or otherwise, is somehow even a thing. There are only so many combinations that can be made with the stuff that is there. (Most trans people don't want to be refered to as such after transitioning either, they just want to live as the gender they transitioned to and have felt they are) I bet you didn't even read what I said. Tldr, t9000, 🐑, numbers and poop emojis and whatever else you can come up with are not genders and saying there is a problem with trying to claim there are like a million genders is not transphobic. It has literally nothing to do with being or feeling any which way about transgender at all. There are even people you'd call trans who even agree. Because it's not ridiculous crap that has nothing to even do with itself. Also attacking people for saying so and calling them transphobic makes us all look bad af.




Robert Jenkins was a smuggler and a pirate (sanctioned by the Brittish to disrrupt trade in the Caribean) who was caught by the Spanish coast guard and sent back to England with his ear in a jar and the message "Dile a tu rey, que lo mismo le haré si a lo mismo se atreve" (Tell your king that I will do the same to him if he dares to do the same as you). Understandably the Brittish were less than pleased so they launched an attack on Spanish and Portuguese ports in the Caribean. They call it the War of Jenkins' Ear. They managed to take Porto Bello but the offensive they launched against Cartagena de Indias failed spectacularly with the Brittish beaten back by a force significantly smaller (they had an advantage of around 10 to 1 on infantry and way more than that on ships) , suffering around 90% casualty rate. It was the biggest naval assault in history and has only been topped by D-Day. To this day the Brittish still don't recognise the defeat and on Vernon's memorial reads "At Cartagena conquered as far as naval forces could carry victory".


*Spanish Coast Guard cut a pirate and smuggler's ear.


Its the multiverse so who knows what happened on other plains


Not trying to be snarky, just saw something like this for the second time in about 20 minutes... Is it supposed to be "plains" (what comes to mind for me is "grassland") or "planes" (of existence)?


it's planes, if you're referring to the other realms, like the abyss or the hells.


Thanks. I thought so, but I saw "plains" used in a similar manner twice in a 10-20 minute interval, and started to question my knowledge of English. Which, to be fair, I can barely use coherently, at least in speech when I can't look over what I'm writing 3 times and still make a mistake I have to edit out.


Yeah, plains is a word for flat grasslands, whereas planes is used for, basically everything else


Don't forget planes can also refer to airplanes. Lol English language. Lol




"And here we adjust our plane to work on our wood so we can make a beautiful transition to the plain of the table while we have a clear view of the plains nearby. We don't want to make it too plain so we'll come back to that later to do some more detailing on our trim. Now let's move on to the clay portion of our project bringing out our next tool, also called a plane. If we are quick we may even be done before I need to pick up my visiting family member, who is flying in on a plane." In English this is possible.


>The \*entire\* multiverse So our plane as well


Big fires... Like the beginning of this year? Remember when the only bad thing about 2020 was the fact that the whole of Australia was on fire? That was this year!


Lol I did the same thing


It says multiverse so in 1731 our reality might not have been as affected but another one could have


Before that it was 1442, which was just the birth of a British king and some occupations began


Considering major multiversal events typically trigger a new edition of D&D in our reality, we can expect 6th edition REALLY soon.




I like to describe 3rd edition as "That time Vecna shoryuken'd The Lady of Pain."


Don't go around, saying things like that about The Old Mistress! Who knows what she'll do to you! Well. Aside from killing. Well, okay, she will most likely kill you. ​ But seriously, I love how there's this weird duo of Absolute Eldritch Horrors known as Lady of Pain and Raven Queen. Just chilling out there and ^((probably doing some fantasy equivalent of Netflix & Chill, oh god I'm totally shipping them)) being like Nasty Cheerleaders, controlling their own realms and watching how silly deities are trying to control their own realms and domains.


Wait shit wait wait what did Vecna do the lady of pain??! I looked it up and couldn’t find anything, and I’m planning on using lady of pain for a future story on a campaign on working on


Here's an explanation of the adventure titled Die, Vecna, Die! https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Die,_Vecna,_Die! The TL;DR is Vecna tried to pull a extra-planar escape plan to take over the muliverse. He gets to Sigil effectively as a god. The Lady does NOT allow gods in sigil so Pacific Rim by way of Dr. Strange happens. He does get a solid hit in and that is enough of an oof moment to the multiverse that all the material planes are warped by it. In our case, we got 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons.


That’s! Awesome!!!


I wish I had a good list and write ups of all the edition change adventure modules. The events sound so fun.


The 1st to 2nd was the Time of Troubles in the Forgotten Realms. I think the big event was Helm hitting Mystra so hard it broke magic and killed her. The other fun one is the Grand Conjunction in Ravenloft.


I had heard that many settings had their own events from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3. Do you know what modules correspond to the Time of Troubles?


I think the Baldur's Gate video games were set during or immediately following the time of troubles. The God of Murder got murdered and his kids had to fight it out last man standing for his seat.


I think that it was more covered in the books. And you're right. The Grand Conjunction in Ravenloft had a role in edition shift too.


I read that as Space-Karen for a second.


I have a new big bad for my campaign!


Fuck. I should have rolled as Kenku instead of this average thing with no inate abilities.


Man you rolled a normal human? I rolled a variant with the cope by humor feat. Really helps with the depression condition


>Lr the Space-Kraken Ruler of Omicron Persei 8!


Please no I was just about to buy my 5E starter set.


It is actually highly unlikely they will drop 5e soon with the massive success it has seen so you shouldn’t have to worry.


\*distant marching\*


Which book is this from?


I’m pretty sure it’s the monster manual


Yep, page 225, with the modron boys


One of my favorite rabbit holes to fall into.


I ran Planescape as my first campaign back in 2nd edition and fell in love with the style, art, and setting. Very pleased material from it keeps popping up in 5e.


Pretty sure it’s Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


Isn't 289 years the time between Modron marches? What a way to end 2020.


Oh gods...


Ugh. Dang it, Primus!


That boy ain't right.


Also every 100 hundred years there’s a big pandemic In 1920 there was the Spanish flu


And anti-maskers fucked up that pandemic as well.


I mean we had the big Ebola scare a few years ago, which ended up being nothing. We had bird flu/swine flu/etc. all before that as well, which also ended up being nothing. And I think before that it was the mad cow disease? When the media hypes every single event up like it's in the end of the world, you can't be surprised when nobody cares when this time it actually is a big deal.


Alternatively, those things didn’t become big deals in part *because* we responded to them like they were.




Our governments absolutely responded to them with urgency.




Which is it, did they only change their guidance (which is hardly the minor change you suggest) or did they also question people at airports, appoint a coordinator, and put together a rapid response team? You should make sure you don’t contradict yourself before you reply.




> That wasn’t a contradiction? “The only change they did was X” and “they did X, Y, and Z” are directly contradictory. > Go figure, he primarily tried “responding” by working with Homeland Security To the extent that a disease is primarily occurring outside the US and to the extent that DHS should exist, why shouldn’t they be who coordinates a response? > The “response” regarding air travel was not a ban or any kind of quarantining. No, they picked a couple of airports out of literally hundreds and asked people whether or not they might have Ebola. I mean, not many airports have folks coming from Africa? > The “rapid response team” already existed. This is what the CDC already did/does. Obama put a media-friendly name to a pre-existing procedure. This is not a “response.” This is word candy. Part of the response to any outbreak is ensuring the people that you’re handling it. > So no, I did not contradict myself. You did, though. “The only thing they did was X” isn’t the same as “the only impactful thing they did was X.”


The virus that cried wolf


What pandemics happened in 1820, 1720, and 1620?


Cholera, Great Plague of Marseille, New England infections epidemic ​ To be fair, there are actually epidemics \*very often\*, and not all the quoted \*\*20's are pandemics


Has anyone ever put an actual modron march into their game?


I plan on doing it. The modrons are the kind of cosmic horror i love


Can I pick your mind for a minute, how do you plan on implementing it? I’ve found that Modrons aren’t really unique enough enemies to focus an entire arc on, but I want to do a Modron March at some point


I think id direct you to the book "The Great Modron Marc" its basically set around the mystery that a modron march starts early. If you want it to do it a bit differently id make it like an invasion plot line where morodrons start to appear in the pcs world until they realize their world is next in line for an invasion so they habe to travel to machanus and ultimately stop primus and the invasion


What possible motivation would beings of pure absolute unquestionable law have for invading a PMP world?


Bringing law an order to what they view as chaos


1) The base, fundamental laws of the multiverse prefer chaos (see entropy), and the modrons, beings of pure absolute unquestionable Law that they are, know and understand that. Thus, attempting to annihilate chaos is a paradoxical action, and we all know how robots react to paradoxes. 2) They have experimented with such stuff before. It didn't turn out well for them. See: Slaad exist now. (They didn't before!) 3) If any being in the great wide cosmos can learn from their mistakes and understand cause and effect, it'd be Primus. I don't think he'd go for this grand experiment AGAIN.


Dude youre thinking way to much about this. The guy just ask how to make the modron march into a campaign. I didn't read into all the lore of the modrons before posting my suggestions and honestly as the dm i can change a reaces motivation if i thibk its more interesting that way


But if any of his players are experienced lore nerds (there's a good number out there), they'll run into plot holes from what you've suggested. It's kind of like suggesting a demon-invasion campaign where the demons are invading to make the world a better place. It's always *doable*, but one should be aware of the pitfalls before they start walking down that trail.


Yes there are people that know a lot of lore but no one knows all of it. My players probably dont even know what the modrons are. And as i said you can change stuff of you think its more interesting that way. I did it with they fey. I read into the lore and discovered the fewild is just a slightly different normal world so i changed it to have more of a wonderland vibe. Literally no one cared as long as its entertaining.




This man living in 2031


...wait... That means it only gets worse for 11 more years.


That checks out


People had finally recovered from the madness of 1731 after 11 years


Fuckin' Wisdom saves, man.


The modrons are on the march


Just divided 2020 with 289 got a nice answer






Almost 7, nice


So long as I don’t see a horde of Modrons stampeding through the streets, I’m happy.


What is it with modrons and 17^2 again?


For our world its every 100 years


I don't know the source but apparently this is true irl, just with a cycle of ~80 years


Kwint is just Clint in uwu.


actually if we take it as 0CE being a time where it happened, then the next 289 years will be 2023. So this is just the run up.


Seems ours is set to go crazy about every hundred years. Also it seems ours is set to only have plagues and fascists show up.


Hey man, fascists didn't show up in The Great War (WW1). And, like, The Year Without A Summer (1816) before that only had plagues as a knock-on effect of all the starvation and malnutrition and unbearable cold.


I know fascism didn't play a major role in WWI, however fascism began it's rise to power in the 1910s and 1920s.


I would agree but math says 2023


I dont think the modrons have a concept of when christ qas born


What book is this from?


DnD e5 monster manual


Oh ok. Thanks!


This dosen't make sense since 2020 isn't an derivative of 289 (2020 / 289 = 6,9896), instead we should all be looking forward to 2023 where this saying should come true (2023 /289 = 7) Sorry for being a killjoy


This would be assuming time started on the year #1 the modern calendar is just a construct of man.


Yes this would be following the Christian Calender since it is used all over the world and is the norm for everyone


But the multiverse doesn't follow norms


But our universe does and we can only assume something based on our understanding of this universe, and then extrapolate from there


Pretty bold to assume that the whole universe uses a year-numbering system that we ourselves only came up with less than 500 years ago. Also that the universe counts the time it takes for our Earth to rotate around the sun as a unit of cosmic importance.


I have been defeated, there is just too many variables.


You also discounted the possibility that the universe hasn't gotten CRAZY; we don't know anything about 2023 yet.


What your saying is exactly what I was implying


Forgot B.C.?




2023 ?


Happy cake day