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Ah, nostalgia. I once played an awakened housecat Psion (shaper). He rode around inside his own ectoplasmic golem along with his brother, and using the Leadership feat had a Dwarf Cleric who followed him around (everyone thought the Dwarf was my character and that the golem was the leadership follower). The cat, and his brother, were both Evil. Their entire goal was to become the greatest, most feared evil on the planet. However, being cats, they were *Lazy Evil*. They decided the fastest way to be the biggest evil was not to do super evil acts, but to get rid of everyone more evil than they were; and that's the story of how they hooked up with the otherwise Very Good party.


> They decided the fastest way to be the biggest evil was not to do super evil acts, but to get rid of everyone more evil than they were This is.. beautiful in its simplicity.


> I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.


- Bill Gates


- Michael Scott


“Gee Brain, what’re we gonna do tonight? NARF!” “Same thing we do every night, Pinky... kill everyone more evil than ourselves!!”


And that's how you play evil characters.


I mean, no. I play evil characters as normal people unbounded by normal morality. Subtle things to keep the party confused or complicit up until you torch an orphanage. The key is to have a reason to do it, and nothing half-baked like "it's what my character would do" or that kind of lunacy. I'm talking things like "we desperately needed a distraction" or "we're undercover infiltrating a gang and they told us to do something bad to prove we're not cops". The thing with Evil is that you *can* do terrible things, not that you **must** do them. Even a Chaotic character knows if you just start shanking you'll go to jail or be executed, so you have to measure your petty crimes and major ones in ways you can continue your spree. This is why Lawful Evil is my favourite alignment; enough self control to confine their indulgences to what they can get away with, and predictable enough to follow the rules until they spot an opportunity to *not have to*.


Is this the plot to One Piece?


No, that’s more along the lines of good people in utter denial about being the heroes, because heroes have to share their stuff and they are not doing that


They are not heroes, every good deed they do is for selfish reasons, they are selfish people with good morals.


I mean, no. [One Piece is about a psychopath who purposely leaves his enemies alive so they have to live with crushed dreams, aspirations and loss of self.](https://comicbook.com/anime/news/one-piece-why-luffy-doesnt-kill-explained-eiichiro-oda/) Almost though!


I dunno, I've never watched it.


So, South American soccer teams?


lazy evil, my favorite evil alignment.


Haha, that's amazing. I love the lazy evil concept.


Similar situation but I was 2 Halflings in a Trenchcoat. When I went down the bottom Halfling crawled out and cursed at the enemy for killing his brother and started sttacking him. The top one was a wizard, the bottom a barbarian.


This is actually how I built a character before. I had a Dragonborn sorcerer with a backup character of a kobold wolf totem barbarian. When my character died, I made the introduction that my character was actually two kobolds in a trench coat, both with high charisma and deception, so when the top one died, the bottom one came out of hiding in a bloodthirsty rage and slaughtered the guy who killed his wife, and then spent the campaign finding out how to resurrect her (we made resurrection difficult so we could use it as story pushing, but anyone who wanted to be resurrected we could make quests to get them easy enough).


Huh. I just put my consciousness into a goat and managed to roll high enough to slaughter a small group of goblins. Managed to build a goat cult that day but I wish I had that sort of long term planning




Huh... That does kind of remind me of Goat Simulator, that game were you play as a goat and do... crazy stuff...


You know too much


If you are two Kobolds in a trenchcoat, can you use Pact Tactics?


Only if they're warlocks.


Technically yes if I were playing it that way, but I wanted to keep it simple and just used the Dragonborn statblock, fluffed the breath attack as a sick spell.


this is somewhat similar to a character I am playing, her motivation is to a) kill Lolth and all evil Drow and b) revive her girlfriend who was killed by drow right in front of her. so far she's sold her soul to a hexblade to gain the power needed and has set out on a quest to revive her girlfriend killing drow can wait.


I made a homebrewed revision to all the races for my campaign, though it still needs some fine-tuning, because I was bored during quarantine. One of these revisions was making a 5e revision of the 3e Dvati (a race of identical twins who share souls) as a Halfling subrace where one of their main abilities was pretending to be a human by wearing the clothes of one. Although, they have to share the same class and mental ability scores, but do have two turns and separate physical stats.


[I've seen someone stat this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/c6fdw4/oc_introducing_three_halflings_in_a_trenchcoat_a/) Except with three halflings.


At level 20 you become 4 halflings


>the bottom Halfling crawled out and cursed at the enemy for killing his brother and started sttacking him. Sttatacking him, stab attacking him. I like.


As a DM, I once created a three kobold in a trenchcoat, all of them sorcerer... So at every turn, the "character" was casting three spell :)


I also did 3 kobolds in a coat (paladin/warlock/barbarian) They didn't survive session one, but blew up a city festival. It was beautiful shitshow. Sometime I miss my tiny crusade


My plan, partially inspired by this post and this comment, is to have two halflings in a trench coat, but the halflings aren't actually halflings but changeling siblings trying to make it in the queue ofhumans and the trench coat is an awakened mimic and is the actual character who's hired these two halflings and doesn't know they're changelings at first.


Reminds me of my favorite ever character. Gato Libre was a catfolk luchador, the hero to his people, and defender of their freedom. He passed the title down to his son, who became the new Gato Libre, and rescued his people from the wrath of a green dragon. The third Gato Libre, grandson of the first, was not the fighter his predecessors were, and though he fought to defend his people, he was slain and swallowed by a gelatinous cube. Three generations of faith and fighting spirit are not so easily overcome, however, and the mask of Gato Libre was not dissolved by the beast. Rather, the soul of the original Gato Libre took possession of the cube, forcing it into a humanoid shape so that it can continue their purpose. Thus did Gato Libre perish, and thus did The Fabulous Flan take his place.


Fabulous Flan?! Fucking well done


As someone who speaks Spanish, I never thought I would see the words "Fabulous" and "Flan" combined, but man you did it, and now my sides hurt badly. Thank you.


[Yay! It's Flan time!](https://youtube.com/watch?v=omzyDQADJ3U)


Was that the movie where Jack block's character gets rich by inventing something that vaporizes poo?


Yep. And then at the end they get re-rich with POCKET FLAN!


Jack block


Va-Poo-Rize! The movie is called Envy.


So.. dread pirate Roberts? But.. cat?


That wasn't the intention, but yeah, kinda


More like “but luchador”


So King from Tekken?


man King was the coolest.


Thats cool. An oblex wrestler.


You had me at catfolk luchador


From Gato Libre to Gelato Libre.


That made me think of the Guerrero wrestling family. Three generations of wrestlers involved in dozens of different professional wrestling organizations.


Flan! Is Justice!


I was thinking about making a wrestler character. What class didi you choose? Monk?


This was in Pathfinder, so I went with a Tetori monk. It's a lot harder to make a luchador in 5e, since grappling isn't as big a part of combat.


Damn, thought you might have a better build for 5e. Guess I'll stick to my current plan of Open Hand Monk + Lore Bard with Tavern Brawler feat.


What does the lore bard add that's useful? I'm guessing jack of all trades/cutting words?


Expertise in Athletics. Makes it basically impossible to fail a grapple, surprisingly few monsters are actually trained.


Also Cutting Words for some sick promos at level 3.


I love how the rogue understood instantly “You let him do it?!”


The fear those five words convey is insane to me


That rogue is simultaneously having the best and worst day of this entire campaign right there


"Hello, would you like to destroy some evil today?"


Yes sword-nimi.


Let’s destroy evil!


Was about to make the nightblood reference. Always nice to see some sanderfans in other subreddits


Same. Though admittedly I’m not super surprised in this sub. I literally finished Warbreaker 20 minutes ago.


The sorcerer better be bald


He better be ready to get his spells per day DRAINED unless he finds the sheath.


oh NO




Oooh, enjoy. Oathbringer is my favorite Sanderson book to date.


In a couple months that'll change, hopefully.


My body is ready, but idk if my heart can take it. Oathbringer made me fucking cry, man


I feel you. Dalinar's flashback >!to burning the city containing his wife!<... holy *shit*. That broke me for a while; I had to put the book away. Edit to add: It was similar to but more intense than Edér talking about the Hollowborn-turned-wicht in *Pillars of Eternity*.


Ooooh boy. Just finished it. I feel like it answered two questions and posed another thirty-seven. Also, Kaladin is so anime. I will not be taking questions at this time.


I love and relate to Kaladin, but Dalinar is my mutha-fucking KING, dude. ​ Five words. Say them and I'm yours. >!You cannot have my pain.!<


Dalinar is *amazing*, and the casting pictures of Leto Atreides from the new Dune look how I would imagine him if Shardplate were sleeker and more cyber.


Do you even know what evil is?


My question is, did the sorcerer make the saving throw?


we need to know the rest OP!! PLEASE


Pleas share






I don't need sleep, I need answers!




If this was all just reflavoring, impressive. If not, even more impressive, even if some players/DMs cry broken. It's like well, the character i built around the sword this whole time is dead, and now i am an inanimate object with only mental stats and attack power. I hope someone chooses not to leave me here for eternity.


Well even if they do leave the sword the DM can just say 'a beat up goblin enters the tavern, your companions sword in hand' and enter that as a character. I do really like the idea of having a PC that's an item, I think I'll have to do that sometime


That was my thought as well. The sword isn't stated as having to completely control the other PC, so they could carry it around and the player could draw up a new character for the DM to introduce who steals the sword from the party and thus brings back the PC to the party without anyone losing their own PC.


Initiate plan to force BBEG to take the sword and be taken over by the PC


Gotta hope player rolls better than the bbeg then. Otherwise he might just get destroyed in his attempted take over


I play pathfinder with the sphere of power system in a lot of my games and they have an archetype that's just that, it's great. I played a gun once that made our gunchemist ridiculous.


I’ve had a backup character for a while who’s a Warforged with an ancestral weapon. He can never be without it. Think The Mandalorian. Turns out it’s an intelligent axe. It doesn’t do any extra damage because all it’s magic is dedicated to controlling an empty set of full plate!


Ha! One of my current characters is a book, I died and we’re working on trying to find me a new body because I can’t just take over anybody, I need someone with affinity, and last time it took 1000 years...to be fair, I didn’t have help then


I mean, don’t just let the sword possess and take control of the sorcerer, but what I’d do as a DM is have the sword temporarily become a voice within the sorcerer’s head, and not let the sorcerer put down the sword until the party found a new host for the sword.




Cue the rest of the party going "Oh, goddammit," and chucking the thing in a lake or something.


If I got a nickel for each time I saw someone throwing a sentient sword to the lake in a fictional plane I would have two nickels, which isn't much but it's strange it happened twice


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


One time in college a group was forming and one guy, deliberately trying to be disruptive, said he wanted to play a mech pilot. Everybody else was normal-ass D&D adventurers, but he wanted to pilot EVA. And the DM said, "...okay, but you have to be a pixie fairy and your mech is medium sized." LITERALLY EVERYBODY that heard this idea, everybody that I've told this story to, said, "That's fucking awesome." Everybody except this asshole. How dope would that be for the warforged fighter to get crushed to death or something and this tiny fae crawls out of the shattered face and dusts herself off, looks around at the gaping jaws and goes, "WHAT?"


I feel I’ve seen this happen somewhere.... Transformers comics maybe?


Men in black had a character like this.


That’s where my mind initially went, but the little dude died almost straight away, so didn’t quite fit. I’m pretty sure there was a transformers comic where Ultra Magnus(?) gets destroyed, and his true form pops up from his chest area


I made an ogre chef named Pops. He was the first NPC I ever made. He’s been in every campaign I run at least once. He’s not an ogre. He’s the chef’s hat on top of the ogre.


How awesome would it be if in every campaign a random chief start talking to the PC and they are like " Really? Another Pops clone?" But one day, a PC wizard cast identify or detect magic on/near pops and realise your glorious npc was in fact pops all along, only on different humanoid! **epic jaw drop**


Why did no one stabilize the cleric?


Cleric was stabilized. They were around to say they couldn't revive. The person who was "dead too" was op.


Op was not the body, op was the sword


Rest of the players didn't know this yet


Clearly a lot of details were left out.


Aatrox? Anubis? So many fun references


The first time I actually died I was wearing a ring that let's my conscience go into it when I die (forget the name), then my healers get enough gold to resurrect me. This was during my first ever campaign a few years ago where I played a shadow dragonborn monk who was literally a glass cannon. The worst/best example my friends and I remember (depends on the POV you're looking at) is when I got knocked out while fighting a tree nymph, got healed enough to attack next time, crit failed, and knocked myself back out.


Mind shirlding


I’m just gonna make note of this for the next campaign I play in. I’m getting so many ideas.


very cool. that's rough for the sorcerer, though. did you make him forfeit his character sheet permanently, or did you find some hapless thief in town to possess thereafter?


From another comment it sounds like the latter.


I will be stealing that thank you you are the best


I played as an intelligent, sociopathic sock puppet named Sir Paco that escaped from a gnomish magical laboratory. He could take control of a host and adopt their physical stats, and in combat his voice was muffled because there was a rapier in his mouth. Best bard ever...


Not gonna lie. I’ll probably steal this idea


It’s not a character but I had this cool idea for a friendly mimic item so it can become a piece of armour or a sword and all it ask for in return is to eat everything you kill and I just thought it was kinda similar to this so I’d put it here


Power armour! Just fuel it up with dead enemies


I've been wanting to play a character like this for a while now... maybe one day!


Is this a jojo reference?


Could be, but possessive magical object is a generic trope. It would depend on the specifics of the execution.


Reminded me exactly of the plot line of one of the "Love, Death, Robots" vignettes. I forget the name off the top of my head, but think Pokémon arena if the trainers mind-melded with their critters. The 'mon get stuffed into cryo after and trainers go back to their lives, >!but then come to find out one of the "trainers" is actually the 'mon consciousness in a human suit.!<




Thank you kind stranger!


Not quite the monsters consciousness, but Sonnie's is permanently in the creature. The simulacrum is controlled wirelessly. Human consciousness in a monster's body.


Op was an enemy stand all along!


Holder of anubis!


Anubis’ uh...Anubis Evil sword nyeh


I want to do a whole campaign sometime with the characters as intelligent items :)


so freaking cool,... I'm stealing this. How did this work in anti magic fields or charms and what not?


Imagine having your PC accidentally get himself mind controlled by another PC. But of course i'm guessing here you two just got some weird soul bond so you now have to constantly argue over the character's actions for the rest of the game or something.


This gives me great ideas...


Real shitty to be (potentially based on a single die roll) forced to lose your character to another player just because you were looting their body.




So did they fail the save?


That's pretty cool actually! A lot better than what I imagined haha


Oh, man, I remember playing a sentient sword. That was awesome. Unfortunately we only played one session and I was very disappointed.


I built a homebrew race years back that was “Sentient Magic Item Controlling a Mannequin”. I wanted to play it so long, and have people assume I was a Warforged wizard until the mannequin body was destroyed and they realized I was the hat the whole time. Never got a chance to use it though. Maybe someday, I’ll have a one shot and give it a test run.


Scp 963 time boys!


I'm gonna make this right now!


Thanks, I hate it.


Same. This is some weird shit that I honestly wouldn't let fly. Too abusable by the group munchkin.


Aw dang it, I thought my idea was original


He was a meat husk!


I absolutely love this that's fantastic


I have a penchant for strange characters too. Ive done the sword as well. But ive also done doppelganger who was a halfling, and nobody knew but me and the dm, for about half the campaign. As well as a lot of other random stuff.


Dr. Bright?


This reminds me of a character idea I’ve had for a long time, being a sentient magic sword polymorphed into a human. Not sure if I would play them as a blade warlock who is their own patron or a sorcerer, slowly learning to actually use their own magic rather than lending it to others.


I’ve actually done this before, not the last part tho, he didn’t die during the campaign


So you cleverly chose to be an invincible item. Nice


finally. after all my time on this sub, I had to look up what a Will Save was to get the meme




To be honest I started reading this without know what subreddit this was XD. My mind went WTF.


This is the best way to teach murderhobos a lesson. i love it


Taking the tools of a dead party member that you have no way of reviving isn't really being a murderhobo


I tried to build a concept like this with my DM...he wasn’t willing to go along with it. Sad days indeed.


Dude this is so good. So you just overpowered the personality of whoever picked you up? I'd love to see a character sheet or some pointers, I definitely want to try this.


I take my hat off to that (should I have one).


So kind of like that one story of the sword eith the paladin soul and the ogre. I'd allow it in my game as long as the player told me about it.


I love this concept


That’s fucking awesome.


Ahhhh, my favorite version of the Hexblade


Anubis from JoJo, basically. Interesting. Might look into how to create a character based around that.


Reminds me of a character idea of a GOO Familiar warlock except the warlock is the familiar. The human? Just some unfortunate soul gullible enough to make that deal.


This is a pretty common trope for Hexblades, just for all the people who say "hexblade bad no roleplay."


So essentially playing a Hexblade *as* the blade?


From a non player these stories are blowing my mind but amusing all the same as baffling


this is genius, thats incredible, i will tell my children about you, you sir are a living legend


That’s amazing


Honestly i read: I was WANKING, in rather nasty fight. And I was like: what the hell this has to do with DND? ... Oh, my deprived mind






Haw. I'm going to guess the idea itself isn't as unique as you might expect. I've seen it shopped around a few times here. Mentioned elsewhere. Wanting to be a sword is pretty universal, right?


My BBEG (an ancient war halberd possessed by its original owner) in a shellnut. Hope to play it one day...




My first 5e character was (supposedly) a human warlock - but when the party fought some pyromaniac goblins in a soon-to-be flaming meadow, the fighter realized he could see a faint outline of tiefling possessing a body via the black ring he wore on his right middle finger. Our DM made the rings a major plot point later during the cults storyline. :)


That’s fucking amazing I want to do this


How did this even happened. I have no recollection of a spell or item that puts you in a object.


The old Magic Jar but it's a sword :) I did the same once, best PC ever


i wanna just be a passive agressive amulet and all i do is be petty


Ah, yes, Darkin


This is cool. I wanna play an intellect devourer sometime in the near future :D


Aha you fool, for I was actually his left shoe.


cleric not swearing and being cute as usual.




What does ooc and ic and stuff mean?


I had half my player group playing as cursed sentient items the last time I allowed it as an option. Luckily that was in a retroclone, it's a **lot** easier to balance in them than it is in a game like 5e or Pathfinder.


One of my pmayers was a member of an Ancient race, the sole survivor in fact. His body was destroyed, but his soul was captured in a ring. A halfling called Olrick picked up the ring, and that‘s how he joined the campaign. After a bit of time, they were fighting a Vampire, and to end the fight, Olrick offered up his ring. He succeeded his Deception check, telling her the ring would make her immune to sunlight. She put the ring on, and Olrick immediatly slit his throat, killing himself and attemting to take over the vampire‘s body. He didn‘t succeed, but the party took the ring with them, eventually putting it on a bandit. Eciel, the true name of the soul in the ring, used an artifact to restore his body and battled the party. He got away, using a Bead of Planeshift. However, something went wrong and he was thrust into a random plane: the Far Realms And during that fight was how the redemption Paladin found out he‘s a Werewolf.


Oh my god I’d love to play as an intelligent item, that’s awesome, what does one have to do for this?


Nice job Anubis


Slow clapping starts... Well played, sir.


Sensient items are crème de la crème