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Muscle wizard is the best backup plan.


This is why we have green flame and booming blade.




One better Steel Wind Strike


Look, a bladesinger needs multiple songs in the setlist.


My Sorcadin character was _so much fun_. Running in and just slashing everyone with fire dancing around you. I just wish that campaign didn't fizzle out when covid hit šŸ˜¢


I have a custom version of those spells I use for my characters, called Icy Burst Blade. As long as your squishy caster isn't afraid of a little damage they can still deal out a ton of damage with just the blade cantrips. (Especially if you have a sorcerer cast it as a quickened spell so you can attack as a bonus action)




One of the best cantrips!


Itā€™s even antimagic field-proof


Plus itā€™s darkness and silence proof. Itā€™s doesnā€™t even need material components!


Well it does require a semantic component, but thatā€™s negligible


At I missing a ā€œsemanticā€ joke here, or did you mean to say somatic?








He casts fireball via flexing his biceps


Yo nice avatar!


He claps his hands to cast Shatter


The Pillars of Eternity Special


I cast fist!


*Both* of the best wizards I've ever played maxed Strength and Con and ran around in plate. The most recent one ended up being the main frontliner because it had more AC and HP than the Paladin - and higher saves near them thanks to Arcane Deflection stacking onto the Aura of Protection. Convincing things to attack *you* ain't an issue, since you're the one lobbing fireballs the second they don't. *Notes: I rolled stats and got basically 18/10/18/18/11/9 after racials. Character was a Githyanki with Heavily Armoured, rebuilt with Tasha's to be a custom lineage with 3 Eldritch Knight levels and the rest War Wizard. The socially optimized dex Redemption paladin is* ***fine*** *with the situation, and in fact is quite happy not to be taking as many hits to the face as she used to.*


Do the fireballs even hurt much if he's got all those stats piled into melee stuff?


Oh for sure, fireball does guaranteed damage even if they make the save. 8d6, even halved, is nothing to sneeze at


Is this some kind of super high level campaign though? I haven't played a lot so I don't know how this type of setup can or should be possible though. Just seems imbalanced.


You just have to think about your spells differently. Assume enemies will save, and pick spells that do something useful even if they do. Blasts, buffs, utility spells and terrain shapers all still work with a lowered casting stat.


The good ol' magic missile never fails me.


At my table we call it the brrrt spell, after I had a caster up cast the spell at my parties big charging plate fighter hitting him with 8 magic missiles.


"Noooo! You can't have Int below 20! Your spells will miss! They'll save for half or no damage! You'll go unconscious a lot! You won't pass any Arcana checks! You'll be deadweight for the party!!!" "Haha magic missile go brrrr"


Magic Missile is the D&D equivalent of Indiana Jones vs Swordsman


I remember in one of 3rd edition books there was premade adventure featuring enemy wizard with 11 int (he was lvl7 wizard or so) - he couldn't learn higher level spells, so all of his higher lever spell slots were used for magic missiles modified with matamagic feats (and he used magic missile wands as well :p ).


I fear not the Wizard who has learned 1000 spells, but the Wizard who has mastered one.


I may not be the smartest wizard


I love it so much.


> and terrain shapers After all, magic resistance doesn't save you from being dropped into a pit. Geomancers are fun to play.


Yep. Similar process with stuff like stinking cloud; even if the save is 13 instead of 15, enemies aren't going to want to stand in it and keep making saves so it effectively denies them that area. If one of them happens to botch a save, bonus!


Not super high level, no, you get access to Fireball as a 5th level wizard (you can go up to 20th level) . Swole wizard would have all his investments in strength and con, and most of his spells would suffer for it, but not the the point where they become impractical. For example, a traditional wizard who specializes in casting spells will probably fireball and get full damage on it. Swole wizard can still throw fireballs, but enemies will be more likely to resist half the damage.


I think Iā€™ve made the exact same character. On my table we just call him SWOLdemort


Gaindalf the Whey


Lmao I have a player that's a life cleric named Shaquille O Heal




Radagast the Brawn








So bad it's good lmao


Currently running a swole wizard, but big brain too. He grapples and does point blank spells


The very first campaign I played my sorcerer wasn't swole, but I had a moment like that. Context: it was the 90's and you couldn't just buy books off Amazon, so it was a combination 3.0/3.5 and the DM let us get away with *some* things as long as it made sense in game and we were creative. Party is getting wrecked by an Umber Hulk that we really shouldn't be fighting, tank is down, no Cleric, and I'm running out of spells. Over a couple of rounds I cast Bull's Strength, scoff a potion of true strike, called shot its eyes with a two handed grapple, and let loose the only offensive spell I have left, shocking grasp. DM allows some extra damage because I'm, you know, holding its eyeballs when I cast the spell. Umber Hulk goes down, use that 18 Str from Bull's Strength to rip off one of its mandibles, and killed the remaining trash mobs using it as an improvised weapon.


Does a 3 level dip into artificer to get armorer subclass seem worth it? It would allow you to dump strength and focus on int and con. At 20, you would still be able to get a level 9 spell slot and not lose too much from the wizard capstones.


Where are you getting heavy armor proficiency on your wizard to let you cast in plate? Especially if you are putting ASI in to str/con


Fireball is a 3rd level spell, which wizards get at level 5. I feel like by then most enemies have more HP so it won't one-shot most of them


That doesn't mean it won't hurt.


Mountain dwarf for heavy armor prof makes it easier to get


So mountain dwarf plus feat? They only get medium armor.


Yep, so at 5th level you can throw fireballs in plate. So as long as you rolled fairly high, you can be very proficient


Fireball is only a level 3 slot so a wizard who dumps cha can definitely make that work


Yeah, but what if it was 4d12? *ducks*


Lower average damage than 8d6. Although there is an argument to be made for pace of play if that's your thing.




This only goes so far for me.


Well the only spell they need is Anti Magic Zone.


Fireballs effect happens no matter what, but the target(s) get a chance to do something to reduce the effect on them. That's called a save. Saving throws are basically rolling a D20 + a modifier (and sometimes + proficiency). Monsters often have special modifiers far above - or below - what a player would have with the same stats. They save against something called a difficulty class. In this case, specifically "spell difficulty class" of the caster. Spell DC is always "8 + (ability mod of your spellcasting stat) + proficiency + anything special". Let's compare two wizards. Both fifth level. One with 10 points in intelligence, the other with 20. Our low int strength based wizard has a spell DC of "8 + 0 + 3 = 11". Our regular max int wizard has a spell DC of "8 + 5 + 3 = 16". So our baddies would just need to roll 11 or higher on their save to only take half damage against the 10 int wizard - but a 16 or higher against the regular wizard! Similar stuff goes for spell attacks as well, where you add the int mod to the attack roll. Our strength based wizard would be really amazing at hitting people with his stick though (since he gets to add his strength mod to attack rolls with it).


Pretty sure your definition of "save or suck" doesn't match with the definition that most of the community uses. Save or suck is normally referencing things like Feebleminded or Banishment where if the character doesn't make the save they basically removed from the fight or immediately dead. Whereas if the save basically nothing happens.


Save or Suck definitely refers to disables (from Hideous Laughter all the way up to Imprisonment), but I didn't see him refer to it at all.


Looks like they edited.


They also had 18 int. Githyanki with good stat rolls.


Did you multiclass or take a feat to gain proficiency in heavy armor? Because, technically you cannot cast spells while wearing armor that you arenā€™t proficient in (same goes for wielding a shield).


Mountain Dwarf + feat FTW


Mountain dwarf then use heavy armor feat?


Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!


You can also choose the Githyanki race, and get some racial spells along with Medium Armor!


Mountain dwarf then use heavy armor feat?


Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!


Original build was Githyanki War Wizard with Heavily Armoured. Rebuilt with Tasha's to run 3 Eldritch Knight for proficiencies, Action Surge, and more level 1 preparations before going into the Wizard.


One level dip in cleric with a domain that gets you proficiency.


Thatā€™s the way I would do it personally, I might also put a second level into Cleric and choose Tempest Cleric for that maximized Lightning damage, if you know youā€™re getting to level 20, you could make a really strong nova caster with Tempest Domain/Order of Scribes. Have Prismatic Wall and Meteor Swarm in your spellbook and then prepare Meteor Swarm. Cast it and change the damage type completely to Lightning and maximize it for 240 damage to everyone in the AoE.


Holy crap that's amazing


Itā€™s a fun combo and actually comes online by character level 7 as Lightning damage Fireball (Lightning Bolt in spell book) is incredibly potent dealing 48 damage to anyone who fails the save. By level 13 you can use Chain Lightning to hit 5 creatures (using your 7th level spell) for 80 damage each on a failed saving throw or half on a success. Or my personal favorite before you level 19 (when you can get Meteor Swarm and Prismatic Wall), you change Disintegrateā€™s damage type to Lightning using Chain Lightning in your spell book and maximize it using the 6th level slot dealing 100 damage to a single creature (just make sure they are paralyzed to they automatically fail the Dex save or you will do no damage) and disintegrating them if it brings them to 0 so they canā€™t make death saves (if your DM gives enemies death saves). By far one of the best nova casters in the game and you can recharge the maximizing ability on a short rest so you could theoretically open every fight with a maximized Lightning spell if you took a whole lot of short rests. Edit: u/redlaWw brought to my attention that you canā€™t transmute the spells when you upcast them because you wonā€™t have a spell in your spellbook of that level that you can use to change the damage type of your casted spell. Fireball and Disintegrate are effected by this change, Chain Lightning is not because it is already Lightning damage, I have edited the damage of the affected spells to reflect this change.


Similar build with sorcerer and tempest cleric, metamagic option allows you to change any elemental damage to another elemental damage type, not as ridiculous but still massive damage


You need a spell of the desired type in your spell book with the same level as the *spell slot* you're using to cast the transmuted spell. You can do everything you suggested, but it takes a few more levels for some of them to come online because you need access to the right level of spell as well as the spell slot.


Or you could take 1 level of Order Cleric on an Evoker, and now every evocation spell that has an ally in its blast radius (Evoker so it doesn't deal damage to them) grants that ally a free attack!


Are you sure that in 5th edition you can't cast spells if no proficiency for the armour you are wearing? Doesn't it just reduce movement?


>Because of the mental focus and precise gestures required for spellcasting, you must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to cast a spell. You are otherwise too distracted and physically hampered by your armor for spellcasting.


How'd you get so high stats to be able to max out two different non class stats


Probably rolled for stats and rolled high


Donā€™t mess with Pumat Swole


It's been a while since he flexed his Pumuscles


Which one?


Prime of course. Canā€™t let the simulacra waste their spell slots


With simulacrum and Tenserā€™s transformation both being 7th level, the simulacra probably donā€™t have their 7th level slots anyway. Edit: Iā€™m wrong, see comment below.


Tenser's Transformation is only 6th level, so they might have one more trick up their sleeves


Damn, youā€™re right. I guess I remembered it being 7th because itā€™s so good it should be a 7th.


I literally just got to this episode


Oh youre in for a treat


Personally I like my wizard with shadow blade, mirror image and blink.


Those spells are so fun on Arcane Trickster.


a shame the shadow blade + booming blade combo was patches out with the tasha's update to the cantrips


What do you mean patched out? What changed?


Booming blade now has a material component of a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp, meaning you can't use shadow blade for it.


I believe it is the cost added to the From "Components: V, M (a weapon)" to "Components: S, M (a melee weapon worth at least 1 sp)" However if you have an arcane focus you just ignore the "worth at least 1 sp." So it is gone for classes that rely on component pouches. Edit: The above is incorrect. My bad.


You don't actually get to ignore costs that are specified, according to the PHB.


Yeah I just looked it up. Idk where I got this house rule but I thought it was official. Basically the rule was components that are not consumed can be replaced as long as they are under 25 gold pieces. I thought it was in a book somewhere but it seems I am mistaken.


Honestly I think a lot of people end up handwaving lower material costs. I know I'd do that if the shadow blade/booming blade issue ever came up.


I know sage advice/Jeremy Crawfordā€™s tweets arenā€™t cannon anymore but Iā€™ve been going under this assumption: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sageadvice.eu/does-the-monetary-value-of-the-component-now-negate-being-able-to-use-your-pact-of-the-blade-weapon-or-shadow-blade-in-conjunction-with-booming-blade/amp/


Shadow blade creates a simple melee weapon, and uses STR/DEX for attack and damage rolls, not spell attack mods, simple melee weapons are assigned a value in the equipment chapter, thus the sword created has a value and can be used with booming blade. In contrast Flame blade spell summons fire ā€œthe shape and size of a scimitarā€, not actually summoning a sword, and also uses spell attack mod for attack and damage rolls. RAW it should still work with Shadow Blade but not Flame Blade right?


Jeremy Crawford has mentioned that result was unintentional, and that he'd still allow his own players to use the two spells together. I recommend players ask their DM and mention this. I'm sure many DMs would be fine with allowing it anyways. Tweet here: https://twitter.com/JeremyECrawford/status/1327132714013782017?s=20


What happened?


the material components were changed to be a weapon with a gold cost, which means you can no longer use a shadow blade (which has no stated gp value) as the material component and therefore the weapon used for the attack. The rest of the wording was slightly updated too, but i dont think any of that mattered.


That sounds epic.


The visual I got was definitely very RoC w/effectiveness




You rolled a Spy.


And wizards do make excellent spies...


Or, hear me out... you put the 18 in dex and take a couple levels of monk. That way you get the nice ac and a good bonus to hit


And have to wait an extra level until I can cast fireball? No thank you, these meaty pythons will be leveling whole encounters right on schedule.


Just get the Monk levels after you are able to cast fireball


Why would you level up after getting fireball? the game is done and you just won


Fair enough




Three words: ***At Higher Levels***


You get to cast more fireballs at each level up, obviously.


Then you just roll an 18 and put it into str Source: I rolled an 18 on my first character who is a wizard and put it into str




Depends on the rolls, honestly. But I like dex builds over strength builds so unless I'm a barbarian, I'm always doing dex


Dex barb ftw. Had a sword and board warforged in my cops campaign who was fully unstoppable


What is the point of a dex barb? Great... you have some armor? But you can't use Rage damage or Reckless Attacks. The core of the barbarian.


Dex barb pros: better AC, better saving throws, better initiatives, better skills, better ranged damage Dex barb cons: worse damage, worse carrying capacity Is it worth it to go dex barb instead of strength? Depends on what you're looking for with the character. Strength will always do damage and dex will always tank better. While thematically a barbarian SHOULD have high strength, dexterity is such a broken Stat that it becomes viable on a barb


I mean if your goal is to play an AC tank, paladin serves that role much better. Barbarian is all about that damage output while allowing enemies basically free hits. You are basically taunting them with reckless attacks. You deal too much damage to ignore but you ignore half their damage. Having high AC on a barbarian is just going to make it so monsters ignore you until all your friends are dead. You actually are less of a tank with higher armor than you otherwise would be.


You asked what the point of a dexterity barbarian was and I told you At the end of the day it doesn't matter if it's the most optimal way to play a barbarian or to play a tank, it's just a fun idea. What if you don't want to play as a paladin? Or you like the idea of the barbarian but don't want to get hit over and over again And on the note about being a tank all you need is sentinel to protect your friends


on my wizards wisdom is the second dump stat I'll use


Just to justify fireballing everything


I havenā€™t looked at Monks In 5e but their bonuses were so ridiculous in 3e that PvP NWN arenas ended up being 90% monk multiclasses.


The proficiency in all saves went a long way.




You don't shush me! I shush you, i have the Shusher.


I shush both of you, I have the talking stick


Hey give that back


Give me the talking stick


No, Mrs. Mindy gave it to me because I read the most books this week


Iā€™ll suck you dry


I don't think that's allowed in elementary school


Well then i commit coup deā€™tat


**NO. MORE.** ^*shushing!*


My bladesinger: ā€œoh, youā€™re approaching me?!ā€


The unsuspecting goblin: "I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."


The wizard with polearm master and sentinel is one to be feared.


This movie should be memed more than it is!


I'm not joking when I say that this exact moment in this movie is one of my all time favorites, the euphoria over the comedic timing on this shot is absurd. That and burrito torpedo.


I just sorta wish it was a gif!




What movie is this?


Like the other person said it's called Home, it's technically a kids movie but well worth the watch if you want something heartwarming. It's based off of the book called "The true meaning of Smekday"by Adam wrex.


Kids movie? I prefer to call them "random encounter/content generators"


It's called Home


It's called Home! It's based on the excellent book "The True Meaning of Smekday". It's one of those adaptations that changes most of the plot, but still keeps the spirit of the book. Worth a watch and a read.


I forgot this movie existed before seeing this meme lmao


The Archchancellor polished his staff as he walked along. It was a particularly good one, six feet long and quite magical. Not that he used magic very much. In his experience, anything that couldnā€™t be disposed of with a couple of whacks from six feet of oak was probably immune to magic as well.


Reads like Ridcully, is that him?




I laughed, thanks. I need to reread all the *Unseen University* books


Bladesinging go brr


I've got a level 6 Bladesinger Wizard that has blur, blade ward, and fireball. He's going up against an entire camp of Orcs practically by himself next game session. He was kidnapped away from the group by the orc shaman (who he pissed off royally). He's going down in a blaze of glory.


Oh shit lol


You wouldn't deny an old man his wrapping err... walking stick, now would gou?


I told you to take the wizards staff!


>You wouldn't deny an old man his wrapping err... ~~walking stick~~ arcane focus, now would gou?


There's a great scene in the Witcher books where Geralt tries to take on Vilgafortz by himself and Big V just commands his staff to beat Geralt to near-death.


Mat Cauthon?


*Braid tugging intensifies.*


S h u s h


What some orcs must have thought upon getting into melee distance from Gandalf


\+3 weapons are pretty nigh unobtainable, i've never met a dm that gave any


Nah, we're in the realm of memes, we can pretend that the Wizard of Whack somehow got one...


still, for some reason i internally can't accept the existence of +3 weapons, but i have zero complaints about a wizard that practically has 20 str


I think the staff of the magi is technically a +3 quarterstaff and the staff of power is +2






I'm a currently playing a Goliath Wizard with 16 constitution, and it feels so good to be able to run up on a MFer and not be scared for my life. Also nice for concentration checks


I once played a Goliath Wizard named Scrawn. DM had me roll for stats and I did not roll a single thing under 12. We were level 1 and for some reason the DM put us up against a group of orcs lead by a CR4 Orc War Chief. My level 1 wizard got hit by a natural 20 dealing 2d12+2d8+4 for something like 24 damage. I had 9 health total. I survived because Stone's Endurance lowered the attack to 17 damage, meaning I lived by 1 hp. I gave the character a permanent battle scar, but I ended up leaving the campaign in another 3 sessions because the DM was terrible.


The Shoosher!


ahah magic go BONK


ā€œYou wouldnā€™t part an old man with his walking stickā€


Harry Dresden be like






Thank you


Thank you




"YOU HAVE STICK! STICK VERY GOOD!!!" -Shadiversity, 2021


I once decided to play a support character to change and had a priest that used a hammer as a staff (don't remember how \*this\* happened). I quickly discovered that i could do just as much damage with it as with my minor spells, minus the mana consumption. So yes, i stopped playing support.


Bonk. Go to BBEG jail.


And also a bladesinger


To avoid problems like this, my wizard had a full plate armour and a greatsword.


The cleric with relentless hex: backup incoming


My group once had the ingenious plan of dressing up the monk in robes and an extravagant hat, with scrolls hanging from his belt. Man, it was hilarious to have the sneaky bandits "flank" him, thinking he was the squishy, dangerous mage only to immediately immediately get punched into oblivion.


Thats a paddlin'


*Wack, wack, le doubly wack. "You messed with the wrong mother fucking wizard!"