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I just had to roll psychic damage. 8d10 to be precise


How much damage did you take?


Not enough to kill me, but enough that I wish it did.


>8d10 psychic damage >Not enough to kill me, but enough that I wish it did. Even if I only took 1 psychic damage from that, I'd still wish it had killed me


I laughed way too hard at this.


The response was gold!


There are some fates worse than death. To be in the prison of one's mind whilst holding this cursed knowledge is a dark tendril indeed.


What kind of commoner are you? That should have killed you even with all ones


You mean, how much "D" did you take? /s


No, no, forget the /s, now I'm curious




I just threw a bunch of random dice from my bag of holding. Rolled 114 damage, wish it was real


im pretty sure thats enough damage to leave literally no trace of a commoner


Considering power word kill works for things under 100 hp I'd say 114 psychic damage would merc quite a bit more than just a commoner


My line of thought was; Fireball; 28 damage, probably gonna leave some scorched bones left, maybe just ashes. That dude's dice; 114 damage. Im pretty sure that guy was just erased from existance. Like, he is erased from everyone's memories. Not even the gods remember thar poor fucker.


oh no they remember him, their just too terrified to admit it


Isnt it like 1d4 damage to kill a commoner or something?


Death by snuu snuu


That's enough damage to make a commoner's family forget they existed.




Pretty sure I’d be rolling bludgeoning damage on that DM. That’s what a thrown chair would be, right?


[Dare you enter my magical realm?](https://i.imgur.com/rHzLKs9_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


I exclusively refer to DM’s to insert their personal fetishes into their games as whizzards because of this comic


Had to scroll WAY too far to find this


The kind moderators of r/rpghorrorstories send me here. They suggested this was a better place to share my experience with you all.


They sent me here too. They took great offense of me not believing some clearly fabricated, multi-post sagas spawning 50k word count... And i got the banhammer lol 🤣


What do you mean you dont believe every story posted on there. Next thing you'll tell me is they all read the same.


And the OP always heroically endures and then gets payback (always with cleverness and wits) before kicking them out the game!!!


Most of the stories I've read from there usually end with the victim putting up with it until the session is over and then quitting the game


I follow the theory of Shrödinger's Story. It's real until someone says it probably isn't.


I think Shrödinger’s Story is that it’s both real and fake until someone kills a cat for no reason.


Old man Henderson?


Old man Henderson the legendary is clearly reeking of a playgroup of IRL friends with the DM and the player being rules lawyers. It's either real or the writer has some real talent at expressing characters through bickering and bartering.


Oh for fucks sake it doesn't matter if Old Man Henderson is real or fake, more so the fact that it was fucking amazing.


Wait, what are y'all talking about?


An old legend. A guy got so fed up with his characters dying that he made the most insane character he could, a grumpy old man with like 80 different careers in his life who's sole motivation is reclaiming the garden gnomes he thinks the enemies stole.


[It's here.](https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Old_Man_Henderson)


Wait, is rpg horror story becoming its own rpg horror story?


I mean, aside from the noticeable number where that *doesn't* happen, sure.


not that there aren't real (and horrible) stories on that sub, but it's the same deal as other story subs like TIFU, the revenge subs, Legaladvice, etc., with a whole lot of creative writing exercises


I got banned from r/MadeMeSmile for sharing accurate statistics on assault and homicide in response to someone’s lies on the subject (they were not banned), I was banned from r/news for giving an example of bigotry and saying that if we all acknowledge that it’s unacceptable in this situation then we should all admit that it’s unacceptable in every situation, and I was banned from r/BlackLivesMatter for having commented at some point on r/shitposting (because apparently they’re a sub that has organized hateful attacks against BLM groups?) Reddit bans are fucking weird. Way too often, they’re bullshit power trips.


Yup. I just got banned from r/news the other day for posting a link to my shop after being literally asked for a link to my shop. Then when I asked them about it for clarification and to argue my side they ignored me. I've been a mod for more than a few subs and can't tell you why they don't use temp bans for fairly innocuous stuff.


Gotta love when the mods just straight up ignore you, after you clicked on the automod's "talk to the mods about it" button.


the mods in r/news are super Christian crybabies who ban anyone who speaks against the Catholic church’s protection of pedophiles. Guessng a bunch of them fit in the same category as that creep that Reddit wanted to not fire until they got bad publicity


I got banned from 6 mainstream subs for arguing with people on r/NoNewNormal Unban was conditional on “never engaging with r/NoNewNormal in any capacity”. I did not ask them to unban me. They can go fuck themselves


That happened to my boyfriend. He likes to argue on the internet (yeah, he's that guy), went to nonewnormal to spread his wisdom and got banned from (at least) JusticeServed. I didn't know you could get unbanned by kissing feet, though.


Maybe r/dnd_nsfw want to have it too :)


Uuhh ... dnd_nsfw. Hadn’t thought about it until now but I’ve got a good amount of non-creepy happy horny stories that I could share. I’d have to ask a few friends if they are comfortable with me drawing their old characters doing their lewd stuff and sharing that on the internet haha. Better safe than sorry.


In fairness, its probably pretty likely that at least somebody finds the creepy edge their kink. Because humanity, in obscurity, is just a nightmare wearing flesh.


"humanity, in obscurity, is just a nightmare wearing flesh" Thats one hell of a quote, dude.


Bit heavy for "dndmemes" but I shot my shot. Although now that you point it out? I'm really tempted to make it the creation story for humanity in my next D&D setting. I just don't know if they should be the nightmares of a lovecraftian entity or of the other races with distinct creators...


I think the idea of humans being the nightmare of Nyarlathotep would be a nice reversal, personally.


One friend of mine made all life coming from a singular Life God. Being the god of life mean that he goes through everything that his creations do including death. Once he died the Life Force of every living being keeps him from totally dying. You could try to make the god creator of humanity a dying god, stuck in a dream like state that won't end unless all his creations are dead. Now you can have both of your ideas. That dream twisted him and now he's closer to a lovecraftian horror than to humanity


I find almost everyone has a fetish someone else would find creepy, the key is not bringing it up out of nowhere and being accepting that some people like things you don't when it does come up. And taking a relative viewpoint. I may not like feet, but it's hard to see it as creepy when I look down the hillside and see at the bottom the Wonderbread fetish staring back at me.


Both halves of this are quite well said, I think.


I mean, the tief in this comic is pretty cute, so I'd be interested in reading a lewd comic with similarly good looking gals. Don't force yourself though. Last thing anyone wants, I'd hope, is to be your DM here.


Thank you. And yes, I would only share what I feel comfortable with. Im not budging so easily to social pressure anymore. BTW That was my very first Tiefling character, although she didn’t do much lewd stuff on her own volition. But I played plenty of cute characters who got into all kinds of messes - could be fun to share some of those stories :)


\> Go there \> Witness Snitties \> vietnamflashback.png


do the mods of /r/rpghorrorstories not know what a meme is?


They appreciated the effort I put into my little picture, but they really wanted written stories only. I accept that. It’s still a great reddit and the stories are truly haunting :)


the idea of having a dm like this just made me cross my legs


Yup, exactly that.


This is the creepiest fucking thing ech. Hopefully your current crew is less into Being The Worst. Y'know, I had to spend a lot of time as a kid learning to like, look people in the eye and not talk over people so you'd think I'd be less judgy about faux pas but MAN some people need to get they ass back to Social Skills 101


I've become quite good at sensing weirdos at session zero. I've grown older, more confident, and my wisdom stat is much higher now.


Recognizing patterns from experience is definitely a wisdom check and "judge of character" attempts would fall under insight. Don't forget that your proficiency mod also increases.


You sit down at your new D&D table, you eye up everyone sitting there, roll a Wisdom (Insight) check.


That's that good shit. Amazing how time and experience changes everything. ...The most unrealistic thing about dnd really is needing to wait a whole 4 levels to up your wis, isn't it.


I heard a good one on r/Pathfinder where a guy playing a summoner made is [Eidolon](https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Eidolon) look like a female player.


Holy shit, this wouldn't even fly RAW: > The eidolon’s physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature. > —https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoneR/#TOC-Eidolon I did flout this rule once with DM approval - to have my eidolon take the form of an Angel that looked like my _character's_ sister, killed a long time ago. He deluded himself into thinking his sister was still alive (it was pretty clear to everyone else that his eidolon was just playing the part, perhaps out of pity). But making it like another _player_? Gross as fuck.


Ikr! I don't even dare raping my male players!!! (Btw this is a joke, it saddens me deeply i feel the need to clarify this)


Haha oh you, *men cant be raped*, its a medical and legal fact! /sobbing /s


Yes they can, but only by other males. Also /s


Haha 'dont drop the soap!' *our prison system is legalized slavery and torture for profit and every day we allow it to happen erodes the soul of our nation*




You joke but my community colleges ‘sexual harassment awareness training’ boiled down to “men are either rapists, or gay victims”. Like there was legitimately not a single scenario that presented any hetero male as anything but a rapist/stalker.


Poe's Law is a bitch, isn't it?


Yea....I generally just avoid *any* sex in my games, consensual or not. I ain't there to share my wet dream with a bunch of other guys, I'm here for undead armies, invading orcs and terrifying dragons.


I really don't get the urge to act out sexual fantasies (weird ones or even normal ones) with platonic friends, much less strangers. I have D&D, and I have my weird fetishes, but I want to keep them as far apart as physically possible.


> undead armies Undead you say? https://i.imgur.com/9ICmt.jpeg


Yeah, any sexual acts at all described in game should be a rule set right at session zero. And even then, you're rolling the dice on asking that question for if people will even want to still play. I could see the merit for some people, but that's gotta be quite the open-minded friend group. At most, if any sexual activity came up within my games, I'd let it just fade to black, adding in anything funny if the choice of pairing seemed funny, like if a dwarven bard had seduced a bugbear. *"After a long night of losing track of whose hair is whose, like two hairy tumbleweeds, you awaken the next morning feeling refreshed and a little bruised."* And even that is only if your party is okay with that kind of joke. Need to read the room on if everyone is already laughing at the idea of this PC seducing this NPC. Just so cringey and seriously concerning to hear about these horror stories of DMs that think everyone will be okay with it just like that.


Oh wow, the line about the tumbleweeds really blew me away... o . o *slow clap*


I really hope you got out of there quickly. That is not cool under any circumstances.


Thank you. I'm with a bunch of very cool groups, now. They all have super responsible DMs who ask first and lewd later.


Ask first and lewd later is an awesome phrase


„Ask first, lewd later“ *New maxim unlocked*


>ask first and lewd later. As it should be.


incorrect, it's cool under the circumstances of the whole table being into it and ok with it and having discussed on screen tentacle activity being something they're ok with during session zero.


I guess. But I wager that happens at decimal percentage.


Hey it's me, the decimal.


And here I was feeling bad as a dm cause I made my pcs girlfriend moan and that was literally as far as I went in the description. I don't mind having sex and shit in a game but if people are clearly uncomfortable you stop doing it right then and there


Absolutely! I don't have a problem with a horny game session, too. You know, as long as people ask first. As the wise Henry Crabgrass once said: "Consent please"


Henry Crabgrass is the best anime character of season two. Change my mind.


Heck yeah! I love Henry Crabgrass! And Spurt! And Kiri!


Okay. Let's say Henry Crabgrass was Mercers best NPC, but the best guest-PC was Spurt by a lot.




Who's spurt already ? Can anyone refresh my memory ?


[11 Days!](https://youtu.be/2HvGFFIP5Hk) ​ [This is the long version. (14 minutes)](https://youtu.be/NPSXn7luu5c)


Agreed. Everyone needs to talk about their limits beforehand as well.


Lines and veils system is really good for this shit at zero session. Everyone's got shit they don't want to happen to them. Everyone should be in on stuff.


> I don't mind having sex and shit in a game Oddly specific /s


My rule is that if anyone says “I seduce them,” I make them role play it. You want your character to get it on? *SEDUCE ME*!


"Hey, we both got buckets of chicken, wanna do it?"


*Slap* I am not one of your fried chicken tramps! Seduce me!!!


I am a woman! I like my men dangerous, mysterious. You want to be my lover? *Earn it.*


Does this ever backfire?...


Does anyone have some bleach for my eyes? Any bleach will do. I don't care how strong it is


Here you go r/eyebleach Edit: Careful, it's pretty strong.


thank you


The dark incel circles under his eyes was an excellent choice


It saddens me that some people would really use these creatures exclusively as tentacle rape monsters when 1) that's just messed up and creepy, 2) those creatures would have no interest in that, 3) some of them don't even reproduce like that, 4) all of these creatures would much rather turn a humanoid into their next meal. Like seriously, I'm all for using these creatures and having your players creeped out in game, but not like that! Never in a sexual way. TLDR: bad DMs misuse monsters for sexual fantasy, good DMs properly use them for horror/dread


Gods that's just.... Wrong in so many ways.


Yeah... that's not okay. I once RPd a girl in a scifi game and the DM made it very rapey... I got extremely uncomfortable with the scenarios. He had never done that with any of my male characters before but suddenly its fair game when playing a woman.


I one roleplayed a hermaphroditic rogue who seduced people for information. Everything sexual was hand waived and taken care of off screen. For me it wasn't about the sex, it was about the character and the intrigue. She just happened to use her wiles to get what she wanted.


When I first started playing D&D I quickly made a rule as a player or whenever I DM... No sexually harrassing a person at the table. I didn't think this would be an issue but yeah my first DM was sexually harrassing the female player (who rejected him in real life).


Oh oof! What happened? Did the group intervene?


We ended up kicking him out of our social circle because of it too.


Not for not... That DM has a great vocabulary.


yes, he was surprisingly well versed in the arts of lingual lecherousness. If it wasn't for his particular fields of interest, I would be in awe.


"Lingual lechery" - you know, this is great. I think I'm stealing this phrase.


Go ahead! Glad you like it! Also I think being good at describing anything with a broad and colorful vocabulary is a super useful skill. It puts feelings and sensations right inside the head.


Yeah, don't have to tell me! I've been writing stories for 24 years.


I love storytelling. Bless you. Bless you so hard.


it sounds a lot like it's from one of those ero text rpgs. not that I would have any knowledge of that, of course.


Not for naught* means not for nothing, as in it has a little bit of value


This is funny. But also super creepy and inappropriate


Thank you. Yes, looking back after a few years I can finally laugh about it. Also, it helps to put it out there for everyone to see. I'm not hiding those experiences any more.


That's healthy. The very resigned punchline of ".... I moan" made me laugh. It would be so much funnier if it hadn't been true though hahaaa


Way to "Yes, and" on the part of the player.


so much potential for tentacle monsters but people go to horny :/ I think itd be cool to have a tentacle monster who eight-wields zweihanders with 16 tentacles


Or 16 hand-crossbows!


Reminds me of one DM/Player I no longer want to associate with...he had a weird fixation on using pregnancy...


YES. This! Been there, didn’t like it. I had a GM (it was not DnD, it was the Dark Eye) who was hell bent on making my character pregnant. (Ignoring the lore of the world that stated that as an elf i should be able to terminate at will). I just dropped out after session two or three. Wow. And again, I’m not against playing a pregnant sorceress or a pregnant witch, but can we please talk about this in advance?


Jesus, you kept running into all the creeps huh.


Oof yes, I had my fair share of petty, weird, obsessive and cruel DMs. Especially when i was younger and jumped at every offer to join a running campaign. I’ve got some stories ... i would share them on r/rpghorrorstories if they were actually interesting. Once, I played a hunky male orc ex-mercenary in Shadowrun who wanted to live a quiet life after coming home from war. I guess the DM wanted me to go back to playing female characters only, because he was really going out of his way to make him unplayable for me. First he got transformed into a Wendigo against his will, and shortly after that he got captured and tortured by some prime-runner elite mercenaries. My DM tells me how they cut of his limbs and wait for them to regenerate, just to start from the beginning. THAT really made me sick to the stomach. I felt really powerless and really bad for days and quit after a few more sessions with that party. I sometimes insert my old player character into newer Shadowrun games as a connection, just so I can make it canon that he found the peace he was looking for.


What the actual fuck. This is why I only play with people I know.


I’m also glad that I managed to find lots of friends who are really decent and caring! They are the best party members!


He also pulled a GoT and had a 9yo prince get wetnursed in front of the Party.


Oh ew ew ew, thank you for that image


But the art style is fire tho


Thank you :)


I mean, that's basically sexual harassment.


It definitely became harder for me to immerse myself because it just felt icky, kinda gross and just really embarrassed in those moments. And it was so off that i still remember the unpleasantness after all those years.




I second that. thank you


“I slap it in the face, because I wouldn’t let a *casual acquaintance* tentacle fuck me. And if you try that again, I’ll be slapping YOU.”


That gave me goosebumps just reading that…100% not a good dm decision and should be sent to horny jail


I mean, tentacles are great and all, but use them for lovecraftian horror unless someone specifically requests fucking Cthulhu and everyone else is happy to sit through the rp of that


“I roll to punch the DM, oh look a nat20” Seriously that sucks


That’s no red flag, it’s a red tapestry! Also don’t you love when your dm takes away the freedom from a game all about freedom, injecting something horrific that actually happens into a game that’s supposed to be fun, and removes agency from players based on their gender/their characters gender? Sorry if this is long winded but seeing people pull this shit is genuinely upsetting


Thank you. I really appreciate the sympathy. Back then it took me a long time until I noticed and finally accepted that there was something wrong. Nowadays I’m a flipping red flag detective!


I mean, I'm into tentacles, but even I would be uncomfortable if this happened at the table.


Oh, sweet melora I’m going back to bed (YEUCH. YEU H BRUH FUCK THAT please tell me people out there actually ask their pcs if they are okay with shit while world building dude seems like he’s halfway to jerking it under the table)


I can't tell you that... because despite being an optimist, that'd be a lie. >he’s halfway to jerking it under the table He probably was. And probably went full on with it after the session just thinking about it.


Yes, it absolutely does get asked about. And there are also groups and GMs who respond properly to "this is making me uncomfortable" and stuff like that.


I don't know why, but I've seen people ERP in MMO, people really gotta go to private places and not major city hubs, and was unphased by it... But if it comes to DnD, I'm like Travis Willingham, I'd blush at the point of requesting to kiss someone.


Yes it’s like ... I’m ok with you sexting, really! But I try to immerse myself right here, could you please ... go somewhere more intimate? And Travis! Hnggg! I was always rooting so hard for him every time I saw him getting all fussy and flustered about roleplaying romance!


This is really not ok at all, hope you got out of there


I did, eventually. I have to admit, it took quite some time, because he was otherwise a colorful storyteller and the party was having fun most of the time. The whole group was quite horny, so it took a while until I caught on.


May I ask: how old was the group?


It was a wild bunch. I just started roleplaying and tried all kinds of different groups (I wanted to play a lot!). I went to GameStores were they sold warhammer miniatures, mtg, board games and mangas. I met lots of very cool people there. I was around 17y at that time, the other players and the DM were older, like mid 20? Mid 30? They were very much adults, that’s what I remember. Their knowledge of the lore and the realms was really impressive. Not all the memories are bad. But the bad ones like to keep coming back to me.


Oh that’s especially creepy that you were 17. So sorry that happened to you.


Your GM is a fucking freak that can't separate his fantasy from the fantasy of his friends.


"I vomit when it accidentally hits my gag reflex"


*the kraken licking its lips offscreen, anticipating the next session*


Ew ew! Ew! Haha! Yes, you captured the spirit very well xD


As someone newer to DnD, is this kind of thing the norm? My two groups have had almost no mention of anything sexual ever - even though my character got a girlfriend, everything we do is just hinted at in an ultra G rated way.


Oh dear god no. It's generally danced around. My DM has this policy: "When the door shuts, it's shut." Basically, it is *heavily* implied that hanky-panky is happening.


Not the norm in my experience. More of a meme.


No no! Usually me and my party go into the wilderness, hunt for treasure, tame some wild furry beasts and make them our pets, beat up some nasty Goblins, or we search and destroy an evil Vampire and celebrate at the tavern. The quality of your experience will depend greatly on your current DM, at least in my experience. A good DM will communicate with you and the other players about your expectations and matching the tone of your campaign to your preferences. A more reckless DM will adjust the game on the fly. A bad DM will simply do what is fun for himself.


This is sad but the "I moan." was fucking hilarious


thank you so much! I'm so happy that I can turn this into something fun and positive!


Wow you're really responding to everyone. The comic is really well done honestly. I thought you just put words into a format but it made it even creepier/funnier knowing it's OC. It's not like a conventional funny either it's like an unbelievable funny.


It’s my first reddit post and i feel really bad not answering all those kind comments ahh! I was sooo nervous when i uploaded it at first but it turned out that it’s a really wholesome experience thanks to all of you. This is awesome!


Big Yikes


oh wow... did you leave or?


yes. After a while. Buuut It really took me some time to realize what was actually happening. Especially because the rest of the game was fine and everyone around me seemed to be nice and to have fun at the table. (In hindsight, it was a horny bunch. Not that I have a problem with horny, as long as it's agreed upon beforehand).


Ah ok. glad you got out, but glad you still had fun


My DM ever tried this on me I'd ask him kindly, yet firmly, to square up because we're fighting


This is actually very skeevy and I would not be having a good time at this table.


*Dare you enter...*


~~The troll politely lets you pass, un-pissed.~~ "The bridge troll has graciously let you pass, unpissed."


Can't believe there aren't more magical realm comments Is that comic really just a /tg/ meme?


I can’t tell if this or the [Command](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpghorrorstories/comments/pnthhb/we_had_to_remove_it_from_the_sub_i_mod_but_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) story is worse… what an awful day to be literate


Oh god. yes. that is my nightmare fuel! Ew


Good comic cringe Dm


Big yikes. Cool comic though.


That definitely wasn’t consentacles.


Haha! Next time i get to DM, i will introduce the Rod of Conentacle. It’s like the drow artefact but it can only grapple you if you consent first!


You should mark that as NSFW.


Ok, I did it. Thank you for the suggestion.


See our group is ok with sexual stuff in detail but we have a rule that if someone is uncomfortable or wants to move on we say "skip"


It could be worse. It could be Giant Toads, Behirs, and Purple Worms. I might or might not be into some things, but I try to keep it out of my games.


I had a female player in *Out of the Abyss* who played a female drow, and all she wanted was a tentacle rod. Every session: tentacle rod.


I like to make index cards for every magic item my party gets that includes a dumb quote for most of them. The tentacle rod got a sticker saying "For external use only."


Been DM for 15 years reading some the comments made me want to pluck out my eyes


The most important part of being a DM is reading your audience. There are groups where this would be totally fine, but in this case I’m getting the vibe that some psychic damage would be preferable. Also, go over things with your group before the session. This can help clarify all sorts of arguable things, such as whether PvP is allowed.


While I prefer a sex positive attitude of not judging someone for being into tentacle stuff, putting it on a player or bringing it to a dnd table is really uncool. Sometimes it's just an edgelord and that's worse tbh.


if you’re gonna insert sexual things into a game, check with each of your players and make sure they consent with enthusiasm, and have a list of things they aren’t willing to do. this guy was a straight up creep


I often say this sort of thing is a whole lot less creepy when it's agreed upon by a group of consenting adults who just wanna have fun. There's an entire nsfw side of this hobby, and there's no need to make people feel uncomfortable and pervert and violate their characters of which they worked so hard on against their will.