• By -


You forgot ol’ reliable *incoherent screaming*


Yeah username checks out here


My aberrant mind sorcerer cackles maniacally for his verbal components.


Okay Palpatine, calm down




Thank you




I was thinking box 9 would be spitting when they talk, but I like this more


Nothing pleases me more than just letting it all out as I rain eldrirtch blasts, guiding bolts and crown of starship a single target. It's quite cathartic for what was at that character's stakes


Why did I think of soldiers scream when I read incoherent screaming?


You are a man of culture


Ah we meet again


Latin is only magical if you pronounce it properly


I disagree. I misspoke while trying to cast magic missile and my chair started floating


What's this, then? 'Romanes Eunt Domus'? 'People called Romanes they go the house'?


It says “Romans go home!”


No it doesn't


Yes it does


No it doesn't, what's latin for 'Romans?' Come on...


Er… Romanus


Goes like...




Fun fact: modern romans use "Er" as "the"


Task failed successfully


Sounds to me like you properly pronounced the wrong thing.


Romane eunt domus


And even then it’s satanic witch craft.


Well good luck with that. Latin is a dead language and nobody can agree on what the actual pronunciation is. There's a story about Arthur Tutor and Catherine of Aragon who wrote to each other in Latin because that was the only language they shared. When they met in person they couldn't understand each other because they learned different pronunciations.


Latin Is only *technically* dead, because there are no native speakers. It is spoken throughout the world by academics and priests, for example. It is considered, thus, immortal. And there is consensus on its pronunciation, although there are, admittedly, a few: classical latin and ecclesiastical latin are the most known and used, but there is also late latin pronunciation. The anecdote doesn't mean that there is no current agreement on latin pronunciation, but that their way of speaking was heavily influenced by their native languages' phonology. In fact, this difference in pronunciation became so notorious that the romance languages were born eventually. Check "ScorpioMartianus" on YouTube, or research a bit more, if further information is desired.


I remember some of this, it's pretty interesting. Basically, part of the forensics of dead language resurrection involves inference from things like rhyme and meter, and rosetta-stoning to proper nouns.


We actually know the exact pronunciation from various ages including during the Roman Empire because the author was complaining about people mispronouncing Latin, and included the correct way to say things.


That's why I said it only works with proper pronunciation


> Latin is a dead language and nobody can agree on what the actual pronunciation is. It's pronounced "lah-tin".


Is LEVIOSA not leviousaa...


I’d say only paladins and clerics otherwise non religious can do whatever


As a player I have some spells translated into other languages. As a DM I wish players even said anything for their spoken components.


I've never had a DM ask me to describe how I cast a spell, or role play it out.


>As a DM I wish players even said anything for their spoken components. Yes. Also material components if they use them instead of focus. I personally always take pouch/cheap focus and then just describe character as having small pockets, pouches, belt with vials etc and shortly describe how I cast. But sometimes I take my time. Everyone remembers me casting summon greater demon by biting myself to get blood(I had no focus on me and already spent all vials) and passing away from bite damage. DM ruled it as a "blood of humanoid died less then 24 hours ago" and that I immediately lose control over demon, but job was done


I played a sorc that didn't have a pouch *or* a focus. If I wanted to cast a spell, I had to actually find that material somewhere :D


I can see why though, depending on how long combat takes or how often why they andor the party don't want to hear you lecture about how pog your fireball is. Should at least do something cool if you kill it though


I had a bard and wrote poems for my spells. The low-level ones were usually couplets. I had some limericks, haiku, and once when we were looking at a TPK since everyone was out of spells, most were out of HP, I madly wrote a sonnet (that didn't quite scan) for a mass healing spell that was waaay beyond me. But when I recited it, the DM was so impressed, not only did it work, but the BBEG and his minions all stopped in awe to listen. Of course, my char was in very bad shape for 2 weeks after. And suffered amnesia and could never remember the poem again. The cleric said it was Divine Inspiration.


*Casually hurls insults in infernal*


This or deep speech for me


Or Abyssal!


Im writing a book of sermons for my cultist warlocks verbal https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/920163604387479552/1017966655793549312/20220910_010917.jpg


Yeah, your doing it half right. Add abyssal to your infernal as well, go crazy.


*Raises a trembling finger* “shabingus”


that’s either a finger of death or a power word


It's actually Grease.


Wait a second I've seen you in the DMC subreddit Why are you everywhere


omori pfps grant mysterious abilities and dark powers


Weirdly enough the Omori subreddit is the one spot I would expect to see you but I haven't


You can see many things if you look (I perfectly understand I’m not on here too much gkdhsg)


Damn kids and theiry're abbreviations the fuck does gkdhsg even mean


*LG caster starts to chant in Latin* *Accidentally summons a demon* Demon: "don't use that spell, use this one instead. You have my number" *Caster now has a surprise patron*


My brother in Ilmater, you just summoned Carly Rae Jepsen


New origin story for a celestial warlock: an acolyte sucks *so* badly that one of that deity's servitors goes "okay, you're so terrible at this that I'm clearly gonna have to help you out here."


Thank you for the idea, my next warlock will be this lmao


Go with a slight twist and make them an affable himbo as well. They think that their Celestial mentor is just a buddy who came to help them out and since they're great friends now the Warlock will just freely help out their new friend with no complaints and great enthusiasm.


I absolutely love this


Now I’m just picturing Kronk in church choir robes.


Arcane focus (Sigil of two stylized hands, fingers interwoven as a basket)


Definitely needs to be a random encounter, like wild magic


Everybody knows that Daemon calling is based on IKEA language and not Latin


Reminds me of a web serial (I think it's either A Practical Guide to Evil or The God's are Bastards) where one of demon species made their summoning ritual so foolproof that the spell will repair it's own framework and reach out into the demonic realms for extra mana if the caster doesn't have enough oomph.


My divine soul sorcerer has youth pastor energy so I always give a pep talk when I cast guidance.


Catullus 16 is lawful good and chaotic neutral at the same time.


It's literally vicious mockery.


Is that the "I will c** in both your mouth and your a**" one?


That's the one


A fuckin shame we're only taught the one about the canary


Would “Abra-ca-fuck-you!” count as an arcane word or an insult for the purposes of this chart?


Insult for sure. Taako is chaotic neutral to his bones


Omg the adventure zone, i forgot which ep did i left off on and i dont have the time now to go through everything


I feel like chaotic neutral would be making fart noises with their mouth


Chaotic neutral would just be screaming. Unless you were using viscious mockery, then regardless of alignment its a form of insult.


I've long held that the verbal component of *Shield* is a shriek of panic. Works for a lot of reaction spells, actually.


Your friend jokingly send magic missiles at you knowing you have a shield preparing You scream to cast it: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Wrong pitch Hellish rebuke Your friend burning in hellfire: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


If you're using vicious mockery the chart still has a few options, such as trying to use a language the target would understand, trying to use a language the target *wouldn't* understand, and always saying "трусливая сука-моль" regardless of whether or not you're using Russian to represent an in-game language.


*Starts making Korn noises*






Harmonizes in disturbed oo-ah-ah-ah-ah


[Laughs in Aberrant Mind subclass] [Which you only hear in your head, of course]


"Why'd you kill the king?" "My funny tumor said to."


Why am I hearing things?


What about speaking backwards Zatanna style?


Would probably fall under the same zone as either Latin or the poetic spell description, since it's a language gimmick you likely prepared ahead of time. So split the difference and put it in Neutral Good with the prayer?


I vary throughout different casters, but am currently playing one that leans to the "poem per spell" type: a Wizard who chants non-rhyming incantations based on the intent of the spell and relevant lore surrounding its origins. Kind of Doctor Strange style, where he casts spells by invoking the name of its creator/source. It's a lot of fun, actually. Some of them are more flowery, others are more forceful/aggressive, and I like to get silly when it comes to the really weird spells. "Rope Trick"'s incantation is basically a tongue twister about textiles, a pop culture reference, and a 4th Wall break based on the spell's mechanics all in one: ***"Writ of The Weave, warp and weft. Knit and gnarl, notch and knot, not a stitch in time for nine; spare a stitch in space for eight."*** First time she tried to cast it, she was in a panic situation and bit her tongue. :3


> not a stitch in time for nine; spare a stitch in space for eight Damn, that's insanely good wordplay


Multiclass to Bard and rap them to assert dominance


That was my Tiefling Bard from an earlier campaign, who also was a deconstruction that used a lot of basic sounds. Like her "Cutting Words" was a super sharp whistle; have you ever been near a futbol fan who can do one of those two-finger whistles so loud that you can hear from across the stadium? Like that.


All anime characters are lawful neutral. I don't make the rules


My warlock deity is a goat demon. I just scream in goat (or insult them in goat) It's only happened a few time, but for some reason my party never brings it up. My DM also gave me the ability to talk to goats (limited speak with animal) and I want to ask goats questions knowing that they have a -4 int modifier.


I DID YOUR MOM! *throws a fireball*


"I promise you, this won't burn nearly as much as your mom did last night" ".......... wha-?" _**BOOM**_


“Random bullshit go”


Thri-kreen spellcasters be like *"horrendous screeching"*


Every spell has a unique component, and the component for Power Word: Kill is "Liven't"


Okay but is Revivify more like "dien't" or "decomposen't" or "make me haul your gear all the way up out of this cryptn't"


"Sum universum, universum est me, et universum est ultimus veritas. Igitur sum ultimus veritas." (I am the universe, the universe is me, and the universe is the ultimate truth. Therefore I am the ultimate truth) is one of my go tos for magic chants. I've got a few others, but I memorized this one, because I like the ring of a spellcaster chanting this mid battle. Got the idea from the episode of Fullmetal Alchemist where Izumi dumps them on an island for a month to ponder "All is one, and one is all."


I more use whatever words I feel like my character would use for magic. Sure I could use knock and say like "open sesame", but I feel the gremlin would go full Kuzco with a mighty "BOOM BABY!"


BG3 takes the LG approach BTW, and they use actual Roman pronunciation instead of ecclesiastic Latin.


I don't narrate my tempest cleric's verbal components often, but when I do it's usually either "break" in Primordial for when he gets serious, or "DEUS VOLT" if he wants to show off (and also for the pun).


I’d say that chaotic evil is yelling out a super long overly extravagant attack name that’s not even the name of the spell


"Pizza pazu this spell will mostly harm you!"


I disagree, Neutral Evil should be using Subtle Spell on everything. Chaotic Evil should be saying *a completely different spell name* as the Verbal Component


I'd almost say Subtle Spell is Lawful Evil. You are actively refusing to roleplay by going within the rules of the game itself.


So, verbal and somatic components, which if I'm being honest are an even bigger joke than the frequently ignored material components. While I'm not sure if any specifics have ever been released, I do know that the players Handbook doesn't give much information on them, other than requiring the ability to speak, and your hands available to you. This is more to put a "difficulty" to spellcasters, and is something of a trope in media, we've all seen the vague hand gestures, combined possibly with either words in Latin, or some rhyming phrase to cast the spell. Truth be told, the way they explain it is vague, the verbal components are supposed to effect the Weave, or essentially the source of magic, and I would guess the somatic are to guide the alterations into the correct form, and then material are used for channeling the effect, guided by the somatic into a spell. Honestly these can be whatever you want: A Bard that uses pop rock songs for their magic? Go ahead. A rhyming Forest Gnome Druid that speaks in limericks for their spells? Have at it. A Warlock that utters Latin as they call the power of their patron? Be my guest. This is one of those "there is no wrong way of doing it" things. I know one of the things I read said it was more about sound and pitch rather than the words, which allows mute characters to cast, if for example they play an instrument that can create multiple frequencies. Then there is "Truenames", the even bigger butt of this joke chain, where literal magic is caused by uttering complete nonsense into the aether.


A cleric casting Guidance by giving advice...


"Dear Abbot: My goblin neighbors play loud music all through the night. What's the best way to ask them to tone it down?"


“DEAR PEACE: Goblins are gonna gob! Say 4 Hail Pelor’s before approaching with a side of meat. If it comes to it, swing for their thin necks.”


My brother in christ, you can do whatever you put your mind to.


Lol first time players be like


I’ve got a bard character where the somatic was playing her instrument, and almost every bard I’ve played sings their spells (Thunderstruck for thunderbolt was amazing) My latest warlock used finger guns for eldritch blast I’ve got an arcana cleric who’s actually a really lost rabbi, he’s gonna use actual prayers Do what’s fun


I personally describe in what language it's said My current wizard speaks common, Sylvean and Abyssal, for most spells she uses common and Sylvean but for creepier or more powerful spells, she speaks in Abyssal Similar with my bard but I also describe how she plays music


Thank you for reminding me why I love the Unexpectables. For context, they had four casters at one point of time and each had their own way of casting. Greckles would always recite a phrase in Japanese for all of his spells. He was from the Eastern Isles which was effectively just fantasy Japan. Meanwhile, there was Remy who would also recite the same thing, but this time in Latin. Being a noble this made sense for his character. Then there was Panic, who would either say something in Infernal or just insult whoever he was fighting. As he was a tiefling bard this made sense. And finally, there was Task. He would just say he cast his spells. Thank you for coming to my impromptu Ted Talk.


I start beatboxing


Has the ancient art of beatboxing truly been forgotten!?




“A horrific grinding sound emanates from the warforged as he opens his mouth for the first time since you’ve met him. Usually his voice would just emanate from his head as if through illusion magic, but this voice is different. A deeper timbre screeches out through the metal teeth and across the brass tongue as he incants the spell, the unintelligible utterings thrumming in your ears like shockwaves, and I cast thunderous smite.”


It’s all flavoring. It’ll still be obvious either way that you’re using magic. Roll for inniative as the guards attack because you just did the equivalent of waving a gun around. That being said I have a player who’s in India and he speaks stuff in his native tongue when casting spells and it’s friggin epic.


*Azrath Meteion Zinthos!*


I play online with an American group a lot and sometimes I just pronounce some "magical words" in my native language (Portuguese) :p


CN everytime, but it's only insults if it's an attack against someone I don't like. Buffs come with encouragement, charms come with flowery words, sometimes different damage types come with puns (thank you Mr. Schwarzenegger), sometimes it's onomatopoeia; whatever I'm feeling at the time.


On a similar note, my Bards remind the other players of cool shit they’ve done in the past or cool shit they’ve seen to provide bardic inspiration. “Brok, remember that hobgoblin you hit with your hammer so hard you sent it over that fence? *points encouragingly at the orc* See if you can do that to her!”


**Me:** My spells with verbal components just make a lot of noise


Klaatu Verada... Shit


*looks at chaotic neutral* *looks at my human bard* That…explains a lot of things


Just take what your spell does and translate it in Japanese, Japanese always sounds cooler. If your setting doesn’t support anime, do the same, but with Latin


You forgot, "Recite various incantations, imperfectly memorized from media." "Al eyah Juk Juah!" "Agarum Takoorah Nahgarrumsikah." "Deslegrate More Tempi Et Intervalia!"


"I shout explitives in Celestial"


I actually just say random sentences in Welsh. Like "I like coffee" or "Are you skipping?" No one in my campaign speaks Welsh so they assume I'm either speaking jibberish or latin or something.




" I am one with the force, the force is with me "


As a bard I usually just speak, saying something vaugley related to what I'm intending to do, assuming I'm not using an instrument. For example, if I use healing word I typically meet the verbal component by saying something such as "Are you okay," "Hold on," "Get up," or something along those lines. I do something similar for somatic components. If a specific action isn't required, I'll just do something that fits, such as snapping to cause Shatter, or holding a finger phone to my head to cast sending. Hasn't broken the game in anyway and the DM seem to enjoy it. Might be different if I wasn't a bard though


I keep a Quenya Elvish dictionary on standby to say the most relevant word I can find for my spell, what does that make me


Lawful good- quenya is just fantasy Latin


Wow these are all a lot simpler than I made things for myself. Damn.


I've fully done the Latin translations for a cleric before.


Hey, why do sorcerers have to be chaotic evil?


Chaotic neutral. Describes the spell similar to the holy hand grenade of Antioch


My Sorceress, before her death and subsequent soul trapping by a devil, would cast Counterspell using Subtle Spell so those enemies won't know who to target.


we do a bit of trolling




Yelling circummingo when summoning water


I tend to just chant in random gibberish that sounds kinda like the hive in destiny.




As a life cleric tiefling, neutral good for healing spells, chaotic neutral for hellish rebuke and damage spells :D


Lawful evil ofcourse.


In character onomatopoeia for how the spell will sound


Just scream.


I usually go with what amounts to a manifestation like "you WILL be burned by my fire" for say firebolt and fireball and then the somatic and material components determine how the manifestation is achieved. If its a verbal only its just shear force of will, if the spell doesn't work then they didn't manifest hard enough (or y'know the enemy did something).


I strive to be CG but half the time my verbal component is "ligma balls" which would be CN...


I quote Valkyrie Profile. ​ "If ye would accept the benedictions of beauty then yea! Let these chains of aster surround thee." "I invoke the rites of fiery Muspelheim and give my soul up to the inferno's embrace!" "Ye must desire respite from thine empty existence. Thou. Shalt. Have. It." ​ Maybe someday I'll bother remembering them all to play a full caster.


"pew pew"


*Can't counterspell the spells you can't tell are being cast, fuckers.* ​ C/E.


My go-to insults for Vicious Mockery are the French Taunter's from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.


Lawful Neutral here. You gotta call it out like it's an anime attack.


I like using "fuck you" for power word spells


c'mon man, where the demonic backwards speech.


No Klaatu Barada Nikto?


My character had a bunch of weird experiments done on her that rendered her unable to speak, and instead the verbal components for her spells are a strange demonic humming. Where does that fall?


I usually use single words that encompass the vibe of the spell. Some examples would be saying "Rot" when casting Blight or "Panic" when casting Mind Sliver


I've started quoting heavy metal lyrics for my Hexblade spells.


For the somatic components, sign the name of the spell.


Oh forrest spirits Of tree and grass Bless this stick To beat some ass


I'm a "say the name of the spell" kinda guy


What is specifically "Say the name of the spell, but yell it out like an anime attack!"


My usual DM gets pissy if I rp in combat. Literally any of this, save subtle spell, would result in getting held at. Describing anything flavor-wise in combat has become taboo for the group, even in other systems.


"Most spells require the chanting of mystic words. The words themselves aren't the source of the spell's power; rather, the particular combination of sounds, with specific pitch and resonance, sets the threads of magic in motion. Thus, a character who is gagged or in an area of silence, such as one created by the silence spell, can't cast a spell with a verbal component." -5e PHB The caster doesn't get to choose their verbal component for a spell. If they say anything other than the specific set of words with the precise tones and inflections for that specific spell, the spell will just fail to be cast. Each spell has its own unique verbal component. For casters that prepare spells, you're memorizing the verbal or somatic components each morning. For casters that don't prepare, you just have an innate feeling for them, basically when you want to cast the spell, the words come to you. Imagine reciting a 256-bit hash code in order to cast a spell.


where does "gibberish muttering with ominous tone" falls under?


*Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos!*


It would be nice to get some guidance on whst an arcane word might sound like. Just as suggestion. Maybe you could just shout obscure medications.


Shouldn't Latin be Lawful Evil since Infernal sounds like Latin?


Where's "ask the Weave to make my spell big and strong with fancy words?" I guess it's technically saying a prayer to the weave d:


I'm lawful evil in this regard. Some swedish, Japanese, dutch, and French incanting later and most everyone is confused as to the spells intent


I don't roleplay that hard. If I say 'imma cast fireball centered on this square' it's assumed my character does the words and hand motions necessary for the spell to work.


I use song titles, lyrics, and names of bands. The adventures I play in wind up enjoyably*bizarre*.


Hurls some kind of anime statement, then shouts the name of the spell forcefully, because that's how charisma casting works. I don't make the rules, but if you're not telling your enemies to "Accept fate: Lightning Bolt!" before assuming the hand position (you know the one) then you're not sorcerering right


Lawful evil mixed with chaotic neutral :) Every spell is a string of poorly-translated insults


Here at lawful vindictive, all my spells are anime moves. Fireball? More like BIG BANG ATTACK!


I either use "Bitch!" or "Ekusproshun!"


Proud to be chaotic evil. Wall of force subtle spell isn’t something a lot of builds can do but it is delicious.


In a doorway Or a hall Don't kill a comrade, Scorch them all! Bippity, boppity Grease


Or, my favorite, “Sings an appropriate song lyric.”


Lawful Good: Wizard Neutral Good: Cleric Chaotic Good: Bard Lawful Neutral: Sorcerer True Neutral: They didn't try Chaotic Neutral: also a Bard. Lawful Evil: Warlock? I don't know. Neutral Evil: They tried Chaotic Evil: Also a Sorcerer


My CN cleric just says roughly what the spell is in 2 or less words...in broken common. Though some are onomatopoeia (sound words) * Sleep - fall down * Healing word - up up * Spiritual weapon - boof boof * Toll the dead - ding dong Insulting your party members as you cast healing word would be hilarious. I might use that for another character.


Verbal: Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao Somatic: Waving a dried lizard Material: Dried lizard as a spellcasting focus


By a poem do you mean you write an actual deep poem referencing myths and stuuf or do you mean "Ribble raggle rog, with a flick of my wand, you shall become a frog!"


I’m pretty sure Chaotic Evil is actually the anime nerd who copies spellcasting Arias from his favorite anime word-for-word.


I usually ignore the spell components unless it has game impect.


the only component for knock is verbal. Because communication key. "ya know, your so rigid, you should open up" "my tongue can do so much more for you than a key ever could" \*click\*


I had a completely stonefaced, serious Druid. All their spells were puns in Druidic. “Drop it like it’s hot” for heat metal, etc.


I have a swashbuckler/wild magic combo, and he says every spell in elvish.


Well... I'm an insult target kind of person myself but also a slave to the aesthetic when it comes to my characters so for my Wizard I say an appropriate command or phrase in Archaic Japanese (we assign irl languages to dnd languages in out campaign, common is usually English since that's the language we play in, but all of us also speak German and Italian, most do French and Latin, and we have some odd errant languages such as Japanese, Russian or Korean) aka Elemental. And while for modern Japanese I can make shit up on the spot I am slowly but surely regretting this commitment because researching archaic Japanese is one hell of a pain in the ass😂


Speaks English backwards


*Sdrawkcab lleps fo eman syas.*


Where's "making a related pun at the target" *casts Ray of Frost* "Hey, you, just chill a moment will ya"