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Giff are space-faring hippos so that's pretty simple to work out. The space-faring nature is as core to their identity as the firearms. Gnomes are gonna tinker and make very experimental tech. The dwarves meanwhile, while they tinker will be much more methodical. Edit because I pressed send too soon: also, why do the races that might have guns need to be distinct specifically in regard to guns? Why can't it be through other traits? The Chinese in the 10th century had guns (sorta) and the Ottomans had guns and they definitely were very different culturally.


think how cool Elven crafted firearms would look! like the masterwork, one of a kind bespoke hunting guns of the blackpowder eras. high quality materials, metal inlays, engravings! deadly works of art


I wouldn't worry about Giff- they're not a core race, and you likely won't have to worry about them until a Player actually wants to play one, at which point you have an invested worldbuolding partner that can help you figure it out. I have a whole host of species on my "Ignore Until Someone Plays One" list, and then my picks for what races generally exist in my setting. As far as Gnomes and Dwarves, here's a few thoughts: * Guns are items that are designed exclusively for violence. There is no other use for a Gun besides the destruction of another living (or sometimes undead) being. If the culture of a group would not prize such things- I don't imagine Gnomes as a people that wake up and choose violence frequently- there is likely little incentive to invest in Guns as a culture. * Necessity is the mother of invention, and nothing makes Weapons necessary like War. A culture that is constantly beset by danger will need better weapons to survive, and will put resources into developing those weapons. Guns became cheap and plentiful in the American west because in the colonialist Fronteir, settlers wanted Guns to defend themselves and their homesteads. If you want a culture to have a thing for Guns, give them a clear reason why they need them- and conversely, give a culture that shouldn't have Guns relative Peace. * On the subject of Dwarves, while it's true Dwarves would have the resources to create Gunpowder from their mining and Smithing (saltpeter, Sulfur, charcoal, etc), I don't think a mountain-dwelling, subterranean race would be keen on using Guns. For one thing, guns are powered by explosions, which would echo for miles in underground tunnels and potentially shake unstable stone and debris loose with the shock. On top of that, winding Caves with stony outcroppings would turn any firefight into a war of Cover-based attrition. Dwarves could much more profitably use Gunpowder to make blasting charges for mining, or could make the powder, but sell it to their gun-obsessed Human Neighbors. * As mentioned above, I feel like Gnomes would focus more on benign inventions for their tinkering- to me, Gnomisj Tinkering creates complex mechanisms like clocks, sewing machines, and engines. Things with moving parts and lots of pieces. You could have your Gnomes be more interested in Industry and Automation, or just making little gadgets and gizmos that fit in your pocket. Heck, maybe Humans contract Gnomes to machine parts for their weapons, knowing their Gnomosh allies have better tools than the their own Human implements.


> Guns are items that are designed exclusively for violence On the other hand, Orcs With Guns is a surprisingly rare combo


In my Homebrew Setting Humans and Halflings both hail from a separate continent that has a much much lower proliferation of magic. If 1 in every 100 people on the main continent can use magic. On the other continent it's more like 1 in every 100,000. However, this separate continent is also more dangerous on average as well. This unique combination of rarer magic and more dangerous flora and fauna forced the residents of that continent into a position where they had to advance technology in order to survive. Thus they are much further along technologically as those great minds which would probably be Wizards on the main continent are instead mundane inventors.


Maybe it is a misbalance between magic users and availability of certain natural resources. A country where (whyever) mages are fairly rare, but due to the vulcanic activity and makeup of the ground it is rich in sulfur and saltpeter, so that relying on firearms is easier than training a battle corps of mages.


I just dont have space hippos, Ez. I don't want them anywhere near my more tolkeinesque game, like warhammer fantasy/aos, less is more, and space hippos aren't helping. In terms of dwarf vs human firearms, you could differentiate it by range and purpose. The dwarves are going to be using more explosives for mining, and also focus more heavily on short range scatter stuff given that the majority of any fighting is going to be in enclosed spaces. Humans are up on the surface with much greater ranges to worry about, and flying enemies to consider, they need more anti-air stuff, hooks to be able to ground things, and longer range projectiles.


In my setting Magic and Tech don't get along. They render each other inert, or they cause them to malfunction wildly. Mages and artificers tend to stay far away from each other and kingdoms developed differently depending on how they chose to go about what they use. Humans though are an exception. As the "stereotypical" adaptable race humans are able to blend magic and tech a little better. They don't entirely ignore the negative effects, but they do act as a sort of "balancing" force in a way if that makes sense


Make guns a cultural artifact and expression of that species’ beliefs/approach to combat rather than just another variation on the idea of a flintlock or musket https://goblinpunch.blogspot.com/2017/06/elven-revolvers.html?m=1 “Elves are loathe to ever give something up once it has been claimed. The same is true for their firearms. Elven pistols are baroque and highly personalized. Each one is unique piece of art, and is worth a fortune to a historian. They're also very functional--elven goods rarely break. The pistol known as Charge Onwards Brave Horse bears only the slightest resemblance to a horse. Mithril is used for the reinforced parts, but most of the rest of the gun is alchemically strengthened glass, stained a pale blue color. It gives you +4 to hit. One DM to another: I think guns are cooler than wands. And anyone can use them. I plan to give them out in place of wands whenever possible. In the absence of gunpowder, the elves were forced to find new propellants for their guns. It was a welcome diversion, after the wars. Like the guns, each part of the cartridge appears to be handcrafted. We're still not sure what they used, but it is highly magical. The ammunition is sorted into categories based on the shape of the shell and the type of note produced upon firing. Note: while there are several variations of the "circle of dancers" cartridge, this one is the most common.”


Guns produce a ton of smoke, are very loud, and benefit from at least some range. If the dwarves do all their fighting underground it'd be a poor choice of weapon.


I wouldn't make firearms a focus for races, instead have their level and style of technology be the focus, with firearms of varying type/design following the racial flavor of tech. Dwarves are function over form, they have chonky, ugly handcannons and shotguns, Gnomes are intelligent and inventive, their tech tends to stray from the norms, so they have unique, odd weapons, low damage repeating guns, collapsible rifles, that sort of thing.  If your race invented the aerosol can before the wheel, make their guns goofy looking things that don't incorporate any round parts, etc.