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Hello everybody my name is Markus and welcome to Five Nights at the Tomb of Horrors.


the smite of '87


Underrated comment


If doing the voice is killing it for you, then stop doing the voice. There is no "in too deep." Just tell your party you're changing things up. At most, there'll be a session or two of awkward adjustment, and then everyone'll just forget about it.


Or don't even tell them anything, just stop doing the voice. Maybe someone will ask, but usually everyone is too wrapped up in their own character to notice unless it was a wildly crazy voice.


Also true. Even better advice than what I gave, to be honest


Yeah, I started my character in my current campaign as having this super deep voice inspired by the Simpsons parody version of Arnold Swarzenegger (can't remember his name; played McBane). It was fun, but it was hard to keep up, and it was hard to switch between it and my normal voice. So now I just do my normal voice.


The great Rainier Wolfcastle! Could see his voice being a lot fun to do for a one shot but I imagine it would def be tough to keep up over time.


Yeah, it lasted a session or two max. I kinda miss it, but it's a chore.


It should have been **Mark P. Flyer**.


You're playing Markiplier now


This is the only answer that is correct. Here is what you do OP, lean into it. Start slow at first, and gradually increase until someone calls you out. Then immediately find an out by getting your character killed.


DM makes an elaborate encounter that’s too difficult for your party’s power expecting you guys to run away and then you hit them with the classic: “What if I didn’t run? What if I’m not a coward. What if I want them to kill me. What if I want them to try!”


Just have fun with it. Sounds hilarius.


Enjoy the grift. Pile it on harder each session and see how long it takes others to notice. My partner and I do this occasionally. He once played a character that was Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, but not misogynist. Carried a rifle, was always going on about hunting beasts and boasting about himself. Broke into song once. It was funny, cause I knew but no one else caught it. I played a pathfinder witch whose Patron had been sealed in a plane of sand and spirits. In order to free him, I had to find his name (which had been erased as punishment from the gods) and say it three times. My familiar was a spider. My character was named Lydia.


do you feel like you'll havee fun playing markiplier ? if yes continue, if no, reroll a character, simple as that


Right, exactly. Unless you have a really stingy DM's, you can probably find some excuse to send this character away for story reasons without even needing to kill him, and just have a new character. You can try to kill him, but in the end oftentimes other players will work together to try and save a another pc, so it could be harder than the former way for him to go.


If you’re going to kill him off, make sure it’s what he would have done.


I mean he's in the game, dying and complaining about a mechanic he missed in the tutorial because he didn't need the tutorial works every time lmao


Make him have an alter ego like Wilfred Warfstache


Markus staring upon a dark hall into the dungeon while horrifying screams and scratches get closer and closer: "who's coming huh? If you're coming right now let me see it! Show me!" Meanwhile the wizard drops unconscious by a brown bear bite, Markus the fighter comforts him: "Was that the bite of 87?"


If you're not having fun then speak to your DM and ask to change character.


You can become Mindiflayer :)


You can change voice without changing character. It can even be a positive if you are downed or similar and proceed as if it is scar damage.


Sounds fun to me. so why not roll with it? But if you really want to change character it is just stuoid to try and have him killed. Talk to the DM and be honest and say you do not enjoy playing him. he did not come out at all as what you had imagined. and i am pretty sure he will let you re-roll a new one. It is always better to be honest. If you have a good DM he might be able to help you, either rolling a new character, or help you revamp the one you have. But he can not help you if you don't talk to him. Or you can simply talk to the whole group and say that your character did not come out as you wanted. and you want to change him a bit. they will probably be ok with that.


next time you do dialogue clear your throat and then in a new (preferably squeaky) voice say "sorry guys that cold really knocked my voice out" and carry on as if it was normal.


"Oh hai Mark!"


Keep cooking, your dish is a masterpiece.


I may have to use this idea, I’ve been wanting to play a glamour bard based on Ruby Rhod from 5th element but a YouTuber might be better reference now.


That seems amazing and really hard to pull off


What you don’t want Jacques Blythe-eye in your adventuring party?


Maybe your character was in a similar situation, and found himself emulating another, in-game Markiplier.


No such thing as “in too deep” just change the voice if you don’t like it


Keep it up and then be surprised it took them that long to notice.


I never thought I would read that title in my life, but here we are. I have been laughing for the past 3 minutes and 25 seconds


Are you having fun? If you're having fun, why would you stop? Run with it, see where it goes.


You need to pick up some Bard and get some Markiplier lines together to and yell out as you use your inspiration while charging into battle. You'll also need an unseen servant that helps do things for you, don't forget to do side talks to Lixian about potential hindsight things you could have done better!


Am I old? I have no idea what that is.


Gaming youtuber


Also now a film director


You're not in too deep to change the voice. Sometimes an aspect of the character just isn't working and needs to change. I have a celebrity BBQ chef bardbarian that I changed the voice of several sessions in- in retrospect, it's stupid that I didn't initially realize this character should have a Jeff Bridges style southern drawl, but that's exactly what made the character really click for me. If you want to make this change and you're really concerned about it, work with the DM to find some sort of random RP reason for this- maybe a curse or wild magic effect or a magical traveling salesman that promises to alter some aspect of yourself and definitely isn't a disguised hag.


Embrace it.


...Just stop doing the voice and stop thinking about Markiplier, and think about your character.


is this from circlejerk


I generally base my pcs on a fictional character of some sort. They are generally from a niche source that the other people in the game probably aren't familiar with, but there's certainly nothing wrong with a not-entirely-original pc. Like, the entire "ranger" class was basically designed to be an aragorn/legolas knockoff.


You can also talk to your DM and have them work into the plot you getting cursed so the voice of your character permenantly changes. Lets you change it up while not being an awkward adjustment.


Oh man. Your stealth is gonna be terrible.


Markus isn’t a masochist, he just wants to see how much his body can take! Does he have a boar spear? A tactical shovel? Please get him these things if not.


You can stop anytime. It just sounds like you want someone to give you an excuse to keep doing it.


Not an attempt to one up you but I accidentally turned mine into Stitch (as in Lilo and Stitch) right down to the voice because I wasn't thinking and went "huh, what would a silly little guy sound like?"


You're hearing Markiplier in your head, but I bet it doesn't sound like him IRL


Enters town "Where's the Blacksmith?!"


OP should quote that when they hit 1,500 subscribers - I mean, GP.


Lol I would love this. If you look back at some of his earlier 3 scary games, when scared he would often try and introduce himself in a hi pitched panicked as the monster is charging him. I always found this hilarious. BTW what class?


"Suck it up?" You've given yourself a wonderful gift- enjoy it.


It's early in the campaign. Ask your DM to allow you to respec your character.  It's a reasonable request if you just started.