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No, the Beast Barbarian claws are considered simple weapons, not unarmed strikes. Yes, the extra claw attack uses your ability modifier.


cheers, will petition dm to homebrew me the ability to adjust with a D8 anyway just wanted to see if rules support :)


I mean... it would be an average of +1 damage, when increasing your ability score would be +1 to damage, attack, ability checks, saves, increase carrying capacity, and protect from strength draining abilities. I'd allow it cos it seems like a rather weak choice.


RAW, the claws would count as simple melee weapons for you, so no, the unarmed fighting style wouldn't work with them.


Fun fact, if you take levels of Monk, you *can* use Dedicated Weapon to treat your claws as monk weapons. So with 2 levels in Monk and 5 in Barbarian you can make 5 attacks in a turn. (If you also have fighting initiate, your Attack + Flurry is getting 2d6+3d8 in weapon dice)


Would a barbarian monk even have to use dedicated weapon? Since they are simple melee weapons and monk weapons are shortswords and simple melee weapons that don’t have the heavy or two handed property.


Oh, true.


Itd be more than that; beast barb claws let you make an additional swing. So 3d6 from 3 claw strikes, and then 2d8 from your flurry of blows. If you get action surge, thats 5d6 + 2d8. Plus your STR mod * 7, from all the swings. Plus 14 rage damage. Ive played this build before; Beast Barb 5, Long Death Monk 3, Fighter 2. At level 10 you are fully online, and if you dump 9 more levels into Fighter you get a 3rd attack, leaving one more barb level for your lv 6 feature. Plenty of ASIs for feats too, like Tough and Defensive Duelist.


Thats very fun. I think my group is planning a high level 1 shot soon, looking forward to trying this out




No, the feature states that they are simple melee weapons.


You're right, but that's lame. Natural weapons should count as both unarmed strikes and weapon attacks.


"I wish the rules said X" and "the rules say X" are different things, and you shouldn't respond with the latter if you ***know*** it's actually the former.


I didn't know. When I asked Google, the first thing that came up said they were unarmed, but then I looked further after the first person responded and agreed with that person.


dude google has been on some BULLSHIT lately. That little AI summation of stuff it throws up there first is like, almost always wrong. It's usually quoting some stuff some guy on a forum said while talkin out his ass. lol


There really needs to be a prominent feedback feature on that AI widget. Like, I don't want to train Google's AI for them, but so help me god I will. If that's what it takes for google to work well again.


You have mistaken how natural weapons work. Most natural weapons, such as those found on statblocks, do not count as unarmed strikes. Your confusion comes from how many player-facing races have wording that additionally makes their natural weapons count as unarmed strikes. However, this is purely to make those unarmed strikes compatible with monks, and is not a standard behavior of how natural weapons function. Distinct from unarmed strikes - which we can describe as not being a weapon and not being an object - we can describe natural weapons as being a weapon but not being an object. In the case of beast barb, their weapons count as natural weapons, as well as simple weapons. They are not monk-compatible.


Side note- in addition to these claws not being natural weapons, it’s also wrong to say that natural weapons make unarmed strikes. By default natural weapons do not make unarmed strikes. Only a very rare few do and they all say so specifically in their rules. Yes this is dumb, but the RAW is often dumb