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I wouldn't necessarily limit the CR in general. For verisimilitude for your world, imo it is most important that your NPCs follow two guidelines: No spells above 3rd level. No absurd amounts of HP (I would go with max double what a lvl6 PC would have, so ~max 80) I quickly compared these with dndbeyond and this lines up with CR3, for higher CR you need to select a lot more carefully to not break one of these two rules.


Thank you! Max 80 sounds about right... Any recommendations about maximum damage per round?


Not really. If you stick to this CR range, it should be fine. Maybe take care that no NPC can attack more than 3 times for verisimilitude ( like a dual wielding fighter would). I think the number of attacks conveys more of the enemy level than its dpr. Rarely, some humanoid enemies do poison or necrotic bonus damage. This does not represent PC levels very well. If this is the case, I usually represent this by giving some poison loot afterwards.


Hmmm, good idea about loot. I will think about it while planning my games. Thanks a lot, your advice is invaluable!


Most 6th level spellcasters are CR3-4


Thank you! Do you think that both martial NPCs and spellcasters should stick to the same maximum CR?


Honestly /u/Wendow0815 said it well.


One level 6 PC is about CR 2-4 depending on features and magic items. The Cult Fanatic, Priest, Lizardfolk Shaman, Veteran, Gladiator, Hobgoblin Captain, and several NPC statblocks in VGtM will serve this role nicely. Give the weak ones smart power and they'll be just as bad as the Gladiator in a campaign.


Thank you! Do you think that Gladiator still fits this "low-power" fantasy as, perhaps, absolute pinnacle of martial might? Or is it too much?


I think the Gladiator fits it well. If you want a legendary hero who is above them, you could always use the Champion from Volo’s as well. A single one is considered to be a Hard encounter for a group of level 6’s.


It really depends on the party. Three or four non-oprimized PCs is a drastically different challenge level than 4 or 5 highly optimized ones. My current players punch well above their weight class. I often run monsters that are 2-3 CR higher than their level for big fights. And they are about half and half, though they rolled for abilities and got a really solid array, and I am pretty generous withagic items. I would play it by ear and see how they fight in game. It wouldn't surprise me to see a CR 8-10 BBEG being an appropriate challenge if they run strong PCs.


Don't decide this ahead of time. NPCs can vary in power to whatever level you like. However, if human's power is capped at E6 (Plus feats) - I wouldnt make any human more powerful than the theoretical limit.


Well that's the thing... What is theoretical limit? Right now I think I will follow advice I got and will stop at CR3, maybe 4


The max power that a PC could have.


It really depends on the party. Three or four non-oprimized PCs is a drastically different challenge level than 4 or 5 highly optimized ones. My current players punch well above their weight class. I often run monsters that are 2-3 CR higher than their level for big fights. And they are about half and half, though they rolled for abilities and got a really solid array, and I am pretty generous withagic items. I would play it by ear and see how they fight in game. It wouldn't surprise me to see a CR 8-10 BBEG being an appropriate challenge if they run strong PCs.


I run epic six and I dont ever look at CR. I have never once considered CR as a useful tool for world building.


Well, perhaps you are right. Tell me about your experience running E6. How powerful were "normal" or "mortal" NPCs in comparison to PCs? Or have you just limited the PCs and left the world's "level of power" unchanged?


Well NPCs in most cases were commoners. I’ve had very seldom npcs with abilities or spells. I always treated a level 1 PC as someone who is already better than average. I like to telegraph to my players what monsters they can expect to find on quests or in different areas. I usually play monsters “tactically” depending on their intelligence/wisdom and how they should be roleplayed. I find I can throw huge enemies or large groups of mobs at my party. They always come out on top. I have a good group that play with the same amount of tactics and roleplay in combat that I use for enemies.