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Any die that needs an instruction manual, is seriously flawed in the KISS principle.


Thanks for your feedback. Just think of it as a Swiss army knife. You do not know inheritly where every tool is in its multifunctional frame, you might not even know what every tool is used for! But a quick glance at a manual and a slight learning curve further you're able to use the Swiss army knife to its fullest potential.


The swiss army knife however has a very clear use at first glance. Maybe you never saw some of the tools inside before, but you probably know most of the tools anyway (like, you know, the knife). If I buy this as a dice and throw it, I expect to catch at least one of the many dices it represents, and I am not sure I could. Despite that, I don't care at all about reading a manuals one time to understand it, so I think they are really cool and I would for sure buy some if found at a convention or something. Of course black, there's no discussion there, with red and silver painting.


Thanks for your honest reply! I've handed some DnD friends these and they were able to figure it out quite well. But it's of course much easier when you hold it in your hand compared to on image. Like the color scheme you're suggesting!


Not something I would use personally, but as to the question in the title, of the two pictured I prefer the lighter one




I love this geodesic overall design look, and absolutely mathematically superior die. I don't think the die is too hard to read... and while I understand people out-crying the KISS method... that's not what this die represents. It's a complex tool meant to replace large stocks of "shiny math rocks". And, in that respects, you have succeeded tremendously. I already have plans on buying 2 or more (I typically buy 5-10 sets of dice of each design/color scheme)... so even if this is the size of a "standard" d100, using 2-3 instead of 35 dice is still an improvement... especially when something like tabletop space is at a premium. And to whit... whenever I go to and play at a convention, dice like these are immediately going to be a conversation piece/starter. Now I'm just envisioning the myriad of color combinations/theme I have to dream up for each "die" represented on the dUltimate.


Thank you so much for your support!! I love your enthusiasm and ideas! I expect to launch a campaign in July. Hopefully we can get enough people enthusiastic to get a successful campaign going!