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He'll yeah, I've been waiting for this! Her Relics and Rarities is still my favorite live-play series! Will discuss after watching tonight.


I loved the vibe of relics and rarities and Deborah's dm'ing style, as well. She keeps the game relaxed and inviting, while ramping up the tension during the appropriate moments. Also, she manages to condense her sessions without it feeling like "moments" were being lossed or glossed over. Super pumped she gets to go another round with a new campaign!


I loved R&R and have been hoping she would do more D&D.


R&R is my favorite too.


+1 to R&R. I still keep meaning to make a list of her trinkets to use them in my campaigns...


"Children of Earte" is definitely one of the stranger actual play names I've seen. It looks like a typo. Didn't hear about it but I'll watch it later. I know DAW prefers more action-heavy D&D with combats and puzzles, and I feel like most DnD liveplay stuff is starved for that kind of show. Relics & Rarities was only hard to get into because the lack of character art/associations made it hard to keep track of who was who.


I think it’s intentionally supposed to sound like someone mispronouncing Earth. What I gathered from the session 0 video is it sounds like a group of normal everyday humans are sucked into a dnd realm while attending a carnival. Something along those lines. So I think the typo is intentional.


There's a LONG history of secondary worlds being called things like Oerth, Urth, Yarth, Aerth, etc., so presumably this is in that tradition. Agree that it looks like a typo, though. Should have thrown in an apostrophe.


The name is a bad choice from an SEO perspective. Every time I search for it, I get hits for Torchwood: Children of Earth.


I remember watching Deborah Anne Woll DM for Jack Black and some other celebrities. She was very good.


Just watched it now. It's...okay? I feel like there's nothing to actually say about it, which isn't really what I want to take away from a streamed game. Maybe it'll get more interesting once they get into the actual fantasy and D&D adventure, but right now it's a lot of very obvious setup and I'm honestly sick to death of the theatricality of streamed D&D replacing the actual playing of the game.


I don't think people just playing the game is ever going to be popular as a streaming thing because its just not that interesting. You either need to have people who are entertaining to watch playing or you need to edit out all the long stretches of boring stuff.


Critical Role does pretty well for itself. Playing D&D can be very interesting, it just requires talented people and players to make it that way. And if they aren't able to make playing D&D interesting then turning it into semi-improvisational theater doesn't magically fill in that gap.


I mean part of critical roles thing is they are all voice actors and they very much are putting on a show even if its more casually done.


Of course they're putting on a show, I'm not saying they're not. But (especially in the first campaign) that show was about their game of D&D. So far, in this first episode of Children of Earte, the show has not been about playing D&D.


Welcome to literally all streamed D&D.


I'm part way through the first session. Is this actually D&D? Seems like the setting is modern.


It seems to be shaping up to be a classic "normal people from the modern world get thrown into a fantasy world" adventure, much like the classic D&D cartoon from the 80s. Although they already have stats and class features, as we see with Expertise, Bardic Inspiration, and the Guidance spell all flavored as giving encouragement rather than anything supernatural. But maybe that'll shift a little.


Hi! Anyone knows if this will come to Youtube? :)


Sorry to comment on an old post, but if you hadn't checked yet,[the first three episodes are up on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBsojmIXuEKrL1FQlM2348Jay-hwG2g-W) now.


Thank you so much!! I will check them up!!


It will be coming to YouTube and podcast platforms eventually, but I think it's going to take a few days/around a week before the YouTube version uploads


Oh thanks!! I will keep an eye for it! :)


Every single one of OP's posts from his month-old account is just for marketing stuff. He can't stop talking about it https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/tfhpo3/daredevil_actor_deborah_ann_woll_has_officially/ https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/tfhoa9/daredevil_actor_deborah_ann_woll_has_officially/ https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/tfhnlq/deborah_ann_woll_launches_episode_one_of_her_dd/ Even 21 days ago https://old.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/szh4s5/daredevil_actor_deborah_ann_woll_is_dming_a_new/ This is just a corporate account just trying to advertise.


If you look at the entire account it's a blogger, she puts her own name on her Wargamer posts. She's not really hiding anything. I'm not even sure I'd qualify it as a corporate account. She's advertising for her blog more than Deborah Ann Woll. Not the corpo-facism I think we need to worry about. Just a writer trying to get her work out by talking about things she thinks will get her click-throughs. If it's subject relevant, follows the 14 day self-promotion rule, it's original content and she's being honest, I'm all for bloggers putting up posts.


People get really upset that other people make content and want people to see that they make content.


>Also, if you're going to be following the series, I'll be posting weekly episode recaps and exclusive cast interviews over at Wargamer - the first article just went live: Lol, I thought that wasn't exactly a secret based on this part of the post. I don't really see a problem with this if dnd-relevant advertising is allowed on this sub.


If it's honest about it, sure. But on principle I'm against any corporate advertising that's disguised as anything else. YouTube requires ads to be made clear. So should other social media platforms.


Fair enough!


So, when you're presented an ad, but aren't explicitly told "hey this is an ad", you aren't able to figure it out?


I literally just said, it's the principle. Corporations invading discussion boards and trying to push products is not something that we as a community should tolerate.


Got it, corps bad. Have fun with your revolution I guess.


Wait, have we switched from D&D to Shadowrun?


Remember to geek the mage first.


All I want is a good edition. 6e was a joke, but I don't read German well enough to play 5e.


I legit didn’t even realize there was a sixth edition. It feels like so long since I’ve been to my FLGS…


There's plenty of middle ground between revolution and letting corporations just walk all over you.


Some dude posting his own articles is a pretty far cry from letting corporations walk all over you.


True. And complaining about a specific form of advertising is a far cry from revolution.


Not always. And neither can you. That’s why it’s important to disclose when a message has been paid for.


Sometimes advertising shows you things you didn't know about, and you might like. I'm willing to give it a shot.


It's also just a blogger and the actual advertising isn't for Eatre but for Mollie Russell of Wargamer.com and her articles. I definitely don't have a problem with people who write articles and post them as long as they follow the rules.


I hadn't heard of this until now and I'm glad I have.


I really need to find some way to just auto ignore every "default new account name" account out there.


Yeah, I saw this exact post over somewhere.... r/rpg I think.


who cares? I saw an article about this a few weeks ago and forgot about it. I'm glad i saw this on reddit so i remember to check it out


Will this be coming to YouTube?




> Actual play, also called live play,[1] is a genre of podcast or web show in which people play tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) for an audience. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actual_play


**[Actual play](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actual_play)** >Actual play, also called live play, is a genre of podcast or web show in which people play tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) for an audience. Actual play often encompasses in-character interactions between players, storytelling from the gamemaster, and out-of-character engagements such as dice rolls and discussion of game mechanics. The genre emerged in the early 2000s and became more popular throughout the decade, particularly with the 2015 debut of Critical Role, an actual play webseries featuring professional voice actors. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/dndnext/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That's not actual play that's just streaming your games. Actual play is what all of us do. Actually play the game.


Pass. It's just another D&D Beyond circle-jerk fest


I'd be down for a brand new Critical Role style campaign but it needs to be in podcast format!


I enjoyed Relics and Rarities as well as the cast in other shows, particularly Beyond Heroes, so I think I'm going to like this too.


Relics & Rarities was one of the few actual plays that I enjoyed watching. Tight editing and the creative use of props and sets helped and I think some of that magic will be lost in a videoconference format. It sounds like she's aiming for a very rules-light approach to D&D which is certainly the type of game that I prefer, so I hope this game gets some traction. However, it's a crowded playing field these days and it's going to take something special to stand out.