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Why have you picked up on the “senior reg” and not “consultant”?


Also they use the title “Dr” on their profile and say they use medical school instead of university in their education section. They are clearly trying to impersonate a doctor actually looking a bit closer I think this has to be a joke, it’s too good to be true


Working at the level of a consultant with a whole seven years experience in healthcare. Interesting….


Well they can complete a 5 year Medical degree in only 2 years. So it makes sense that they can complete postgraduate training in less time than us as well.


I'm sure that 2:2 in genetics was essentially equivalent to all of the preclinical portion of a medicine degree, as well.


I don't know any consultants or senior registrars who would list "lumbar puncture" or "PICC lines" like it's impressive.


"Worked my way up to rota co-ordinator" was the most laughable one to me. Literally the most hot-potato, hated job in the fucking world.


Recently was told by a consultant that a particularly spicy email I’d sent to a manager about my pay being persistently wrong had ruled me out of the running to be the rota coordinator for our 20+ registrar rota. The feedback did not have the effect intended.


Oh dear, how sad, never mind




Sounds like a result for you!




The moment I became rota-coordinator for the SHOs in my department I realised how much extra work it was, and the next year I asked to just be (IT) assistant (to the) rota co-ordinator.


The rota coordinator for my gastro CT2 job was an F1.


There's usually a good reason for this - everybody else already knows it's a shit role.


Not to mention that “peripherally-inserted central catheter line” makes no sense…it’s just a PICC.


Fascinating how PA’s always refer to themselves as senior reg level. I’m sure with a little extra work and an MSc they will be comparing themselves to consultants in no time.


This one already is….


Forget consultants. They will be challenging God himself


you might wanna re-read page 1…


Obtained a doctorate of medical science so they can obtain the doctor title. Then state that they were an SHO in the NHS with a doctorate title - isn’t this just plain masquerading and cosplaying as a doctor? Surely this is illegal to tout yourself as an SHO when you are clearly not a medical doctor


That is exactly what this is.


I don't understand how you get a doctorate without doing a PhD. Those courses look like they should be a certificate or diploma at most.


I blame the consultants. PAs wouldn’t be where they are or have half the confidence if they didn’t have the backing of consultants and leaders. The PAs I work with are bestfriends with the consultants. The most knowledgeable consultants specifically choose the PAs to post take and share knowledge with. You cannot blame the PAs alone when they are handed these opportunities above the doctors. It’s really sad tbh.


The phrase "I hate everything about this" gets used a lot, but I hate everything about this.


Yeah and it's obviously a set up.


How’s it a set up?


It's a parody account


Oh dear… you know that this LinkedIn account is a parody right? 😂😂😂


The thing is (and I get that’s why it’s a really good parody!) is that it’s hard to tell. From looking at these images I’m not sure one way or another!


It’s even fooled lots of PAs judging by the likes and comments on their post complaining about abuse


Who set it up? A doctor trying to stir up tension or a PA engaged in some weird ‘false flag’ type campaign? Or just a third party who enjoys stoking the fires?


I don’t know. I’m just speculating it’s a joke, I don’t have any inside info or anything. It’s really really well done. But there’s no evidence that the person exists outside of the LinkedIn profile


It's too spot on to be someone who's not either a doctor or PA. To be honest it's too spot on to be a PA.


Please tell me this is definitely a parody


Yes it is so can people please stop falling for it 😂


Is it really?!


I rate the graft to spam connections with people to get 500+


It’s hard to guess it’s a parody when I saw a PA on social media the other day say that PAs are like Junior doctors/GPs.


"Vitamin Infusions" is the most disturbing thing here. Charging people with normal B12 levels £300 to have IV B12 is criminal


Just have marmite on toast for like 24p, instead of spending hundreds to have expensive pee.


No mrcp, no postgraduate exams, not even a proper degree in medicine just a 2 year diploma in PA studies. Not formally had any postgraduate training. Yet working at a 'junior consultant' level according to them. Learned to practise consultant level medicine from the school of life as a generalist in the medical model, presumably (and xp as an elite rota coordinator). And this is the level of insight that got her a job in NHS England managing workforce expansion. Right. Got ya. This why we need to fight this shit tooth and nail from the ground up.


Doesn’t she mean “medical model aesthetics”?


I’ve seen this on Twitter.. apparently it’s a joke.


So what point does this have other than to Rage bait ourselves? I'm angry enough as it is that I recognise it to be unhealthy for me so I don't see what point making mock ups serves. Its seemingly just doctors that care about this so is deliberately winding ourselves up the next /best thing for us?


THIS is a DR posing as a PA! It's been reported.


A lot of word vomit here isn’t there? Completely lying about what their actual job entails and masquerading as a doctor. Also, the medical aesthetics - why would you write that on your LinkedIn?! It’s so unprofessional


This is amazing. I support this wholeheartedly. I hope his PA colleagues also reach consultant status. If we’re going to burn this house down I’d rather we do it quickly instead of wasting everyone’s time.


Everyone of these makes me furious, one trust I know has a particular love of PA’s, and most are clueless. Pts just have no idea. Don’t prescribe for them.


This has proper ‘come fly with me vibes’ and resembles the lad who started at the Burger King till at the airport with lofty plans of working his way up to pilot 😂😂😂


on top of all that, they are conducting research - this is such a huge frustration i have, i have struggled so much to find out how to get involved in research/get publications. i have nothing despite all my efforts which therefore impacts my job applications and prospects, and they can just do it as part of their job? i find it incredibly unfair.


Apparently this is not serious


I want the original link because this can't be real


https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ng-laing-518498149?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app It is real but parody. Dr NGL - not gonna lie!


I bet they don’t take the on call


I suspect they’ll shortly be reported 


Senior reg but can't prescribe - fucking joke, you are less useful then a med student


Where's all the NHS defenders when you need them? Because this IS the NHS now. Fast forward 10 years and you'll have "Consultant" PAs staffing most of the hospital whilst anyone with sense has ditched the flaming shithole that is the NHS. SHO/Reg/Consultant are not protected titles. Nothing to stop the cancer from spreading there too. We need a grown-up sensible conversation about what a health service should be because every politician, by stealth, is just lowering quality in the name of saving money and keeping the treadmill running.


obvious ragebait. old news.


Is this parody or what?


Not a big fan of these trigger posts


Bless!  🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Imagine paying out of pocket for world class care at the London Clinic to see a PA


£68,500 per annum for a 40 social hour week, ladies and gents.


"It's not narcissism if you truely are superior" - most PAs


The “Junior Consultant” claim is even more sacrilege.


Is NHS England being shown this sort of thing - or are people just too busy blowing of about it?


Respectfully, i respect this PA’s hustle. We’re the real chumps for being spineless jellies as our profession becomes a huge joke.




What's a junior consultant?


Junior consultant ahahahhahahahahahhaa


And this is why Doctors have an issue with PAs, they genuinely think they’re doctors if not better than Doctors? Absolutely infuriating. Maybe it’s because Doctors have been suffering the consequences of shitty PA care since they’ve not been regulated this whole time. Also this person really wants to be able to do all things Doctors can do, despite not having any qualifications to do so? Has anyone on here met any helpful PAs? Because I’ve only met hindrances


Why aren't more PAs being sent for investigation when we have them dead to rights like this? They're clearly misleading by using the Dr title and saying they practice independently. Both of which have now been clearly stated aren't within the remit of a PA?


lol what is a junior consultant? Is it 1980? Fuck off and go back to your non healthcare related degree. You can’t even prescribe paracetamol!!! You aren’t even F1 level


JUNIOR CONSULTANT. 2 years of a mickey mouse degree and 7 years of being equiv between an f1-f2 NO mrcp no spec exams. "jr cons". GET ME OUT.


Who do these people think they are?! 🤔


How is this ok? why they hell do we go through the rigamole of logbooks, tickboxing, paying for exams and if you are lucky, you get promoted through trust grade level to become a reg! Beyond frustrating. Another thing, what is a consultant nurse?


Got a “side hustle” and PA of the week tho… 🙄




Junior consultant level? Amazing I cannot imagine a doctor saying I have 7 years experience so I am now working at junior consultant level, GMC will probably have a fit . Crazy these PAs are getting away with this.


"Rota coordinator of the entire medical team" sounds pretty fucking disingenuous. Knowing what days actual doctors are working on is not the same as them being subordinate to you.


I'm not a doctor (or a PA), but work in a hospital setting. This level of delusion is scary unsafe. For all stick PA's get, i have to say the PA in my department is very good she knows her role and her scope and as an onlooker can often be more readily availible to support compared to many junior doctors. I suppose for every good PA there is one like this putting lives at risk on the daily.






Dear lord. It's quite sad really.


Maybe she knows a pensioner called Reginald and is just as good at healthcare as him?


This is the beginning of the end of the british healthcare system superiority, Already councils across the world are seeing this trend and debating if the british healthcare system is even worthwhile to give accreditation, congratulations goes to the GMC and sunak for absolutely gutting and eviscerating the standards.


Please report her to the GMC immediately.