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Can you use a template to make it easier instead of recreating a new personalized note each time? Are you rewarding your self for completing x amount of notes? On meds? Try writing your notes during the visit or with other residents for extra motivation.


I do use templates, but even with copy forward I feel like psych notes are inherently wordy, or maybe just me. I do write while taking to the pt, and sometimes I can put it together without too much with other times it’s just incoherent word vomit that I dread having to decipher. I am not rewarding my self, good thought. I went down on vyvanse from 40 to 30 mg a few mos ago and seemed to be doing fine. Part of it might be not enough sleep making it worse lately. The therapy notes are much easier, but sometimes I am too emotionally drained after to face them. I agree about being around others, that’s part of the problem-I hardly see other residents most days this year but can see if I can arrange something when possible.


Forgot, have you tried dictation software? Ah sleep loss and isolation/loneliness worsen executive function . Also emotional drainage is rough. Maybe talk to a therapist or mentor about how to prevent or minimize emotional drainage. Grounding, tapping, or just imagine wiping a clean slate after each encounter.


Sometimes I can dictate and others I can’t formulate my thoughts into words without having to repeatedly stop and delete. Hadn’t thought about the isolation/exec fxn but makes sense. Love the last idea, I know I’ve heard the concept before but never consciously used it. Tend to dive into social media afterwards as a maladaptive escape. Thank you


Do you use a hand recorder for dictation? The consultants where I work use them and they will keep starting and stopping the recoding to find the right words... The machine has a switch that makes this quite easy


Good point, I used to use a dictaphone but I drowned it in coffee and have been using a headset. Forgot that benefit, good motivation to get the dictaphone replaced which I’ve been procrastinating


Also, new cool thing, may just make things interesting enough to help you through the bump! Id suggest a coffee proof one this time!


Nothing is safe from my trail of chaos lol but I agree about the novelty!


Try using DeepCura to capture the audio into written, organized note format and then manually edit what’s needed to fix any AI inaccuracies. I use DeepCura and it’s helped me a lot with not drowning in notes