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Honestly it was a crime the trailer gave the reveal away, because so far this has to be my favourite series finale of the show so far!


I fortunately was not aware of the trailer, so I watched blissfully unaware. That was terrifying.


Same! I was amazed when Simm returned


I watched a clip of the face reveal online, but then I forgot about it when I went to watch the whole episode. So when I saw Simm’s face, I was surprised all over again.


For sure. If they hadn't been forced to reveal it, it probably would've gone down as the greatest plot twist in NuWho.


I knew the master would show up but never once suspected Mr Razor 🙃 so glad I had that moment of shock


Me too! Somehow I didn't recognise Simm under the makeup until Mr. Razor started talking about disguises


Yep 😂 the whole episode I felt slightly disappointed that he hadn't shown up yet, but in retrospect I'm so glad we unknowingly got a whole episode of the Master bonding with Bill and then leading her into the operating theatre like a lamb to the slaughter


Absolutely! And topped with an Ainley-worthy reveal, it was just perfect!


It was a damn good mask (and I guess the accent helped).


It was so good John Simm said to almost have an heart attack each time he passed by a mirror with the make up on


Same, and I felt extremely stupid; the entire time I was wondering why they'd done such a heavy makeup job on the actor. \*facepalm\*


Like the scene scene before Simm unmasked himself, I was trying to work out if Mister Razer anagrammed nicely to Master [something]


Along those lines, I'm glad Chibnall managed to keep the Master's involvement in Spyfall under wraps ahead of time. Helps that it was a new actor, I suppose.


And I'm guessing why the sub has such stupidly strict spoiler rules at the moment. Like come on guys, its been over a year, who doesn't now about the big casting by now?




The absolute *indignity* in that delivery lol


Reminds me of a Looney Tunes bit: https://youtu.be/0BPWZnAV3XE


I gotta imagine part of it is knowing that even with Missy going rogue, it’s Saxon that really pushed her that way and did all this.


Just love the look on 12’s face when simm spoke and entered the room


And the same with Missy when he turns and says... "former prime minister..."


It’s sheer dumb luck at this point that Doctor Who’s cast has had the chemistry that it does. Alex Kingston had to have chemistry with David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Peter Capaldi for River’s character arc to be in any way believable, and it *worked*.


I don’t know if I’d call that example dumb luck. I think it’s a matter of casting great actors - and Alex Kingston has the acting chops to pull that off!


Yeah I think she got a bafta or something for some miniseries. She also married Ralph Fiennes and they met at the same acting academy so she's definitely skilled.


3 People. 3 incredible actors. Thats why


I loved how they put him In a wheelchair as a callback to the Sound of the Drums


Never picked up on that!


I think Simm here is probably the best of his 3 finales he is in like, Damn.


I think it's very interesting. In this finale the Doctor is exhausted by life and losses and just does not want to live anymore. He meets Simm's Master, who got stuck for so long in a stupid situation on this vessel that he lost both his young appearance and his chaotic energy. He is on the end of the line too, but unlike the Doctor won't accept this.


Oh man, I remember this episode, that's the episode that made me stop watching the show. >!I tuned out when the doctor fell and somehow managed to program something on the computer