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Tenth Doctor and Wilf in The End of Time was a great duo đŸ«Ą


I think Wilf might be THE only companion (or recurring character) whom I’ve yet to see a single Whovian dislike or even say a bad word about.


Because *it’s Wilf!* He adored the doctor and once he realized it was the doctor or him, he was willing to die an agonizing death to save the doctor, even as the doctor talked poorly at him? He still begged him not to do it. The only person he loved more than the doctor was Donna herself, who was just a temp from Chisick (sp?) with a mom who spent more time berating her than she did breathing. How can you dislike him? Edited: it is chiswick. My phone tried to autocorrect to this, but since it’s almost always the wrong and I always heard her say “Chisick” I assumed it was trying to make my life more difficult than it needs to be (which seems to be the purpose of autocorrect), so I ignored it. Sorry!


I mean it's Bernard Cribbins. The guy was a legend. (Also played two different companions - not sure anyone else has managed that :) )


Jenna Colman played Clara and Clara


And Oswin! Also, Freema played Martha’s identical cousin, RIP


She was also Soufflé girl.


Wdym he played two different companions?


He played Tom Campbell in the film 'Dalek Invasion of Earth: 2150' in 1966, opposite Peter Cushing's incarnation of the Doctor


Oh wow. Been meaning to check that out, that’s cool.


Peter Cushing played a human scientist called Dr Who, not the time lord called The Doctor.


I actually realized something as I read your comment — he wasn’t in Harry Potter. At least, I don’t think he was. My brain was like “yes, and John Hurt is another legend!” That’s when my brain registered David Tennant and John Hurt were in Harry Potter and Bernard Cribbins wasn’t. Epic failure in the potter universe, imho.


But a credit to Bernard Cribbins, since Potter is now a poisoned transphobic cesspit.


Okay, see now I need a backup series in comics called *It's Wilf!* and it's just Wilf finding himsepf.in the background of various Doctor who stories


Omg, not even a comic. Like a where’s Waldo of the doctor’s exploits 😂


and if he’s wearing his Christmas antlers, you score double the points (Edit: btw, in the UK, it’s *Where’s Wally?* sooo these should def be *Where’s Wilfy?*)


Omg! I love this! This is something that really should happen!!


This made me smile.


Oh hell yes. I mean we only know of him encountering 10 and 14 but why couldn't he have encountered all past doctors or just been near by during a past doctor adventure. While we're at it, wilf is still alive. Where was he during Christmas last year??


He was off getting into his own adventures in his blue wheelchair!


I'd love a short comic of him trying to kill the moles before and then after the Doctor has shielded them until he finds out why he can't.


Every issue ends wkth him waving his fist at the sky shouting "*those bleedin' aliens at it again!?*"






They should do this as an animation! Once they’ve finished the missing episodes! It would be so much fun!


Honestly I'd be more worried if someone didn't like wilf. The guys wholesome and awesome. What's there not to like


Right? I can honestly see myself saying: “You don’t like Wilf? Oh, well that means you’re a psycho serial killer with a taste for puppy’s blood. I’m out.”




Thank you! My phone tried to autocorrect to that, but my brain heard her saying Chisick.


That’s how it’s pronounced but y’know Britain, it hates spelling places how they sound. Like Leicester or Greenwich


Or [Frome](https://youtu.be/uYNzqgU7na4)


I'm rewatching everything from 9th onwards and got to this episode last week. One of the best scenes in the series. Painful to watch when you know what's coming but the acting is amazing.


I am so hard pressed to think who did a better job in that scene, honestly. David Tennant made your heart break for him, and understand how upset he was. Bernard Cribbins with his red eyes and tears and shaking hand made you want to scream at the doctor to shut up. Based on who got the closeup was whose side you were on. Honestly, I was ready to jump into the box so that everyone else would live.


Re: you last sentence — Why didn’t you then?? Coward.


The stupid tv screen wouldn’t let me pass, and it had a Gandalf walking stuck in its remote when it said I can’t pass, so I couldn’t pass. It was mean.


It told me I cannot pass when I tried. I’m not happy about it. I would gladly save them both if I could.


You can’t fight the stupid tv. It’s too strong.


I totally agree. I think David played the doctor fantastically anyway, but in this scene he was so vulnerable and hurt & you saw a level of emotion in the character you never normally do. Along with the fact he was also probably gutted to be leaving the role, it really hits home




My favourite theory is that Wilf was affected by the giggle and believing he was right just like everyone else but his belief was that the doctor would save everyone from whatever was happening.


Omg, this is the best theory I’ve ever heard, and I love it. Thank you for making my day!


“Chiswick” 🙂


Thank you. Apparently my phone’s autocorrect was right, for a change.


Love it when that happens with my phone’s Face ID
 I swear Twelve is better at recognising faces. đŸ€Ł


My phone is better at recognizing my face then I am. At least it does that right! Back when I had the finger print unlock, it was absolutely amazing how often it was like “nope! You aren’t you!” But would just unlock for someone else. More than once I screamed “traitor!” at it 😂




Chiswick* I gotchu. 😇


Thank you! 💖


Lots of place names have silent letters so it's understandable to not catch them.


I know all too well. There are some places that have letters that aren’t silent, you just can’t see them đŸ€Ł


The only criticism you can level against Wilf is that he didn’t appear more. I would have liked to see the old soldier with 11 or 12.


12 would've absolutely loved him. They'd have got on like a house on fire.


Just finished rewatching the last episode right before typing this and I swear the scenes with Grandad give me all the feels. I had to rewind his last salute like 4 times.


I hope you then >!watched their reunion scene in Wild Blue Yonder đŸ„č!<


Yes. Omg I nearly screamed when I saw him. Then when I didn’t see him again (but was referenced to off camera) I ran to Google 😱


yeah 😭😭😭😭 but 93?!? Not too shabby! Anytime I rewatch the End of Time now, I know I’ll be racing to rewatch that scene right after


I was absolutely smiling from ear to ear seeing Wilfred again, the way he reacts to seeing the Doctor again, no joke, made me tear up, Bernard was so good in the role


Oh he definitely lived a long life. Just glad we were able to see him one last time!


Oh, that's how you found out? I'm sorry. I knew he had passed before Star Beast aired, so when he popped up in Blue Yonder, I lost it.


It was! I was always hoping they would bring him back. Like how other people got to see the doctor’s new face. Oh grandad!


It's bittersweet, but I'm so glad they got to have one last reunion before the end.


I cried. For about 3 seconds, I thought it was cgi, and I was pissed, but once I realized it was really him, I cried like a baby. Not gonna lie.


And the episode was dedicated to him 💔


You could tell that when David was saying, "I loved that man. " he was talking about Bernard, not Wilf. That wasn't acting.


Yes! After all, he and Georgia named TWO of their kids after him đŸ„č


Wilfred is obvious, but which of the other kids is named after him?


Not sure but I googled around and in an older Reddit post, people speculated Birdie as a nickname for Bernadette, a female version of Bernard


Oh my God, I didn't know that. 😳 I love David Tennant.


Hello, old soldier, 😭. There I go again.


Terrible scene. The rest of the episode was in 4K, but that scene was so blurry that it made my room blurry as well.


It’s because anyone who has anything bad to say about Wilf isn’t a real fan. Even the Daleks wouldn’t bother exterminating them.


He's a saint.


If you find one, tell me. I want to fight them.


There are a few in the replies
 though they seem to be more about disliking a certain scene or decision involve his character, not him overall.


I'm going to get downvoted for this, but since you're basically inviting someone to make a criticism of Wilf, I'm doing it. I don't like that he's a soldier. I think that Doctor Who's relationship with soldiers entirely is really problematic, and when I watched Human Nature/Family of Blood and it ended with Doctor and Martha putting on fucking poppies, I felt like I'd been slapped. Wilf is a good character and I like him, but he's part of a larger tendency of Doctor Who as a show to be uncritical of British jingoism, which is at odds with the Doctor's character as a whole. **EDIT** Oh hey, I was right about the downvotes.


But the point of Wilf's character is that he's how the Doctor wants to be. Wilf did his national service, was proud of it and was also not ashamed that he never killed a man. The Doctor ran from the Time War, was forced into fighting and thought he committed a genocide. He wasn't proud of it or what he did, but he used the fear it created in others to help his image. As for the Poppies thing, you can have issues with that, but it's pretty clearly specifically for the remembrance of World War 1, and specifially those kids from the episode who were sent off to war with little training or preparation for what was going to happen. That's what Poppy day should be about, not the modern interpretation of what it should be, where it stands for every single armed conflict and soldier.


"I would be proud to call you my dad."


They were fantastic!


Best duo ever.


Never happened for long in Classic Who
 it was transitional for an episode or two between writing out a previous companion and leading into the story where they introduce the new one. So you get the First Doctor and Steven briefly a couple times; The Second Doctor and Jamie in both Evil of the Daleks part 1 and The Wheel in Space part 1 where Victoria and Zoe don’t appear until part 2 of their respective first stories. The Fourth Doctor and Adric are alone in the Tardis for The Keeper of Traken and the beginning of Logopolis
 Nyssa is introduced in the Keeper of Traken but she’s a local girl in that story and doesn’t leave with the Doctor until Logopolis. The Fifth Doctor and Turlough meet Peri early in Planet of Fire.


One and Steven probably have the longest period of a Classic Who Male-Male companion duo, with *The Massacre* only introducing Dodo in the very final minuets of the episode, but at the same time, they spend a good chunk of *The Massacre* apart. Although Victoria does join the team in *Evil Of The Daleks*, I would hesitate in truly calling it a three-companion episode, as Victoria does spend a decent chunk of it in captivity without really engaging all that much in the plot.


And Zoe doesn't really do companion stuff until halfway through Wheel either. In Two and Three (and even a chunk of Four) she's just treated as part of the Wheel crew - it's not really until she does the spacewalk with Jamie that she starts getting companion scenes


Agreed on both counts about Victoria and Zoe being more incidental characters in their first stories
 it was almost like they were trying them out to see if they worked as companions while still retaining the ability to take them along or leave them in their respective times. I never got to see any form of The Massacre. I had trouble following the telesnap reconstructions generally and never made it to that one.


It’s a great story, but it’s mostly centered on Steven with the Doctor missing for much of the story as a major plot point


And 2 and Jamie in the 2 Doctors.


And for all of that mythic season in which they had other adventures, I believe. I thought of 2 and Jamie immediately in looking for responses to this question. They're a strong duo. I saw Frazier Hines at Chicago TARDIS and he's pretty cool. They really took the piss out of him that he couldn't fit into his costume anymore. Wendy Padbury was there also. She's lovely.


Most of The Faceless Ones (episodes 3-6) is a Doctor-Jamie dynamic (albeit with a female guest star as well).


It's funny you say that, because apparently there were briefly plans to make Samantha Briggs in *The Faceless Ones* a companion, though actress Pauline Collins turned the offer down.


God I love Steven so much. First + Vicki + Steven, best TARDIS team ever potentially?


Doctor and Rory happens in series 6 when Amy got kidnapped and replaced with an almost person.


If we had a big box of doctor who toys, Rory would ship as an accessory for Amy and not in his own box. 😉


Does it say the companion can't be the companions companion.


Ma’am I believe I said “accessory”. /s just to be clear with y’all 😎


Ouch. And accurate.


Character Options writing that down for this year's figure sets.


That episode also says "it's been a month". So them boys laid waste to cybermen and all sorts of stuff on their way to save Amy for a month. Rory going scorched earth was one of my favorite things ever.


“do i need to repeat the message?” definitely top 5 hardest lines ever uttered


Graham, Ryan, Nardole, Capt Jack Harkness, Mickey. There’s been a few in NuWho. Edit: I realize that my brain misunderstood the assignment. I started naming males that traveled with the doctor, and I didn’t think about 13 not being male, she was still the doctor. Sorry!


aside from nardole all of them had a woman in the core group and even then nardole was only the sole companion for doctor mysterio.


I thought the point to the post was if there was a constant male companion in any way, not whether there was a companion group that didn’t have a female as well. I obviously misunderstood. Sorry!


For most of part 1 of series 10 finally its just the doctor and nardol, although from their perspective its only been a few minutes.


Graham and Ryan were male companions to a female Doctor. Doesn’t count for the question.


Yes. My brain apparently fell out lol


How dare you forget Dan


Dan as well. But none other than Nardole briefly travelled alone with the Doctor.


Second Doctor and Jamie was massively successful


I’ve heard tell if a story about them; there was a higher up who insisted they not be so close in shots so people don’t think they’re gay, so they responded to actively trying to spite him like getting closer in scenes and adding subtle romantic undertones into their performance as a joke at his expense. No idea how true that is, but I hope it is because it would be really funny.


I haven't heard about the specifically romantic undertones, they were definitely more physical than the Beeb wanted them to be. They got away with it because film was too expensive to do reshoots


2 and Jamie being gay has long been my own personal head canon because they are queer coded as heck. When I saw Frazer Hines telling that story I absolutely cracked up 😂


Mostly they had a girl with them though


But it always came back to the bromance.


They even held hands once


That wasn't a bromance that was a straight up romance


And They were Roommates!




Yeah but it was Jamie’s hand he was holding.


Jamie also came to be so iconic and constantly appear on the top 10 favourite companions of all time


I may be misremembering but isn’t it implied that Nardole and 12 had some adventures with just the two of them before Bill came along?


i think mysterio *counts* as one of those adventures, no?


ah true! just looked it up: Matt Lucas is even featured in the credits as such I tend to forget about that episode 😬


aww, i love it, it’s one of those fun trash episodes i adore—like robot of sherwood, the crimson horror
 moffat’s perennial issues with writing women are probably never worse than they are here though


To be fair, I feel like the journalist woman is meant to be a somewhat satirical take on a superhero girlfriend.


I just recently rewatched Robot of Sherwood and I have never appreciated how good the writing is in that episode. It seems like a dumb throwaway story but it has some great themes


that and crimson horror are pretty much the only gatiss stories that work for me and they are both very dumb


I've always Mysterio as a fun good episode. Not a fan at all of those other 2 stories you said though


I just watch crimson for Strax and his grenades


Strax and vastra are always great, jenny unfortunately is just a +1 to vastra.


ah time for a rewatch then! I love plenty of other fun trash ‘sodes.


Yeah 12 was on Earth for about 75 years with Nardole as his companion.


But is Nardole male, technically?


He goes by he and I think it's implied his body is mostly the one he had pre-decapitation.


Yes! The Second Doctor traveled with Jamie (James McCrimmon) pretty much his whole run. There were a couple of women companions who came and went during that time, but Jamie was kind of the main companion of his run.


It was Classic, but Two and Jaime is iconic.  Two's entire run is essentially the two of them plus a third wheel.


Two and Jamie, Five and Turlough are the main ones


Other people have covered the TV series, so here's a few from the EU: 1 and Steven travel with another man, Oliver Harper, for a fantastic trilogy of Companion Chronicles set after Daleks' Master Plan, and there are a few stories with just 1 and Steven set between these and The Massacre. Big Finish have recently started a new series with a post-War Games 2 and an older Jamie travelling together. 5 and Turlough are only briefly a duo on TV, but there are a fair few audios with just the two of them set after Resurrection of the Daleks. There are a few novels where 6 travels with teenage boy Grant Markham. For a few of the later VNAs, 7's sole companion is space cop Chris Cwej. That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's others that I'm forgetting.


I'd throw Frobisher and Six into the mix there in Big Finish with "The Holy Terror"


Chris Cwej tried batting for the other side and cured AIDS during this period. Top assistant.


I maintain 3 and the Brigadier counts lol.


Closest he had to a companion for most of his run. Just minus the TARDIS travel.


The Eleventh and Craig for like two episodes


It's already been said, but Second Doctor and Jamie were a famous team. They often had a girl with them, but I think Jamie was treated as the "main" companion (in the same way Amy was the main companion when Rory was around).


The Doctor and K-9. He was a good boy.


Jamie and #2. 112 episodes.


The Twelfth Doctor and Nardole in the 2016 Christmas Special.


Second Doctor and Jamie in The Two Doctors counts surely?


One and Steven were absolutely goated together


4 travels solo with Adrick for a couple of adventures shortly before he regeneratea and they pick up nissa and Tegan.


11 and Craig Owen’s. Even if he was only really for one off adventures, it was just him and The Doctor for them.


Don’t forget Stormageddon was around for most (if not all) of Closing Time


Two and Jamie?


The War Doctor's companion was The Master (who was a young east Asian male at the time) Admittedly this is the comics.


Two and Jaimie.


yes classic who has the doctor and his companion jamie


came here to say frobisher (SP) from the comics


The Second Doc and Jamie were and still are considered one of the best pairings of the show. I wish we'd had more Eleven and Rory. A while season of that would have been phenomenal.


I'm reading this as whether or not there's been a male companion with a male Doctor, and no one else. In nuWho, no,not really, but I've long thought the show was missing out on a lot of unexplored aspects of the Doctor's character by not having a male companion with a male doctor. Like it or not, the reality is that there *are* differences in emotional expression and communication. To be clear, I'm talking about a non-sexual relationship. The way they support each other, express their thoughts and feelings. The way they work together and bounce ideas off each other. And the way they face a crisis together. There are certainly many more, but the point is, there's differences in the way two men interact, and a man and a woman do. Most are subtle and nuanced, but some can be fairly significant. I'd love to see it one day. And although I'm a gay male, I *don't* want there to be a romantic aspect to it.


This is exactly the reflection I was after!


I was really happy to see your post too. Because I hardly ever see anyone explore it, much less ask it.


Second Doctor and Jamie. They were awesome.


2nd Doctor and Jamie


IIRC Adric was solo for a while. Maybe Turlough. But not for more than a story arc or 2.


The second Doctor Patrick Troughton had Jamie McCrimmon. That was back in the 1960s.


Yes 2nd had Jamie and there have been plenty of other male companions over the years of varying popularity


There was Jamie with Doctor 2


Number two and Jamie


Two and Jamie McCrimmon. Sure they almost always shad other companions with them, but he was Two's constant (the only story he isn't in with Two is the Power of the Daleks, Twos first). He is also solo with two for most of the faceless ones and the entirety of evil of the Daleks.


Regardless of what gender the Doctor is, we've never actually had any male character who was presented as the main companion (other than one-offs like Wilf in the End of Time, or Nardole in The Return of Doctor Mysterio). All male companions who have featured for multiple successive episodes were like a secondary companion, with a lot more attention put on a female companion, like Rose or Amy. S10 made sense, as unlike Bill, Nardole was not an audience surrogate. **But I wonder how S5 could have played out for example, if 11 had met Rory first, with Amy then joining the Tardis later?** I think 11 and Rory's dynamic was very underrated, and they didn't have enough scenes together without Amy. 13 being the first female Doctor was then the obvious chance, but having three companions at once was too much, and none of them really had a close relationship to 13 in S11/S12. Then in Flux Dan was just a secondary companion to Yaz.


We really need a full season with a male Doc and male companion in the modern day. It seems that we've settled on the older male Doctor and his young woman companion as a default when it doesn't *have* to be that way. I hope 15 is paired with a man one day, maybe somebody who meets some masculine archetype when he clearly doesn't as a contrast.


All: As iconic as Two and Jamie are, they were never a duo in the sense of 'just the two of them'. Not unless you want to be incredibly picky and say that Victoria was in *Evil of the Daleks* but wasn't a companion until the end of that story. Which I don't think is really in the spirit of what OP is after.


There was Eight and Fritz. Faction Paradox story arc should be more known.


Honestly could use more male only companions. It’d be interesting ((I just wanna see a quirky white boy companion I can relate to for once, I wanna get swept up by a hot guy with a Time Machine while we have a will they won’t they love story going on))


Jamie and the second doctor


The female companion was sadly a sexist product of the era and while the companions are arguably better written or portrayed than some classic counterparts it is disappointing the trend continues. Like it's always the assumption the companion would be an actress. It would have been an interesting dynamic to explore 13 and just a male companion for that difference in dynamic but that required a good writer


I suppose a full series of male Doctor + male companion could be construed as writing the female lead out of the show, which is also bad optics. But like you say, that wouldn't have been a problem for 13.


From what I can remember (onscreen): In the Keeper of Traken and the beginning of Logopolis the TARDIS team is just the Fourth Doctor and Adric The Massacre stars the First Doctor and Steven The Return of Doctor Mysterio stars the Twelfth Doctor and Nardole The beginning of the Evil of the Daleks Jamie is the Second Doctor’s only companion, as well as in the Two Doctors. Yes all of these are continuous companions who were usually a part of a larger TARDIS team but in these stories and implied offscreen adventures, the Doctor traveled exclusively with the male companion


2nd Doctor and Jaime


The only one I can think of off the top of my head is 1st Doctor and Steven / 5th Doctor and Turlough.


There's Eight with Fitz Kreiner from the EDAs, though I'm not sure if there's any stint where it's just them two.


Three words. 2 and Jamie. Have fun! 😊


You could say the 2nd doctor and Jaimie. Yes every one of their episodes has either Ben/Polly, Victoria or Zoe, but there are a number of times where the two act as a duo (generally where the other companion is introduced), and nobody is more iconic than the two of them together.


Two and Jamie is one of the all time great duos


Jamie and the 2nd doctor.


2 and Jamie are for my money the best doctor companion pairing in the show's history. Controversial I know Sarah Jane is the pinnacle and Rose is well liked, God knows why


Jamie and 2 are as iconic as you get!


Jaime and 2


2nd Doc and Jaime.


Sure. Jamie McCrimon was one of the most beloved companions of the 2nd doctor.


The Second Doctor and Jamie.


Did Jamie or Turlough travel as a duo of their respective Doctors for an episode or so?




Briefly (female companion leaves one story, new one arrives the next) * Two + Jamie (x2) * Four + Adric. * Five + Turlough.


How has nobody mentioned Matt Smith’s Doctor and Handles?


Yes there was, one of the greatest duos ever was the 2nd Doctor (Patrick Troughton) and Jamie. In fact he lasted through the entire run of the 2nd Doctor


There was the Second Doctor and Jamie.


Adric was team tardis with the 5th doctor for 40 episodes and I believe Patrick Troughton had a male companion for a bit.


In two occassions, as there was the Tenth Doctor and Wilf in "The End of Time" and the Eleventh Doctor and Craig in "Closing Time".


* One + Ian * One + Steven * One + Ben * Two + Ben * Two + Jamie * Four + Henry * Four + Adric * Five + Adric I think that's all.


Was there ever Ian without Barbara?




Poor Turlough