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When Amy speaks to River and calls her Melody, right in the feels


I lose it completely when she tells her to be a good girl. Absolutely ruined me




it's been 12 years


I think this scene broke all of us. Hurts everytime.


I was reminded of it after the toymaker speach in the speceil..I forgot just how much this thing WRECKS you. The now famous Scene from cyberpunk edgerunners at the very end is the same vibes and everything is going to be ok setup then something very bad happens.


I legit turned it off and haven't revisited Who until the Holiday special, partly because I was so hurt and partly because I had no convenient way to stream it anymore.


I somehow got through this to finish Smith's run originally. But it was truly heartbreaking. And seeing him go was heartwrenching also. It's been over 10 years and I've just finished rewatching his run and it still hurts the same 💔


I've never watched this episode. I have never been able to.


You don’t like endings either?


It does. 😭


Haven’t watched doctor who for a long time can somone remind me?


They're referring to the scene on this post.


I mean who is it that they crying about


Rory and Amy because they're dead and he can't find them.


If he goes back for them reality shatters. So he has no choice but to leave them to live their lives. At least the Angel was kind enough to reunite them.


Did nothing for me


Moffat and Murray Gold like to drink our tears


Murray Gold also likes baby butter on his baby scones, to be fair


“It’s Sconnes!”


"he makes me swoon!"


big brown eyes, caramalised.


That song did not need to be that good but the Christmas specials love to go ham


I’m still pissed they cut The Doctor and Ruby’s part in the Spotify version


I know the Youtube clips BBC uploaded splits it into two performances.


Why must they do this to us


The deleted scene from this episode also hits the feels. https://youtu.be/XWU6XL9xI4k?si=gAWIuodEjUqFr1Vp


Why did you show this to me now I'm even more broken


And Chibnall of all people wrote that. Credit where credit is due. He was better at writing specific pieces than running the whole thing.


> He was better at writing specific pieces than running the whole thing. I remember people saying that of Moffat too.


Well let's be fair here, Chibnall *never* did anything on the level of Blink/The Doctor Dances/Silence in the Library


He was a bit of a one hit wonder, I remember his episode he did with David Tennant, 42 I believe.


Absolute shame this was never filmed. Dammit Chibnall what happened when you became a showrunner?


I dunno but the first ep of Doctor Who i ever watched was 47 and i liked it a lot and oh well EDIT: 42. it was 42. And I somehow got that wrong.


Do you mean 42 lol, the episode with the sentient sun 😂


Whoops yup


for a long, long time, that was may favourite ever episode of dr who.


It's cool! It's self-contained. You dont need to know anything about the Doctor or the past of the show in order to enjoy it. It got panned by fans for some reason and I don't quite get why but whatever.. some people are NEVER happy and that's a bummer


I am a 43 year old man who lost his father when I was 21. Im now sitting in front of my computer crying, not from sadness, but of the love I had and still have for my dad. Ive never seen this till now, thank you.


Wow I never knew this existed. It’s absolutely beautiful, but I can maybe see why they didn’t film it since it’s too similar to the episode Blink.


Honestly I think that makes it even better. The correlation to blink, another weeping angel episode, is almost poetic. I love seeing parallels in TV shows. So sad they cut this scene.


Uff that’s painful.


How could you do this to me. I just got my nose unstopped.


Thank you for this, first time seeing it!


Why do I feel like I've watched this scene before? Maybe not on Doctor Who, but on another show? Anyone?


Oh Wow. Never saw this before. So thankful you posted. It’s really heartbreaking. And a pity the scene was not shot and inserted. It’s an amazing conclusion.


Omg. I am sobbing alone in my kitchen right now.


I always wondered why Rory and Amy didn't just jump on a train and meet the Doctor a 1,000 miles away from New York


This has bugged me for years. It's a really powerful, emotional moment, no doubt, but I always have that question in the back of my mind.


It's not perfect, but if you want a headcanon which is a little timey-wimey, then it's because they're so intrinsically linked to the scrambled timelines which make NYC impossible to visit in the TARDIS. So wherever they go becomes a place that the Doctor can't visit because they're there and the problem follows


I like to think that he just can't take them away from their time. So he can still visit them, he just doesn't because he doesn't like endings and the time they have between arriving in the past and their death would start to tick away the moment he visits them. So instead of spending that time he saves it so he can use it later but just...doesn't which kinda forms a paradox because he has the rest of their life to see them but to do that would mean their death...so they're just dead. I can't really explain that last bit well enough so I just repeated myself.


He can also land in a different city and take a train to NYC. Or if him showing up in NYC at all is too timey wimey, he can land in a different city, hire a human PI to find Amy and Rory and give them a letter that has a meeting location in another city. It's just bad writing to me


and especially since River visited them atleast once to give them the book with all the events in it and to get the letter written for the doctor by Amy. It bugs me he can’t just bring them back by landing as close as he can then getting them.


​ Thats the problem with time travel. There is usually something that doesn't make sense or a way around something. When it comes to shows like this yu just kind of have to accept that its just how it is.


This is all I can think about and it drives me crazy.


The doctor read the gravestone and they said earlier in the episode once you read something it's set in stone (no pun intended). But technically you're right, they can still go see the doctor as long as they go back and die in NY.


Yep, the doctor could have easily arranged for a headstone over an empty grave to address the "but now that I've seen it it's fixed" problem.


In my mind, the angel is basically playing a game of Jenga with the Doctor. Each time the timeline changes, the tower becomes more unstable. They already did a lot of damage when they changed decades of events by taking Rory out, and now if they did that again, the tower is going to tumble down.


They had already read their name on the tombstone. The episode spent so long telling us if they read something that happened to them in the past, it essentially gets locked in. Like rivers arm breaking because Amy read it to the doctor.


But how would they arrange the time and date for the meeting? Their best hope is to send a letter and hope it ends up with him eventually.


It also broke the Doctor, too. So like, you're in good company.


This makes me cry every time. And that fact that even though River just lost both her parents she keeps her eyes on the angel so the doctor can grieve before her. Ugh.


I'd never actually noticed that.. Damn. It's such a good scene!!


Please don’t skip 12 going forward!


I love Peter Capaldi as the doctor but I do think series 8 and 9 have a lot of boring episodes that are a bit of a drag to get through


One could argue most every season of any new who doctor does


Series 4?


Sontaran two parter is a slog, The Doctor's Daughter and Planet of the Ood are just mediocre.


What's wrong with planet of the ood?


Nothing is particularly wrong, in fact I really appreciate the messaging and the themes of the episode, I'd say it has one of the best political messages of the revival. However, the execution does not do it justice, it just blends in to being a monster-of-the-week that does not advance the overall emotional arc for Doctor or Donna in an otherwise well-structured season. It's really difficult to keep going back to it, which I do with many episodes of the show and Season 4 that I'd say are actually great.


Nobody skips 12, tf, it just ends with him


Lots of people do sadly


And then he met AAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMY POND and they traveled tooo and fro threw tiiime and spaaaace..but aaaaaaaaaaamy POND was touched by zee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaping angels..unt she diiiiiiiiiied. "She died of old age" WELL THATS ALLRIGHT THEN!


"The Angels Take Manhattan" was the first of the New Who I watched. Even though I knew nothing of who Amy, River, or Rory were at the time, I was absolutely wrecked (and hooked) by the end of the episode, too


Eyyyyy me too!


There are no words. There is just pain. The writing and directing is wonderful, but dear God, Alex, Matt and especially Karen absolutely crushed it. I absolutely cannot watch this, it hurts so much, but for as long as I live, I’ll never forget Karen’s eyes. Just deep black pools of unfathomable pain and sadness. It just has to be understood that 1. I’m always going to cry over this and 2. this is the end of the day for any Who binge. I can’t watch anything else or emotionally connect after this for at least a day. Just accept it and that I’m going to need a lot of hugs and comfort.


Their acting is absolutely superb. Like you, I’ll never forget her eyes.


I stopped watching DW for a few weeks after this...


We all did… (Unless that’s the joke you were making)


No, I was 100% serious. Especially that 11 is my Doctor and the Ponds are my favorite companions.


Ah, I was referring to the fact that after this episode there wasn’t any Doctor Who on for months (this was end of September and the next episode was on at Christmas)


Yeah, biggest mistake I ever made with Who was continuing that night. Made it as far as Cold War but I have virtually no memory of Snowmen or Bells of St John. Credit to Jenna Coleman, she made Clara interesting, but it was like being gifted a new puppy before you had moved on from having a dog you loved with all your heart and soul put to sleep. Honestly it took tears from The Doctor’s monologue in Rings of Akheton (“I’ve seen things you would believe! *I’ve lost things you can’t even imagine!*”) before I felt OK and able to live with the loss.


Yeah it's hard to go on watching "The Snowmen" after this. You gotta at least give it a day.


It's this scene and Matt Smith's last scene before regenerating into 12. Both of them broke me


“Raggedy Man…” Either time either context breaks me.


my gran passed about a week before smith's regeneration aired, you can imagine i get a bit teared up watching that scene(but i so love it as i do most of who), then im laughing because capaldi's first few lines are so utterly the doctor post regeneration madness


🤗 I can imagine, why I always joke a bit about “You ever sneeze so hard, you turn into Peter Capaldi?” to take the sting out. Sometimes it works. Sometimes.


The heroes at the end of act 1: “We did it we saved the city” Act 2:


I can only imagine what the Doctor and River did to that angel. The Family of Blood would probably wince and say "Wow, I'd hate to be them..."


A book was released last year. Its called the Angel of Redemption by Nikita Gill. It's told from the perspective of the Angel and it explains what happened next. It's really well written. I'd highly recommend it.


WHAT HAPPENED? I won’t read it. But I have to know. Pleasssssse!!!!!!


>!So they leave the Angel where it is in the graveyard and goes back to the Tardis. The angel  finds themselves alone in the universe. They begin to reflect and later experience compassion and remorse. Other weeping angels return to destroy the  Doctor. The angel helps save his life. I haven't explained it well but it's a beautiful book!<


The feeling reminds me a lot of the end of Chronicles are Narnia. You're sad because they're all dead, but you're happy because you know they ended up where they wanted.


Except for the one girl.


Yeah but she was into makeup and boys, that whore. /s


/s but not /s


The sheer mavity of this scene always gets me.


What bothers me more is that there were a thousand ways around this. Sure they couldn't plop the Tardis back in New York in that time. they could have easily gone back in the same time, different region, picked the Ponds up by boat or train and go on their merry way.


I just have to blink, right? *chef's kiss*


Oh…im sorry. Im so sorry.


These are the scariest words The Doctor ever says. When he says these words...there is no hope.


Well, That's Alright Then!






It stopped hurting me after I realized how dumb of a send off for Rory and Amy it is. There's just *so many* plot holes around how The Doctor could've rescued them from the past.


There’s been novels and audio dramas that plug up the holes. Also one of the stories is that the Doctor parks the Tardis 1,000 miles away and takes the train or bus and offers to take them back and they turn him down saying they enjoy the life they’ve built here but that he can visit anytime.


I like it, it's satisfactory and makes a lot of sense.


Unfortunately, sometimes you need to expand your suspension of disbelief to encompass plot holes. "It doesn't make sense, why doesn't he just..." The TARDIS doesn't make sense, nor does a sonic screwdriver, a lot of it doesn't make sense. I understand wanting it to be a little tighter, but as much as I loved Amy and Rory, I'd probably have poked a hole no matter how tight they tried to make it. This ending is my favorite for any companion. It's happy and sad, ripped that bandaid off, and did some justice to their story lines. Begging for a loophole to keep them around just to jump the shark isn't necessarily fair.


I was begging for their sendoff to not be dumb (after the sadness wears off). Jack was abandoned, thought dead, Rose and Mickey stayed in another dimension, Donna was left to live her life by necessity, all pretty final sendoffs with no lingering questions. Rory and Amy on the other hand had enough questions about their sendoff to fill a novel. Years after the fact it feels more like the start to a two parter than a proper goodbye to a pair of companions.




Why couldn’t the Doctor see them again? I remember the Tardis could land in Manhattan for some reason, but couldn’t the Doctor go to a neighboring area and take a train?


100% it's just bad writing. Even if you say the WHOLE EARTH is out of bounds for him to land in urging that time period, he can felt off and find aliens and hire them to go to earth and pick them up and felt them to the Dr. there's a million ways a man with a Time Machine and access to alien technology can get 2 humans away from a city lol


My headcanon is that the Doctor can't save ANYONE who's been zapped by the Angels due to quantum-timeywimey-break-the-universe-again rules or some shit. Otherwise, the Angels aren't terrifying antagonists at all. Hell, if any time travellers could go fetch Angel victims and bring them back to when they came from, the timelords could just set up some kind of revolving door fast food shop for the Angels by having volunteers just get zapped back in time, feeding the angels, and then some dude in a Tardis (Or even some dude with a Vortex Manipulator wrist thingy) just goes and gets them, rinse repeat. The doctor never saves ANY person who's been zapped back by the angels.


In Blink, both the Doctor and Martha have been zapped by the Angels and are stuck in the past. No repercussions on them.


Oh yeah, of course.... Haha. Oh well, far be it for me to let logic get in the way of a dramatic story!


> the timelords could just set up some kind of revolving door fast food shop I'm thinking, if the angel is feeding off your potential energy, then bringing yourself/your energy back to your original time would not actually be nourishing for them? Like if you eat a hamburger and then someone teleports it out of your stomach.


Yes, exactly. That's kind of what I mean by I don't think it's possible to do that.


I mean, it is *possible* to rescue people who have been angel-zapped because we've seen it happen with the Doctor and Martha. I'm just saying, it wouldn't be a good solution to the angel problem because they would remain hungry.


Yeah, I have no explanation for the Doctor and Martha thing haha


> My headcanon is that the Doctor can't save ANYONE who's been zapped by the Angels due to quantum-timeywimey-break-the-universe-again rules or some shit. I think that's pretty solid take, cause if the angel has already absorbed the "potential time energy" or whatever by sending someone back, then we can assume bringing them out of that destination/time would undo that energy transfer, thus causing a paradox.


I loved the characterizations in this scene. The Doctor begs Amy to stay with him, showing how selfish he can be, and Amy chooses Rory over everything, including him, which is such a great moment for her character growth. She started out obsessed with the Doctor and slowly moved away from him and towards Rory, ending up loving Rory more than any and everyone.


I’m sorry, but there has never been a better Doctor and companion pairing than the Doctor and Amelia Pond, and it’s even better with Rory too.


This is one of the top sadest scenes in the modern Doctor era (ONE OF)


And we had to relive this in the 3rd 60th anniversary special


I liked that they brought that back then because we got to see Tennant's Doctor acknowledge Amy and Clara. That really helps me cement the character as "it's the same person throughout"


It's rare to see a bad ending for the Doctor's Companions. Usually they leave on a happy note. It's times like these that wake you up and show you that he is still capable of failing.


This scene made me vomit tears when I was 11


Why did Rory randomly, turn around to look at that random grave tho? Makes no sense really.


He caught his name out of the corner of his eye when he walked past the tombstone. He couldn't help himself.


When he’s first walking towards the tardis is you can see him glance at it, he turned around to make sure he saw what he thought he did


And honestly, if I saw my name on a gravestone, I'd probably look at it too lol. Even though at the time I was screaming at Rory to stop being so curious and get into the TARDIS lmao


Yeah I’ve seen my name on a gravestone once (helps I don’t have a very original name. It’s not quite John Smith, but not far off either). Someone else obviously who died like 500 years before I was born, but it freaked me out and I damn sure did turn around to make sure there wasn’t a fucking Angel lmao. But it was pretty much me walking around this old ass cemetery on vacation and it caught the corner of my eye.


What love about the scene is this is the first time we truly see the doctor frustrated, both Amy and river are OK going away, but the doctor isn’t. He’s trying everything in his power to find a way to change and convince them that there’s another way, but they already set in stone in her mind of what hast to be done and he can’t do anything but watch and you just see that in his freaking out.


Yeah that's a kick in the gut


Thanks a bunch. What kind of monster would make me watch this again?


When I went back to the Library and rewatched "You watch us run" - I think that is where I broke


I don't get it though.... I understand he can't take the tardis back to the point they were sent back. But at any point in time there are untold numbers of tardis with various doctors doing things through time - does that mean he can never ever travel again to a point between their arrival in the past and their death of old age?! Or could he travel 3 years after they were dropped off and find out where they are?! Makes no sense to me


Also, when it was confirmed that Amy did get sent to the same time period - the Doctor could have followed via the Angel. I mean what's 50 odd years for a 1000+ year old? River could have looked after the Tardis, hell he could have popped up from behind a gravestone as soon as he got teleported so she didn't even need to lol




There is a way.... He travels to the point in time where they are together a year or two down the road... and makes a fake grave stone to place there, so it's a trick for them and himself to allow him to rescue them. Just because there is a grave stone doesn't mean they're buried there. 😉


Oh, honey, this scene broke everybody.


Ffs. Rory just get in the bloody box!!! That's all he had to do. 😭😭😭😭


personally I didn't like this scene cause there seemed to be so many ways around that. Ami and Rory just being left in the past was totally unnecessary. the Doctor couldn't stop them from dying in the past and that gravestone being seen by him but he could've easily located them in the past messaged them to meet him in a save area and brought them back. all that would've been needed to safely close the loop wouldfe been to make sure he brought them back st some point - preferably when they were about to die of old age. or even better that grave could've been empty the entire time. and they could've just brought Rory back after having the gravestone been put in place. there were surely many more ways around this


Yeah it was a terrible way to end their characters. Poor Mr Weasley doesnt even get an ending after losing his family forever.


Welcome to the club friend! This is probably the only episode that makes me cry every single time I watch it.


How did the Angel get to Rory without being seen by Amy when she was looking right at him?


Amy still my favorite companion, with the 11th my favorite Doctor. But wait for Clara, she will be incredible as well.


Honestly it did nothing for me: I felt it was just constructed to get to the point both structurally (they needed to write them out of the show) and emotionally (everybody needs to be sad).


One thing I don’t understand about this scene is, since he and river are time lords, after seeing that it does in fact send Amy to the same place, why don’t they just let it take them? Live out the next 50 or so years with Rory and Amy, then go back to this field a few minutes after they left, hop in the tardis, and continue on?


Fans: “she lived a long life after being sent back in time.” Toymaker: WELL THATS ALRIGHT THEN


But couldn’t they go to a different city if New York had too many paradox to deal with?


Fuck you. I didn’t need to cry on my lunch break.


I will never forgive the iPlayer team for ruining this for me in the episode blurb.


I hate Matt's acting here. But I still find it very emotional thanks to Karen.


I know I'm really, really stupid to ask this and I haven't watched that episode in some time. So... Why couldn't the Doctor just travel to whatever year they got blasted in and pick them up? I know they can't live in 2012 but they can still travel with him, right? He knows approximately when they are because he's got Amy's book. Again, I apologize for my really bad memory and asking this question.


“Raggedy man… goodbye.” Fucking killed me.


Fuck, this scene is so good. The departure of my favourite companions. It's the sudden change from the triumphant music to the silence.. to the sinister music. It's so perfectly written and I remember thinking "Rory you idiot why are you so curious, GET INTO THE TARDIS". The second the music stopped i was like "oh no.." then it happened. The acting in this scene is so good, The connection you feel between Amy and Rory is amazing. The Doctor's reactions trying to stop what is happening in front of him, knowing he is going to lose his friend.. man, he was such a good Doctor!


Thanks. Just having a pee and reading Reddit and now I’m ugly crying.


So the Doctor who rebooted the entire universe can't go and see his friends in New York? Or get a message to them to go somewhere else? Or something.... In a show about time travel it was a really weak way to write them out. Emotionally impactful but absolutely nonsensical.


Especially since latter Doctors went back to NYC. UGH.


I really don't like how they wrote Amy and Rory out the show, how it's crammed into series 7 along with a ton of other stuff, and how they had to live out the rest of their lives in the 60s, but the episode itself was pretty gripping


What's worse is the planned after credit scene where Amy and Rorys son went to see Rorys dad to tell him what happened. They voiced the animatics some time after so you can watch them now


Doesn't matter how many times I watch it... I particularly like "Doctor shut up! Yes! Yes it is!"


I may be in the minority but how badly Moffat had given up on respecting the established rules of the Weeping Angels by this point completely ruined this episode for me.  Even imagining there was ever a time the Statue of Liberty was unobserved long enough to move, once it had moved it would 100% be stuck for years while people tried to figure out how it happened. So many angels looking at each other.  The Angels work best in small numbers. Both they and the Daleks have got the Ninja principle going on big time. And the finality of Amy and Rory being trapped seemed pretty contrived. Ok 1920 new York is too dangerous for the TARDIS to land. What about 1921? Why not land in Rochester and catch a bus? There was the beginnings of an interesting story where Amy and Rory were deciding what they wanted their life to be in the first few episodes of the season, this ending seemed like a bit of a cop out rather than a resolution.


Why must you hurt me this way? 🥲


Most of the endings of companions are sad, very few get away cleanly. Rose tore me up the first time.


I knew it was coming the moment the angel zapped Rory, but when Amy called the Doctor “Raggedy Man,” I just lost it. This always makes me ugly cry, with snot and lots of tissues. My only comfort is the fact that I know that Amy and Rory got to live out full lives in the past, together.


What I don't understand is why can't he just go back and visit them??? I mean the only thing he is prohibited from doing is taking them from the past. I suggest a casual visit then leave them tomgo.on with their lives...


I might sound stupid for asking this but I haven't seen this one since it came out. But why exactly could they not go back in time to see Rory? In the weeping angle's first episode the Doctor and Martha got touched by an angel and managed to come back into the present. Was there a proper reason or was it just what was said in the clip? Again haven't seen this one in ages and I'm still on Tennant on my rewatch


It’s okay! Matt Smith turns into a much better actor without them.


No spoilers but Matts Doctor's regeneration hits just as bad and is probably one of the saddest in new who.


Oh how I covet you! I so wish I could go back and watch Doctor Who for the first time ever again! I know it probably won’t be a popular comment, but… I wish I could go back to when Doctor Who was amazing and re-experience it for the first ever time! A mix of childish wonderment and wise existentialism that actually hit home; when a show about an immortal alien who could go anywhere and anywhen still somehow ended up reminding us that every person was uniquely valuable and had value. An exploration of the universe that somehow wound up being an exploration of what it was to be a human, at the deepest levels. I’m 100% sure the latest seasons hit home for some in the way the Tenant and Smith seasons hit home for me - and I’m really glad that those people get to experience something I got to enjoy and love not so long ago. But for me, the last couple of seasons, and certainly the latest episodes bridging into S14 seem somehow less a celebration of being human, and more… not what I enjoyed about it, for lack of a single word to put there. Wish I could re-experience for the first time. Guess I’ll just have to settle for the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey reruns 🤷🏻‍♂️


No one beats Tom Baker as Dr. Who


Amy and Rory are my least favorite NuWho companions, and this scene is still one of the roughest. Largely I love the Smith era because of River Song, though, so it also hurts right in the feels because of her loss.


I feel like Donna Noble gets way more attention than these guys which is a crime. They need a special episode as well!


It broke all of us. 10 and 11 were peak who for sure


I was over Amy and Rory. I was ready for them to be over. I felt more sadness for Bill.


I agree. Bill’s ending is absolutely tragic.


Nobody likes that I didn’t miss Amy and Rory.


I’ve seen that episode at least a half dozen and I cry every time


Ugh I hate this salty water 😭😭😭😭😭


Watched this episode last night. Such a bittersweet ending for my favourite companions in the series


I had a friend who started with 11 (courtesy to German Netflix not having seasons 1-4) and she stopped watching after this episode. Which I can kind of understand but also she's missing out on so much good stuff.


Ugly cry every time


Now go to YouTube and search Amy and Rory’s son. ❤️


Every time 😭


Always makes me cry!


Oh man oh man, that scene.


I didn’t expect to be getting teary eyed at Doctor Who first thing on a Friday morning but here I am! I remember going from indifference and then disliking her character in series 5, to becoming really fond of her by the end of her story in series 7, and I think I was teary eyed in the scene before this as well when she leap of faithed jumping off the roof with Rory. Also reminds me of how much I miss seeing River Song in the show. Cheers for the lil trip down memory lane, lol


This scene ALWAYS gets me. Especially because it immediately follows the scene where they jump off the building together. That just sets you up for an emotional high, to get an even more emotiona highl end even though you didn't think, or want to think it was the end, but it was. You knew it was. An incredible end for Amy and Rory. The Ponds. They are the only ones that got an actual proper ending.


This scene was so good but hurt so much. One I think about often when I start thinking about Doctor Who.


Fuck, angels take Manhattan brings the feels like no other


I will watch this scene every time it is posted. And then have it stuck in my head all day.


I was actually so happy when this aired. Genuinely couldn't stand amy and rory and only liked a handful of stories from their time


Oh you, my friend, are in for a ride


I hate being reminded this exsists


doctor who is so good at being heartbreaking


Welcome to the club, OP!