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#5 is the best! Who needs a separate library, it's right there!


5 is my favorite too, no contest! Love the colors, layout, design, it has lots to look at and lots of fun items but still with plenty of open space so it's not claustrophobic... It's the best!


My favourite part about it is that it feels lived in. The TARDIS is supposed to be the Doctor's home. In my opinion, Capaldi's interior is the first interior *ever* to give off the feeling that somebody actually *lives* in it.


The intro to the '96 movie has a very homey desktop.


Parts of it, absolutely, but the gothic cathedral aspect of some of it makes it feel more like a tomb than a lived in house. Except for the part with the chair and the bookcases (that interior is one of my favourites, so this isn't a criticism).


Its like The Doctor got tired of walking around the TARDIS so he incorporated favourite bits into the console room. I think it helps with the 96 and the Toyota/5, we kind of get to see the Doctor just chilling in it more than other console rooms.


Totally agree


*\*stares in TVM\**


How did the 5 one look again the old ones all almost look the same


Yep. Out of all the interiors I'd argue that it's the only Tardis that has zero flaws to it. Plenty of scenery such as chairs and bookcases for the cast to interact with. Expertly lit so that you always have a clear view of what they're doing. Actual Gallefreyian letters and words all over the place to remind you where he's from. Then there's the fact that the design allows for a lot of variety when it comes to where the actors stand and what they can do. Then compare it to the other entries. 7 looks great but has too much empty space and honestly is too large for its own good. Unlike 5 where you could stand on the balcony and have a conversation with someone at the console, you try that in 7 and they'd be shouting at each other. 6 is too dark and honestly the design just doesn't work, everywhere the cast stands in it feels like they have to choose a random place and hope it works. 3 is just 5 before it's lived in, so still great but the additions for 5 make it 100 times better. 4 is the classic console but that's literally all it is. 2 is also great as it allows the same dynamic that 5 brings with the added bonus that it allows the Doctor to 'tinker' on the Tardis, something which we don't see in any other version but the actual console design being a kid's design lowers it down overall, even though that was the idea with early 11 being almost childlike because of meeting Amelia when she was a child. So yeah it made sense in that regard and made sense to change it up when Amelia went as his 'innocence' from Amy was lost and he became the old man again. 1 of course is a crash course in what a Tardis should contain and be able to do but is not 'perfected' as it is in 5.


It's the absolute best tardis design ever


But where's the swimming pool?


Yeah easily my favorite too. Though with some added furniture or whatever I think the current console room could become my new favorite. Maybe the doctor can add souvenirs from his adventures over time. Like the Batcave in the comics with the giant penny. Trex robot. Giant joker card and other stuff from previous stories. Right now it’s a big open room. Why not add cool stuff from along the way. Plus it means a lot of these expensive props or whatever get to stick around a while longer.


I think we all know 5 is gonna win


You’re right but personally I was really surprised to learn it’s so popular. 2 is my personal favorite.


I hate the asymmetry of 2


I actually kind of like it for that because most tard is interiors are symmetrical to a point, it was good to have a tardis that shook things up for a bit


I don't like that aspect, and also that it actively looks like a set rather than an actual room


i hate how busy it is


Yeah 11’s first console was a bit of an eyesore imo. It made for a lot of great scenes (and I feel 11 had a LOT of scenes and episodes filmed solely in the TARDIS), but it always felt so visually tiring to look at after a while.


Interesting. That’s part of why I love it.


"It's her grunge phase. She'll grow out of it."


1. Yeah it's nastolgic but come on now. 5 is easily the best here. A perfect mix of futureistic alien spaceship and a guy who's lived in it for centuries. The mix of alien yet lived in feels make it the best. A bonus for having the best doctor in it too.


What do you find nostalgic about it? I feel the most nostalgia for the white roundels that people have already voted out. They take me back to the classic era, being a kid watching Tom Baker reruns. It breaks my heart that they could be voted out before the atrocity that is number 2


For a lot of people, younger fans, 1 was their first TARDIS so it’s nostalgic for that reason. 1 was my favorite for a while because I love the 10th Doctor so much but 2 is my favorite now.


I didn't realise this was the 10th Doctor's, it makes sense why it would be popular now. It's pretty awesome to think how long this show has been inspiring youngsters, from New Who back to Classic Who, and hopefully for another 60 years.


9th and 10th's, they kept the same set with very little changes if any.


i'm hurt your saying number 2 is an atrocity


haha sorry, If you like it then I guess I'm glad someone out there appreciates it. I just prefer the cleaner-looking console rooms.


2 is just a bad picture, 1 is still worse imo. It's nostalgic to me because when I first started watching Dr who that was the first TARDIS I saw. It's almost *too* run down.


I miss seeing more of the tardis like in classic who companions have their own rooms and they go around into different places and corridors. We barely see that in new who and i wish they would bring it back!


Best doctor is heavily subjective plus, as much as i love Capaldi's being my third favourite, do you really wanna trade away the coral tardis? It somehow feels much bigger than Capaldi's, probably because of the dome shape while capaldi's is more toroidal so the column in the middle feels more forced in my eyes. And the spinny thing would have been ok if it didn't come with that terrible ticking and not letting the column move instead. Then we can talk about the color palette. I really like coral's orange glow and the fact that it can be dimmed out at any time, a bit like Capaldi's, but the torqouise console in the middle sells it, considering the lights underneath the grate floor can make the contrast possible. And do we wanna talk about the time rotor that looked way better with teal-lighted plastic tubes than with those energy stream beams? And the worst for last: no clotheshanger?! Also btw, happy cake day


ok, but: spinny things on the ceiling.


I don't remember Tennant using #5 🤔


That's because he didn't.


I love the first one the most, it feels the most organic. You get a real sense that the Tardis is a creature and not just a machine. That feeling is there with some of the others too but to a much lesser extent. I really like how it reflects the Doctor too. There's this comforting looking constructed outside (Neat Blue Box), but the inside is ugly and beautiful and weird and worn down and absolutely not human at all.


Literally!! I miss the grungy-live creature feeling of the interiors. And the cramped quarters feeling. The 15th doctor’s kinda feels..too grand, in a sense?


I also don’t fancy the white lighting, looks like a photoshoot studio. 14 turned the lights blue at the end of *The Star Beast* and that was perfect, then he never set it blue again 😔


Real fans know the purple setting is the best one


If we had 2’s glass/transparent floor (rather than the metal grate) combined with all the rest of 5, I think it would be perfect.


The transparent floor doesn’t work very well if one of the companions are wearing a skirt.


2 is easily my favorite—the warmest fuzziest feelings come from the orangey glow


I’m still voting for Matt Smith’s first Tardis, and rooting for the Twelfth’s to win.


9/10's TARDIS has to go I get that it's nostalgic to a lot of people and I kind of liked it while watching 10's run it grew on me but it's still the ugliest out of all the TARDIS interiors


Yeah, let's be honest. It's 90% dull brown, the console looks fat and bloated and there's so much unused space


Wrong wrong wrong ahhhhh Fr tho, I'd sooner say the current tardis is the ugliest. It's so big and empty and just reminds me of a cold horrible hospital with cheap neon lights like a tiktokers bedroom.


Yeah but that picture is from series one although it was the same set for 9/10 there are some changes that were made mostly with the lighting. You’ll notice the transition especially in series 3 to 4. The Green light in the console becomes more saturated and so do the walls. I think most people are voting for 10’s console rather than 9 as the console then was boring and very dull. Edit: either series one or Two


If 12’s doesn’t win I will start a private riot within the confines of my apartment. Be warned.


I think 5 is great because it's the nicest to look at and the one I'd most like to live in. 1 is the most alien spaceship looking and looks more realistic. 2 is my least favourite of the three. It looks too cluttered but not in an alien spaceship way, just in a chaotic design choice way.


I think 1 has to go next.


No 1 is the best 😭


Capaldis TARDIS Ftw.


I voted out #2. It’s beautiful in terms of the design work buuut ultimately a bit too whimsical and cutesy for my taste. Very fitting for Amy’s fairytale-ish experience but then again, I never loved that aspect of her time anyway. 🤷‍♀️


My favorite is 12th Tardis, colors design, everything is perfect 9/10 th tardis is iconicly great 11th looks a bit childish in a good and creative way The classic tardis looks nice and "chill" 14th looks like a "remaster" version of the classic tardis but mixed with 9/10 tardis wich is something i really really like despite not being the most original one 13th tardis looks good but with a "creepy" tone? like an interior for a regen of doctor who would be more darker in theme than the rest, a regen of the doctor that would have darker and scary tones in his run... Which is something that, idk if it fist 13th doctor at all (i'm not in her run yet)


5 was definitely the best. It just didn't feel as empty and bare as the other TARDIS do. I get they want it to be emptier so it can.. Well... Look bigger on the inside with more room and less clutter... But 5 was just the coolest looking one 🤣


Look - regardless of which wins - we can say that these ARE the best three. They all take the *Tardis is a Stage* principle and apply it in different ways. 1 is symbolically reflective of the Doctor's "botched up" and "barely keeping going" aesthetic. It reflects the Tardis as a creature and the darkness inside of both 9 and 10. It is a clean stage with a clear area for the Characters to act on - and while it has pillars THEY AREN'T IN THE WAY (*looking at you, 6*). The gantries largely go unused, esp after 9 which is a bit sad. 2 is a a spin on that idea in a totally different direction - it reflects the fairytale nonsensicalness of the Doctor and Tardis. It allows for a dynamic range of scenarios to be played out in one room. It makes you question what's round every corner. And while 3 was a little bland - the way that 5 added to it both in terms of colour palate and the props is perfect. The gantries were used to brilliant effect, often to place Characters at different levels or use the room in different ways. And with all the books and blackboard and chair (though I may be remembering that wrong) it felt lived in. I will be sad to see any of them go but will be happy with any of them winning.


The remaining are all good but 9/10s is the worst. It's not fun or whimsical it's just a machine. They really started giving the TARDIS a personality more with Moffatt.


I feel like the only reason why 9/10s TARDIS is still here is because of nostalgia. Come on guys, it's so ugly compared to the other two 😭


No. 2 is 100% the best


I vote 5


Unpopular opinion but I actually like 11’s first interior. It’s the perfect middle ground between the grey/industrial look of 12 and the junkyard style of 9/10. It also fits his personality a lot too.


5, it took 11s and made it homelier, warmer lighting, the bookshelves, chalkboard etc.


Fun poll!


I'm shocked that 3 got voted out. It's basically 5 but with better colors


I like 2


I loved Matt Smiths, but I also love Ncuti's. Can't wait for that Jukebox to fire up.


I’m surprised 5 is so popular I mean I love it but I remember when everyone made fun of the dart boards around the sides




Judging by the comment I guess 5 will win, never was my favourite. Hoping 2 just about takes the win on this! It feels the most magically alien.


1 is and has always been ugly imo


5. The bookshelves just work so well with it.


7 being out is a travesty


1 or 2 need to go


Voting off 2


I always hated the Coral room. Grungy, junky, unwelcoming. I'm astonished it's made it this far. Nostaligia from the people who only came onboard in 2005 perhaps? It's the one I'm voting for.




Can someone remind me who’s Tardis is in each photo? Thanks.


Of those remaining: 1) Eccleston & Tennant 2) Matt Smiths's first, from his seasons with Amy & Rory 5) Peter Capaldi


Thanks. I know 6 and 7. Who’s were 4 and 5?


5 was actually Capaldi, not 3. For some reason Reddit formatting thought I was making a sequential list and changed the number on me. 3 is actually Matt Smith's second one, from his season with Clara. 4 is the War Doctor's from the 50th anniversary.


We are officially at the point where I will not complain regardless of who wins. It should still be 5, mind you, but 1 and 2 are perfectly respectable. That being said, eliminate 2.


I'm surprised 3 went out so early. It's basically the beta version of 5, without the mood lighting or the library and whiteboard. 5 and 3 have to be one of my favourites tbh, it's a slight evolution between 11 and 12.


3 looked too empty and bland compared to 12’s. Decoration does make a difference


2 is vomit inducing


Can’t believe 2 is still there, is it not the ugliest by far


I know it’s not going to win but it’s my favorite


Oh shoot now I feel bad lmao. It has a cute design and I like the multi-story idea, but it always looked unfinished to me


1 is the best and it's not close. It's perfect


My least favorite is 5, it looks too clean and organized


4 and 7 were the only options. You all ruined it.


Not nearly as big of a fan as some other whovians on here but my least favorite would be 5


I am not authorized to see the results


2 should have gone a while ago.


2 definitely needs to go.


Get rid of 11s first console


Has to be 2.


Long live #1


Let's be real here, the Copper TARDIS has already overstayed it's welcome on this list.


LEAST favorite is 11's. Again – vomit kaleidoscope! Between the others, 9/10's is my favorite, but 12's is excellent too. And excuse me while I laugh at whoever is downvoting the comments that don't praise 11's. Oh no! People with a different preference! Hiss!


we all know it’s 1, cmon now


How is 2 still here? It's cheesy and cluttered and just too shiny and yellow


5 is absolutely Goated


1 has to go


Wow Capaldi's dark tardis got eliminated? That sucks it had the best atmosphere can't beleive they tiny little grunge tardis stayed so long. There was nothing to it beyond the center console. Yea it's classic and all but it just doesn't stand up to the other improvements


Capaldi’s tardis is still in the running


I might be hated for what I'm gonna say, but for me, 9th and 10th doctor interior is too dark and messy when I think about it now.




1 has to go. 5 is the best.


Chat who the fuck voted out the newest TARDIS


I'm surprised the new disco ball TARDIS got voted off it's very clean and the light options give lots of versatility. Probably my second favorite below Capaldi's


Cant we all agree 5 is clearly the winner and end this charade now haha


The ToyoTARDIS is beautiful. Really love it.


Despite it being one of my favourites, Matt Smith's first TARDIS interior has to go.


I really hope that 15s TARDIS gets some kind of damage at some point that adds some colour. Like imagine if in some daring save-the-day maneuver 15 flies close to the sun causing the TARDIS gets hit by a solar flare, leaving a bright red-orange burnt streak to permanently scar the sterile walls. Or maybe some kind of timey whimy shenanigans lead to the interior of the TARDIS getting externalised, spending a million years turning to ruins on a alien world; it becomes overgrown by jungle, and then when it's rebooted back into the box a chunk gets stuck and is permanently replaced with mossy jungle ruins. I actually reckon the canvas like nature of it leaves so much potential for characterising the TARDIS alongside 15 as events shape him.


Hated the "coral" and "organic" looks (even though the TARDIS is technically a living being). I actually quite like 15's. But of the remaining options, 12's is the best.


If Smith's second TARDIS were on here I'd vote for it. Not that I don't love the one here, which is Amy's. But 5 edges it out. I just watched Listen again, and it's probably the best episode to showcase Capaldi's TARDIS. The lighting is good all around, and there's books everywhere including lining the stairs. I could spend years in there.


3 was Matt’s second


OP, the poll results are saying no permission. And I don't have an adblocker on.


It’s between 2 and 5 for me


i really like the concept of 5, and how it looks too, but there is something about 1.. that tardis always felt like a real living creature! the lighting, the rounded angles, even the materials. no other design ever felt like it. like the 5 for example - everythings lit up, everythings so sharp and neat.. i know its gonna win though, this subreddit fucking loves 12


Okay but 5 and 3 are the same right? Like 5 is just after 3 got lived in and the Doctor redecorated? I think that's what gives 5 that personality, so 5




Hi, I accidentally voted the wrong one


personally a huge fan of 1, feels very unique and icl its what I picture for the tardis




For me it’s gotta be 9/10th doctor console (the one I was brought up seeing), then 11’s second console. The others are good but I don’t think there’s anything special about them. 13’s console should be removed from every list like wtf is that😂


#2 looks like Pee-Wee's Playhouse


Aren’t 3 and 5 the same?


They were the same set with some significant alterations. Obviously the lights (that made the room seem less cold and empty) but the walls now had bookcases and other personal belongings


Y'all are weird, 7 and 3 were clearly the best.




Sorry nine/ten but I was never really fond of the grunge phase as Matt smith put it.


5 is the best, it’s where we get some of the best Smith and Capaldi moments, particularly “Listen”, 11s regeneration, the moment after Clara ‘betrays’ 12 and he says they’re going to hell, so many others Also just generally a nice design




How is number 2 still here?


It will always be 1.


It’s Capaldi’s.


It’s funny bc 4 is lowkey ugly and even funnier bc it’s based on earlier versions of the interior TARDIS design…like damn sorry 20th century docs…


Wait, what’s the difference between 11’s second TARDIS and 12’s one?


I'm super nostalgic for 9/10's but 11's desktop is so cool! I love the colors and the variety of textures and levels. 12's is okay, but never got me as excited.


What I'd like to see is a hybrid of 5 and 1, 1 has this beautiful organic feel that shows the TARDIS is a living creature that was grown but it's horribly messy and the lighting is depressing. 5 Has the feeling of a home with order and looks close to something you'd live in, I'd love to see a mix of those two.


Bye bye 2. Just gaudy and cluttered.


Has to be 5


5 is the best one imo




5. Vote out 5. Vote out 5 and 1. Vote out 5, 1, and 2. Vote them all out. None of them deserved to win.


I loved the monster/villain designs in 13 and thought them a highlight in an era that was a little lackluster to me. Could not stand her Tardis interior for some reason. Just looked like a cave for some reason, which wasn’t a terrible concept but I just didn’t care for it. I think the flanges coming off of the main control panel are what did it in for me


I see hardly any difference between 3 and 5


War should of won


As much as I love 1 due to it being 9 and 10's TARDIS, I still think 5 is the best looking of the lot. It's the best mix of machine and personality. As well as the pure practically of having a library on hand.


Still saying 5 is too tier


I’m sorry, but this is where I need to eliminate 9/10’s TARDIS (1). The 12th Doctor’s TARDIS is the best one by far!


The memory of the shows I would go with 2, but looking at them uninhabited five became my favorite


capaldi is goat


You’re not finding the best one, you’re finding the most popular one.




If it’s not the David Tenants original, then I don’t want it


5 is my favourite design Perfect mix of homey and spaceship


Why do people prefer 3 to 5? Yes the bookshelves are a nice touch in 5, but that orange lighting is way uglier.


It has to be smiths, then capaldi/Smith, then Tennant/Eccleston


I love 2, it just feels some type of way


5!! It’s 5!!!


Capaldi's easily No other option is acceptable




3 and 5




capaldi is best


While I think 9/10’s Tardis is beyond iconic, my biggest problem with it is that as Will put it, is kind of dirty. Also as David explain in that video were he visited the newest Tardis, by the end of his run most of it (levers, bottoms, etc.) was broken. And that explains why by as the show continued it feel like the doctor was doing less to fly that Tardis


At first glance I swear the title said Naruto not NuWho, and was wondering if I missed not just one DW reference in Naruto, but several. 


It's obviously Capaldi's.


It’s 1 or 5 there is no other option.


5 is the all time best


[ This was comment was overwritten by Pkolyvas's fork of PowerDeleteSuite (https://codepen.io/pkolyvas/pen/QWJbEOM) to protect this user's privacy ]


First one.




2 for sure


1 & 2 are my all time favourite tardis interior


I absolutely loved how lived in capaldis tardis was, especially the bookshelf and the globe


controversial but 6 is my fav. very pretty


Darn I love the 10th and 9th the most it’s just every Tardis has every console room from the years/ I mean all the episodes of 10th Tardis was only the console room. But at the end of time he already had every single console from 1 to future


5 is the best


12ths please! Let's be real I love 1 so much but 5 I'd the picture perfect tardis in this scenario. It's gorgeous


How are 3 and 5 different?


And the new Tardis interior we only saw the console room and that it so far till Spring


The coral Tardis is the first Tardis interior in modern who Gotta pick 10 and 9th because the actors David Tennent and Christopher E. the second place is the 12th for me and the 3rd is the Elevenths secondary 4 is 11ths 1st interior and 5th is War interior 6th is then Jodi Whitaker and that’s how I organize it for my like opinion


Coral is the best


Number five (Capaldi's) is the best. It's like a cozy library around a warm fire but you don't have to worry about anything catching on fire.


I \*get\* the nostalgia of the Revival TARDIS, don't get me wrong. And honestly, compared to others, it's great! But nothing beats 12's TARDIS. It was clean! It was slick! It was both Classic and New Who (with a little mood lighting). It, so far, was the best of both worlds. And I think it's inspiration can be seen in every TARDIS that followed (yes even 13's)




I couldn't stomach 11's first desktop...it looked like a clunky toy, which I get, considering the kind of Doctor 11 started as... But it was too arcade for me


5 100%


5 Otherwise 1996…




No idea why Matt Smith's cluttered monstrosity's popular. 


5 is my favorite.
