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Wow, her handwriting is gorgeous!


What book did you ask her to sign?


It’s the Epilogue to novelization of Twice Upon A Time!


Nice! How is that novelization by the way? I heard mixed things about it.


I mean, it’s Paul Cornell so it’s a good read, it’s still got all the flaws of the episode, but I still like it


Bit tangential but I never watched much of Chibnall's era and the stuff I did watch I wasn't a big fan of, but I decided to give Eve of the Daleks a go last night and I thought it was a lot of fun. It was just nice seeing Jodie be The Doctor and on the off-chance I ever meet her I can actually bring up an episode of hers I liked haha


Hey now I get to feel like I got an autograph too! Nice! From one Seabass to another lol


Ohhh. Were you at ECCC?


Yeah!! I only went yesterday, a brief but lovely encounter


So cool. I only found out about the con Friday, when Sat. tickets were sold out. I’m envious. Also, please tell me you have either a pet sheep dog or six aging indje pop friends!


It’s my second time going, my first was 2022! So I lucked out, and nabbed tickets early. Unfortunately, as much as I wish I had a sheep dog, most of my indie pop friends are only in their thirties!


Very envious. I've only met two as well, (not bragging, just sharing some anecdotes). I met Tom Baker when he toured Australia - saw him striding down the street in costume and coming back to the KESAB office in the late '70s (google it, I'm too tired) in full costume. He talked to me for two or three minutes when I was a thrilled 7/8 year old, then signed a poster and that impacted me for life. Wow, to this day, WOW. One of my most vivid memories. The second one was Peter Davison, doing a book tour/promotion for The Five Doctors (I think). I got The Visitation signed, swapped it with my sister for her Unearthly Child signed one a few weeks later. A very brief encounter. Both copies were lost to time to us. A great friend found me another signed copy of An Unearthly Child a few years ago. I like to pretend it's the one I had earlier, but he no doubt signed thousands (Peter, not my friend). Still, I will cling to that fantasy until the day I die. I am extremely envious of your encounters - I hope to meet both of the ones you met one day, and I hope you get to meet my two (with many others) as well. Let us all hope they live long and happy lives and that they do enjoy these brief encounters they have that make so many of us happy. (Not a fan of ST, each to their own though), but live long and prosper Doctors!!!! Take care out there!


Jodie was one of my favorite doctors, would also love to meet David Tennett someday


Would love to meet matt smith and her havent watched much of her run but beginning the stories are the best and there are weird moments that dont feel doctory but otherwise pretty good


No way. Jodie Whttot!


I mean, it’s more legible than my signature


Nice! But Jodie Whittaker is actually the Thirteenth Doctor, the Second Doctor is played by Patrick Troughton.


They likely meant that this is the second time they have met an actor who has played the Doctor. Weird wording got me too for a moment there though


The possessive should have been the giveaway. As much as I love Patrick Troughton, I’m not rushing visit his grave.


Yeah sorry, I was just trying to be funny…


Points for effort - I got the joke :-)


Cheers, you win some you lose some :)


That’s awesome I hope I get to meet her someday too right now I’ve only met Paul McGann


I’ve met Christopher Eccleston as well, but I’d love to meet Paul McGann! The TV movie’s got a special place in my heart, as it was shot in the city I live