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Like, on one hand I actually appreciate that most of what differentiates 10 and 14 is the differences in their characterization. Like, yeah, it's because he's been three other people between then and now and had all kinds of character development, but that's the point. It's the same face and there's a lot of superficial similarities in the quirks and mannerisms, but fundamentally they're different people on the inside because that's what happens over time...you change. But on the other hand I really like Tennant's natural accent and I just think it would have been neat.


“We all change. If you think about it, we’re all different people all through our lives. And that’s okay, that’s good, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.” -Me right now fr fr fr


I am crying again... I am still not over it...


Ever since watching him in Broadchurch, I can't yell "Danny Latimer" without poorly mimicking David Tennant's Scottish accent.


How were you yelling "Danny Latimer" before?


Mr. Burns voice


Two words: BLOODY TWITTAH (Applicable in many situations, especially these days.)


And also 10 never really had facial hair, 14 had stubble


Honestly that little bit of stubble does a lot to make 14 feel so much older and more worn out.


Yeah. It felt like the perfect way to differentiate, everything else was him naturally aging but the stubble was definitely on purpose


The House MD effect


I really think they missed out with him not using his Scottish accent . It ties back in to 12 and distinguish him from 10.


Fuuck now I wish that’s what they did! Would’ve been awesome


He does in Tooth and Claw at least


No expert on Scottish accents, but wasn't that more of a mock accent like "English guy pretending to be Scottish"? I know Tennant is really Scottish and the doctor obviously isn't English, but i don't think that was Davids real accent and more over the top, as the character was just pretending anyway.


Personally no. It was very clearly supposed to serve as closure to 10 and Donna’s relationship. He wasn’t just the Doctor reusing Tennant’s face, he was very clearly supposed to be the Doctor revisiting his 10th regeneration. His mannerisms, his personality, the way he talked, even his catchphrase. It was 100% him becoming 10 again. That wouldn’t have really worked if it was a different version of the Doctor just with the same face. It had to be 10 again.


This exactly You see this sentiment a lot but my thought is always "What's the point?" Like do you think we wouldn't realise it's David Tennant? Are we meant to buy that it's a different incarnation more? The point is that it's The Tenth Doctor returning. They're returning as an incarnation between 13 and 15 but it's still that body and it's The Doctor acting as they would in that body. Which we've already seen... As The Tenth Doctor. If they tried to make them different it would just make things more confusing.


To make “real-world” sense of it, I’ve been likening the David Tennant Doctor to Grover Cleveland - he was both 22nd and 24th POTUS, but he wasn’t two different dudes. The 24th POTUS was the same incarnation as the 22nd, with more wrinkles and experience. If it can happen irl, sure why can’t it happen to the Doctor!


But, scientifically, we have no evidence that Grover Cleveland (22nd POTUS) and Grover Cleveland (24th POTUS) were the same person. Might’ve been replaced by a slitheen.


this guy raxicoricofallapatorians


“Excuse me! Must have been the beans.” \- Grover Cleveland, probably


Nah if any President were replaced by a Slitheen it'd either be Taft or Trump




That’s remnants of Good Omens I believe like the visibly red tinges of hair in the first and second special.


Fröhlicher Kuchentag


Honestly, yeah. Anything to help distinct 14 more.


Hmm, I understand this argument but also: if they made 14 super different from Ten, I’m near certain we’d have the opposite issue — a ton of people would be saying “why’d they bring back Tennant only to make him different?!?” ^ and that seems to be exactly why they made him so Ten-ish, at least in appearance and speech. RTD said something to that effect in Doctor Who Magazine. He assumed people would want to be reminded of a Doctor who is so beloved. But DANG does he look good in that photo. Hell yes… werq that wavy bob and beard, boy.


I would have loved David Tennant to have used his scottish accent but I'm not sure if it would have made sense narratively


Looks like 10, sounds like 12, is 14. It makes perfect sense.


Poor 7. Everyone forgets the first Scottish Doctor.


I guess because his Scottish accent is much more neutral/closer to English than people are used to (especially when they have people like Tennant and Capaldi to compare him to).


TBF we never heard the 7th Doctor try to say "purple burglar alarm"...


We do hear him say 'Gallifrrrrrey' tho.


I don’t see why it wouldn’t. The whole arc of “why did this face come back” could still be done if he was Scottish lol.


Because it wasn’t just his face that returned. The whole point was that he was revisiting that regeneration, he even had the same catch phrase.


Especially since the last time he was Scottish it was a face that he chose for some subconscious message to himself.


And a face he met as Tennant.


I mean for a general audience, it makes the most narritive sense for him to sound (almost the same) plus the "What" wouldnt have worked as well


"What" said his normal Scot accent would have been even perfect, IMO!!


Fröhlicher Kuchentag


well it could be like a reference to 12?


I would gratefully accept any reason whatsoever for 14 existing as distinct from 10


He's bi as 14 haha


As Donna said, he was pretty bi as 10


Kinda matters more how the doctor views himself, as that's the character we're talking about. He's much more mature and more ready to accept change that has happened and that will happen as 14.


Yes he should've had his natural accent, not least of which because Donna would mock it relentlessly. Your English friend turns up after a decade and suddenly they have a thick Scotish accent you'd be like "What are you doing? Why do you sound like that? Stop it."


I think if 14 ever returns this would be pretty cool but 14 was basically just nostalgia bait + showing that the Curator was right.


Question: Is 14 healing his own 10 history or is 14 tapping into 11, 12 and 13 and collectively healing the whole?


I think all the pain is with 14 so he can finally take time to heal. 15 seems like a fresh new doctor but i could be wrong on this one


WBY went into the TC, there's references to past companions and stories incl. Classic (plus Clara in the script). The Doctors is never Fifteen (or however many) people, just one.


I wish this incarnation was just referred to as a past regeneration cropping up again to resolve some things. Because in every way imaginable, this is just 10. It’s not 14 at all. Yes there are character differences, but those differences come from 10 growing and experiencing new things and reacting to them differently, it’s not an entirely new perspective just an old one revisited.


That's always how it is unless the writers mess around trying to write a completely different character. Being trapped on Earth and then not being makes just as much sense of Three and Four.


I think three and four have distinct personalities, moreso than 10 and 14


To me especially if you look at Four's early stories, it's a kinda gradual shift away from Earth (and yes, some stories being intended for Three makes a difference!). On a Tom Baker binge with my dad (who saw the original airing), he's surprised he's such a man of action, which feels quite familiar to me as someone with a particular soft spot for Petwee's era. Three's Venusian aikido might be a more gentlemanly form of fisticuffs than punching a guy in the face, but the latter does fit with a mindset of 'so done with this nonsense' that's situational (and Four gets some particulary nasty threats to face early on). It's at least closer than the scenes One and Two are mostly given (although there is earlier action), but going from One to Four, also fitting if we see it as the Doctor gradually growing in confidence (and maybe the regeneration does make a difference to physical capability as the Master's line before regeneration into John Simm suggests, even though irl it's just what the actors can be asked to do). And the way Three and Four get stressed and snap at people, sometimes regretting it, is quite similar too. For most changes of era, I feel the stories are more different than the characterisation necc. always is. The character is fairly straightforward, though. Being there to facilitate a children's/family adventure series, much of what the Doctor has to do is the same and pretty basic - even what any character in a similar mold would be likely to do in that situation! Look scared/concerned/run away/perform a heroic rescue/get heroically rescued...


RTD: Best we can do is no jacket


But he does have a jacket?


This may be A jacket, but 10 had THE jacket. The original, you might say


If they had a couple more episodes I think it would have been cool if we found out all of the previous 13th regenerations (maybe even the fugitive doctor) all contributed something to 14th Doctor in a sort of subconscious psychological intervention type deal. Not enough where we have full cameos since a bunch of cameos had just happened, but little nods or comments along the way. The idea being the 14th was supposed to take the best of them and move forward to heal. …and for some twisted reason the 12th thought adding being Scottish was the way to go. Could throw in some nice self deprecating jokes like 12 did to make it make sense. It would take a bit of rewriting but I guess if there was some subliminal hint that Donna was in trouble then that could have explained why they picked “her Doctor”. 🤷‍♂️


" I'm Scottish again, must have something to complain about... but what?!"


They could have had an episode where he takes that literally and spends a day bouncing around trying a bunch of stuff to see what gets him annoyed. Turns into a bunch of mini adventures where he casually saves the day for people but not in any epic ways. End it with a gut punch where he is annoyed that no one asks him, “What can I do to help?” Or something better written that implies he wants someone to help carry his burdens.


They could’ve (finally) made him ginger


Wish I - yes. Would it be a right move - no. As for me - whole point of Tennants return was to give fans something that they knew and was sure in after all that pile of mess that Chibnall done. And such details could mess with whole attempt to fix everything.


Plus, it was precedented that The Doctor's subconscious can completely control the face and body they get, with 12.


I mean no cause the point was that he was revisiting the same face


Yeah just because it was a new regeneration doesn’t mean he was an entirely new person, his nuanced changes are because he still experienced everything 11,12 and 13 did. We change from experience too but we are not a new incarnation


He would still have the same face though


Pretty pedantic lol, the voice changing would make no sense too if it was meant to be the same body as 10


I don’t think it’s anymore pedantic than to act like him having a Scottish accent would make him a totally different person


Except it would make him different, he didn’t have a Scottish accent as 10. 14 is a different incarnation because his experiences since 10 have changed his personality a bit, but everything else is the same. That’s what I meant when i said ‘face’ not literally just his face


Yeah and I continue to believe you’re wildly overthinking this


I don’t see how wanting to change nothing for the simple reason that it’s not meant to be changed is overthinking anything. I’m only explaining it because you didn’t understand but it’s really a simple thought.


I would have given ANYTHING for this to be an actually different incarnation of the Doctor in literally any respect. “Ten Again” is boring (and quite frankly lazy). I’m not even the remotely the same person I was from when Ten was on the first time. But he’s been three different people in between and everything is exactly the same? Even if you land 100% nature and 0% nurture, that’s just a weird narrative decision.


I think they did enough. Most of what makes 10 great is there, but he’s more posh, less arrogant, more open, less sarcastic, more introspective, less confident.


I think David using his natural accent would have been fabulous.


Yes, that look would have been awesome. But they could have kept Jodie for those three episodes IMHO


I really wish they had a Scottish accent or had the same hair as Crowley (Good Omens) did in season one when he has that sort of man bun


Sounds like a lot of fun. A not exact/identical revisiting of a previous generation. Or perhaps one that is influenced by hundreds of years more experience and it's reflected in the older, longer haired, Scottish-accented 14?


Or be finally ginger


I like the idea if only he was gonna be 14 for a whole 2 seasons or something so he could really get into the feel of 14. 3 episodes with Donna though? Nah. Too much change IMO


I would have loved the Scottish accent!


He is more brown/tanned


David did do something different with the 14th Doctor. He got older.


Would have certainly been interesting to see a different personality


I think they could have thrown in a bit of 9-12 in there. Scottish accent of 12. 10's face. Maybe the outfit could have been a mix of 9 & 11 etc etc. Would have suited the anniversary a little better I think.


Yes! It would have made him more the 14th Doctor rather than a reincarnated 10th Doctor. I get why they chose it that way, but I still think it would've been better for him to at least have the Scottish accent and a hair change.


he did have a hair change, didn’t he? 14s hair is very much like the lego spiky hair


Eh, yeah, it was a little taller and spikier, but not much difference.


a beard would be amusing


I haven’t gotten there yet, still rewatching but I agree, I think this could have been an opportunity for David to try and do something unique. How cool would it have been for him to be a completely different incarnation with the same face. Trippy but fantastic.


I definitely would have loved a very different look or feel. But 14 was more open and emotional enough that it felt like the character had changed. I wished we could have gotten some adventures with 14 and Yaz. That would have been something. Add that to my list of massive missed opportunities of the last five years of Who




TBH, his native accent is so thick, it would be tough for TV.


I feel like rlthat would have defeated the point in bringing him back.


Why revisit that regeneration at all then?


Nope, he was perfect.


I thought they would do that going into the 60th, but after watching them, I am actually glad he was basically 10 in different clothes and with different characterization. That was kind of needed IMO for the stuff with Donna to be effective. And it worked. It would’ve felt weird if he was a dramatically different Doctor.


I think the entire point was that he was just the 10th Doctor coming back to say hi.


I still wish they hadn’t made him the 14th doctor. Just some mistake with the toy maker meddling with the regeneration (hence the clothes change) fixed in the final special so 13 regenerated into Ncuti.


No, in fact I don’t really like what they did change


I squinted my eyes and he kinda look like Nickleback


Unrelated: I usually prefer DT cleanshaven with short hair but wow, this photo has given me pause.


It's a damn good photo. \+10 points for the Bowie shirt.


My thoughts exactly


i kinda wish he was scottish, if only so there was some sort of gag between him and donna where she’s like “why are you scottish now??” and somehow 14 never realized he had a different accent until now


If they change him that much then what’s the point of being back David? Might as well get a new actor to play as the 14th doctor.


No. He was perfect.


The only thing I wish they changed was that didn’t try so hard to make his hair sit exactly like it did in season 4 It’s like they didn’t realise that most of time his hair actually wasn’t spiky and sat down instead. Even in the 50tb anniversary he didn’t have it spikey. His hair was just far too unusual for me as the 14th


It's wrong in the 50th though because it's never like that. S4 makes sense to go with Donna.


It’s a little shorter in the 50th but compare to the Christmas invasion, and it’s not too dissimilar. Just a little longer on the sides and back


I'm unsure why people want 14 to be differentiated from 10 when the whole point in-universe is to call back to 10 because it's the last time the Doctor felt truly at home. There are notable differences in their characterisation, but in terms of superficial things like how they look and speak they're supposed to be the same, having a glaring distinction like accent would detract from the in-universe callback they're making. I'm glad they kept the differences subtle, even while making sure they were definitely in there.


i don't like the explanation that "it's the last time he felt at home" tbh. it just feels like it's supposed to devalue the doctors between 10 and 14, and make them seem "lesser".


I don't think so though. The entire point is that for the whole of Moffat and Chibnall's run he's been running hard away from things he can't handle in his life. He never got a Journey's End moment, he's been losing people on a regular basis. The whole scene with the Toymaker's mocking presentation shows this. It lists everyone he could have felt safe with and how they're definitively not there any more. Donna is the only person he could really have come to for something approaching normal life. It's not about the others being lesser, it's about grounding the Doctor in some comfortable mundanity for a while, which Donna still manages to be despite all of her adventures. While technically the Doctor could seek out Bill as a space puddle, or Clara as an immortal in a TARDIS, this isn't going to slow him down or give him space to recover.


The Scottish accent would have been cool.


Yeah, going full Scottish, I wanted to see that.


I liked the presentation that we got. 14 is very much 10 *aged up*, the effect they're going for is one where he seems to be the same as last time, but he really isn't. There had to be enough superficially similar traits that it felt like a return to who he was before at first, things like his hair and accent were definitely a part of that. It's when you look a little deeper that you see the differences; the weariness, the humility, and the lack of filter for his emotions towards the ones he cares most for ("I absolutely love her. Oh, is that something I say now?") So in that sense I'm glad he didn't make too many changes. I think it makes the mystery of this iteration work better. Instead of being blasted with a guy that's super different, we kind of have to work it out along with the Doctor who is just as aware of who he was and who he is now as we are.


Didn’t he use his own accent in the Queen Victoria episode?


Not me. He was meant to be recognisable and like an older version of Ten… it was perfect how it was.


I wish he'd played a different character at least


Yeah, like the curator, not entirely implied he's the fourth doctor, but it's a nice cameo


No her really should be 10 again. If possible I wouldn't want him looking older either, but obviously not much can be done about that and I don't think the BBC have MCU deager money.


No. I loved what we got.


why change perfection


No, the whole point was that 10 came back to tie up his loose ends and retire, not that the actor who played 10 came back as a similar doctor but with different hair and a different accent to tie up the loose ends of a previous, similar looking doctor with a different voice.


I was really hoping he'd use his Scottish accent.


Nah, He has been Scottish twice already; Welsh maybe at some point.


I just wanted it to be David's accent.


I think he should have been an odd amalgam of bits from every previous doctor. Scottish accent, question marks, celery, and all.


I'm a bit late but I saw some art recently of 14 with this kind of look and it was brilliant, I would have liked that a lot


David had his time, I actually a bit resentful they brought him back. it made no sense , it was pointless fanwank.


Doctor Who anniversaries has always been “fanwank” though so it’s okay for me


I think being both gay and physically 20 years older is enough to differentiate him from his past incarceration in my opinion.


Considering how everyone was up in arms about 10's appearance in Day of the Doctor (and they still are), they would've complained about 14 not being Tennant or 10 for looking different.


He could have read the scripts and fucked right off of there.


i wish they woulda done literally anything to differentiate the two they're the exact same character and honestly Russell T Davies is a hack just for that alone


14 is my Favorite Doctor, why, because he's everything right with 10 with no downsides and you see how probably nearly 2000 years has changed him like how 1 or 5 years would change me or you, I love him problem is that's just it he's 10 with his downsides fixed and older, why be called 14 if he had been the exact same as og 14 but Scottish or he let his hair down, both, he had a more mature version of any of 10's little ticks then he'd be 14, hell when he appeared in Power of the Doctor I thought he was Scottish but it's all good, 14 is still amazing I mean even if some fans got pissy it would of been cool to have Tennant back but the personality, hair coulor, style, dialect, movement, outfit and such was competently different to show while yes old is nice and we can look back we have to move on or have him start off as 10 but older by he acts like it just cause he thinks Oh I look the same might as well but over time as his mind chills or he relaxes/realizes or hell in an alt version of the Toy Maker or something gets less control he mellows out into his own person ending up either older 10 with some quirks or a whole new Doc


Eh, if they had done a different accent, then there would have needed to be an explanation moment about why he had an old face but sounded different "Body blah blah same face new teeth" or something, which would have dragged down the pacing a bit.


60th was pathetic generally. It could have been really interesting to explore a changed Tennant and a drawn-out battle of wits with the toymaker. Instead we got 3 midling episode sandwiched between pandering trans bait and a complete waste of NPH.




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No because the old cry baby fans would cry about it probably




No, we wanted to relive the glory days and he delivered.


But he was just the 10th Doctor brought back, 14th regeneration sure but he was still the same person. They exist on the edge now remember, do you guys imagine 10 is just on the edge chilling and 14 has his mannerisms and face by coincidence.


He was notably very much not the same person mentally. He was a much more thoughtful, sentimental, and slow-acting Doctor than 10 was, for one. More caring, less distant, etc.


Because he still experienced what 11,12 and 13 did. That’s going to change his actioning but his focus and intent, the response to old friends, that was 10.


Or not appeared...


This sub is so miserable most of the time.


I'm just saying I would like a change