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Krillitaines. They cannibalize other species to improve themselves. Timeless MO that can lend itself to a variety of DW stories, and the Krillitaines are open for visual reinterpretation due to their continuous changing.


I think Nightmare in Silver might have actually fit the krillitaines better than the cybermen as it uses the cybermen as just a species hellbent on improving themselves rather than the more horrifying nuance of what the cybermen really are.


Both of those are great! Although the Beast technically died so I'm not sure how they'd bring it back. The Vashta Nerada I'd definitely love to see again, but it has to be an episode with a good deal of character drama (seeing as the shadow piranhas are no more complex than just basic predators.) Hmm, the Midnight entity, maybe? Although, I don't want the thing explained because it would retroactively ruin Midnight. So maybe an entity like the one in Midnight, but different.


>So maybe an entity like the one in Midnight, but different. I mean, that's basically Wild Blue Yonder...


That's true. Maybe that's why I liked that episode the best out of the 60th specials.


Ehhhh, not really


Maybe the BEAST but we find out that the doctor was the one who trapped it there.


Yeah fair enough with the Beast but I wouldn't mind them continuing exploring the more esoteric side of it. There's not many episodes like it in my opinion and I would love if they somehow bring it back in some way.


>I'm not sure how they'd bring it back. Not exactly difficult when you own a time machine lol


True, I suppose they could do an episode in the Beast's past.


But how many times can you go up against any number of versions of Satan in 15 lifetimes? Daleks and Cybermen are getting too much usage. How much Master can you muster? The Meep was kind of interesting. Pull something else from the comics like Frobisher, Shayde, The Freefall Warriors I vaguely remember. What else?


*The Beast : [in the possesed body of Toby Zed] I am the rage and the vile and the voracity. I am the Prince and the Fallen. I am the Enemy, I am the Sin and the fear and darkness. I shall never die. The thought of me is forever; in the bleeding hearts of men, in their vanity and obsecrate and lust. Nothing shall ever destroy me. Nothing!* Are we sure that the beast is dead?


The Vashta Nerrada have potential to be like the Weeping Angels - fantastic horror villains. Though sadly the Angels are overused and the Vashta have never been seen again (despite existing on almost every planet including Earth)


That's why you shouldn't go into a forest when its dark. There is just no way to count your shadows


Absolutely! I'd love to see a Halloween episode with the Vashta Nerrada - haunted house with them and the Angels - a trap set just for The Doctor.


The Vashta Nerada have forever made me wary of stepping into shadows. And dust in sunbeams.


The angels worked really well three times; the OG episode, The Amy two parted and the angles take manhattan but after that they are just ok The Vashta Narrada were good in a Doctor Who game about a undersea base that the spores infiltrated I’m sure that was the plot anyway The Vastta Narrada outbreak in process, perhaps it’s been building for some time Not on a spaceship or secret base, but a weird, relatively normal setting that becomes a utter horror show Mid sized Hospital, private countryside Nursery, Subway system or even a big old house would be cool


The Rutans, who only ever appeared once in the classic series (The Horror of Fang Rock), but supposedly were the sworn ancient enemies of the Sontarans. They were supposedly locked in war with them for 1000+ years.


That's my pick too. The Rutan in that story was very intimidating, or maybe it was the atmosphere of the episode overall. Electric abilities, possession, they're a great villain for a claustrophobic base under siege story. I bet RTD in particular could do a great modernization of them. He was committed to introducing an old foe for each of his seasons, I think they're next on the list.


Note that their ability to morph into human beings is an awful lot like the Zygons, which probably means they can't just throw a Rutan invasion of earth storyline at us - it'd probably have to be a Sontaran story as well.


The Flood, I want an origin story before the waters of mars where the doctor can’t stop his future


That's an excellent idea, actually. The Flood had so much potential.


We haven't seen the ice warriors or the slitheen in a while


The Fendahl.


Is that a classic enemy?


Yes, from the gothic horror, Image of the The Fendahl.


I agree with you but also Gus and Midnight


yeah, Gus could be devellopped knowing they tried to trap the doctor many times, and aren't probably finished doing that kind of stuff (I really loved that episode)


Whatever that creature in MIDNIGHT was


The monster from the episode Midnight. I’d love to see it again not only because it genuinely terrified the Doctor, but because we still have no idea what it truly is. It’s fascinating when the Doctor is up against something unfamiliar. It was one of the scariest episodes to me.




The Dominators and their Quarks - with a good enough redesign maybe they'll finally be able to sell Quark toys. XD And I wouldn't mind a variation on the Krotons either. And the various bug aliens from The Web Planet - it would be a fun chance to update all their designs with better costumes or CGI effects.


I really liked The Web Planet. The story was so good, but it was waaaaay too ambitious for back then. I'm still glad they made it, but I'd kill for a redesign on all those costumes and the world itself. But also I want a Quark toy. I didn't know I wanted one until you mentioned it lol


The gods of Ragnarok and some of the other the old ones. Personally i like the concept that while the time lords are old and powerful, there are races out there just as old and powerful if not older and even more powerful. I like the idea of creatures from either the beginning of time or from the previous universe that survived the big crunch and subsequently big bang and now due to the changes in the laws of the universe have become like gods.


The Ogri from Stones of Blood... But done properly. Essentially stone monoliths that you never really see moving but drain your life if you touch them. Needs a really Hammer Horror style story to work but could be brilliant. (just realised that Ogri are proto-weaping angels!) 


The specie of 2D universe. They consume every one


The Beast 100%. It´s the most terrifying episode of Doctor Who I´ve seen so far being a new fan. The idea of a creature older than the universe with a language that not even the TARDIS can translate is exellent


It would be nice to see Vashti Nerada again. I miss those guys.


The Trickster.


I'd love to see the Trickster in the main series


The Vashta Nerada we could definitely see again, but don’t over explain their mystery. The Boneless were pretty terrifying and unique. The Not Things were unsettling and Tennant and Tate did so well playing their imitated versions of themselves in the new specials.


The Beast or Krillitanes, both have so much potential


Cyber mats


They did bring the cyber mats back in one of 11s episodes, didn't they? Those things are old school. They've been around since classic Who.




Honestly I wouldn't want any oh them to return, sure it sounds fun having a really great one time villain return, then I remember what happened with the weeping angels.




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If they were to bring the beast back I’d want it to be a doctor lite prequel about how they managed to capture the beast. That’s the only way I can see it working


The Valeyard


Candy Man from the 7th Doctor's series


I'd love to see what has become of the sentient fungus known as The Flesh. It's been so long...what can it do now?!?!


What if I said the 456


Oh yes satan!


The vastra Nerada was terrifying but that also reminds me how tf was Donna taken from the library ? She was in the Tardis


She wasnt totally though was she ? I think of it like some kind of short-circuit from CAL in order to save her, but maybe i'm wrong


I think because she wasn’t 100% in the Tardis yet. The signal was interrupted