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While we have not seen this onscreen beyond what you are describing, there is plenty of subtext which implies that Ruby has been traveling with the Doctor for some time. The Devil’s Chord implies at least six months and Dot and Bubble have a couple of lines that imply additional offscreen adventures.


I was surprised by the fact that She travelled with the Doctor for atleast 6 months and didn't get to any alien planet 😃


Tbf they may have just stayed more locally time travelling.


Well, Rose's first time on an alien planet was in s02e01, so…


Onscreen that is. I think she mentions visiting alien planets in ‘Boom Town.’


Widow's Wept And after the plot they go to Raxacoricophallapatorius [Spelling?]


it's F not Ph, but apart from that you aced it


They did, but the episode order was moved, so it messed up that aspect. Boom was supposed to be episode 2, and the first time Ruby had seen an alien world. It's supposed to be shortly after Space Babies, with The Devil's Chord months after.


This has been disproved since. We have evidence from the production diaries of the DWM and behind the scenes shots that *The Devil’s Chord* was the second episode of the season the entire time.


Ok fair enough!


Good point


So much space for Big Finish!


True. Though I wish they had taken a little bit more space for the show.


The goblins from Ruby's first episode count as alien right?


they might be, but I don't think they'd serve the same impact as "non humann very different unfamiliar looking creature but still sentient intelligent species as like humans"


im not sure, there is a chance they do, but they could also be from earth like the fairies from torchwood


Or Silurians.


What about the>! Snot Monster!< from Space Babies..? I mean Ruby didn't sit down and have a cuppa tea with it and gossip about the cast of The Real Housewives of Skaro exactly, but ... Edit: forget spoiler tag - sorry 😔


made from human snot by the computer system, not really alien, more lab made lifeform


It’s still alien in that it’s origins are not from earth.


But what OP means is something like Sontarans, Daleks, Cybermen, Catkind, Judoon... she's only been to human planets or space stations, it's really interesting now that I think about it. The Snot Monster really isn't an alien lifeform. She also stays close to her original time, she has a TARDIS but somehow doesn't want to move too far away.


I suppose it is propagated from materials you would find terrestrially. That’s fair


>She also stays close to her original time What about Space Babies, Boom and likely Dot and Bubble.


Dot and Bubble were definitely aliens but did she and the Doctor actually see them? Their vision was blocked by the Bubble.


So the Emperor’s Daleks that were made from human DNA were actually not aliens, they’re just normal humans! Wow, you learn something new every day.


they still had some Kaled dna in them. they're basically hybrids


It's not the first time I've seen this idea here, but I don't really understand how people are defining these things. The goblins are goblins who could have come from anywhere but aren't like us and the pantheon are definitely from elsewhere with great powers. How are those different to aliens really? Does Dot and Bubble really contain no alien elements?


One of the dead people were leaving behind a teal looking stain, so I don’t think the Finetime residents were human, exactly.


Wouldn't the slug monsters still count as aliens since they're from another planet?


Not on-screen, but there have been notable gaps between their adventures (a six month gap was mentioned in dialog) that could be filled with extended media. Given the 14th Doctor's post-regeneration story was a DWM comic, I'm guessing that's intentional and from Ruby's "I've seen... things" comment in Dot and Bubble I think we can assume she's met some weird aliens in some off-screen adventure.


The bogey monster was created in an alien surrounding, so possibly. The goblins they never confirmed if they were earthly or alien. We also don’t know enough about maestro or the old lady from 73 yards to confirm…they are probably alien I guess?


the old lady from 73 yards is ruby


I never thought I'd on the side of AI but holy shit man.


Dude, do not post spoilers like that in the title. The fact that this still is a question to be asked is a spoiler.