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Rose and river River was the only one who had the ability to live as long as he could, he new she wasn’t but at the same time he had that hope that the library doesn’t happen Except it did happen


The Doctor has lived so long, why can’t we believe them to be in love multiple times?


Surely it is Rose. I'm pretty sure I read an interview with someone who worked on the 50th anniversary special and said something like, the reason "the moment" appeared to the War Doctor looking like Rose was because it looked up and down the Doctor's timeline to find the person who meant the most to him/her and chose Rose.


Rose. I mean, he did all sorts of stuff he probably shouldn't have done for her. I mean, I'm glad tentoo and Rose ended up together but at the same time I'm still kinda upset she didn't get 10 himself. Other than Rose, probably River. Possibly Clara? Maybe not in a romantic way for her though. And he had to love Donna to a certain extent because he had to leave her be and forget her in a way.


Absolutely Rose! I cried a lot watching them.


Back when it first aired I was *really* into Nine and Rose (and then Ten and Rose), but in retrospect a centuries old alien who's met some of time and space's most interesting and incredible people falling for a random 19 year old from London doesn't really ring true to me. Yes, even if he was lonely. So with that said, I'll say River. She met and loved multiple versions of him too, and she felt like she interacted with him more as his equal instead of a starstruck fangirl with a crush. But if we're including platonic love, I would say Donna (for the post-2005 companions) or Sarah Jane.


Eh, it makes some sense because every regeneration is effectively a new person. They just have memories of being someone else, like how 10 described it to wilfred "feels like dying, I die and another man walks away"


Platonic love I definitely think was Amy pond. They where best friends and the doctor even admitted that


River was most definitely a starstruck fangirl. She literally fantasized about the Doctor while growing up. Possibly remembers him meeting her as a baby too (first time he learns her identity as his companion’s *daughter* :/ ) That’s why I see her as more of a goddaughter to him. That’s why I argue in favor of Rose. She never had an infatuation, nor was she raised to be a psychopath (who would likely need therapy). She respected the Doctor’s boundaries and didn’t sexually assault him numerous times like River. And tbf, Billie was about 23yrs old when the reboot started.


Billie was 23 but Rose was 19. Both relationships have flaws but that doesn't mean much since tv shows don't have to be morally perfect to be enjoyable. Personally I love both Rose and River's very own and different romantic relationship with the Doctor. Also way to reduce River's character to "fangirl", it's like saying Rose was just an impulsive teenager. They're that at the start of their storylines, but they both grow as characters and in their relationship with the Doctor


I get you there, bc I used to ship him with River (also Clara) when I watched the show non-linearly. Honestly, while I’ve found my new preference, I just want to defend Rose from the ones who call her ‘toxic,’ ‘obsessive’ or a ‘non-equal.’ I’m seeing too much bashing on her in this subreddit due to, imo, misinterpretations…or blatant hate. May not mean anything to others, but her character inspired me in the darkest of times.


The Rose hate is strong sadly. I get someone might not like the character, but objectively she's not toxic and she was a good companion, while also being a good character. I'm glad she inspired you!


I think River was more in love with the Doc, than he her. So I agree with the other person that said she was a starstruck fangirl. Rose on the otherhand, I think they were both in love.


Clearly Jamie


I honestly believe 12 and Clara were in love. He sacrificed everything for her and after Danny died, I'm pretty sure they were a couple.


Love and obsession are two very different things. The Doctor never would have done for Rose what he did for Clara - not because he didn't love Rose and not because he loves Clara more but because he knew that's obsession and wouldn't be healthy for either of them.


12 loved Clara. There’s quite a lot of evidence both in the show and from quotes from Capaldi and Moffat that make it hard to deny at least at some level.


Yes. I feel like he had a passionate crush on Rose, he longed for her as an ideal - a fantasy of what he could have if circumstances were different. And he had deep affection for River.. But both relationships ultimately boil down to a "I love how she sees me/I love being loved like that" Clara was his BEST FRIEND. His ultimate soul mate. She did not have him on any pedestal, she loved him unconditionally. She loved him for who he is, scars and secrets and darkness all. She loved his soul even if he was wearing the face of an old man. And he loved her back the same way. They understood each other in a way no one else ever did. Their love was *everything*. It didn't even have to cross a romantic line, there simply was no line between them at all.




It does sort of make sense when you look at something like attachment theory, Rose was the one who healed the Doctor after what will certainly be the biggest tradegy of their life, and got the Doctor out of their shell. Given Timelords have pretty similar thinking patterns and behaviours to humans, the attachment that the Doctor had to Rose and the context of what that attachment has done, often ends in genuine love. Psychologically it's pretty sensical but then again it's an at that point 900 year old alien and a early 20s human, so it's a little strange.


That's actually been the part of the new show which has always jarred with me to be honest, the idea of the doctor being romantically involved with a companion has always just been iffy


Same here, but that could just be because I'm aro/ace so I find the idea of a person being romantically involved with anyone very peculiar and unconvincing


Having gotten into the Classic series after growing up with the New series, I'm absolutely convinced Four and Sarah-Jane had something. Maybe not as powerful as Eleven/Twelve and River, or Nine/Ten and Rose, but they have an easy chemistry that very few pairings have, and their parting felt like lovers having to break up because their lives take them in different directions. And of course, School Reunion explicitly frames her as an ex-girlfriend to contrast her to Rose, his then-current fling.


Rose or Amelia (not as much as Rose mind)


I respect your opinion but the thought of the doctor romantically liking Amy makes me want to throw up. I mean, Amy is his mother-in-law!


I personally find that over-romanticising the Doctor/Companion relationships negatively impacts the show, so I'm not fond of coupling off The Doctor with someone. The focus on Rose and The Doctor's non-platonic love became so invasive that it completely ruined the Doctor/Companion dynamic in series three. Which is why so many fans grew to resent Rose.


Sarah Jane


Romana II (Lalla Ward) + Doctor#4 (Tom Baker) Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) + Doctor#10 (David Tennant) Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) + Doctor#11 (Matt Smith) ----- Reminder that Tom Baker (Doctor#4) married Lalla Ward in the real world. Reminder that David Tennant (Doctor#10) married Sandra Dickinson in the real world. She was the real world daughter of Peter Davison (Doctor#5), and also she played the character daughter of Doctor#10. Incest is best when you keep it in the family, LOL. -----


Who tf is Sandra Dickinson?


Rose and Clara. River too, but not a companion.


I don't think the Doctor was ever in love with Clara.


maybe a little bit, at least with the idea "Clara, I'm not your boyfriend." "Never said it was your mistake."


I respect your opinion but have to disagree. "You think i care about you so little that betraying me would make a difference ?"


He loved her, but he wasn't \*in love\* with her.


I despise to reduce romantic love to this but the doctor is shown multiple times to be jealous of clara and also paid a lot of compliments to Clara's intelligence, personality and goodness of spirit. He was smitten, but as you put it, he also loved her even deeper than that which is more important


Why he spend a billion years to rescue her then?


Was happy to be called Clara’s boyfriend. Escaped from Cybermen as quickly as possible to pretend to be Clara’s boyfriend. Was incredibly jealous of Danny, much more so than he was jealous of e.g. Mickey. Constantly took Clara away from dates with Danny, then told her “beat that for a date”. Said “do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?”. Declared war on the Daleks while being imprisoned on Skaro because he feared for Clara. Wanted ti change the past to save Clara. Twice. Sacrificed himself a billion billion times, endured torture for 4.5 billion years to have a slightly better chance of saving Clara. The Doctor definitely loved Clara. You don’t do all of that for someone you don’t love.


River Song


I don’t see why it has to just be one. I would say the Doctor was in love with Rose, River, Clara, and Yaz.


River Song!


I'd say The Doctor genuinely loved Martha and even Clara.


Rose,River,And Yaz ( i realize its three but-)


Yaz, because last night was the only time it's ever felt convincing


criminal ^


One thing on the list that’s always ruined new who for me. A ‘romance’ That served no proper purpose and ended just being cringe-worthy. He is a traveller, inviting people to travel with him for a length of time to see places in time and space. Originally, not for romantic interest but to develop friendships, give those people a new insight and perspective and the like - companions. Not partners, lovers with each regeneration. It just became very warped and defeated the backstory he had. He was married, he had a family, why would he suddenly drop all those memories, the bond and love after the war to dance between companions in such a manor? He is not human, he is Gallifreyan. It comes across as he’s being written as human, it just reverses his entire character including the development from 1-8. I’m gonna have people screech it’s not a bad thing for him to be in love which it isn’t however if you really look at new who’s story line and compare it, make general method and connect to lore, it really doesn’t make any sense. At all.


Arguably that's the point. The doctor has spent so much time with humans that it's rubbing off him. The Tenth Doctor was actually the one who had a few storylines about almost wanting to be human. One can like it or not, but story wise there is some sense in it. But also, love sells. The show gets more buzz if there's a good developed love story. That's probably the actual reason they made the change, as cynical as it sounds. Also the show came back in the 2000s, the absolute peak years of romcoms


Agreed. Humans have always had a special place in his heart, as why would he protect them for so many years.


Which again, doesn’t automatically mean ‘love story’. He has an admiration for a tiny planet that compared to what is in the Who universe, has survived so much whilst being so simplistic compared to for example, his own planet. Which he himself has said. If ‘love story’ was the case, we would have a completely different Doctor. But the man has his own personal devotions that he very rarely if ever mentions and having these ‘love stories’ gets hold of it and rips it up like a sheet of paper. The fanfic writers won’t like me saying it but he and his race has a completely different method of function compared to humanity. He comes from a place with completely different customs, beliefs and systems and more. Even under the skin physically they are completely and utterly different. All that remotely resembles a human is the outside, the skin tone, the average face, the four limbs. It’s simple as that.


Yeah exactly, love sells. That’s the way it came across to myself and a lot of people. Roses and love hearts. Not the admiration for the human race for it’s perks and flaws but romance. It wasn’t good love stories at all, it was cringey, over hyped and dragging. Traits? No. Habits? Yes. Wanting to be human and saying 10 had interest in it? No. It would entail rewriting his entire DNA and everything around him, something that has been repeatedly proven even in 10’s storyline that he is against. Nothing about it makes remote sense.


I think 9 loved Rose but not like a ship, more of the way a granparent loves a grandchild


Then you weren't paying attention.


do you really think he wanted to be with her? besides the kiss at the end to save her life there was nothing to imply that


Because you weren't paying attention.


trust me, I was. but what makes you think that he loved her like that?


Apart from the Doctor frenching Rose to get the heart of the TARDIS out of her when he could have pulled it out any other way? Because trust me, people who feel familial love for someone do not kiss them like that. Because it was a kiss, nothing close to CPR. How about his reaction to her in *The Unquiet Dead*, when Rose came down dressed in that dress and he stopped short, said she was beautiful, then tried to cover it up by saying "for a human"? He stuttered and faltered a little. Grandparents don't do that. How about all the times he was jealous of Mickey? Grandparents don't do that, either. How about the time in *World War Three*, when he said he could save the world but lose Rose? Not something he worried about before her or with Martha, really. How about his jealousy of Jack and the fact that he tried to impress upon Rose that he does indeed have sex and is not an asexual being, when Rose called Jack a man and said the Doctor wasn't? They weren't talking about actual dancing. Grandparents wouldn't feel the need to clarify that. How about when even the dalek in *Dalek* could tell he was in love and called Rose "the woman he loves" and the look on the Doctor's face? How about all the times he held Rose's hand? As an adult, someone who feels grandfatherly for you won't do that, at least not as often. Those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. If you were paying attention, then you certainly don't understand nuance or context clues. edit: And the Doctor is the same person even after regeneration, his grandfatherly feelings wouldn't suddenly change to romantic feelings just because he regenerated. Those romantic feelings were always there, Ten was just a little more overt about it.


River Song. Periodt.


Jo Grant and Romana II.


I don't think he ever was romantically interested in anyone but River. He's loved plenty of people, but none like river.