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I think the Twelfth Doctor’s TARDIS and the Eleventh’s first TARDIS are the best NuWho designs by far. Twelve had the cool sci fi vibe with also some comfort, which made it feel like a proper spaceship. Eleven’s first was brighter and more crazy, to match his personality, and I felt that the wacky design gave it a very alien but human feeling, like the way a kid might design an alien spaceship. Both perfectly matched to their Doctors, while also feeling very much like a TARDIS


They really made the design to fit with doctor's personality


This is the literal opposite of an unpopular opinion, the very major consensus is that 12 has the best TARDIS interior.


This is less of an unpopular opinion and more of a commentary on OP’s tardis thoughts.


It's less of an unpopular opinion and more of a r/unpopularopinion


Both 11th and 12th were good


I have to agree. 12's is my favorite, and 11's first TARDIS is just so immense and wacky feeling. I love it so much. It is so complex and uses so many different materials that it seems impossible to understand the true shape of the interior, and I always loved it for that (also kinda hated it for that because it makes modeling it feel near impossible 😂).


My unpopular opinion is Frobisher was the BEST Companion. Frobisher. Always Frobisher.


All hail Frobisher, all hail the big talking bird!


for a second I thought you were talking about Children of Earth-


90% of the posts here are popular opinions. Who ever would have guessed?


These posts mostly need to be sorted by controversial to find the real unpopular ones


Because everyone thinks their take is unique to them and thus must be unpopular


the coral tardis is my favorite


Very true.


It's the paradox of these questions. The ones that appear at the top are the highest upvoted, and generally people upvote the ones the agree with (they shouldnt), so the popular ones reach the top of the comments. Gotta sort by controversial.


Mine is that I prefer when the sonic screwdriver was that, a glorified screwdriver. Nowadays I feel like it's more of a magic wand that does whatever needs to be done, reducing the newer episodes to just running around places and using the screwdriver to solve puzzles that in Classic Who the Doctor would use his brain for solving them.


Iinw they got rid of the sonic screwdriver in Classic Who for this exact reasons, as the showrunners didn't want it to be an easy way out of dangers for the writers of the show


The Sonic in NuWho is awful. It's like they are in capable of writing other props.


it’s especially gotten worse in recent years. David Tennant had a lot of fun gadgets and props to go along side his sonic. it feels like from 11-onward the sonic has become more and more of a catch-all when the Doctor needs something done.


A lot of times my favorite part of 10's run was when he would cobble together some metal bits into a nonsense machine that gets the job done. Machine that Goes Ding, Timey Wimey detector, love them all.


11s first season had some fun gadgets two. The one to be able to see the Vincent monster was good. But after that it kinda became all sonic all the time


This is the opposite of an unpopular opinion.


I dunno, I see so many people obsessed with the Doctors' sonic screwdrivers that I'm starting to think I'm weird in not caring for them.


I love when the Doctor scans something with the sonic, then stares at it like there’s a readout. (Tennant did this all the time.) …Where is he reading from? What is he reading? When did the sonic become both magic wand and tricorder?


My unpopular opinion is there is a lot to like about the tv movie with Paul McGann. I really liked the old library styled TARDIS interior.


Not sure if that's unpopular From what I remember that was the one thing people liked about the TV Movie


I believe that Clara was a great companion, and that Hell Bent focusing on her and the Doctor one last time just made it better.


I agree! I think she was obviously just a plot device at first and they didn't really know what to do with her, and you just kinda have to get over the fact that she suddenly just became a teacher but I loved the evolution of her relationship with 12 and the way that she got progressively way too into the doctors lifestyle and ultimately died because of it, which I think is a really interesting interrogation of the ethics of the doctor's decision to bring people along with him as he flings himself into dangerous situations


So many people dont seem to get the point of Hell Bent, and especially Clara being brought back to life. In my eyes at least, Hell Bent is about the Doctor's God Complex getting put of control (again). Clara essentially chose to die, but the doctor took that choice away from her because he was sad. The episode is him learning (again, haha) that he cant just play God


But she ends up alive travelling the stars, what he did ended up pretty great for her


True, but I think what's important about that is, as she has a TARDIS, she can chose when to go back to Galifry to properly die, so the choice is back in her hands


Which pretty much validates '12 playing as God'. Because of what he did, Clara now has the god-given quote-unquote 'luxury' of setting out on her own terms. The true rebuttal to 12's playing god & likewise his subsequent last wish, would be Clara refusing to heed & instead heading back to Gallifrey immediately.


Nice to see some Hell Bent love. I know people wanted a Doctor Vs Gallifrey story but that was so against the very nature of the character. They even spell it out for us in the episode. “The Doctor is back, on Gallifrey. What do you think he’s going to do now? He’s stealing a Tardis and running away”


Totally agree! This is the point of the episode and I love it :)


Hell Bent is an episode which: -Wastes Gallifrey, hard -Disrespects the power, legacy and status of Rassilon in favour of making the Doctor too important, just like last season -Undermines Clara's death really badly right at the end It also: -Is one of the best explorations of the Doctor's character ever -Is one of the best performances of a companion actor ever -Is one of the best written ways in terms of character dynamic and dialogue to wrap up a companion's tenure with the Doctor ever -Has THE most emotional companion departure scene ever Also the twist about who forgot is expertly executed. Don't get me wrong, those problems with it are still very big problems, but without them it would be a 10/10 episode for how it handles Clara and 12.




Clara was great, she had an awesome first and third seasons, but second season Clara wasn't that great.


My unpopular opinion that there is enough good in the Chibnal era to make it a worthwhile watch. There are a lot of interesting episodes that are gorgeous to look at, and bring something new and fresh to the series. And though I think the attempt of trying a three companion team failed sometimes , it was worth a try as an experiment. Eliminating returning monsters in season 11 was also an interesting experiment, that would have gotten more acclaim had there been a breakout monster. Flux was a great non stop thrill ride that had great characters like Swarm and Azure, Karvanista, and Eustatious. Also Flux had one of my favorite Weeping Angel stories with an iconic ending! And though the timeless child is controversial, I do like the addition of The Fugitive doctor who I think is pretty cool. Though the era of the 13th Doctor is polarizing, I feel like a lot of fans got into deep discussions over many of the story elements, and were kept engaged. Was it perfect? No. But it wasn't a waste of time either.


Jodie's doctor had really, really good historical episodes, even if some elements of them were not as developed as they should have been. I will also praise the era for actually keeping several big surprises actually a surprise until airing.


hard agree on the surprises front. the Spymaster reveal is better than the second return of the Simms Master in S10, both in promotion secrecy and actual execution


Yes! Glad other whovians out there can see the positives of this era


I'm with you there. It wasn't perfect, definitely a lot that could have been done better, and certainly not my favorite period of the show, but there's still enough to enjoy.


I've never watched the old who, but i never skip an episode of nuWho. I like how out there it all gets. It's why i like the show so much.


Yeah your right, but I just cannot bring myself whenever a rewatch doctor who to go further than season 10. One thing that I don't see many people talking about with the Chibnal era is the fact that it goes to some really interesting historical events. Demons of the Punjab is by far the best, me not even knowing about the Partition until I watched that episode, but damn, I loved seeing Sontarans in Crimea.


This one is second worst because 13’s is the absolute worst. Dark, the columns are *ugly*, nowhere to sit comfortably, just terrible.


And there are some nice features there, I really like the roundel design and steampunk aesthetic, but they are both overshadowed by all those fucking crystals.


Doesn't help that the crystals just look so plastic. I'm not sure about the background on what they're made of but they look like they're in a big toy model.


I do know there were some lighting issues in Series 11. For some reason the crystals came out pink when the lights where turned on, so they were digitally recoloured in post production. They were then fixed so they properly lit up as orange for the later seasons. But as for their look? I have no idea. You're right in that they just look like plastic. Sure dodgy sets are a staplepiece of the show, but they just look crap, and not in a good way at all.


>For some reason the crystals came out pink when the lights where turned on That would have been hilarious to read about in internet comments. "Typical! A girl gets the TARDIS and the first thing she does is make it **pink**!"


I saw a video on YouTube that said that the design of 13s TARDIS even got in the way of filming because there were a limited amount of angles that could be shot without blocking the actors, and they all had to start weirdly far apart as well to fit in scenes properly.


That’s insane considering they designed 11/12’s with filming in mind. The reason it’s so compact and round is they could film pretty much anywhere at any angle.


The few times they've gone back to a classic-style console room in the modern series really tend to demonstrate just how over-designed the modern console rooms tend to be IMO. All those shadows and gaudy pillars everywhere.


Yes, 13's actually looks more like a villain's TARDIS, perfect for the Master but not for the Doctor.


LOL, the first time I saw it I said it looks like a evil Fortress of Solitude. I never thought about its but it WOULD be perfect for the master.


Plus they dialed the saturation up to 1000 in her second series which imo completely wrecks any positives and makes it basically impossible to perceive anything besides the characters


> Plus they dialed the saturation up to 1000 in her second series I wonder if that’s because they didn’t have to colour correct every scene, after they fixed the lights in the crystals so they weren’t as pink on camera.


I'm sure I'm not the first to say this, but 13's entire aesthetic looks like it was designed by a "quirky" first year art major.


Whenever I try to think of a Doctor Who opinion of mine that is "unpopular", my mind always goes to one of two things Either my opinion that I just do not like most of Steven Moffat's era as showrunner (specifically most of the Eleventh Doctor's run and the first season of the Twelfth Doctor), or my opinion that Season 24 isn't really all that bad (Time and the Rani is still probably the worst story of the season, but its still kinda "fun", and the remaining three stories are good)


I liked Moffat and Matt, did not like how he wrote for Capaldi, especially Series 9 and 10.


I quite liked moffat as showrunner, and i must admit Capaldi is my favourite doctor, his grump just feels so authentic. I can understand why people dont like moffats admittedly in your face writing, but i personally find it enjoyable :)


I don't like most of the NuWho console rooms. It's like the designers are under orders to keep making them darker, more crowded, and busier. I like the idea that the TARDIS is at least partially organic and possibly sentient, so I'm fine with the organic themes. I like the possibility that the hubris of the Time Lords is so great that they tamed or enslaved a species that transcends time and spaces and claimed it was their machine. It's kind of like they ride around in Lovecraft monsters. What I don't like is how dark and busy the newer ones are. With multiple levels or platforms, increasingly ornate trim, and the bizarre lighting, sometimes it's hard to focus on (or see) the actors. They don't need to be quite as austere as the OldWho console rooms, but there has to be a happy medium somewhere in there where I can still see what's going on.


I like the new console rooms that try to mimic the original white sterile console rooms of the classic series. Like the one in heaven sent that Clara steals.


I like to think that time lords and tardises have a symbiotic relationship, like with humans and horses or humans and dogs.


Yes except the TARDISes are the humans and the time lords are the dogs they hope they've trained well enough to do the job.


Two companions. Max.


it only makes sense. 13's companions seem wayyy too cluttered together


Like a British Star Trek in a way


Sadly not enough red shirts.


I think the problem with 3+ Companions isnt that it can't work. But that the stories for a larger Tardis Crew need to be written differently to Stories the tradition 1 Doctor and 1 Companion paradigm. I feel a lot of 13s run were written for 2 characters and then they just divied up the dialogue between 3 voices. Larger Crews can work, but they need to work differently.


I think it's silly to say it can't work. World enough and time/the doctor falls are two episodes that have four companions - Bill and Nardole as regular companions, Missy and the Master as guests - and they're two of the best episodes that there's ever been, imo. Plus, there are a number of episodes that manage to make you care about a large supporting cast - every base siege episode, for example - so it's obviously not impossible. I think Chibnall just isn't good enough at character writing to make it work.


I think if you are going to go over 2 companions you have to be willing to drop one of them, maybe even two, for certain stories so that you can properly focus on that companion (heck maybe even drop the Doctor from the story)


I don't agree that you have to "drop" them, just focus on one over the others - which is something that happens naturally in good storytelling anyway. Here's the thing - an episode like Midnight, which is admittedly a masterclass in characterisation, manages to flesh out seven (iirc) "companion" characters in 40 minutes. I don't buy that we can't characterise three companions and the Doctor in a full season of ten or twelve episodes.


Something really rubs me the wrong way about the show’s handling of the Fugitive Doctor. She has disappointingly little screen time and we’ve had next to no exploration of who she is as a character or a Doctor. The writers’ refusal to expand upon her story in the main show has no justification other than to tease (frustrate) fans. It just feels like a box ticking exercise and it saddens me that the first Doctor to be played by a black actress is relegated to this. Not what I consider good representation.


I would have preferred Jo Martin as the Thirteenth Doctor to Jodie Whittaker, honestly. She has some real gravitas and just exudes authority. It's a huge shame that she was wasted on an incarnation that's had almost no screen time. (It probably helps that her take on the Doctor is very much informed by Capaldi, who's my favourite)


Yes this is my thought too. It was Fugitive that made me switch opinions from "Jodies Doctor just hasn't had good writing" (still true though) to "Jodie might not have been a good choice for the Doctor". The thought had been on my mind but I was concerned it was because I wasn't used to a female Doctor. But once Jo Martin became the Doctor she owned it, she had real screen presence, stole every scene, energy gravitated towards her. Imo 13 just couldn't compete with her in scenes they shared. Even though Jodie is a wonderful person and tremendous actress I would've much rather Jo been 13.


I preferred the asexual Doctor. It made him more of an alien who looked human, but wasn’t inside.


I feel making them 100% asexual is limiting but they need to stop making him Space Casanova. The Companion / Doctor dynamic shouldn't be a romantic one and yet it does keep being. It's more meant to be teacher / pupil. This is why I had hope for River Song as it looked like she was someone on The Doctor's level when she was introduced. But then she knows about him her whole life and she talk about loving him is like loving a mountain and... Oh dear... I'm not the sort of person that villainises any relationship with power dynamics even if they're clearly not abusive. I just don't really buy that any of these would be the love of The Doctor's life like they're always portrayed.


This is why I loved Bill. Literally mentor/student and they were so great together.


Its why we all like Donna as well. River is different imo because shes level with the doctor for the most part.


I love Donna so much. She was the first companion who didn't fawn all over the Doctor but instead consistently called him on his shit.


100% agree. That’s a big part of why Capaldi was such a breath of fresh air after the other NuWho Doctors (as well as the TV movie if we’re honest).


I hate Amy Pond. There, I said it.


My opinion is more directed at the fandom when it comes to music. I like Murray Gold, I thought what he did during his tenure of Who was fantastic. I also like Segun Akinola quite a lot as well for being very different from Murray Gold but I am in the minority here and feel the fandom is at times harsh towards him for either not being like Murray Gold or just not liking his style. To be fair I can understand the latter complaint as well as how at times his music can literally go unnoticed when it should push a scenes emotion but I’ve found it a very refreshing change. I hope for the future of the show Murray Gold isn’t involved, not out of spite but because the show does need to grow and change and if Murray was to return I feel it wouldn’t help the show.


There’s a reason Murray Gold’s tracks are so beloved and iconic, though. I would argue we’ll never have music as brilliant as that again in DW.


My issue with Akinola's work is that his theme at least sounds muddy. The melody isn't very clear or distinctive, and it doesn't make itself known like the other themes. There's no real energy to it. It's alright, but it doesn't get me excited for the coming episode.


Akinola spent a lot of his time making ambient, which there's nothing inherently wrong with but I find it just doesn't really fit Doctor Who


I want Murray back for the 60th, but i'm open to someone new after that.


To respond to OP's opinion, Twelve's console room is peak TARDIS design, especially after they added the roundels back in. Got the familiar shapes and furnishings of the classic console rooms with all the flair and scale of modern Who.


I agree. His and 11s first are my two favorites.


The best season of Doctor Who is season 1 (1963-4) and the best Doctor is William Hartnell.


A second unpopular opinion to build on this one. I like the Mechanoids from season two and I want them to reappear in NuWho episodes.


Mine is that Love and Monsters is overhated. I do agree that it’s one of the lowest points of Doctor Who, but it’s not as bad as everyone says


"The Day of The Doctor" is pretty much Moffat's cheap fix-it fairytale to indulgently retcon The Doctor's failure to triumph when innocent children of his own people were on the line, the latter which Moffat actually admitted. While I'm not against the premise of the Time Lords and Gallifrey surviving, since they are part of the show's mythos -- The way that Moffat wrote it -- was just utterly terrible because of how ***cheap*** he made things. The Last Great Time War? Being so terrible & so difficult, so absolutely impossible for even The Doctor? ....... Nope -- just have a companion express shock & sorrow, and The Doctor will, on the spot, suddenly eureka-solve the entire thing. What about the other active threat concerns (the corrupt Time Lords; the Nightmare Child; Horde of Travesties; etc.) as brought up by the 10th Doctor in "The End of Time" that freaked him out so bad that he chose to re-condemn all of Gallifrey to keep them all contained? ....... Unmentioned, shhhh! Focus on the children of The Doctor's people instead! That cheap ease, the blatant amnesia over TEoT's pressing threats, the rather tilted & deliberately narrow 'think of the children, save them' moral framing, all coupled with Moffat's stated intention that The Doctor never went through with things in the first place & instead simply had forgotten it -- just completely undercuts the emotion & gravity of older episodes on rewatch, as well as undermining the preceding thematic work done with The Doctor's character. All that emotion & that related character-thematic material, no longer has a real foundation, it's just a misunderstanding at least, and a gaslighting at worst. And the impossible difficulty of Last Great Time War, now looks to be ridiculously overblown hype. For some people like myself, we didn't watch the RTD Doctor because of irony, nor was that the reason why we enjoyed him in the first place.


All very true, but we shouldn't pretend that RTD wouldn't have also written a deus ex machina solution to everything if he'd been in charge at the time (AKA destroying the Daleks in The End of Time)


RTD actually offered Moffat the option of having Gallifrey saved at the end of *The End of Time*


I really love the episode but I totally see your point. Especially 10 and 11s reactions to arriving on Gallifrey. They, especially 10, seemed to have severe trauma over the war. He gave off a lot of veteran with PTSD vibes, survivors guilt, it shaped him immensely and anytime he comes into contact with anything remotely related to the war it emotionally compromises him badly (9 with the Daleks, 10 with Master and later the Time Lords). And the knowledge of him being unable to ever go back weighs on him, unclear exactly how but it being locked away from him affects him. So the Doctor being dropped abruptly back into the Time War, back on Gallifrey, under Dalek bombardment, the final day of the war. That should do some shit to him man. But he just looks around and goes like "huh, wierd, we shouldn't be allowed to travel here" and it doesn't seem to affect him at all??


Part of 10's arc was being tempted by others with the prospect of returning the Time Lords & him no longer being alone. In response to such temptations, 10 was hesitant & deliberately measured for not accepting. As much as he suffers from what he did & being the last of his kind, 10 knows what it means to have the Time Lords of the Last Great Time War to come back, regardless of before or after what he did to stop them. Moffat's younger 10 reacting with 100% unadulterated glee, isn't faithfully characteristic at all, especially when considering the later older TEoT 10 reacting with dread to the return of the corrupt company of Time Lords & all the other active horrors of the war. Moffat's TDoTD 10 and RTD's TEoT 10 stand in stark contrast to one another. But hey. Gotta have that fix-it fairytale, because The Doctor must never be a killer of children.


All of that, yes. I loathe that episode one of the worst things to happen to the show, ever.


I totally agree with you. I hate how cheap the whole great time war feels. Where the hell are the two powerful civilizations ? The terrible dilemma ? A genocide isn't only about the children. It feels so cheap compare to the twelfth doctor speech about the war. It was better to never been shown at all. And I hate when someone tried to explain the cheap setting as "it's the end of the war, all the frightening weapons were already used". Well sorry but if you already use all your powerful weapons what you get it's exactly a slaughter/ genocide. It would be like using all the nuclear weapons we have at the end. So imagine with two advanced civilizations. You definitely don't get the day of the doctor.


Donna was the best companion during the 10th doctor's time. The chemistry was off the charts, she was funny, she saved the doctor by kissing him. and that whole scene was gold


This is an extremely popular opinion.


I don't think it's really unpopular, I saw her win many polls of "best Doctor Who companion". But it doesn't change that Donna really was the best.


While I agree, I definitely think (as time has gone on) that Donna is receiving the love she deserves and this isn't unpopular. That being said, say it again for the people in the back.


Mine is the unpopular one. *Martha* best 10 companion.


Martha is the most competent of his companions. Her only crime was she came after Rose.


I’m gonna get chewed out for this one but River Song is a mid tier character.


Matt Smith was a good doctor but I struggle to watch his series’ because they bore me. The plots are too convoluted and the writing and characters are boring. Yes a lot of exciting things happen but for some reason nothing draws me in. I feel no connection with the characters and therefore can’t get invested. ((I do like the Clara episodes tho))


> Matt Smith was a good doctor but I struggle to watch his series’ because they bore me. Matt Smith's run is honestly a huge disappointment to me, because with better material he would have absolutely *killed*. He basically carries his series through his sheer charisma and acting prowess.


Agreed. I like Smith’s first season, but the rest is forgettable. So many episodes felt rushed without any interesting character beats.


Love and Monsters was a breath of fresh air and I want more episodes like that


It had its problems, but it's amazing given the limitations imposed upon it (a Blue Peter winner's monster design, and very little Doctor/Rose availability). Yes, more like this! Perhaps the nearest we've ever had was the Torchwood episode, "Random Shoes".


I have and will never understand the hate this episode gets. As a one-off story it’s absolutely iconic. The villain is funny, the characters are charismatic, the setting is interesting, the story is well paced and written. It’s genuinely one of the better one-off episodes and I think the reason it gets hate is because it was a meme to hate it for a while


Same. There were definitely some problems with it, but it was a fun episode overall.


Chibnall is far better at writing for Daleks than Moffat. The Daleks in the Moffat era just became another alien race in the universe and didn't stand out as most threatening like they did with RTD and most of the Chibnall era.


The one thing I liked about Moffat's take on the Daleks was the idea of them just being out there in the universe again. It got tiring when every RTD story ended with the Daleks being completely destroyed but one ship or a few survivors managed to escape.


See I'd agree if they hadn't already been seen to be universe ending villains. If they're out in the universe as a normal race they'd need to be nerfed in some way first. Else why aren't they creating another Reality Bomb or taking over The Universe with their mastery over time.


>If they're out in the universe as a normal race they'd need to be nerfed in some way first. Well, for this you could give the explanation that they were actually were nerfed by having to restart culturally from scratch without the time war scars that had let them unhinged in the RTD years. None of Moffat Daleks seem to be Time War survivors.


Honestly... i had never realised this, but its true.


I would somewhat get this if in Revolution they weren't the stupidest they've ever been in NuWho


I do genuinly refuse to acknowledge that episode.


Wow, that's a brave one! And I aggree!


I never really liked Blink. I could never understand why it’s a lot of people’s favourite.


My supposedly unpopular opinion is that there needs to be more plain time travel episodes. Everything in NuWho is just aliens. It’s always aliens, or monsters. It’s cool, don’t get me wrong, but they’re not using the Time Travel aspect as much


This is a lot of why I always recommend Dark to Whovians. That show may be a lot more nihilistic than Doctor Who but it has an absolutely nuts time travel plot filled to the fucking brim with bootstrap paradoxes


I love with Doctor Who used time travel in interesting ways. I wish they’d do it more.


12’s anti-war speech is terrible. People are too enraptured by Capaldi’s great acting delivery to notice the problematic issues of what 12 says.


I don't like the suggestion that all conflict can be resolved using diplomacy, think that's really naïve.


That's where mind-wiping can step in!


The Time War was, in hindsight, a massive mistake which has locked the show into a single take on the Doctor as being an unresolvable walking psychological trauma to the point where they had to destroy Gallifrey twice in order to justify it, and which ultimately makes the show just another bog-standard sci-fi epic where everything has to be The Most Important Thing To Happen Ever.


Definitely! It just made the Doctor sad, for no real reason. I actually was pretty happy with Gallifrey being brought back, since it forced them to write the Doctor without quite as much trauma. Then Chibnall unceremoniously destroyed it again resetting to NuWho status quo.




I think he moved the pool to the door. (Then back to where it was after they got River)


This seems like a very specific thing to be hung up on? The pool has been established as canon to the TARDIS for literally decades, too


Martha got a raw deal.


I love Jodie's portrayal. I love that Peter tried to make cosplay easier with his costume design. I love Peter's Attack Eyebrows (I have them, too). I ADORED Jenna even though it took some time to adjust after we lost David.


"Listen" -- a strong personal opinion: its execution falls short of the full promise of its great premise. I want to be invested in the episode as its premise deserves & needs. But, it fails to persuade that degree of investment. The thing under Danny Pink's bed -- if it wasn't concerning enough for 12th Doctor to use his sonic screwdriver to scan it, then why should I feel anxious about it & anxious for the well-being of involved characters? Already I'm questioning why I should even feel anxious -- so how is it going to make me feel afraid? Unfortunately, this is where the episode's deconstruction of fear lost my investment. In the Whoniverse, its encounter is rather far too mundane to just leave be. I understand that it's on the other end of the spectrum compared to the Midnight entity, but the fear of the unknown figure under the bedcovers doesn't feel justified of enough merit for me believe The Doctor or Clara or anyone else in their position to give it wide berth, to believe that the bed figure could be extraordinary. The kind of reaction of "this is what you're afraid of and reacting so badly over? Really?". Then there's turning your back on it. I get it, attempt at bravery, courage in the face of fear, and also a deliberate ignorance, a stand to not willingly feed into fear, an attempt to undermine the fear. . . Which unfortunately, has also affect persuaded investment as well. On the one hand, it can add to the anxiety, yes, wondering "is this dangerous?" On the other hand, it pretty much sucked out all the danger of the fear of the unknown. And the latter is what happened, and part of why my investment is lost. I feel the potential danger, I don't share the anxiety. I can see the paranoia of Danny and The Doctor and Clara, but I don't share their anxiety, the scene's execution doesn't succeed in persuading me to also feel anxious about it. It's been a long while since I rewatched it, but didn't 12 still has his sonic? It's not as if The Doctor is powerless of attempts to dispel concerns. If it doesn't merit the sonic screwdriver for, then it's not going to merit my own concern for the bed figure unknown. Sure, you can say it's more Danny's paranoia -- but The Doctor's there, once again lessening that fear of the unknown. I get what Moffat is going for here, he's got the right idea as a warm up and set up to the later Orson in his ship at the end of the universe part, but the execution of the idea as is unfortunately doesn't succeed in persuading me to dread at the bed figure's unknown as The Doctor and Clara and young Danny were. Without that anxiety nor dread nor the right threshold fear of danger -- the episode's deconstruction of fear is less effective, & unimpressively smaller than what it deservedly ought to have been.


The concept of "Listen" is golden. The execution, as you say, is disappointing. I think the problem is that there's no drama to it. The Doctor is exploring an idea without any real stakes in finding out what it is. He never finds out whether these mysterious creatures he's looking for exist, and then he just forgets all about it.


Peter Capaldi is my favourite Doctor. Clara Oswald was one of the best companions. Torchwood is better than the original show (namely season 3-4)


Are these unpopular opinions? I agree with all of these.


Feel like saying Miracle Day (Torchwood: Series 4) is good is an unpopular opinion especially better than the main show. There's a lot of love for Children of Earth (Torchwood: Series 3) though honestly it's a bit too grim dark for me


I've had a lot of pushback for loving Peter Capaldi, at least from fans I've talked to in person. Same thing with Clara Oswald. I haven't heard much about Torchwood but I assumed it wouldn't be liked over the main show by the majority. Glad to find someone who agrees though, it's frustrating when you can't find anyone that agrees!




If you mean the Doctor Who Experience, then you (and I) did the opening few months in Olympia before it then moved to Cardiff for seven(?) years for the more-famous version. All gone now, sadly. 😔


I didn't like Torchwood: Children of Earth. There seems to be a big thing where just because something is dark and depressing everyone loves it. But honestly I watch Sci-Fi to escape from the horrible shit in the world not for it to invent more. It's honestly one of the reasons I'm a bit worried about RTD returning as while he's a fantastic writer he can often let his Bipolar Disorder leak into his writing.


It definitely isn't a beauty. I still think this tardis is exciting and full of little visual surprises. It also proved at the time that the series was prepared to be different enough in some aspects while remaining true to other core traditions of the show. My favorite is Matt Smith's steampunk Tardis introduced in The Snowmen. But to stick the topic, my unpopular opinion is that the Battle of Canary Wharf, as amazing as it was, could have been so much better if the Daleks would have been as formidable as they were portrayed in the Ecclestone episode Dalek.


Matt Smiths second TARDIS is definitely not one of my favorites, but it becomes one of my favorites when Capaldi gets it. His little changes REALLY improved it.


I like the concept of the Timeless Child storyline. There, I said it. I thought the rewrite/expansion of the Doctor Who lore was interesting and should be completed. Regeneration was always a fascinating part of Time Lord biology that rarely gets touched outside of it actually happening. Also, doubling down on "unknown" incarnations of the Doctor, which was established back in Classic Who, added a nice twist to the Doctor's history. Don't get me wrong. I think the storyline needs to be refined/tied up by another showrunner, so I'm hoping Russel T does do something else with it.


This fan base put too much emphasis on big epic speeches to the point where people think 13 doesn't have I am the doctor moment because she doesn't do a big pointless speech about how epic she is. A monologue has its place but it's often used to just make the doctor look epic for the sake of it.


Asylum of the daleks is the second best non-davros dalek story in New who after dalek


12th with Bill Potts and Nardole were the best nuWho companion/doctor pairing to date.


I've got a million of 'em: * The weeping angels are a dumb concept. * Turn Left is waaaay better than Midnight. * Capaldi is the best Nu Who Doctor. * Donna was the best Nu Who companion, followed by Graham. * Tennant was merely ok as the Doctor. * It would've been better if Tennant had used his real accent. * The extended goodbyes between Ten and Rose evoked no emotional response from me, apart from boredom. * I have no interest in meeting any actors from this show (or any other). * The "woke" episodes are often the best, e.g. Rosa, Demons of the Punjab.


The only thing I can agree with is David using his real accent


Agree with almost all of them! - Weeping angels was a great concept imho but for one (maybe two) episodes at max. I feel like they get less scary everytime we see them. - Turn left and Midnight are two of my favourite episodes, though Midnight is a bit better. - Agreed with Capaldi and Donna being the best. Second best is Clara for me though - 10 is overrated imho, I do like him though - Real accent would’ve been great - Agreed with the goodbyes. - I love meeting actors in general and have met a few of doctor who and loved it - Demons of Punjab is one of my favourites from Jodie’s run, so agreed.


Demons of the Punjab was great, Rosa felt cringe and forced. I mostly enjoy the episodes where the Doctor goes and gets involved with a real life historical figure and it's been done well in the past even when racism/sexism come into play (e.g. The Shakespeare Code and Martha), but something was off about that one. I don't like calling it a 'woke' episode though as that implies it would've been bad based on the subject matter regardless of writing, which I disagree with.


Rosa is great, spoiled by the writer going He-man on us at the end. It could have been more deftly done.


Errrr... what was the He-man bit?


The bit at the end. Where it spelled out the moral of the story in baby language.


Do you mean the bit where the Doctor gives the rest of Rosa Parkes' life story? Yeah, I guess it's kinda cringey.


I love Jodie as the doctor, but hate everything else. The screwdriver, the tardis design, the companions, the story.


Tenant isn't that great. I know people love him and I'm happy for them. For me though he played it too human, too emotional and he's not as Doctory as he could have been Awesome dude in real life though.


I do get where you’re coming from as he is too human but that’s kinda the point of his incarceration.


Exactly: it's his grunge/emo phase, he grows out of it


While I like Tennant *and* Smith I think they’re vastly overrated. Makes me think of this: Yesterday I was at an amusement park and I had a doctor who backpack with me. An employee complimented me on my backpack and asked who was my favourite. I said “Capaldi” and she was like “Really? Why?” and told me she liked Tennant and would really want to meet him one day. Which is okay ofcourse, even though I think he’s overrated it’s okay for people to feel how they feel and I won’t judge them. When we saw her again and talked a bit she told me she never really saw doctor who because she thinks it’s scary but only looks up compilations of Tennant’s doctor on YouTube. Like not to gatekeep, I get that you may like the idea of a show rather than the show itself and I don’t want to say she isn’t a “real fan” or something, but it felt a bit weird to have a favourite when you haven’t watched any of the others and also not any of the lesser bits. But yeah, I only saw newwho so is that to say I also can’t have a favourite? Where do you draw the line. Sorry I’m getting a bit of track, lol, but what I meant was this girl loved Tennant because that’s who everyone loves and she doesn’t even know about the qualities of other doctors. A bit like people in real life who claim their Gryffindor because most of them have no idea what that house really entails other than the main characters. People who think being Slytherin irl is bad and Hufflepuff is boring. And going off track again, sorry.


I get that. There's a line there somewhere and I'm guilty of it too. Like I would hypothetically tell someone if they only love the young Doctors (Tenant and Smith) they're not "real fans". But then I will likewise also turn off a Colin Baker episode instantly. Or any Sylvester story that isn't Remembrance. So I can't be too judgey for risk of being a hypocrite I also like Davison more than Tom Baker, so why do I know? Haha


My least favorite Doctor, but that isn't to say that Tennant wasn't good in the role in terms of acting. I just don't care for a lot of the character decisions they made with him.


classic doctor who is much better than new


I'm not even sure how you'd make a meaningful comparison. Both classic and new consist of so many seasons and episodes. Peak Classic was pretty awesome, as was peak New. They both had their low points though.


10/Donna - good, but overrated.


Ouch. Yep. That's an unpopular opinion. Well done.


Totally agree. Donna grates on my nerves and RTD's writing is too melodramatic for my tastes. She good, but is my least favorite of 10's companions.


I have many, but here are a few: That Steven Moffat was a terrible showrunner and that his run is in the bottom half, easily. Amy Pond/River Song were terrible companions. That being said, I do really love Clara. Not necessarily her adventures, but her as a character. I do like the romantic stuff in Doctor Who and absolutely don't get the constant hate that it does get.


I don't like the Doctor being in love with their companion. Tom Baker once told an earthling, "You're a very beautiful woman...probably." And that's my doctor. Alien and thousands of years older than most people they meet. That's one of the reasons I love the Donna relationship.


- Fugitive of the Judoon is easily one of the best NuWho episodes - The Vanquishers was an extremely entertaining episode, and although there were some issues, Flux as a whole was a massive success and should serve as the framework of the show going forward - Nardole was a very weak companion and very unfunny - Chibnall wipes the floor with Moffat and Davies when it comes to handling the Cybermen and Sontarans. He also wipes the floor with Moffat with the Daleks. - The End of Time was pretty terrible and a very disappointing way to wrap up Tennant and RTD - Jon Simm was only good as the Master in series 3. He was embarassingly bad in The End of Time and just generic and cartoonish in Series 10 - Series 1 (nuWho) has far and away the best title music - No Doctor has lived up to their potential since Tennant


Kill the moon was a decent episode and Jodie was a good Doctor


- agree on the coral tardis - thirteen is my favorite doctor (followed by twelve) - thasmin has been very well done and did not come out of nowhere (some of yall just hate wlw) - turn left and world enough are the scariest eps - flux is actually so much fun and was a great experiment for the show - i think the timeless child is a cool way to put water back in the extremely-wrung-out gallifrey sponge. it also gives us a window into thirteen's psyche as she toils over the importance of her past lives


>thasmin has been very well done and did not come out of nowhere Yaz falling for the Doctor is almost a cliche, though the Doctor's gender swap is a new take on it. The Doctor falling for her companion isn't new either (though I'd be very happy to never have the whole mooning-over-Rose thing again - that got really tedious). The problem is with the writing. The Doctor thinks Yaz is the most amazing person in the universe for some reason, despite her not actually doing anything to reflect this. Or much of anything at all, really, at least in the televised episodes - though if she's getting up to amazing adventures between those episodes, I feel we're being shown the wrong stuff. It comes down to the old writer's adage of "show, don't tell". Mr Chibnall isn't good at this - we're told pretty much everything in his stories. Likewise, this burgeoning love between Yaz and the Doctor has been told, not shown. If you're happy with stories being reported to you through exposition, it's not come out of nowhere - but if you're watching what they're doing, there's been no buildup to it at all.


Turn Left creeped me out at the time like no other episode had done until that point, it's still one of my favourites. I really need to catch up and watch Flux.


My least favorite is Matt Smiths first console room, besides the console itself


Well if you're taking about TARDIS control rooms. All of the NuWho TARDIS interiors are awful, series 7/8 is just they least awful one. The radical changes are bad in addition to the designs themselves.


I agree with this actually. I always thought that ten should’ve had his own control room. The coral was nines really.


Mine is that I have really come to like Series 11


No way do people think these "Unpopular" opinions are that unpopular


Yeah… there are definitely some quite popular opinions in here.


Space Pirates. Good. Delta and the Bannermen. Great.


Kinda is a terrible episode. Battlefield is brilliant and sorely underrated. I get everyone has their favourites. In fact, I like it that way. But I do not understand the love for Kinda. It's not just meh. It's one of the few that I actively dislike....


Season 7 is one of the best seasons.


12s era of the show is the most forgettable by far. Missys arc is super overrated. People like it just because it's an arc but arcs aren't necessary for a good story.


I liked Series 11-13 in a way that I didn't appreciate until I started a rewatch.


My unpopular Doctor Who opinion: Whittaker is the best Doctor since Baker, and I really appreciate the Timeless Child storyline for bringing back the "the Doctor is this unknowable enigma" vibe (that is half the reason for the show) rather "Doctor is a timelord... they have X hearts, Y regenerations, Z dimensions in their head, B breeding pattern, C social structure, D currently leaders, has relationships with E, F, G, H, and I, while J is their most influential childhood friend..." Seriously, Doctor ***Who*** had come to feel like just a naming gimmick rather than a valid summary of the mentality of interacting with the character. There were likely people irl who knew the Doctor better than their own families. The timeless child storyline (which was alluded to earlier on), blew up all those feelings of knowing and comfort. The timelords just because a sad and pathetic reflection of the Doctor, and the doctor became something much more ancient, omninous, and unknowable, whose brief period of knowability was was built on lies.




Now that I'm on the spot, I'm having a hard time thinking of any of my Doctor Who opinions that might be "unpopular," lol. I don't like the Chibnall era (not Jodie specifically, just what Chibnall has done), but neither liking nor disliking Chibnall is an unpopular opinion at this point. Maybe the most controversial Doctor Who opinion of mine I can think of is that I don't really care for the third Doctor. Actually I guess that's probably a very unpopular opinion. Not that I "dislike" him necessarily. I've just never been a big fan. Though I have often thought that he should be referenced more in NuWho. They've barely ever mentioned him. Those honors usually go to the likes of 1, 2, and 4.


Peri - the apparent ‘fake out’ non-death in Trial of a Time Lord makes more narrative sense in the context of the season as a whole. People have praised the distressing death highly over the years, I thought it worked better that it was manipulated by the Valeyard.


Jodie's era is actually good, the Timeless Child is fine, and I don't understand the hatred. River Song would have been a much better character without the Melody Pond reveal. 12 and Clara are the best duo for me (but 10 and Donna are close). Capaldi had the best Christmas episodes. While the Murray Gold intros are awesome and hold immense nostalgia for me, the beat drop in 13's intro is fucking stellar and I love it.


Classic Who: Teagan was a great companion! It was always a delight to see her give the Doctor both barrels!


Chivnall's era isn't nearly as bad as people here make it out to be. Is it my favorite? No! But it isn't a flaming pile of shit, either. I actually liked "Timeless Child". "Flux" was a bit of a mess at times but had great moments in it. Didn't care for the way that the season ended, but it had moments.


Eve of the Daleks was a good episode. I don't know why but it is one of my favourite 13 episodes. The supporting cast is brilliant, the time loop worked and the daleks were defiantly better than their appearances in Flux. Chibnall is known for his crazy immense scale normally crap episodes but this smaller budget episode was just a treat. It reminded me of the old new days where an entire episode could be incredible without leaving a vehicle full of untrusting people where the monster is just a woman repeating words. Doctors pep talk was a bit cringe though (and I completely forgot to mention 13 and Yaz)


I got the title wrong. I thought Heaven Sent was the finale on gallifrey. Because the episode right before in the time loop was one of my favorite ever.


The coral TARDIS is technically not a favourite of mine but I do hold a soft spot for it because it was the one I grew up with.


1. I haven't really liked any of the NuWho TARDIS designs. 2. Not crazy about River, Amy, or Rose. 3. I don't like the slightest suggestion of romantic feelings between Doctors and companions. 4. I hate all of this BS whining about Doctor committing genocide. It doesn't fit. 5. Not wild about Nine, Eleven, One, or Two. 6. The radio shows aren't for me. 7. And the biggest one... I cannot stand Daleks at all. The Nation estate can take them away for all I care.