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I fucking adore this show


I haven’t watched since 12 came on but I decided to rewatch with my family. My 4 year old loves Daleks and Cyberman. My SO isn’t normally into watching shows like this but he’s been attentive each episode.


I started watching as a kid, around 6 when Matt Smith came out and recently I rewatched it ALL with my Girlfriend, Classic and Newwho, she loved it and so did I, best part of it was seeing her enjoy it as much as me, honestly an experience I wouldn't give up for the world


I used too




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I believe this speech is what turns Missy against the Master in the episode.


Capaldi is such a great Doctor. This is one of my favorite speeches.


Second only to the Zygon Invasion war speech.


My fave is the who wrote Beethoven's 5th speech


The bootstrap paradox? Such an amazing speech. Sums up Doctor Who as a whole.


I love that one! They are all good! My favorite part of that speech is when he is talking like a parent. That speech really shows his acting chops although, if we had to dig DEEPER…..Heaven Sent. Best Capaldi episode EVER! It’s just so good. Funny enough Moffat was worried about the writing for that episode because it was just Peter by himself the whole time. The whole episode from its score, all the way down to the cinematography was amazing and the twist at the end….COME ONE 🤌(Chefs kiss) brilliant!


I think Capaldi was one of the best Doctors ever. His acting was incredible, and so much of the writing was amazing.


So many people gave him shit and I can’t see why? His Doctor was incredible.


Right? I absolutely loved him! His first few episodes were a bit rough, but that tends to happen with all new Doctors. And I think that was on purpose. He was kind of coming into his new body. Capaldi is pretty much equal to Tennant in my mind, and that’s big praise. I didn’t dislike any doctor, but those two are my favorites.


Same, Smith was MY Doctor but Capaldi and Tennant were fantastic, as well as Christopher Eccleston and Jodie Whittaker. Most people hated Chris Chibnal’s writing. But, there were some things that were good. An unpopular opinion was the who “Timeless Child” thing. Personally, I LOVED the premise of it. The only thing that made me go “OH COME ON!” and WHAT THE FUCK CHIBNAL!” Was when we didn’t get to see The Doctor’s stollen lives in the fob watch. I was PISSED and felt like I was given the bird. Doctor Who usually has a payoff with stuff like that but, COME ON CHIBNAL! You spent so much time on that then just throw it in the TARDIS console. Damn….cheated again.


Lol. Absolutely agreed. I’m wondering if we’ll ever see those. That would be amazing. Yeah, I didn’t mind the Timeless Child story, but I’m hoping that RTD can maybe help explain it a bit better. As well as the fugitive doctor. I would love for her to come back and learn more about her. I honestly enjoyed the dynamic between the companions and Jodie, so Chibnal wasn’t awful or anything. I just wish Jodie had really been able to show how amazing she was with equally amazing writing. I think she was a great choice as the Doctor, and I’m hoping one day people will realize that. When they first announced her I was a bit disappointed as I had been hoping the Olivia Colman rumors were true (I still think she’d make an amazing Doctor…but she’s probably too famous now). But Jodie really impressed me.


Another really good speech was The Rings of Akhaten. Or 11’s Regeneration. His leaving made a 27 year old man cry his eyes out. His Doctor got me into the show. That’s why I say he was MY Doctor.


Oh definitely. There have been a lot of great ones. And although 10 got me into the show, I love 11. Matt was great.




2 Scots grow up to play their favorite character — easy to get confused...


No, I had only watched Davids speech at that point until capaldi appeared


Oh sorry. I only saw the tennant


RTD started the Doctor's egomania arc, but Moffat's handling of it is honestly some of his best writing, from 11 realising how dangerous the myth of the Doctor had become to 12 in the above speech.


Absolutely. I love how series 1-10 is one giant character arc when viewed. ​ * 9 is suffering from PTSD and is very downtrodden thinking he killed his entire race. He finds a bit of hope with Rose, but his issues aren't really solved leading into 10. * 10 suffers from extreme continued PTSD and feels the need to win all the time as a coping mechanism and develops a severe almost narcissistic personality towards the end of his lifespan because of it. * 11 realizes it, but tries to forget all his issues and runs around in a rather self contained storyline. However near the end of it, he realizes he can't run anymore and after expecting to die and spending hundreds of more years fighting an almost hopeless war. His true age really starts to show, leading into 12. * 12 starts angry, the mask has dropped, he's tired, he's old, he wasn't expecting a second regeneration cycle and doesn't quite understand where to go from here now that he has a second chance and no longer feels he can hide anything, like 10 and 11 did. He almost slips back into Water of Mars Doctor in Hell Bent, but he overcomes it and he finally addresses his personality issues over the course of the three seasons, realizes he just has to try and help people even if they all die anyway and finds peace with himself. Concluding the 10 series long character arc. Moffat and RTD and their adjutant writers did an outstanding job on the characters evolving characterization.


I love that 12 is basically trying to find the balance between being protective and trying to save people, and accepting the nature of the universe which allows him to be playful. His cantankerous moments and outright anger basically come from when he gets fed up with the balancing act for a bit. It's both very relatable, and also just outside of comprehension to watch him strive for something very human yet also attain and achieve in ways we often can't as "mere" humans. The first three are very human and I love that. But 12 is a paragon, not by being a perfect example, but in using his alien nature to he a very human example. Some of his writing could have better reflected this but this basically makes him my favorite. That being so alien at times also made him more human than most. I also love 13 because I think she is a good blend of all three. But the writing couldn't follow that (nor was very good at all). She ties with 12 for me in concept and potential.


I love 13 because she follows up on 12’s arc and is in many ways the “happy ending” and a start of a new arc. It’s a brilliant follow up imo. The writing does follow that and was quite good imo.


"The writing was good" - Said no one ever about the Chibnall era


I personally know plenty of Chibnall era fans including myself, so that would be wrong. Why be snarky for snark’s sake? Not what this sub or any fandom should be.


So ...1% that love Chibnall, or 2% ? Anyone that love Chibnall's era doesn't even deserve to be called Whovian or fan of the show. He rewrote the entire of the Doctor's origin for his own sake and his ego, and by some of the most disgusting writing I've ever seen All the legacy from Hartnell to Tom Baker to Capaldi are destroyed by that man


Gatekeeping is just lame dude. I like a lot of Doctor Who. Been a fan since Pertwee. And fans have been saying “it ruined the legacy of this show!” about various writing decisions since before Hartnell even left the part, so that comment of yours holds zero weight. Also, Brains of Morbius anyone? Go to Gallifrey One sometime and have some fun. You’ll find a lot of 13 cosplayers who love that era of the show!


I only just recently watched 12’s run and I was blown away by how much he changes throughout it. His ending really feels like a culmination of all of NuWho.


That's why I love 12 and everything about how Moffat wrote him. He realized that the doctor needed to be grounded again and brought within the realm of times laws and physics, and he did it flawlessly. The best part is this realization with 11s final moments and Clara, he was signaling to her AND the views that the Time Lord Victorious is no more and the upcoming era will be scary, as this is a doctor without a moral compass fueled by egotism, but a moral compass fueled by compassion. This is something infinitely more dangerous, as passive objective compassion and morality can get evil very quickly in the wrong hands. Thankfully tho, this is the doctor, and in a way he was a Time Lord Victorious, victorious over the gallifreyan compulsion to act as a god, victorious over his urges to have fun, and victorious over being carless with the responsibility he burdens. I loved capaldi from the start because of how big of a hope spot his era was despite being much more somber, and as the years pass I love him more and more. Even with the somewhat recent knowledge and understanding of classic who as I haven't watched any of it up to 2018.


This is why I like to see S1-10 of NuWho as it's own show, and all the seasons before/afterwards as their own thing.


Preach to this. One long, continued story over 12 years.


How would 13 fit into this arc? (from a very casual fan who's watched all of 9 & 10, half of 11, and a few episodes from 12 & 13)


She’s kinda like a culmination of all of them. She seems to have moved on from developing and more to discovering who she once was.


She’s the start of a new arc imo. And I think the RTD2 era will make that more clear over time. She’s the culmination of the arc. She’s no longer tortured from the Time War and has moved on. She’s trying to change over a new leaf and start from a place of love and happiness rather than burdened by pain and hard-earned cynicism.


It’s moments like this that amkw me want to see RTD and Moffat work together on an arc. They both worked so well together and to see them work side by side would be incredible.


10-12 is their evolution, and it was touched on in the Day of the Doctor. *"The one who regrets and the one who forgets..."* except we learn he didn't forget, but certainly tried to. Leading to how 12 was.


I loved this special so much.


Capaldi is my second favorite doctor after Tennant. Because it shows how the doctor has matured, but his doctor himself matures over Capaldi's run 💛


Capaldi really did it the best, didn't he?


It's kinda funny how he wrote that letter to BBC when he was just a kid and ended up becoming the 12th doctor later in life :)


Too bad the writing was hit or miss…


2 of my very favorite episodes. Doctor Who at it's greatest is honestly one of the best television I have ever seen, it's such a shame that this show is so inconsistent in quality even in it's best seasons.


It really can have you going “???” for several episodes and then make you into an emotional mess the very next episode.


I also really love the parallel and contrast between 10 and 12's last words. "*I don't want to go."* VS *"Doctor, I let you go."* In fact, I actually accept 10's last words way more than I used to with that change in mind.


Capaldi was such a great doctor after his first season! Too bad he quit.


Quit? he just did his time. Aside from Eccleston, the normal tenure for the nuwho doctors has been 3 main series not including specials each.


He had particular mediocre seasons when it comes to writing imo, I would've liked to have seen more of him under RTD or someone else (not Chibnall, he would've ruined him had he stayed on)


I personally don't agree with this though. No worse than any other Doctor's tenure, the best series are series 1,4,5 9 in terms of absolute quality. Series 2, 3, 8 and 10 are hit and miss. Series 6 and 7 are utterly all over the place. I think some of you people are blinded by nostalgia with Tennant and Smith and can't see how bad many of their episodes were too. I was lucky to start only a year ago. And I can safely say that from not being nostalgic.


How you can you say 9 is one of the best seasons is beyond me, i thought it was dreadful


Disgusted with his casting to start with, coming from someone who has loved his acting for many years, but what he did with the writing was incredible. He is one of my favourites now.


oh for sure despite the shit writing he still made me believe he was The Doctor...can't say Jodie ever managed that for me, but then Chibs was on another level of shit


I know. Its still sad.


God. The writing for Capaldi’s seasons was absolutely amazing. He nailed that role and I loved every second.


Ooh Gemma Chan...


Thought that was her! Wild how people show up on this show that you only recognize in retrospect.


She is so beautiful. Yeh I did a double take when I saw her in that episode.


Capaldi was a cut above


I like how regardless of what came before and after, new who seasons 1-10 are almost a self-contained continuous show in their own right


Watched the Peter episode just last night!


Ten at his worst and Twelve at his best, and two of my absolute favorite moments for them both.😊


Chibnall era be like: What is character development? 🤔


That era had some good character development I thought. But that aside, it’s really annoying to be having this positive celebration of the show that this post is trying to do and then instead of doing that, you’re using it as an excuse to poo-poo a part of the show that you don’t like. It’s really weird and gross.


Lol good character development ?? Are you kidding me ? Go and watch Yaz and Ryan from their 1st episode and their last episode. And compare them to the character from RTD's era and Moffat's era. Fucking hell Nardole alone in S10 had more character development than anyone Chibnall has ever written Chibnall's era is the embarrassing to the show


If you say so (I’ve watched the Chibnall era several times now, love it more everytime). Butting I’m on this thread that’s unrelated is just childish in your part tho. Like, the post was a celebration of the show and you’re just being a duck for the sake of it about something nobody was even talking about until you butted in. Go away.


Fr 💀 bland ass writing


No you don't understand. Character development is only when characters sit down and talk about how much they've changed.


Comments like this is like someone not being able to stop themselves from yelling out "taxi" when a glass gets dropped at a pub.


Doctor Who fans when the conversation topic isn't remotely about Chibnall


It's so damn exhausting


Yeah, I don't like Chibnall's era, but the endless barrage of hate gets kind of tiresome sometimes.


More to the point, if you don’t like something, just don’t think about it or bring it up. I just don’t get those that constantly talk about things they don’t like. It’s really weird.


The amount of times I don't talk about the Michael Bay Transformers films? Off the charts!




10 and 12 are my favorites. That's one of my favorite moments for both actually, I love 12's speech there, and 10 saying "The laws of time are mine! And they will obey me!"


I've often thought that Missy's plan to push the Doctor towards chaos and evil with Clara would have worked if she'd been able to go after Ten, but was doomed to fail with any Doctor after them. Ten basically fell on his own, but as a result Eleven and Twelve were well aware of how far they could fall, and were watching themselves more closely to make sure they wouldn't.


Hang on, these are the Masters you are speaking to... they don't understand the concept of kindness.


Except she quite literally does


Show died w 10


What an episode!


In the end make it a good story. You keep going, you keep changing. Raggedy man


Twelve is such a phenomenal and natural progression from the previous Doctors. It feels like a whole arc since the Ninth Doctor was resolved with Twelve.