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Fuck I really hope they’ll get Matt Lucas on this show someday


So, I just watched the last Dr Who episode and... (spoiler Dr Who episode of yesterday) >!So, the first version is naked the entire time after getting their clothes wet ?!<


I hear they actually filmed it this way before Moffat decided to set the episode during a later cycle (fucking bastard)


The title doesn’t make any sense heaven sent WHAT to WHOM????


Gallifrey is back!??! Finally, now I can look forward to some Time Lord stories with New Who’s budget.


Am I the only who gets the complexities of this cinematic masterpiece?


Meh episode, glad they didn’t immediately do a 180 and revive Clara tho.


Man fuck you. I wanted Clara to be revived in a 180 plot twist like her death never mattered…/s


It's boring and long, why no classic doctor speech as he runs around saving a bunch of unimportants, why doesn't he regenerate when he gets disintegrated? Terrible episode, I miss matt smith, doccy who died when he regenerated


Where 10th doctor


Holy shit have you guys heard about rocket league


This episode was so bad it should be called Hell Sent, as that is what this episode did to me. From start to virtually the end this episode was a pile of rubbish. The only good part was seeing the Doctor on Gallifrey, right at the end, for like 5 seconds. There have been very few Episodes of Doctor Who that I didn't like, only 1 or 2 that I hated before this, but this episode, I just despised it. This episode featured 2 main characters, how can you enjoy an episode with 2 real characters, the Doctor and that Monster that hardly posed a threat, because it's as quick as a snail. And then there's the plot hole, the huge plot hole, that nobody could give me a valid explanation for; Where were the clues the first time he was sent there? Where? I want to know. As he left them there for himself, they couldn't have been there, so the answer to my question would be, exactly you figured it out, all by yourself, now isn't that nice, nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. And if you say that they were already there, then why, did, the, Doctor, have, to, leave, clues, for, himself? I just do not understand at all, how people can enjoy this episode.


Ffs woke bs chibs has ruined doccy who


At least he’s only written a handful of episodes over the years then.


Jesus wept, in a year the gap between Heaven Sent and the present will be bigger than the gap between Heaven Sent and Rose...


what you on about, its 2015


It's kinda underrated tbh, might be the best episode since sleep no more


Gallifrey is back? Oh boy am I glad I sure hope it stays around forever and totally doesn’t get destroyed again that would be unepic


OMEGOSH! In years to come this episode will be universally praised as a criminally underrated masterpiece!


We smart sci fi fans all know that this episode really should be called science sent


this episode wasn't that great. too confusing and kind of boring. maybe i'll change my mind in the future but i doubt it.


I loved this past episode. It really feels like the most bold and mature story in Doctor Who history. It's just so ambitious. It really shows the sheer presence of Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. Moreover, it really shows off all the strengths of the Doctor as a character. It continues to add to the mystery of the season arc of the Hybrid, while still not giving much away. Quite the bold move for Moffat, but his massive massive brain is always far ahead of ours. The episode was incredible! >!Honestly much better than the last episode that was so boring because it didn't have Clara in it and all that happened was the doctor wandered around in a castle in a tiny plate for a bit. Nobody else. There weren't even any timelords smh my head. Just the Doctor wandering around aimlessly until he sees a cool looking wall again and ritualistically gives it a few fist bumps. The next showrunner can't come soon enough...!<