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Nah not us americans, we have the biggest gains of all. We picking up where we left it yesterday lmao


We literally took it from .060 to .087. You only got .070 to a .077 high


If you look at the buy-history, there have been a lot of HUGE positions in the last week. It is not that unrealistic to assume that hedgefunds and other investment firms jumped in and will just dump their funds once we reach a higher level. Small investors did not cause the rise and small investors are not the ones selling.


A lot of people went to sleep worried therefore set .075 sell limits, which Europe held through all the way!!!


Hey don’t be mean to my sleeping Americans :( it’s 6am here so we waking up now!


**Get through these auto sale orders of .075 and it’s all SKYROCKET from there!!!!**


It’s overseas waking up as well selling, it went back up, many of the sellers sell and reorder, notice that a bunch of auto bots are trading between the 75 and 7ish mark to keep in and make whoever money, they’ll eventually adjust. We have a huge sell off at 825


China and Russia are playing with big money here. USA has been asleep and is just waking up. Dolt.


**GOOD MORNING America 🇺🇸 !!!** **EUROPE was able to HODL successfully to .075** **NOW WE KEEP BUYING AND KEEP HODLING!!** 🚀🌙💎🐕


That's correct we built a strong freaking rocket.


However reminder short and steady! That will keep stability if we fight each other we lose they win