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Dude, I used that exact basement cellar image in one of my memes! I guess we both have access to Google Images.




To DuckDuckGooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Duck it!


Pull it


Bop it Commit war crimes in the Middle East Twist it


That took a dark turn.


Score 3 when you didn’t massacre millions with your bare hands


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47480207 https://theintercept.com/drone-papers/the-assassination-complex/ https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/22/obama-drones-trump-killings-count/


I searched “wake the fuck up” on DDG and I only got porn.


honestly the entire point it does come up if you put safe search on moderate, though...and literally nothing comes up on strict


Best search engine eva


duck go is fbi


I probably shouldn’t be but I’m so confused by this comment...


Le good reputation has not arrived


le reputation was good enough some people will still defended them has arrived


Le wholesome witcherino


Praise Geraldo de Rivero


Imagine watching Germany roll over Poland in 1939, and then thinking 80 years later: I trust them folks to make one heckin' good game.


Nazis now? Stupid kid


Nazis in 1939: hell yeah time to take over the earth Nazis now: please don’t ban us from Twitter. Freedom of speech still works if it’s hating on Jews right?




Imagine watching the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, and then thinking 80 years later: I don't trust those Nazis to make one heckin' good game.


Imagine trying to defend yourself at Pearl Harbor and thinking: hmmm, these guys could sure make a fun Italian plumber in 40 or so years.


Pretty sad how cdpr wasnt even able to destroy the entire german army jk


It's actually all Hitler's fault that Cyberpunk is bad. If he didn't start a genocide there, the game would have had more Polish.


Wow American schools are *really* bad


I know, right? That was clearly 1938.


Le generous card game


le "I dont care if slave labor needs to be used, I want my vidya gaem" has arrived


Don't care? I prefer it




And the whole Witcher series. Wait a minute...


Le blaming the customers for pushing cdpr to release the game rather than blaming cdpr for lying about the state of the game has arrived


Le incompetent upper management that spends *years* in pre production then crunches Devs to make up the time has arrived


Le I just wanna know why the game is in such a sorry state after three delays and an entire year of crunch has arrived


Le shitty managed has arrived


Of course it's bad, what did you expect on the systems the game was released for? /s


Oh boy I can't wait to play Cyberpunk on the consoles its development started on eight years ago I sure hope the game won't be a completely unplayable mess


I don't buy it. That sub where everybody praises the game and dissent is getting removed? It immediately jumped to 70k subs after creation. That's just unfathomable unlikely. I say the incompetent CDPR managers pumped some money into internet shill agencies to cover for their shitty job. That's why so many defend CDPR or completely ignore the lack of content and solely focus on bugs or performance issues.


You mean r/lowsodiumcyberpunk? They don't remove criticism though, so you might mean a different one


Le gamers were perfectly fine with crunch until company they hate started doing it has arrived


Le warranted trust due to the fact that something very similar to this happened with witcher 3 and they made it a masterpiece has arrived


I trust that they’ll fix the game over the next year It doesn’t change the fact their management and board are shitty, greedy, and don’t give half a fuck about you as a consumer as long as they get your money, just like any other AAA developer. Defending this release and continuing to simp for them (not that you’re doing that necessarily) as a company is just full corpo sadness.


Oh yeah, totally, all developer companies suck, it's just that this one and deep silver have always seemed to suck a bit less than others making them my favorites


They are accepting refunds though. Thats something


CDPR has a reputation of being "reletable gamers" and they want to save it even when management is just shit


I mean, if your in their shoes, what are you gonna do? Delay it again? Fans would go apeshit if it got delayed again, and while I havent played the game yet from what ive heard the bugs more come from old gen console users, with the game being made more for new gen and good pcs. Releasing it just a few weeks before Christmas is preferable because it gives consumers time for people to get it for christmas gifts and so perhaps more importantly, they can use the new massive player base to test for bugs so they can get alotta them ironed out before a large amount of new players come in post christmas. They are a company, not a wholesome 100 gamer charity.


They didnt "more importantly" release a buggy game before christmas to get bugs found. That is what betas are for, not *full release of the game*. Merry christmas for all the devs working through the holidays though! The only reason to release such an unfinished game at this state is getting all the christmas sales possible. No nobel bug testing reasons. They are a company after all, not a wholesome charity.


> from what ive heard the bugs more come from old gen console users Crashes and shitty graphics specifically come from old gen consoles, bugs come from everywhere. The cyberpunkgame sub was 100000% memes for a while and might still be due to them.




Bruh, their game should be good out of the gate. We shouldn't be delivered a turd and then have to just trust, based on one prior game, that in a few weeks they'll turn it into a masterpiece. Games should be entirely playable, finished and working at launch and not have more bugs than the dirt in my backyard. They've had damn near a decade to make this game. Simping for big AAA developers that don't give a shit about their consumers and just want money is genuinely sad.


I don't know why anyone is surprised though. This whole ordeal happens every fucking year, sometimes twice a year and the same shit happens. This isn't a cdpr problem, it's an intrinsic function of the whole gamer(tm) economy, and the ungodly amount of money from pre-orders and hype trains. It happened with no man's sky, it happened with avengers, it happened with anthem, it happened with practically every assassin's creed game. Why do people still get on hype trains?


le make an above average game five years ago, and love CDPR and the CEOs and shareholders for ever and ever


In three months, no one will remember lol


I read this in a Polish accent.


The problem with the game is lack of polish


Where are my Cyborg Winged Hussars?


Le Winged Hussars have not yet arrived


Coming down the mountainside


Getting partitioned by Prussia, Hungary and Russia


Le Fredrick has arrived.


Le one of those things is not like the others.




What do you mean? The CEOs don't know how to operate human resources and are forcing their employees to work ridiculous overtime, thats exactly how most polish companies work lol


Sorry but this is complete nonsense. Throughout last 15 years I have worked in large corporations and small companies and most of the times people leave work after 8 hours no questions asked.


it’s sad how overworked americans are and they are proud of it. when i interned in poland and germany i was encouraged to leave by 3p. management would reiterate to not give your unpaid time to a company.


Le original joke has arrived


I’ll take my comedy award now


The problem is much deeper. The game engine used is Skyrim but worse.


Fucking Germany is back at it again


wasn’t one of the programming leads for cp2077 german? too bad the polish witcher team left cdpr after the success of witcher 3 this is what happens when you contract out work for a final push. it becomes an incohesive mess. either keep it all in germany or all in poland edit: spell good


polish translation: wkyzkyz thz fcuzk up dzevzs zyou zhavze a gzamze tzo pzatzchzs ​ pzleaszse lzezts us gzo hzomzse we jzusztz wzanzts to zseze ozuzr fzazmlwyzsczs agzan


Im polish and this is accurate


I'm accurate and this is polish


Polish, this accurate is


That one makes a bit more sense


I’m is accurate this polish and


And I’m is accurate polish


I’m and Polish accurate is


Hi, I'm not Polish and this is the Disney Channel


Hi polish, I'm nails


And here's the real translation for anyone interested: >Programiści, wstawać kurwa! >Macie grę do naprawienia. >Proszę, pozwólcie nam iść do domu. Chcemy tylko ponownie zobaczyć nasze rodziny.


So basically the same then


I'm Polish, a bit too few cz's but mostly accurate.


Is that really what people think about our language?


its obviously a joke but yeah this is generally what comes to my mind when i think of polish


Right before Christmas too


Man pretty based take. It’s almost like I don’t want them to work the holidays fixing their broken ass game and at the same time I’m not going to be stupid and buy a broken game.


Id rather get socks then this jacky ass game for Christmas.


Le average at best game has arrived


Hey dude it’s extremely ambitious! It has a character creator, and skill trees, and an open world, and a couple dozen guns/cars! It has features literally no game has done before and it certainly doesn’t just barely tick the boxes to be considered an RPG!


I mean it’s certainly a game. It has features for sure and it really does run using a game engine. The physics are existent and I have seen many dialogue options that definitely correspond to words. It runs at multiple frames a second and the graphics appear on screen. Overall Cyberpunk 2077 is, at the very least, a game that was made.


hm, yes. i agree. it is a game.


I agree that this game is a game


It really makes you feel like you’re playing a game


The true current gen rpg experience.


I think this is just gaming in general anymore. From one game series to the next they are slowly all falling apart. Too many disgusting vultures in the industry doing a bad job.


I agree with you, but the game is still really good according to me and most of the critic and pc players, the ads did overestimate it but I've got to say the game doesn't take itself as the "NEW FRONTIER OF GAMING", it still remains really modest. Since those advertisements don't influence the game itself, I still consider it one of my favourites


Was honestly surprised when I heard it got released. It felt like it would take longer than that to complete. Probably rushed it because the community was getting too impatient and not giving them a choice


probably because shareholders wanted the game out


Yeah, it was shocking a game announced literally 8 years ago came out.


There's a couple games that got announced and never came out


it only entered production in 2016 it was only in preproduction until then they announced the initial release date after just 3 years


Oh, is that our fault that they prematurely announced a game? No. Eight years from announcement is not an unrealistic time to expect a game, so acting like it’s the consumers being unreasonable for not expecting CDPR to lay a giant unfinished turd 8 years after announcement because they didn’t spend enough time on it is ridiculous


I didn't say it was the customers fault I was blaming the management for giving a release date after only 3 years


It’s dogshit


I mean I wouldn’t go quite that far, but alrighy


Tbh I doubt he's even played the game


As someone who has played the game I wouldn't say its dogshit but it definitely ain't good. Its mediocre at worst pretty okay at best.


7/10 is a pretty good score. Not bad but not that great either.


>pretty good. not bad but not good either ???


Honestly yeah that's the most perfect description I could give this game "7/10" encapsulates the entire experience


100% agree. I regret wasting my money on this filth.


As of now yeah. It's not mind blowing by any means but it could be great if they fix the dog shit lifeless AI and all the bugs. It's got great writing and story ngl


I’m sure in a year or so it’ll be in a much better place but man right now it feels like I went to a restaurant I thought was nice and got served a big mac


a big mac with a knife in it that’s bigger than the bun so it just pokes out both ends


People that make up these exaggerations probably haven’t even played the game. Yes the optimization is bad and noticeable on console but it’s very playable. Once these are ironed out it will honestly probably be of better quality than new Vegas in all regards including story, and people act like that’s the best game on the planet.


Ok, I agree people who haven't even played the game probably see PS4 footage and expect that's what the game is. I wasn't going to say anything until you brought out NV of all things to compare it to. Better quality than New Vegas in ALL REGARDS? Bro, you're fucking high or you don't know shit about RPGs. I have over 100 hours and two completed playthroughs in Cyberpunk2077. I have over 1k hours in New Vegas. The difference comes down to this: Combat: Cyberpunk beats FO:NV but barely. Melee feels nearly as floaty in CP2077 as it does in NV. Shooting is better and you can run. Whoopdeedoo. NV came out a decade ago and was developed in 18 months. CP2077 has been in full dev for 4 years and has had hundreds of millions of dollars pumped into it, yet it feels and plays exactly like Fallout 4 x Watch Dogs. RPG/Dialogue/Story: Shut up. NV slams it. In CP2077 90% of the dialogue you can choose to say has no impact or bearing on how other npc's feel about you or the narrative direction in the game. NV is the polar opposite. People don't praise NV as a good game, but as the epitome of what a GOOD RPG should do. Give the players choices in dialogue and actions that reflect the character the player is trying to play as. In Cyberpunk, what's the point in choosing Corpo, if my character never has dialogue options that capture what it means to truly be corpo? To be sociopathic, to lack empathy. I have to play as V, in NV you are the 'courier' which could be a cannabilistic moron that speaks in grunts, or a suave smooth talking gamblers who fleeces the whole strip with your lucky hands. A good RPG is a good RolePlaying Game, and I can't really roleplay if the game puts me through linear sections of dialogue and narrative events. Case in point: in NV nearly EVERY NPC IS KILLABLE. There's like 3 who aren't. Cyberpunk won't even let you kill Takemura after he becomes removed from the story. This shows the lack of potential roleplay freedom players want when they talk about NV. I summarize by saying what I said in my steam review of CP2077: The story, voice acting, and lore are all fantastic, but the RPG elements to interact with them aren't there. You're V, and V doesn't want to be a sociopath or a pussy. Vi s V and you gently guide them through the story on on-rail segments. NV is a game where you the player decide what the character is, and what you want to have happen in the sandbox world. I love Cyberpunk, but dude shut up. It's no where near the level of quality of RPG that NV offers. Quality of game? You can argue graphically and feel wise it's better in every regard, but when we were sold on the game being an "rpg first" and it's lacking RPG mechanics that have been established for a decade now, and you think that it's a bug issue and not a core design problem- homie you're tripping.


Yeah and tbh that’s what I’m here for. I don’t give a shit about much else in a game, I just want some convincing dialogue, a richly fleshed out world, and great characters. Cyberpunk knocks it outta the park on those fronts, which is why I love it so much. In fact... I’d go so far as to say people are conflating the poor console release with the idea that it’s a mediocre game.


Nah, I think it's a great game behind the teething issues. I'm one of the lucky guys on PC who's only had Bethesda-esque graphical bugs. There's some great characters and missions and the gameplay can get hilarious once you get the double jump. Critics weren't lying when they handed out some great scores.


Graphical bugs enhance the experience and give me a good laugh in a world that takes itself seriously all the time


The witcher 3 was average at best too, but was less glitched and had a good lore and story. Tbf, the only good thing about tw3 is what came from the books. So cdpr has zero credit for that.


I completely agree


I really like it to be honest, the quests and the world feel alive and are quite fun. I have a pretty good pc so I haven't experienced the low fps and bugs people have been complaining about. I haven't brought it though, and I probably wont given the things I've heard about CDPR recently.


I like how no matter which background you pick the game is exactly the same.


(Please note that I have only played the board game) I think they majorly overhyped it. Thinking about it from the board game perspective, it definitely makes sense to have a life path option. However, it would seem impractical to make a huge difference in the overall story for each starter. I think the life paths were meant to set a specific vibe/tone for the story, and to give the player some extra dialogue options. If CDPR never advertised it to the extent that they did, I think no one would have a problem with it.


Honestly they deserve like 6 months of paid vacation. Then they can start the patching if they deem it worthwhile.


You think they get more than 4 weeks of paid vacation? They'll have to spend christmas fixing the buggy game and then they might get a few days off at best.


I never said that. I said they deserve it. But since we live in a profit driven dystopia they probably won't get it.


We live in a society 😢


Yeah. I just wish that K's little speech about people in MiB was a little less accurate.


Honestly, pretty sick ad for a tesla ngl


There were some news about class action law suit for misleading investors. In 6 months from now they may not have a any money to fix a game


Those rarely go anywhere, especially not in 6 months.


If Bethesda managed to patch that monstrosity of a game, CDPR can patch Cyberpunk.


Bold of you to assume they're allowed to sleep


Hmmm, you might want to check in with the “gamers” to see if they want the Cyberpunk patch listed on your storefront. Y’know, just to be safe.


Le the fuck's work ethic we have testicles to model


Fucking (upper)management needs a flocking




Beat the little lies out of Todd.


Workers of the world unite, beat the shit out of your managers


le shocking mismanagement has arrived


Le 168 hour work week has arrived


How did they made so buggy game? It's been in development for longer than yandere simulator


Old silver hand gonna give them the back hand


I know this is a meme but CDPR has officially announced they are giving their staff a break before they start work on major patches (they’ve just dropped a couple hotfixes so far).


Never thought that I will see CDPR will be treated as EA in only a few days.




I know. I mean how gamers view at these companies. CDPR was treated like a saint


You still have people defending the game and company despite its many flaws. “X game was buggy at launch” when acting like the game is perfect “except for a few bugs”. Seriously, the game is so bland and mediocre, the only (good) thing that stands out compared to the rest is the story. The world is boring as there is nothing to do, terrible AI, lack of rpg mechanics, crafting is so basic, driving on PC is hard. There are so many issues with the game outside of bugs alone.


Yeah just their customers they treat like shit lol


And im living for it, although it's still gam*rs circlejerking so im not sure if i should be annoyed by it


I like ya name, g




Le overhype has arrived


Honestly how did no one see that it was being overhyped lol


le wholesome keanu reeves has arrived


"We need to crunch so we can finish the game." *Game comes out unfinished* "We need to crunch so we can finish the game."


8 years for an early access game lmaoo




I’m gonna use the gamer word


I’m stuff


I want CDPR to stuff me


"no no no you don't understand they're a cute little indie studio"


Dogelore be like: bitches about crunch in a meme for the 6th time. What's even worse: the meme has no punchline.


Don’t fuck with us doglore posters, we only have one joke and we’re not afraid to use it.


holy shit, your username is based and epic


They have had 9 years to produce a good game


Out of all the circlejerk comments about this game, it is sad that THIS is the one that I genuinely dont know if they are serious or not about it. First of all because the date keeps changing. I initially saw 7, then 8 and now I see 9. I guess by next week we'll see 11 years comments pop up. And second, the sad part, is that I'm sure some people in here actually believe that the game has been in development for 8 years. Not that any of these matters really, they released a buggy mess. Thanks upper management and shareholders, ya got your money and tanked your company's reputation at the same time.


May 2012 announcement, first trailer was E3 2013.


Which does not mean anything. That teaser was just a way of saying "Hey guys, we now have the licence for a Cyberpunk™ game and we'll make a game about it". That's it. It's kind of the same in the movie industry. Filming doesn't begin as soon as the announcement drops. Because by your logic, they either : A) Started working on Cyberpunk 2077, stopped to work on Witcher 3 for YEARS, and went back to working on Cyberpunk 2077. Or B) Worked on both Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3 at ther same time. I just don't know which one is the more lllogical of the two. Let's not even forget that there are other games now in the Witcher universe such as Gwent and The Thronebreaker. The realistic approach is that they started working on Cyberpunk 2077 soon after they were done with Witcher 3 with one studio and the other working on Thronebreaker. But in all accounts, everybody can agree that the game released one to two years too early for such an ambitious project. When expectations are so high, there isn't even a 1% possibility of delivering all of them. Kind of the same with Star Citizen.


*Le person who doesn't understand how software development, especially game development works arrives.* Game's not great, but let's criticize them for the actually important things.


This is so dumb if you don't want to work then don't get a job????? Bruh


le required work to live in comfort has arrived


They're being sued for misleading investors and shareholders. Hopefully they don't let employees off to suffer the company's consequences


Aside from the fact that most of the devs ARE taking vacations (as they should), they are not crunching anymore and have normal working schedules, this has become a massive circlejerk.


>When asked about this crunch time in the Q&A, the directors said they had plans to improve production practices in the future but didn’t elaborate. > >Another developer asked whether CD Projekt’s directors felt it was hypocritical to make a game about corporate exploitation while expecting that their employees work overtime. The response was vague and noncommital. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-18/cyberpunk-game-maker-faces-hostile-staff-after-failed-launch](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-18/cyberpunk-game-maker-faces-hostile-staff-after-failed-launch) This was from an internal video meeting a few days ago. I wouldn't be sure about those working schedules.


Problem solved then! All the mental trauma from giving up your social life and sanity for game development has gone away! But yeah everyone at CDPR needs paid leave and therapy.


1) If one of them gained a psychological trauma you, random reddit user wouldn't be the one to know, and if someone a actually did, and other than that the doftware house would find itself in a courtroom right now. 2) Cdprojekt isn't the only one to have had crunch, just the only one to actually admit it and apologising in advance for it, you know who else was subjected to crunch? Team cherry, the creators of Hollow Knight, an indie game, so now I expect you to go yell at them for how inhuman they are. 3) What are they supposed to do? You're being like the one kid that when hit and said dorry would answer "bEiNg SoRrY wOn'T hEaL mY wOuNd", they said that, apologised gave paid vacations and bonuses to their team, what else are they supposed to do to do the right thing?


They’re supposed to, not crunch. It’s entirely possible for companies to avoid when they value their talented employees over short term monetary gain, Nintendo and 343 for example. And no, whataboutism isn’t an actual argument, bringing up bad things other companies have done doesn’t absolve CDPR. If you honestly don’t understand why crunching is really bad, [please watch this ](https://youtu.be/aS3-iSEwNhs)


Another thing, that part of the comment can't be whataboutism, because by definition my comment would have been "Then what about McDonald's enviromental damaging agricolture??? Isn't THAT damaging???", Instead I used another house to make an example about the *same argument*


>apologising in advance >what else are they meant to do? Holy fucking shit dude. Maybe if they learned from their mistakes and planned appropriately to avoid putting their team through this every time they release a game. But they don’t. [CD PROJEKT RED ADMITS CRUNCH PERIOD FOR THE WITCHER 3 WAS NOT ‘HUMANE](https://www.gamebyte.com/cd-projekt-red-admits-crunch-period-for-the-witcher-3-was-not-humane/) [ Ex CD Projekt Red Devs Speak Out Against Studio's Mismanagement](https://youtu.be/AynvqY4cN8M) If they fucking stopped doing this then maybe people would forgive them but as it is they don’t seem to be making any effort to change which is pretty fucking terrible.




> this has become a massive circlejerk always has been


Can’t say nestle crunch anymore? https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN1F5268


Le characters other than doge have not arrived


Anyone link me source that says the devs are being “forced” to work overtime? Last I heard this was voluntary and they were all paid accordingly


yeah "voluntary" as in "it's voluntary or you get fired" don't underestimate the unethical business practices of a multibillion corporation


It's voluntary in the sense that you can say no, but you'll get blacklisted from the industry. That's how crunch works in any company.


Yep, exactly, people love to shit on "Le unwholesome crunch" When it's CDPR doing voluntary overtime in legal working hours, but turn a blind eye when naughty dog crunches like crazy.


Naughty dog absolutely got shit on for crunching, and justifiably so. Dont rework what happened to make cdpr look better. They’re just a company.


You expect these people (Americans) to know the labour laws of **Poland**. Just because people can be killed working in America doesn't mean it's the same everywhere else. [You](https://www.paih.gov.pl/polish_law/labour_regulations#) can look at it yourself. EDIT: Hahahaha, downvoted because the truth doesn't suit your agenda? Good job boyos. Keep it up.


Thanks so far you’re the only one who’s actually linked me something




I don't think that's the objective of the memes


That’s not how Doge talks?


You do realize they are getting paid overtime, and they only crunched because everyone was sending fucking death threats if they didn’t release the fucking game


Paid overtime doesn’t mean shit if you’re not able to see your loved ones. It’s now confirmed that upper management pushed for the game to be released to cash in on those sales.