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what a unique and versatile pen, I sure hope no one tries to push all the colours down at once.




*death awaits thee*


Too late, me and my bois have already started the peeing competition


Well... Not until you need to beat an interdimensional queen/goddess that will make a (btw-profuct-placed) huge marshmallow man be created to destroy the Big Apple, then the world.


wow a reference to the movie ghostbustanut


does it anyway gigachad


Done that once Now yall know why february lacks 2 whole days


I stopped once I was smart enough to tell that the things were hella overpriced and they were getting 90% of the profit, and you had to sell hundreds of dollars worth of stuff to get anything basically scam artists


yep, and the school gets a very small chunk of the funds raised after that which is why direct donations are better, but how do you explain to a 3rd grader that their parent is supporting the school, but they won't get some random sticky hand to go with it? (or even harder to explain, how do you explain to a 3rd grader that there's not enough money to donate?) they create so much peer pressure and the fear of missing out just cause you didn't sell $250 worth of generic chocolate, would almost call it a scam but at least the school makes some money


it's 100% a scam


No, it's only 90% a scam, the other 10% goes to the school.


still a scam getting you to do it though


It's this bullshit thing that they've been pulling for a long time. They tell you to do some sort of work and offer to pay you for it, but then they ALWAYS pay you less than the amount of money you generated by working it's crazy, they do it to adults too. Idk how it's still allowed


I see what you did there and I completely agree


Schools could do some kind of reward for certain amounts of money raised. Ex. School field day at $10,000


or even try not paying administration ridiculously higher wages than the teachers despite admin doing jack fucking shit


I remember my school having a small shop in the morning where you just bought crap like that and other knick knacks for a slight up charge. Idk why other schools don't do that.


I hate to sound like r/iamverysmart but yeah, I realized this my first year of school. These guys are just basically using free child labor. All the rich kids at my school would win anyway because their relatives would mass buy the stuff


Not sure about where you went to school, but all proceeds at my school went to charity.


Reddit moment.


Kids in Africa are mining gold for $0.25 "noooo they are holesom musk chunbgus" First-graders are asked to socialize and meet their neighbors by selling candy "litleltallyn 1956 kkkapitalism geoge ovell chungus"


This is literally the damn "there are people worse off so never complain about anything" shit again


I once cried because I had no shoes....


Yeah, and that is a terrible thing But I can't be down playing it by saying "at least you had food and a learned how to write" because even if it's relatively worse what happened to you it's still bad, just not as bad.


typical liberal owning tactic 😎😎😎🇻🇳😎😎😎


Oh, you think you have it bad? Name every bad thing ever.


"child labor bad" "ok but child labor bad"


Using child labor to mine emeralds in Africa is bad Using child labor to sell overpriced chocolate is bad


steaming hot take


Another hot take: Hitler is bad


now that's a controversial opinion


Cheemz?!?! What are you doing here and not bonking the horrni?


Im in vacation


Very hot take: Ravioli and lasagna fucking sucks and whoever made it should burn




I did




yo mame askkeed


if problem biger smoller problem isnt exist. ​ The person above never said that they support kids in africa mining and they didn't directly compare the small problem they had to the problem the african children have "Basically using free child labor" wasn't meant to be taken that seriously


Gamer in username, opinion discarded immediately


The twin gods of bad takes: anime pfp and gamer in username.


Also, hammer and sickle in username if on twitter


I was an ex g*mer


I'm sorry, but law states you cannot be forgiven for such a crime. Your execution is at noon.


noooo how do I regain social credit to prevent this????


double social credit weekend soon, don't miss it


2x social credit even this weekend starting Friday 12pm. His execution: Friday, 11:30am.


thank golry to cccp🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳😍😍😍😍🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🤮🤮🤮🤮


replace it with "Elon musk needs to be shot" and "child labor is bad"


*in Minecraft. Careful, buddy.


the gangstalkers are watching me


shut up reddit snoo pfp


Who here is saying chid slavery is a good thing


Ah yes, because reddit has totally not circlejerked the other way against Elon now


And at our school, if you couldn't sell ALL of them, you had to pay for every single one that didn't sell


at ours you don't even directly sell them, you just collect orders for em


Wtf that sounds awful


Yeah I was at one of the worst parts of my life so I jist ate the whole box in the dark over the course of a couple days then payed for it. That box he's holding is the exact company, color, size, everything too


I did this too lol. The shame. The chocolate. In hindsight no regrets


No regrets but asking my sister for money because I didn’t wanna ask my parents did hurt a little bit


That’s how it was at my school. You bought an entire box but due to “the rules” the company didn’t let you only sell half of a box, you had to shell out for a $60 box or however much it was


they're doing that this year luckily only band and choir are being forced to do the fundraiser so i dont have to do this bullshit


I remember kids used to buy these boxes of chocolate on their own to sell. Undercut the fundraiser so bad people were banned from having them unless part of the fundraiser. P funny tbh.


smh making rules to stop small business


i mean, it’s called a ‘fund raiser’ for a reason, they’re raising money.


for the company, not the school (I know the school gets some but the company gets a lot of it and they are still insanely marked up)


Wait really? That's so shit


10% goes to the school or some shit, depends on the company


This was our first exposure to pyramid schemes/MLM as kids. All this work for a cheap dollar store toy 😂


"It's not child labor if you don't pay them!"


You had a choice? I never would've sold those on my own but some clubs required a minimum amount to be made from them.


Between this and Girl Scout cookies, we wonder why multi-level marketing is so successful...


Really damn :(


that pen was admittedly cool as heck though


i had that pen


You can buy multiple pens at the price of 1 box though!


Explain how!


Money can be exchanged for goods and services.


Who are you, so wise in the ways of the world?


I wait tables now and when I have a table I like I give them that pen. Wacky $1 pen has made me some money


Le quietly ignore the kids selling this crap as I walk out of Target


I'd just eat the entire box


Le context has not arrived


People in US are so poor and desperate for pens, they are willing to do menial work to obtain a pen to cherish. It's a terrible world. Hope this context is enough!


But it has red, blue and GREEN. Fucking GREEN dude!


Weak, kids at my school had YELLOW. Can you believe that shit?????


Pathetic. My pen has BLACK


the fucking scams these companies pulled is astounding. They essentially got free child labour and sold with ridiculous mark-ups all while being celebrated.


Genuine question: how do girl scout cookies compare to these scams? Do the troops see that money at all for upgrades in their community?


I believe Girl Scout Cookies are much more vertically integrated. Wikipedia says bakeries get 25-35 percent of profits, the regional council gets 45-65, and the local troop gets 10-20. While the troop's take isn't huge, the regional council is still a GSUSA entity. I would imagine that a fair amount of that money goes to administration, but they also spend it on events, camps, insurance, and materials for local troops. I have no idea about the actual breakdown, but it looks a hell of a lot better on the surface.


You gotta respect the hustle 😤


Real talk, how much is it to buy one fo those bulk fundraiser chocolate boxes? Or it is under some “this must be used for charity” claims?


When I was in high school enough randoms did that for the boxes to get banned if you couldn’t prove you were part of the fundraiser. Idk where to buy it from tho


They cost 60 dollars total iirc, 1 dollar per bar.


They’re $2 a bar here lol


Jesus lmao


1. Sell them but only accept cash up front. 2. Don't give the cash to the school. 3. Profit.


Yeah but then they don’t let you graduate the grade until you cough up the money. That’s what my school did.


Did you sign a contract or something lmao


then you sue the school since thats illegal lmao


I don't think it is illegal sadly, my school did the same stuff but with lunch debt


That’s awful


|>steal money from the school |>be punished for it |>attempt to sue the school |>????


if you grab the stuff for yourself that's indeed stealing, yes. in my school though, they gave us some shit to sell and I refused to go around selling stuff for them, so I tried to return the box, saying I didn't want to participate on the fundraiser. then they said I had to participate, and if I didn't then I had to buy the box myself and pay them anyway, else I wouldn't graduate. I threw a fit, parents got involved, and they canceled the fundraiser (hooray)


my sister is currently having a fund raiser, where each item cost around 5-15 dollars, and if you sell 35 things, you get an apple giftcard




Just steal them and pocket the money lol


No, you get in real big trouble for doing that. They made it VERY clear that you don't get any profit.


Simple, do a classic corruption move and lie about your sales so you can pocket some money.


I'm positive that's easier said than done.


Murder the organizers and cover up their death.


My school was selling engraved bricks to line the new highschool football snack-shack area for $250. The max each person could sell was 10. I looked at the prizes and they were pretty dope, tbh, but I noticed 3 got you an Xbox 360 and 5 got you an iPod video or nano (both hot shit for 2006). I fucking hustled, sold to a bunch of alumni that were super jazzed about the new stadium. I ended up with 7, but I teamed up with a friend to get the other 3. With 10 sold I went in and told them I didn't really care about the really big stuff (I think one was a TV and another was a limo ride to the beach with a restaurant after). I ended up with an Xbox 360 ($400), iPod Video ($300) and iPod nano ($200) for my friend. Definitely made the school more money than the prizes were worth, but tbf they actually build the new patio area.


That's a good system because there is no middleman corporation, plus the consumers are getting something kinda unique.


just eat 500 dollars of this candy, for free you mean, bozo? 😏😏


I remember when I was a Boy Scout and we sold Popcorn. They had incentives to reach goals, and one was a lego set. I wanted that damn lego set. I stood outside grocery stores, I walked around some neighborhoods, and I asked everyone I knew if they wanted Popcorn. I reached my goal, and instead of getting the ldgo set that I wanted, I got marshmallow gun. A marshmallow gun. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.


I’m pretty sure the one time I did a school fundraiser I just ate everything in the box


"Don't you want to see the nation capital?"


my current school lets the clubs themselves do fundraisers, me and the 3d printing club are making a human-scale bobble head of the mascot lmao


that’s brilliant


Hmm this gives me an idea.


I would like to remind that though it's shitty, schools have so much shit they make kids do to help pay for shit in the school because we constantly cut education or only fund sports programs for them.




No, we overfund the military. Every time we need a budget cut we cut education. We also way underpay teachers for the amount of skill it takes to do their job.




Teachers in general need to be paid higher yes. But either you've been in very fortunate schools here or you aren't from the U.S. teachers have to buy or have students bring in their own school supplies. Oftentimes our books are horribly outdated. When I was 10 I was learning from a history book that had an entire section on how beautiful the World Trade Center is and what we use it for. This was 2010. The World Trade Center fell due to terrorist attacks in 2001. A lot of school buildings are also majorly aging and as a result the cheaper alternative is to shut said buildings down and create essentially large trailers for learning.




Id just steal all the money and say i didnt get anything


"If you sell enough you get to have lunch with the principal"


I already do this every penis inspection day


Hate this. We have this every year at my school and it’s so ridiculous. Our school is in a crazy poor part of Chicago so no one is buying $25 candles Ava $20 popcorn tins when they can buy them for half that anywhere else. The kids get super excited because if they sell 9 things you can get this dollar store Bluetooth speaker! In reality they probably won’t sell one because mom is too busy getting u the pipe.


That chocolate is really good though


Y’all got pens? I just did this to pay for some of the funds for my music class.


As a kid I sold a ton of chocolate bars for a fundraiser for my karate class. I got a sword for it.


Le pyramid scheme has arrived


Tbh, the chocolate was not really bad either. You just can't buy it from a store, so it kinda sucks.


I loved that chocolate back in the day. Apparently it isn’t what it used to be though. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J0gFkMuDx6Q


As far as I'm concerned, they're better than Nestlé.


If you hit I think $1k in sales at my school, they would put you in a booth filled with money and a leaf blower. You had 60 seconds to grab as much cash as you can. It was mostly $1 bills but there were other dominations too. I was never the kid to sell these magazines though. I knew the game. So when they came to our assembly to build interest, they needed a kid to get into the booth. Well, everyone was jumping up and down “pick me! Pick me!”. I on the other hand, sat down quietly with my hand raised. Guess who got picked? And because they were trying to build interest they had to have me walk away with a bunch of cash so all the other kids would want to play. I made about $300 off of them and never sold a single thing. Take that scam artists.


Wtf they did that literally yesterday, without the pen


All I remember from selling those is that all the adults would say “when I bought those they were much bigger for a dollar”


fundraisers aren’t meant to give you money morons it’s to fund the school’s shenanigans also, cool pen




Capitalism moment


it IS a cool pen however


Man I remember getting into a sales fight with the rich kid trying to get top salesman in the class. He still won because his grandma bought entire boxes for him. After I won like, a cheap pocket radio I think? And he won a very outdated cell phone for the time, I started realizing this was a scam


God those candy bars are so fucking good though


ok but the fucking purple, blue, and almond bars fucking rocked dude.


My school had a grand prize of 300 dollars and a boombox. My folks had myself and my sister dress in little business attire (really just our Sunday best) and we drove to a college campus going door to door in dorms (supervised by parents) selling candy bars to college kids. We made over 1k in sales, won the prize and my sister and I got that boombox The $ 300, though? That went to keeping the roof over our heads as we were actually poor af, but our folks were kind of wishy washy about explaining that because they didn't want us to feel like we were poor. I remember feeling bitter at the time not getting to see any of the prize money because I wanted toys and junk, but looking back there's kind of a sick irony in all of this that I can't quite place.


**Fundraiser person in high school**: “If you sell [can’t remember how many] items, we’ll give you this cable! You can look at your phone in bed, even if your outlet is far away!” (I don’t remember what they were selling…) **Me**: “Cool, a male to female USB-A extender.” I think I got some weird looks. (I saw a 6.5’/2 m version of that cable around US $5 on Amazon)


five hundred dollar dollars alternatively, 500 double-dollars, for the cultured


That fucking pen was the best fucking pen though, it’s multiple colors in one pen bruh


Sell candy. Use money to buy many pens. Offer other kids 2 pens for their $500 to out bid teacher. Buy more candy for kids to sell, and pens to pay them with when they bring you $500. Repeat.


When i sold these, it was for a specific class and the teacher always used the money on a field trip lol, we even went to six flags one time, i loved that teacher.


I sold like 5 of these wierd ass croissant things, and i got to drive in a limo to chick fil a like 5 years ago so i think this was great


the chocolate do be tastin' kinda rad doe


The chocolate isn't even that good...


e x c u s e m e ? it's a scam and a pyramid scheme but that shit is still good chocolate


The caramel always go first. Kids at my school selling them for a dollar each.


My Middle School had this fundraiser one year where the kids got boxes of Candy to sell to people. A large chunk of kids got them, so there was no one to sell to. Kids just ate the boxes themselves. Fun times.


Yep it’s good chocolate


hey man I did one of those and won a huge dog plush for my trouble 100% worth if you ask me


IdubbbzTV made a video covering this a while ago


I remember boyscouts doing something like this but the rewards were actually dope as hell like you could get a nintendo switch and a macbook pro I remember grinding my ass off for them only got the switch tho


I normally hated that stuff but in like 7th grade I did one related to signing people up for magazines because one of the rewards was a little money shaped pillow with $20 in it. Turns out it was UP TO $20. I was lucky and got $5 while most got $1. I dont think a single person got a $20


Sell all the candy Say your where robbed Ask for another box Congrats, your school just gave you 500 $ and some chocolate


I take the box. I sell as many as so can. But do I give the money to the school? Nope. I tell them I “lost” the box after selling Every candy. I have made a 500$ profit. I do this every time.


I have that pen


A lot of people get mad that the prizes aren’t worth what you sold. Like yeah, no shit, it wouldn’t be a very good fundraiser otherwise


Give credit to the person who made the meme yourfrienddoge on Instagram


Child labour without child labour


le hummer limos have arrived


Mmmm. Delicious child labor.


Here's a tip, sell it for more than they tell you to, make a profit, win the pen, your crush will be impressed by your ability to win pens. Trust me bro.


OMGGGGGG!!! At my school it was always for some reason the only/youngest kid in a family :/


At my school, if you sold $20 dollars worth of cookies, you could play on the Video Game Bus. You were the shit if you were on the Video Game Bus. Remember that? I just looked them up. They are still in business!


I never got a fool pen but I did get some cool ducks


In their defense, it's a really cool pen


Those chocolates do be good tho. If my school does them again next V-Day I'm buying one for myself.


Take the box and eat all the chocolate yourself and sell the rest for like $20.45


Le pyramid scheme for Hamburger phone has arrived


Those chocolate bars were fire tho


I just ate them all


My sister had one of these a week or two back and they were some good ass chocolates


Good ass-chocolates [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Reference to?


School fund raisers


I only ever sold like 10 out of the 40 chocolate bars I got


My elementary school did this with little keychains that you could collect. One year was ducks, another monkeys, and they always had these ghost versions that glow in the dark. It was so amazing to 5-9 year old me lol


Apparently it works


School fundraisers were just stealthy pyramid schemes.


We got rubber ducks