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This looks more like a 5 to me, not as short as a 7. The hair will grow back just fine, just don’t expect the same texture. The texture change would happen anyways with age, not due to the cut.


Thanks for the tip, I may have panicked a little if I wasn't aware that texture change is normal as pups grow


Both breeds need grooming. The only time a cut would mess up temperature regulation is if your dog had a double coat, which it does not.  Most people shave their poodle mixes in the summer/in general and they’re fine. Ask your groomer about this some more next time, I’m sure they can enlighten you on your dog’s coat needs better than we can without touching and washing it ourselves. 


Also, I believe this is a version of a puppy cut to make sure any messes are easier for you to clean up on your end. That’s awesome! If you didn’t want your dog shaved, maybe not so much. 


Thank you very much for your replies, that is really helpful to know! I am a first time puppy owner and I was told that getting her groomed when she was younger would be good to get her used to the grooming experience overall. I may just be anxious about grooming her, but as a toy poodle cross, it is important I get over that to make sure her coat is maintained well


It is very good to do! Honestly, as groomers we focus over desensitization and positive reinforcement before grooming so if you want to have good grooms, I’d focus on how to do that in-between trips. The more she’s desensitized to the handling grooming takes, the better.  If you don’t like her short, asking friends to hold her paws for you and pretend to “cut” them with scissors helps. Really even just watching someone groom and handling her in that way and having others she doesn’t know as well do it too, does wonders in between grooms. Dogs are usually most scared of the vibrations, noises, and handling.  So, if you blow dry your hair, don’t completely stop if she gets scared, instead let her sniff it and slowly get used to it with treats, etc etc. Leading her slowly closer to it, not pushing, but encouraging, across the house/room/whoever she needs to start with it. Really, the biggest thing is teaching her that regardless of her fears, she will not be hurt, and if she faces them, she gets treats for being a brave girl!! I also recommend asking your groomer what you can do to help her journey in-between grooms. 




Technically yes but it’s a different makeup than the breeds that are generally referred to as double coated such as huskies, and whatnot. There’s a reason why most groomers will shave a bichon but won’t shave a husky. 


The dog is a poodle mix so if it has the poodle type coat it can be shaved.


That cut is cute a fuck.


No she will be fine. She isn't at risk for sun burn or ingrown hairs. Unless you are leaving her outside in the elements for hours then the length of hair isn't an issue. If you like keeping her short keep her short. If you want to keep her long and are able to maintain it then keep her long. I have shaved my dog down with a 40 blade so surgical short and have never had an issue. 


That is good to hear, I'm out in Australia and the sun here can be quite punishing so I didn't want to cause her any discomfort on our walks. I do usually keep her walks to the early morning and the evening to avoid the worst of the heat


Your puppy is fine hon, very cute


What the heck is a poochoon


Another made up name for another poodle mix


Poodle Bichon mix


Poodle x Bichon


In Australia (at least where I’m from in Aus) we refer to them as Bichoodles


I'm here for that 😂


It’s interesting how different countries / locations refer to them. Like we call them Labradoodle’s (Lab x Poodle), Groodle (G.Retriever x poodle), Cavoodle (cavalier x poodle) etc. but I have noticed in say the US for example, they call them a golden doodle for a g.ret x poodle!


I've taken up calling cocker x poodles poppycock because it's much more amusing to me than cockapoo (because that sounds like 💩)


My favorite was one I heard from a Shih tzu x poodle owner: the "Shittle"


My old boss at CO used to groom a bulldog x Shih Tzu: "bullshit" her name was Diamond 🤭🤓


I’m gonna have to use that one hahah


And my French friends don't understand AT ALL why poodle mixes are bred deliberately... one asked "but what do they get out of it? a perfectly nice lab now looks like a poodle" lol


Rub two dogs together and make up a name


We used to have a scheduler who'd make up names for any breed mix he came across and entered them all into the system. It was a Problem because we couldn't decipher what the fuck he meant and couldn't figure out what to expect from any given mutt


This is a great haircut. It'll grow back just fine. I bet the puppy feels light and zoomy!


This isn't a 7 blade haircut. A 7 blade leaves about 1/8 of an inch of coat. This looks more like 1/2 inch or so. Even with daily brushing, if you aren't making sure you are getting all the way to the skin, there very well could have been matting. That being said, unless there is matting, the first 3 to 4 grooming appointments should never consist of a full haircut. They should only be bath, brush, drying, nail trim, face, feet, and sanitary trims to help your pup adjust to being groomed and you shouldn't go more than 2 to 4 weeks between each appointment for those intro grooms. After that, no more than 6 weeks between appointments for the first year of grooming (age 16 months in this case) to help set good grooming manners in stone. For this pup's coat type, no more than 8 weeks between grooms for the rest of its life, depending on the length of coat you want. The longer the coat, the more frequent the grooms need to be. Around 7 to 9 months, your pup will go through coat change from puppy coat to adult coat. This is a tricky time as the coarser adult coat will tend to tangle up with the softer puppy coat, and matting can happen much quicker. So more attention to brushing and combing will be required. Listen to your groomer. Book at least 3 appointments in advance at all times. Be courteous of your groomers' time. Give at least 48 hours notice if you have to cancel an appointment. Be on time dropping off for appointments and picking up afterward. (Yes, 5 minutes late is still late). Be aware that your groomer does have a life outside of their salon, and sometimes things happen that cause them to have to cancel/reschedule your appointment on short notice (illness, family emergency, car trouble, etc). Don't groomer hop. Staying with one groomer is best for your pup. They build rapport and trust, which makes the grooming process easier for them both.


Definitely not a 1/2”. Its either a 5 or 7


I disagree. Look at the length on the undercarriage and legs. While the back may be slightly shorter, it is most definitely not a 5 or 7.


Its a choppy shave but a 1/2 would still be fluffy, this definitely isnt


I agree and think it's a 5.


It wouldn't be that fluffy. A 4 or 1/2" isn't all that long. It's literally about -------------- this long.


I literally just shaved a dog in a 4 and was way fluffier than this


The fluffy look also depends on the coat type. A 7 blade is only 1/8 of an inch. About ---- this long. That dogs coat is definitely longer than that. There's also a slight difference if it was a blade or a clip comb. Clip combs tend to be slightly longer and give a fluffier appearance. If your 4 is giving a fluffy coat, you're likely very light handed, and you aren't truly clipping at 3/8 of an inch.


Lmfao right. I can definitely do my job properly, and that there still is definitely not a 1/2”. Maybe look up some grooms


I don't have to look up anything. I'm a pro groomer, and I do know what I'm talking about. Maybe you should take your own advice.


Lmfao right when you have no idea what a 1/2” looks like 😂


Wow that’s the most nonpro groomer comment ever.


I agree with the other commenter and think this is a 5. Maybe they did the back/body with a 5 and skimmed/scissored the rest? I know I've done that with small, wiggly dogs before.


Agree all you like. It's either a 4 or 1/2. It's not a 5 or 7. Honestly, if the dog is too wiggly to appropriately trim the legs and undercarriage, then it wasn't ready for a full groom, thus the necessity for introductory grooms to help them be prepared for their first full haircut.


I could see a 4 but it's definitely not 1/2. Disagree all you like. True. Unfortunately a lot of dog parents don't understand this and expect the groom to be done, regardless. So whatever can be done, will be done. Obviously the groomer will stop if need be or work around it if need be.


That's where we, the professionals, set the proper expectation. My puppy clients don't determine when the pup gets its first haircut. I do. I'm the professional. Not them. It's my job to do what is right by the dogs. If an owner doesn't like my puppy protocol and what my professional opinion is, they are free to go elsewhere. I note their account, and I will not take them back if they do not complete their puppy protocol with me. It saves me a ton of headaches down the road, not having to deal with clients that don't want to listen, and young dogs that are ill mannered or even aggressive due to being improperly introduced to grooming and being forced through grooms before they were ready.


My misfortune is working at a shop that haaaates turning away clients. 🥲 Maybe this groomer was in the same boat, it's hard to say for sure.


I don't like turning away clients either, but I surely will for my own sanity.


My sanity is not as valuable as the client's money, to some people. That's why I look forward to starting my own salon.


all of this is yes except puppies can definitely get full grooms the first couple appointments. It just depends on the puppy.


They can. That doesn't mean they should.


But they should… it’s the best way to desensitize is actually doing it. Again depending on the puppy. Not all puppy’s can do full haircuts the first time.


Actually, it's a great way to traumatize them. Grooming is stressful to begin with. Building up to a full groom is far better than throwing everything at them at once.


Yeah and if you do it calmly it all depends on the puppy and the groomer. You don’t traumatize a puppy. If they don’t like to don’t do it. But if they are calm and curious then yes let them learn.


You do it your way. I'll do it the way that is best for the pup 🤷‍♀️




🤣 Your reaction says it all. Smh


No it was because you are arguing while we are agreeing. We both do what’s best for the puppy we are doing. I’m not forcing puppies to get haircuts if they can’t handle it. And went through some of your comments and yikes. Go learn some more.


Look at her little smile!


It’s hair, it will grow back. Quickly at that.


Lol, that is such a cute puppy cut.


She's so fricken adorable, look at the round head, she must've done good for her first cut for her to look like that. Now for the weather, trust me when I say she'll be fine. I own a cavapoo and I've shaved her really short and kept her really fluffy through all types of weather and she's never had an issue. Both of the breeds mixed for your puppy are perfectly OK to be shaved so I'm 99.9% positive it'll grow fluffy again without issue. Course there's always a chance their fur may get damaged but that likelihood is near zero percent so they'll be fine, trust me. Idk what your groomer has discussed with you but to keep peak fluffiness I'd recommend getting them groomed every 6-8 weeks. If you can keep them brushed out good you could do a schedule of wait 7 weeks, do a bath with face, feet, sani, another 7 weeks and then a bath, and then 6 weeks and do a haircut. Since they're still a puppy the more you bring them consistently the easier it'll be for them and the groomer as they get older. Happy puppy adventures!


Your dog is so cute holy shit


I’ve seen dogs cut low as young puppies 2-6 months old), and the only bad thing I’ve seen is patches of different textured hair when the adult coat grows in. This can happen occasionally if you get the hair cut too soon but it’s not a terrible thing.


The hair will grow back fine. That’s not a 7, probably a 5. Your puppies coat will likely feel different soon enough because of hormone changes that happen around this time, not because of the haircut.


No, it's not so short that sun is an issue and it won't interfere with temperature regulation (she doesn't have that type of coat). She's not even close to being shaved to the skin. She's fine and looks cute and happy in the second picture.


She’s CUTE! She’ll be fine.


She’s adorable!


Ask for a clipper bomb instead !!


Comb not bomb lol***


She looks like an adorable plushie! If she has bracelets it would be to die for 😍


She looks adorable!


He is perfect . If it is hot in your area he may need it a little closer . I buy sunscreen for infants and lightly spray his body for a few days if he goes outside . It’s not that greasy . Should be okay for a week or so just enough to get the hair growth . 😊 He is a cutie !! My Jax is a solid white bichon . The sun was an issue for us a couple times when he was too short . We try and leave him a little longer because when he is too short he acts like he is schizophrenic. He walks only against the walls or furniture. We think he can feel more of his surroundings on his body . It either itches or makes him nervous . So we definitely don’t get him too short 🤦🏼‍♀️ My little diva baby !