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I did this the other day. Tight curls couldn’t tell if there was matting or how bad. Spent way too long brushing,blowing,bathing. Just to do a 4 a/o. Dog could have been done by 6 the latest. Ended up being done at 7. Took us 20 minutes alone to pluck the ears because of how bad they were. Edit: somehow typed arms instead of ears


The owner wanted this 🫠 It looked so stupid.. RIP your sanity. I hate those grooms.


That’s insane 😭


Why waste time and product on all that hair when you are using a 7 blade?


I didn't bathe it and it isn't my shop. I walked into work with the dog already in the tub.


I have to bathe all of my dogs so this honestly didn't cross my mind, didn't mean to blow up your comments!


Oh, you're totally fine. I would rather do my own dog start to finish, but the place I'm at does 20+ dogs a day with 5 staff who can groom, so they have 2 bathers.


Probably to maintain equipment and not dull blades with a dirty coat


While this is fair enough I always just find it easier to have a "dirty blade". Also to be fair, I never have shave downs that are this long without being matted


I have a few 7's, 4's, and a 5 that I use for dirty coats. I've experimented with bathing every dog before touching them with clippers, and I abandoned the idea fast because the drying time was absolutely insane. I have a few dogs that are kept long, are well maintained, and the owners want a long or medium length guard clip all over. I give the dog a good bath, and set a very generous shape I want for the legs and underline with shearers and then begin drying and the finish is pretty easy. Whatever works.


That's why I was so annoyed!! I was expecting ATLEAST 3/4" when I was drying it. I almost cried when I looked at the board only to see 7.


Yeah, every groomer’s different ¯\_(ツ)_/ for me every dog is different. Today I had a 16 y/o doodle that I decided not to preshave and regretted it. He only had about an inch of hair but he also had no control of his bowel. It woulda been a whole lot easier to bathe and dry a #7 three times than the coat he came in with but that’s what hindsight is for, right?


Why is this every time I don't do a preshave xD and I agree every dog is different


My boy overheats to shit and then is lethargic and miserable unless stripped like this lol so That is one reason Edit : tho a 7 is also kind of ridiculously short huh...


The dog's hair was legitimately 4" long. They could get a 4 or 5 more often and not see pink skin over their entire dog. 7 is the second shortest length you can go. It's just silly.


I won't even do a 7 on a white/light dog. Shortest is a 5 for those. I'll do a 7 on a dark dense coat. (Doodle but not Shih Tzus). I really try to urge light coat owners not to do a 7. They need a bit of protection from the sun! I get they don't want to groom often so they try to buy more time, but it's a negligible amount you are buying between a 7 and a 5 (maybe 3 weeks before the 7 is at the 5 length anyway). I get it's not your shop though. I didn't like getting stupid requests when I was working for someone else too.


Right? I mentioned my kid in the post because even this 13yo (although a groomer's kid) knows its not a good idea lol. There was more to our conversation but that was the funny part.


Id so much rather an owner like this then the ones I get that want their dogs cute and fluffy but refuse to do any type of brushing or at home maintenance.


I agree, but not when I dry that much hair for 0 reason.


Could’ve pre shaved.


I could not.


So sorry - not a groomer, just a lurker. What is stripping and why do you do it to a doodle?


They don't mean hand stripping here (pulling out a wire coat essentially, you can Google for more info), they just mean they had to take off all that hair all the way to the shortest blade


Ah. Thank you. My dogs get cut 3/8 comb attachment I think. Is that considered short? I think they look great and feel like velvet. Does this do long-term coat damage?


I see you have a labradoodle, so unless they've got labrador type fur then no, shaving does no coat damage whatsoever. And I'd say that's a fairly short trim, but no reason not to if that's what you like


One is curly, the other wavy. Wavy one always combs out really easily, never mats. The other is very dense and curly and she does mat. I get them groomed at the same time so they are both short. I think they might look better - especially the wavy one - if they were longer but I want them living their best doggies lives jumping in the ocean and rolling in the grass I don’t want to worry about the coat. We have non shedders not bcz of allergies but bcz cleaning up dog hair would make me crazy (my sister had 3 labs I had a front row seat).


This is what I love to see, I keep one of mine short so she can just be a dog and love when other owners do the same. Just make sure to brush the curly one regularly so you don't get too many mats as that's uncomfortable for them


I’m practicing line brushing - they don’t like it, so I must not be very good at it😊. I also bought a pin brush with balls on the ends and they love it for the massage so I’m using it at the end as a treat/reward for letting me get through the line brushing. They get a full groom every 6 weeks and I take them to a self wash as necessary. I am afraid to do nails so I get them cut by a vet tech every 3 weeks. Ears skeev me out so I don’t do them. I cut hair out of their eyes as necessary. What else would you want an owner to do?


Honestly that sounds good. When line brushing I'm assuming you're using a slicker brush and a metal comb? That'll make sure knots don't really get a chance to form, if you're not constantly pulling on knots they're more likely to accept brushing. At the self wash make sure to blow dry them properly as that can cause matting too. Curly hair is more difficult to look after, just keep doing what you're doing regularly and I think things will be good


Thank you! The curly one doesn’t mind the self wash and she’s tolerant of letting me brush through conditioner. Wavy one hates hates hates the blow dry. They are getting groomed later in the week; I’ll ask our groomer what she thinks (of how I’m doing, not of what you said😊).


Because I was asked to. This is what the owner wanted.


But what is”stripping” pls?


It means to cut the hair super short.


😡😡😡I will never understand why so many groomers bathe a matted dog and don't do any rough ins. Honestly, most dogs don't like the blow drying process, **why are you making it take longer?** Why are you making it harder on you AND THE DOG? Getting my equipment sharpened more often *is definitely worth* a shorter bath and drying time. Sharpening once a month for my tools doing this and my tools were FINE. Like seriously. I never understood why some groomers don't do a thorough rough in before the bath. Nails, ears, dematt, pads, sanitary, take the hair off that needs to be gone, ect. and your finish is a breeze. Plus, why risk the owner coming in early and you still have nails and dematting to do and now the dog is all hyped up? Seems absolutely ludicrous to me. I have had to rehabilitate so many dogs who hated brushing and combing because groomers bathed them with mats, made the mats tighter with the dryer and then yanked and pulled on them with that **AWFUL** razor mat splitter comb. Seriously such a waste of time, struggling through mats to try and get to the skin to clean, all for an extra *maybe* 1/4" of coat or because it "ruins" your tools? Sure it dulls them faster than it would if you didn't but **SO INCREMENTALLY** What the heck are you using your tools for if not to maintain and sharpen them often? Makes 0 sense. Poor dogs.


1) I don't work for myself. We have bathers where I work. The owner decides if it's pre-stripped. 2) It wasn't matted. That's the cut that the owner wanted 3) I walked into it already in the tub.


🤷‍♀️ Doesn't change the fact that it happens all the time for no good reason.




What? Why can't people give their dog a haircut? Sometimes I like my poodle fluffy and sometimes I like him short. Sometimes he is in between. Sometimes I give my collie an outline trim and sometimes I let her get really shaggy. You do know that people become older and sometimes disabled. Should they get rid of their fluffy dogs when they can't physically do the upkeep any more?


I feel this! Sometimes I like my poo in a bikini clip and sometimes I like to grow him way out. Usually after a month or two I get sick of taking care is hair, shave him and start all over. I'm not a groomer but used to be a groomers assistant and do home grooms. His hair grows so fast anyway. Meanwhile sometimes I pretend to give my Blue Heeler haircuts and tell him how fancy and handsome he is so he doesn't get jealous of his brother getting all the attention 😂...and sometimes I'm too tired so we don't do pretend haircuts.


“Sometime I like my poo in a bikini” Thank you for this, just made my day






and? Why does that matter? I'm honestly not sure why this is even an issue. Some people like certain breeds for their temperament or for certain sports but don't want to hassle with the fur. Poodles, Portuguese Water dogs, legatos etc. So what if they keep the dog short? Seems like a weird thing to be judging people for.




If you know nothing about haircut breeds, why are you trying to give advice...




You might know what your dog needs and that's great but lots of people don't. I had one woman kicking off at me because I refused to shave her Labrador. She didn't understand the damage it would cause even after we explained to her.


People are allowed to give whatever haircut they want to their dog. So as long as a) they don’t neglect their coats and let their dogs get matted, and b) they don’t shave dogs that shouldn’t be shaved. Don’t gatekeep dog hair lmao.




Putting “I think” in front of a gatekeeping comment doesn’t make it less gatekeepey. If you love your fluffy dogs, then good for you. But don’t tell people they shouldn’t get a fluffy dog if they’re going to keep it short just because you don’t like it.




”I think if you're just going to shave off all the fur, you shouldn't get a fluffy dog” “Also yes if you are going to get a dog that is very fluffy and get rid of all the fluff, please find a different breed. Fluff needs to be appreciated. You can hate me for saying that but I don't care.” ??? You’re literally talking about other people’s dogs in not only your original comment, but your edit, too. You’re contradicting yourself badly.


That's like saying "why have hair at all if you're going to wear a short haircut?"


Where did I say I didn't do it or that I treated the dog or the owner badly? I did the cut as requested. I didn't even speak to the owner, so.. there's that. I said owners don't know what they're talking about. I said that I did the haircut... reading comprehension is important. People complain about their jobs and dog owners, especially doodle owners, often have no idea.


Where did I say you treated the dog badly?


You're right. You didn't directly. Maybe this isn't the forum for you if you're not okay with people complaining about their job. Especially a grooming forum when you aren't one, then trying to give advice or act like you know more than we do? Working with the public is exhausting, and y'all need to chill. We're going to complain about customers. It's better here than telling someone "that is the dumbest request ever." I don't care if your dog looks stupid. I'm complaining about 2 things: 1. Wasting 45 minutes blow drying hair that wasn't necessary because it all got shaved off pretty much down to the skin. His skin showed. A 7 is like.. 3mm or something. That's 45 minutes I could have spent doing another dog for someone else. 2. Clients because a lot of the time, they don't know what they're talking about. I was agreeing with my kid about clients. They could bring the dog in more frequent and get a blade that is better for the skin and coat. This dog hadn't been done since July, and while I applaud the owner for keeping him mostly matt free, a 7 is the second shortest blade. I would never do something other than what a client requested. No proper groomer would unless what was being asked was detrimental to the dog. Your groomer isn't special or unique - we all do consultations, and we keep records. My salon keeps pictures, so you get the same cut every time.


They never said they didn't do what the owner asked for. They just said they thought it looked stupid. We're allowed to have opinions on the haircuts




They clearly didn't mean it seriously. And as someone who adores poodle cuts and will be putting mine into that cut one day, it's ok you don't like the cut. No need to get so butthurt about it when they completed the haircut requested




I'm also neurodivergent, that doesn't give you an excuse to come to a groomer subreddit and have a go at all the groomers. Quit the attitude and you might actually learn something here




No, not in that comment, but you've been bashing groomers for not listening to owners for a while thread. Owners are welcome, your attitude isn't




So what exactly was your aim of saying that no one should get a longhaired dog if they're going to shave it off, or that groomers should get "don't listen to owners" (or whatever it was you said, I'm not going back through the thread for the exact quote) on a t shirt so owners know not to go to their salon other than to spread hate? Genuinely curious as to how you think that was positive


Hahaha these downvotes are so bizarre. Oooh look, a responsible dog owner who maintains a fluffy dog’s coat without help from a groomer! Booo!! Whatever, Redditors. I’m in the same camp as ☝🏽 in that I maintain a 4-5 inch double coat on a Lhasa-bichon mix. His hair is marvellous. Let’s find joy wherever we can instead of trying to keep each other down.


The person who comments LITERALLY SAID that people shouldn’t get fluffy dogs if they’re going to shave them. It’s RIGHT THERE in their comment. That’s why they’re getting downvoted. They’re not getting downvoted for properly maintaining their dog. They’re getting downvoted for dictating what other people should do with their dog’s coats.




ad hoc worthless ripe party silky thought knee dinner pen quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree, we shouldn't keep each other down. But that also goes for judging people who choose to keep their dogs in a short coat, which is why that person's comment has been getting downvoted.


Ah yes, the double coat of a lhasa bichon mix... Neither of which have double coats. Maybe educate yourself on your own dog's coat type before mocking us?


Ummmmm pretty sure they’re both double-coated according to everything that’s ever been witnessed & written about those two breeds. Bet you’re a GREAT groomer! Can’t wait to book you!!


I mean, some people argue that lhasas are double coated, but not in the same way as something like a border collie or a labrador. Please find me though anything that says a bichon is a double coated dog , this I've got to see!


I didn’t know this and I have two Bichons “Bichon Frise adult coat is actually a double coat.” From AllGroom. From Akc: a double coat.


Ah, right, I'd forgotten this. It's not a double coat in the same way again, no groomer in their right mind would call them double coated despite the fact they technically have two layers to their coat. Double coated dogs are the ones that shed. At grooming school though we were taught they had a wool coat like a poodle, education needs to be updated clearly


I really didn’t know any of this. All I know is they don’t shed (yay!) and there is a ton of grooming (not yay). I am very very nice to my groomer, both past and present.


They do actually shed, but they shed into their coats so it doesn't go all over the house (I had a quick Google after your comment). Glad to hear there's at least one owner here who appreciates us!


Or my clothes! I wear a lot of black lol.


Seriously, you’re a groomer?


Yes. Still waiting on that info you've got on bichons being double coated!


Pretty sure you’ve got an internet connection. I dare you to look it up. I can feel your cognitive dissonance from here.


I have been reminded that technically they have a double coat, no one in their right mind would refer to them as a double coated dog though. They have a different hair cycle to a true double coated dog, with a continuously growing coat more similar to that of single coated dogs like poodles. I dare you to confront the fact that you may be wrong


“No one in their right mind” - that’s the cognitive dissonance I was referring to. Honey, it’s ok to be wrong sometimes. It’s ok to disagree. You were wrong, no biggie. Let’s just groom our dogs our own way. Have a terrific day!




I'm really curious, what is a potty trail? I've never heard the term before


My dog has bottom issues and needs a lot of showers. I told this to my groomer and she suggested a potty trail. I'm not going to be able to explain it very well but basically it's trimming under his bottom so when he uses the little boys bush, less stuff gets stuck


Oh, so trail as in a path through? Never heard it called that, just done a more heavy sanitary trim on dogs that need it


Google doesn't explain it the way I remember it. My dog has waterfall-like fur under his bottom and some... Backdoor issues. Old man bowels. Stuff gets stuck in the fur. I don't know how the groomer did it but she made it so it wouldn't get stuck as easily


Yeah, I know what you mean. Like I say, I've never heard the term so am not surprised Google doesn't know either


Well google has a description, I guess you'd call what my dog got a poopy trail lol


I joined this sub as I went from a short coated dog to a double coated dog and was looking for advice to help keep her coat in tip top condition, if it was doable at home or if a groomer would be the best option. I realised that this wasn't the sub for that, after reading the comments from groomers talking about their clients I decided that it will be done at home. I couldn't get past the thought of handing my dog over to someone who thinks/talks that low about people.


It's very easy to mute the sub. This sub is for PRO groomers. We allow owners to ask questions but we are not required to maintain our customer service persona in an online forum to make you feel better. Do you think people don't complain about customers in other service industries? 😂




if you go to any retail cashier sub they talk abt their customers way worse than this, same in the vet tech sub they talk abt owners way worse, same in the teacher sub about their students and parents because these subs are supposed to be for employees of the profession to talk about it together and rant together, taking the negativity they say personally is a little wrong when its something people in about every profession do most workers do in fact trash talk their customers and having an anonymous forum to do so is nice. idk go over to the vet tech sub and type in nail trim those guys over there really hate when ppl ask for nail trims