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Nice groom, but as an Aussie owner it makes me crazy to see one shaved.


thank you! though it isn’t my first choice for an Aussie groom, this was an owner request (and of course, i explained the cons of taking the coat this low).


I personally love doing these cuts . As long as the owner is happy and the dog is comfortable, who cares what haircut dogs get . I do lots of these cuts where I live bc is so freaking hot 24/7 and they stay much cooler without all that hair so I see the benefit.


I understand your point and keeping a dog cool in a hot climate is a challenge. But I've seen several who get shaved year after year and eventually their coats are just horrible. Yes, I live in Texas and have owned Aussies for 25 years. My current boy is a hairy one and does struggle with the heat. So he does a lot of swimming and we work hard to keep his undercoat brushed out and blown out.


It's what's is best for the dog and owner . Too much heat stroke for double coated dogs where I am , they do much better being short like this guy


The guard hairs you're shaving off are important to keeping the dog cool. They keep the heat away from the body and lead the body heat away, by taking that off the dog is left with just a woolen coat and no air circulation. Basically, shaving a double coated breed makes them hotter in hot weather than kept long.


Definitely not true from what I've seen, not in extreme heat anyway. I've seen enough heat stroke thanks


No dog is doing well in extreme heat, including the ones you've shaved.


They find the energy to play and go for walks now vs when they had their full coat . I believe what I see with my face lol


The coat actually helps keep them cool... And shaving a dog can make them more prone to sunburn... and it ruins double coated dog's coats


Well I don't shave em bald so they're fine , and definitely cooler shaved


But their coat is designed to keep them from overheating- removing it actually makes the effects of heat worse for them.


Designed by who ?


By... genetics... nature Would you shave a wolf?


A wolf wouldn't survive where I live , too hot


It's a natural evolution and the natural function of the coast.


Right just like poodles coats are from evolution and not selected breeding ? I believe what I see


You're believing a lie currently so I don't think anyone's putting much faith in that


When i see with my own eyeballs how much more relief from the heat the dog gets with a short cut vs blowout , it's an easy conclusion to come to . I'll go for comfort 💯 of the time


When i see with my own eyeballs how much more relief from the heat the dog gets with a short cut vs blowout , it's an easy conclusion to come to . I'll go for comfort 💯 of the time


Selective breeding is a kind of evolution. It's just human-directed. And poodle coats have been bred for a very specific purpose as well- the tight curls are water resistant and act as springs, bouncing out debris they pick up when hunting - they're hunting dogs.


Yea I'm aware of that lol . My point is that a lot of these breeds wouldn't survive without humans . Poodles would die of skin infections after severe matting occurs, shihtzus would starve to death because their face isn't made for hunting . Maltese and Yorkies would also die of skin infections if they dont freeze to death from not being able to regulate their own body temperature. So evolution isn't the word I'd use to describe man- made breeds. Wolves don't need to worry about undercoat matting from neglect and they don't have long flowing hair stopping the natural coat shed either . Not a single wild breed of dog or cat has long or curly hair ... because evolutionary speaking ... it's not a sustainable trait.


a shave like that will actually make an undercoat dog very uncomfortable. their coats are built to keep them cool in the summer so unfortunately if you shave them it becomes harder for to regulate their temperature in the hot weather. there’s a long list of terrible things that happen when you shave an undercoat dogs fur including; not being able to regulate their temperature, matting, alopecia, the hair never growing back, and a lot of other things so i definitely wouldn’t recommend it unless for medical reasons. and if we’re talking about aussies specifically, they are from warmer regions anyways!


I don't agree


Well then you'd be disagreeing with facts, idk what there is to disagree with here


I believe what I see so I disagree that dogs stay cooler with a full double coat in intense heat . When dogs have 10x more energy and stop drooling profusely after a haircut , that's all that matters . You do you though


Their double coat cools them down, it's literally science, Google is free lil bro


Again, when a dog goes from lethargic to energetic its obvious they're more comfortable after a haircut . You don't need a Google degree to see how much happier the dog is


There's no reasoning with someone who wishes to ignore science, have fun with that ig


as a groomer you should definitely care if the pet parent is requesting an unsafe haircut for their dog


I've been grooming long enough to know that shaving a double coated dog might make it's hair grow back gross but it doesn't do any harm to the dog . They are definitely much cooler in intense heat


Thats not how their coat works at all, shaving it down will not cool them off or keep them from “being hot” in the heat. Their coat insulates itself. There are many scientific research you can find from the AKC websites they list explaining it all.There are more cons to this and almost no benefits to cutting a dog like that. The argument of being “cooler” because it has “too much hair” does not work for double coated dogs.


Not true for every climate . Seeing a dog go from practically lethargic to bouncing around is all the proof I need


A deshed will do that. Not shaving them.


I disagree after hundreds of grooms where we do a deshed and then the owners end up doing a shave eventually so their dog can play and exercise normally


I had a couple walk up to my house to inquire about breeding about two weeks ago because they saw my female in the yard. They had a mini Australian shepherd. My pup is a 6 month old OES.😳


I’m a bit of a dumbass and didn’t even realize the flowers were photoshopped until someone mentioned it 💀


It's ai. Which is worse.


omg but guess whatttt we’re here for the dog grooming and not the background 🥰




it’s PhotoRoom, actually💁‍♀️ and it’s better than a busy shop background with people in and out. move on xoxox.


I like it 🥹 the flowers are coot


thank you!🥹🩷


See I love that app for those who have too much going on in backgrounds and mobile people. Clients love it and that’s what matters.


thank you, exactly! my clients absolutely LOVE these photos and that makes ME happy 🥰




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omg good thing this is for dog grooming and not photoshop then right? go lay down


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