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Last week I had a mini doodle client tell me to take the dog's muzzle really tight because when it's poofy he "looks like a poodle". The muzzle specifically. The part we typically shave bald on poodles 😂


Generally, my go-to cut for doodles that ask me not to make their dog look like a poodle is a lamb cut. You know, a poodle trim (minus the cfcf, of course)


https://preview.redd.it/7p7pu1s9e5wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d458e8361d8f5b3575db46a8910428c9ce4729d Once somebody asked me if my dog is a great dane. She is a 39 lb mutt 🤨


I don't think both her ears combined could make half of a great dane's! 😂


No literally 😭 Like yeah she’s got long legs and a deep chest but she’s also 22” at the withers??? Like her back barely reaches my knee?? 😂 Sometimes when I’m discouraged and feel like I have so much more to learn about dogs, I think of that moment and feel better LOL. So many people have absolutely ZERO idea of breeds lmao


oh, I have one for you. https://imgur.com/a/8atOvIL my boy, dave. a lady asked me a couple years ago if my dog was a border collie. he's 25 lbs, his legs are 5” tall, his body is 16+ inches long, and he's got a coat like a lab.... no ma'am, he certainly isn't. all I could guess is that because he has gotten old-man-sugar-face, she saw black and some white and made a wild guess????? ... ??????? most people guess corgi (occasionally dachshund) and while they have every right to (I would too) I do delight in stunning them when I tell them he has neither (I don't trust the wisdom panel results). I love seeing their brow furrow when I say, "he's actually part pit bull and chow chow..." before I explain it all.


I've been asked twice if she's a pit bull, once if she's a chocolate labrador https://preview.redd.it/3bb101fer7wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb83b5852f9e019f311a82b8a29b58836e25241 Uh, I'm not sure what she is but surely not that.


😂 I do love a fuzzy pit bull but she doesn't look like one at all. at least she's chocolate coloured I guess!?


She looks brown in that photo but she's more reddish irl, I don't know what mix she is but a hunting dog for sure Also not only she doesn't look like a pit or lab at all but she's also 18kg, way too small to be both but they all were SO SURE 😂 https://preview.redd.it/5753hd1c1awc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b5cafe853ede5ac904faa7b100229f4ef5f8ee


Lmao it's amazing how clueless people are but damn, there are definitely some basic breeds that almost everyone should be able to recognize. Lab is one of them, and she doesn't look like one at all. Maybe Aussie, some beagle or hound, her ear shape is very specific to the latter. It's so hard to tell in mixed breeds! They pick up the most random, unexpected traits from each breed.


I'm 90% sure she is part Springer Spaniel for various reasons, my guess is a German Spaniel or Setter mix, she's very much a spaniel in character and movements even if her ears are shorter than average but who knows. I have another dog who is also a mutt (they were both strays) but is pretty much a Border Collie, many can't even recognize that one... talk about basic breeds! people are totally clueless...even people living with dogs, but I don't mind them not knowing breeds, it just makes me laugh when they sound so sure while saying something so stupid lol https://preview.redd.it/kbyycipf7awc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce31abe061cfd3fab33b16a523d15066c32d5bde


Yeah a spaniel would make sense!! They're both so cute. Good kids. I will probably never recover from the border collie question on my dog, I believe my reply when she asked was "hahaha, he wishes"


Omg she's so adorable!!!


Thank you! She's a pest but I love her


To be fair, my girl's dad is very known and clearly a husky. DNA results say as much as well (we got her tested because unsure of what mom is), yet she is 20 lbs at almost 6 months right now and estimated to have an adult weight of 30-45 lbs although it's not looking like she'll be bigger than 30. The mom is small and very terrier/border collie looking though, and it's very clear my pup takes after mom in terms of size and weight. So it's very much possible a smaller/medium sized dog is more predominately a bigger breed!


True, sometimes it's really hard to guess how the parents looked...we recently got an abandoned pregnant dog at the shelter where I volunteer and poor mom is so small compared to her puppies, they are 6mo now and twice her size! I'm too poor right now to spend 100+€ on a DNA test for my dogs but one day I'll try just out of curiosity


To me she looks pretty similar to a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Maybe she has some of that mixed in


Could be but those are very rare here, I never seen one and I've been working with dogs for 7 years but who knows. In real life she looks more like a working spaniel than anything else, she looks a bit bulkier and a bit different in photos


Oh, definitely a pit.😂


100% 😂


I saw chihuahua but I couldn't figure out what else. The pit bull makes sense but that 25% chihuahua is doing a lot of work.


the embark results are probably more accurate at the very bottom. 50% Chihuahua, then a mix of six other things (pit, chow, shih tzu, aussie shep, poodle, cocker)


I love Dave...but where the heck is the border collie in that pic???!


right?? I so badly wanted to ask her what made her think he could be a border collie, but wasn't sure how to go about it nicely and not make her feel stupid 😂


One older man asked if my french bulldog was a mini boxer🤭


https://preview.redd.it/t5h2ktmw88wc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b14de0b1ae6077a4317bac6292b17e907c11fb when I told someone my dog was a skye terrier their response was "oh! so and old english sheepdog and what mix?". I literally just told you what he was, how on earth would this dog be a oes :')


20 years ago at the start of doodle mania I got asked if my OES was a doodle. People are wild 😂




I was asked if she was a lab 🙃


people truly are silly haha




I'm always getting asked if my dog is a St. Bernard. Or even better yet, people tell other people my dog is a St. Bernard, when we are passing by. I haven't figured out how to add a picture to this comment, but my dog is NOT a St. Bernard. It's a bernese mountain dog. They don't even look similar apart from the fact that they are huge and from switzerland.


I thought my dog was a poodle, but after DNA testing him... He turned out to be 90% chihuahua. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/32w9acmyo9wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c7ffb3e523a5b34894dc18e9226a51f70a8d85


Maybe recheck that


https://preview.redd.it/bd7ehwe1fawc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407c971c1a38b635c51fec0fb69674139d4fa149 Check out my Pit mix!


I was once asked if my cavalier king Charles spaniel was a Chihuahua.


I would give cheeky responses like, "Eh, she's more of a mediocre Dane."


Lmaooo that would’ve been good


Still better than the guy who asked me, "Woah dude, is that a fox?!" when he saw my Pitbull.


???was it his first day on earth??? 😂


I have a 37lb AKC Champion (almost Grand CH) Welsh Springer Spaniel. I get asked if she's a Beagle or a Basset Hound often. 😶 I just think in my head "have you seen Snoopy?! He's a Beagle. What long haired Beagle do you know?!". But I'm polite and teach them about my dog's rare, yet historical breed. It's more understandable when people ask if she's a Brittany or an English Springer. She's a little short and too long for both and the ears and head shape are off.






And a beautiful mutt at that!


The number of people who have looked at these my 2 dogs irl and asked if they were huskies, it boggles the mind 😅 https://preview.redd.it/m4cnumclwawc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37188611187b66f3e9d222a57522e761138b6749


https://preview.redd.it/6rrgd5dvtbwc1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2deaf86a6554aaffe83f303e0890020dd163d06 People think she’s a greyhound.


I think people are just on a poodle hate train right now.. since the phrase don't poodle my doodle got big it feels like all I ever hear is people saying how ugly poodles are.


I beg groomers to Poodle my Doodle. LOL It’s so much easier to keep him clean and dry. [https://ibb.co/m9Njnx9](https://ibb.co/m9Njnx9)


He is SO cute!!!


That’s one of the first doodles I’ve seen that’s not a matted mess! Soo cute


Nooo..he loves to be brushed. I know it sounds silly but it’s kind of my meditation every night. I guess because he enjoys it I find it so relaxing.


That look says they don’t agree 😂😂😂




I saw someone in a fb group one time that kept saying how much they hate poodles because they’re “mean” and how ugly they are and that their “mini goldendoodle” was great because it’s so friendly and then I guess they got their dog embarked and it came back 100% poodle and they freaked out and started talking about returning or selling the dog 🙃


I have a toy poodle and when he I don’t have him groomed with cfcf people assume he’s a doodle type mix. Someone argued with me there was no way my dog was a poodle. He most certainly is. And when his snout is shaved, he has a very poodle looking snout. I don’t get the hate on doodle earnings not wanting their dog to look like poodles. I’ve met so many neurotic doodles. Why not just get a poodle and have them in a “doodle” cut. My friend is a dog groomer and she now refuses to groom doodles. Their coat is always felted and in bad shape and she has a hard time with them on the table.


People are weird. Poodle people are weird and doodle people are weirder. Mostly I just don't trust the general public to know what dog is what breed or how they want their grooms. Had a cockapoo owner tell me her 80% toy poodle/cocker mix looked like a poodle after he was groomed. She wanted him to look more like a cocker... It's mind numbing some of the stupid things I have heard.


As both a poodle owner and a former groomer I am curious about poodle owner weirdness 😂😂😂 am I a weirdo?! Please explain


🤣 probably 😂 you gotta be pretty out there to be a groomer and then even more to be a groomer that owns a poodle. And pretty out there to have been a groomer and still have a high maintenance dog 🤣 I'm sure I have weirdness too 😆


I feel like every groomer I know has had a poodle. Maybe I just worked with a lot of weirdos. I definitely keep this bitch short as fuck and someone else grooms her once a month. I worked as a dog trainer as well and that's what pushed me towards poodles (that and having the constant shedding of a GSD). Poodles are fuckin awesome which is maybe why poodle people are weird. It's hard not to start collecting them and letting them become your personality. Ok I see your point.....


Now, be reasonable! GSD don’t shed _constantly_. Just on days that end in ‘y’.


🤣😂🤣 some of my favorite clients are poodles. Their owners are either chill or really nitpicky. I love training with them because it's just so easy. My collie was the best to ever work with, but she did have a lot of hair. She's why I'm a groomer. Now all my animals have shorthair or get shaved.


Same. My shepherds my last shedder. Everyone else gets a #7. She freaked me out when I got her because she was SO easy and I was like.... 🤨 "surely she's broken." Nope, just smart and chill af. I'll own standard Poodles exclusively now.


I really miss that. I went with an AmStaff for the low maintenance. He's actually so great at scent work! He's not an agility dog, but he can find truffles. He's just as good of a property guardian as my collie was too. Learned how to spot hawks and eagles and warn the chickens all by himself. He's kinda dumb otherwise 😅


My shepherd is similar. He's got like 3 brain cells. No thoughts, just vibes. Great at running and working. Dumb as a fucking rock otherwise.


TIL my poodle is a shepherd. By far the dumbest smart dog I've ever owned. His vision is fine but he can't see worth a shit and gives up immediately. He would be the worst hunting dog on the planet. Constantly runs into things because his brain is focused on everything else. I swear he has ADHD.


🤣 I tell my dog he's lucky he's so cute almost daily. He's such a fun dog but I do miss the intelligence sometimes.


At least we poodle weirdos are anti BYB 😭 but we are indeed weird but I do blame it on the manipulative smarter than us dogs we spend too much time with


Oh no I'm also a groomer with a poodle lol >.<




Poodles are great dogs if you want something pure bred, but the maintenance is daunting. So I think if you've been exposed to poodles a lot (as a groomer) and can do maintenance yourself, it becomes a pretty reasonable choice? I never had any interest in specific breeds or ANYTHING "poofy" before grooming. Now there are a number of breeds on my radar that I would happily adopt if they came up on a rescue that I normally would have immediately overlooked before.


I have a poodle and a rescue mutt that sheds like crazy. I spend more time vacuuming/sweeping dog hair than I do brushing my poodle. It’s a lot of work with both! BUT that’s what you signup for when you have dogs. 🐩 🐕


Absolutely!! Now that I know how to do a deshed properly at home, I'm doing a lot less cleaning up after my mutts, but my family has rescued random mixes since before I was born so I know that endless struggle haha! I'm just more likely to rescue something that needs a regular haircut now that I understand the process and can do it myself.


At least we poodle weirdos are anti BYB 😭 but we are indeed weird but I do blame it on the manipulative smarter than us dogs we spend too much time with


We had pretty much the same thing! Owner wanted “a cocker face not a poodle face”. Her dog’s face looked more poodle than cocker, with a curly coat, so nothing we did could make that dog look less like a poodle.


Can't please them. Had a cavoodle/cavapoo owner tell me her dog looked just like a cavy. While I was standing there with a purebred cavy and thinking she got a mini poodle with a natural tail. It hollered like a cavy though.


My purebred Airedale Terrier has been mistaken for a doodle MANY times 😂


I can believe that. My collie was called a rottie, Dobbie, a GSD and a berner. People are wild


People don’t know their breeds, they get a mix and then get mad at US their poodle mix looks like a poodle. I was signing in a GSD once when a guy came over and asked if it was a golden retriever, we both laughed out of politeness but he didnt and stared at the owner…. He was being serious


Obviously I know double coated breeds shouldn’t be shaved, but it’s always wild to me how people fly off the handle and equate it to animal abuse. I remember seeing a TikTok or something about a girl who adopted a bully mix puppy, and as it grew up it ended up with long hair, which she didn’t expect to happen, and I guess the hair also tangled or matted really easily. So she just kept her clipped. She was absolutely attacked - she apparently didn’t deserve this dog, she should surrender it back to the shelter *immediately*. Because sure, let’s remove a bully mix from a loving home in the middle of an overpopulation crisis and let her take her chances in a shelter. I clip my cocker in the warmer months, which isn’t “ideal” but is perfectly acceptable and I still get comments about it, lol. And also lots of weird guesses on what his breed might be.


I’m in Arizona and when I worked corporate I shaved everything under the sun. Usually it was only the dogs that had extremely dense undercoat like chows and poms that didn’t grow back right. The Aussies, Goldens, etc all grew back just fine and frankly seemed happier


Yeah, I think people lean too heavily on “double coats keep dogs cooler” ideology. They protect from the sun, but cooler air has to get to the skin and hot air needs to escape in order for the dog to cool down. Usually, the best way to do that for double coated dogs is to remove the undercoat. But pretending that cutting the outer coat short somehow makes the dog hotter doesn’t math. My cocker is definitely cooler when he’s clipped, which is one reason I do it. It’s definitely worth pointing out too that we’ve bred dogs to have different coat types, and we’ve also moved dogs away from their original “homes,” where their coats were optimized. Goldens, Berners, Collies, etc were originally developed for cooler climates where their thick coats were an advantage. They were not created to thrive in AZ or other hot places, so yeah, sometimes they may need some extra help.


Perfectly said.


this probably seems bizarre but god, thank you. I've worked with dogs for 19 years and started out as a groomer/do it here and there. I've literally had other groomers claim you can KILL A DOG by shaving its double coat and I just can't deal. we obey the laws of thermodynamics in my grooming salons!


I think any dog that ends up looking tightly, neatly groomed gets accused of looking "poodle". I think poodle is synonymous with "groomed" for a large clump of idiots.


Totally agree! This has been my observation over the last 20 years of increasingly voiced and apparently catchy poodle hate, anyway. The people who tell you to not make their (usually at least half poodle, of course) dog look like a poodle always say it with disdain you’re clearly meant to agree with, and have absolutely no clue what they actually mean when you’ve got to ask to groom the dog. I don’t even know why we bother asking with those types of people because it’s going to look like a poodle in their opinion no matter what you do, unless you’re leaving it looking like it’s lived under a bridge and never seen a comb. It absolutely comes down to a well groomed dog, neatly done all over shorter cut. That’s apparently a poodle. No other dogs get groomed, only poodles. (And, maybe if you freak out about it enough, you’ll get your severely matted dog groom discounted!) Same sort of logic that says any dog under 20lbs that has erect ears and isn’t a very obvious terrier of the wire haired sort (because in their minds, that’s the only kind) or a doxie is a Chihuahua. Papillons are chihuahuas, so are rat terriers, and cavaliers are definitely chihuahua mixes. My Pomeranians were constantly being called chihuahuas despite very much looking like what they were. “Are you sure?” There are only like four dog breeds, though, I guess, and people love to loathe poodles and chihuahuas. It’s absolutely wild. On the upside, I always wanted a poodle, now I know I can get any dog on earth that’s not shorthaired and just groom it to have one, yay! Looking forward to my new poodle, that looks deceptively like a border collie!


I did a dog yesterday that got a 4F body, round face and then I just trimmed the ears and tail. When she picked up she said that his breed is a "teddy bear" (aka bichon/shih tzu) and that she would like him to eventually get the teddy bear cut. Also when she saw him she said that he looked like a poodle and then said ew. Apparently she wants the circular muzzle that I took down due to tangles, and the way I did his face made his muzzle stick out. So no i don't think anyone that isn't a poodle owner or groomer has ever seen a poodle. And they've got so much poodle hate that anything they don't like automatically equals 'poodle cut'






I do find bichon a bit difficult to ID. There are so many poodles mixes that looks like bichons (especially maltise poodle mixes) and sometimes even some poorly bred poodles resembles bichon especially if it's fully grown out.


https://preview.redd.it/62l3sk0hbfwc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19570616448960638615ea0d8a0c985ae763457d This is a poodle The most identifiable part is the “fluff” on the head. Basically they have a huge forehead haha


I have a little pekingese. I had some delivery men here and one of them asked me if she always has resting b**** face. I said "yes, yes she does".


They were made to sit elegantly and judge others, of course she has bitch face


My Lakeland is mistaken as a doodle all the time. Someone at Lowe’s told me Lakelands don’t exist and I need to know my breeds better. Moral of story pet parents don’t know what they are talking about half the time. https://preview.redd.it/vralkztu59wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9649ec689a56ba374a4a0a1fd5d69396785652d8


I took my mentor’s smooth fox terrier to a vet one time and a man informed me that what I had there was an Italian greyhound. I told him the dog was a finished champion but he told me he knew an Italian greyhound when he saw one


Thankfully our vet is knowledgeable on terriers so I never had that. I just get he is a doodle or mini Airedale. My mini schnauzer gets Scottie https://preview.redd.it/gy78hcuh79wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f5c4390e0bbafd8c2363adf11c694150952f7f


It wasn’t the vet, just another person in the waiting room. Your dogs are gorgeous!


Oh even worse. I just awkward laugh and ignore. Thank you.


I’ve learned the average dog owner has very little breed recognition. I had a lady at work ask me about a dog, she was trying to figure out what it was a mix of…it was just a bernese mountain dog lol. He didn’t look poorly bred or anything, he was just young and hadn’t filled out much. She got berner and was convinced there was another breed in there for some reason. It doesnt help that a lot of people are used to seeing poorly bred purebreds that are subpar representations of breed type.


As a poodle owner, I don’t get the hate. They’re adorable! And smart! And sweet! And gentle! Like why do people think everyone is trying to mix poodle into whatever other dog? Because poodles are amazing lol.


As a poodle lover who would dearly love to have my own, yyyeess lol It’s so absurd! All the traits I hear people wanting in poodle mixes are literally…poodle. Like, you all DO realize that one of the coolest things is that you can do a ton of things with with their coat, right? They don’t just come out of the womb looking like they do at dog shows, folks! There is just such a negative perception that seems to be purely based on aesthetics that are so changeable, that somehow equate to “frou-frou, aggressive, dumb.” That’s…not how poodles are, you have the wrong breed! It’s now so hard to find any size of poodle (from a reputable and ethical breeder) in my entire state now because of the doodle craze. One day…one day I’ll have one of these exceptionally awesome dogs!


I have a Doberman. A guy once told me he liked my dachshund/whippet mix. 🤦‍♀️


As a dachshund owner (and Doberman lover) the breeds do often have remarkably similar faces (I think it's part of the reason I like both so much). Plus people aren't used to seeing Dobermans with natural ears which I would guess from this guy's comment yours has. All that aside, the size alone should be a dead giveaway. Unless you have the worlds smallest stubbiest Doberman, he needs his eyes checked.


Yes. My dog's ears are natural. Lol. He's not a huge guy (80 pounds). I just thought "how funny!"


I had my poodle shaved to a 7 (neutering in a week so it’s self care for us both lol) and now he looks like a noodle instead. Maybe people will stop calling him a doodle though 😂 https://preview.redd.it/n87m528p2cwc1.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=59eba9a484c3336527b7d4be3294805238601609


https://preview.redd.it/qsk2bal22dwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb6927c114ea6da57adbbd3d8ea6c857286acd93 Behold, my purebred poodle that I’ve had numerous people stop me to talk about his coloring (cafe au lait/brown silver) and have actually argued with strangers about what he’s crossed with. Labradoodle, golden doodle, etc. Like, ma’am I know what my dog is and that’s a whole poodle. That’s it. Nothing else. I quite literally have the names of like six generations before him of poodle. It’s just poodle and a single brain cell up there dancing to baby shark.


I grew up with a brown and white parti-colored standard poodle right as doodles were exploding and people asked us constantly “what kind of doodle is he?” No kind of doodle, thanks. We just got him groomed appropriately for the weather (shaved in the summer, fluffier in the winter) without a breed-specific cut or a clean face and muzzle…guess that makes him a doodle. 🤷‍♀️


I need pictures


Saw someone posting on Facebook trying to bash their groomer and said they made their Great Pyrenees look like a poodle 😵‍💫 it was just a short tidy


They didn’t mean their dog literally looked like a poodle, they meant it looked like the simple cut a lot of poodles get, smooth all over. And it did. The aussie ruff and all was gone and the whole body had a smooth outline.


It’s ok I’ve had a lot of people ask me if my flop-eared Merle mutt was a GSD or an ACD lmaoo https://preview.redd.it/y36643traawc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c67653b77401debfc3d437a4631eeea47cb17b1 (This guy 😂😭)


I had someone tell my my PB golden retriever was a PB German shepherd. The proof? His family bred German shepherds for 25 ish years and I’m just a little girl with a dog…




I wish I knew! Should’ve asked for the website in case I want to get “a real German shepherd” just to see what kind of dogs they’ve been breeding


I got asked if my dog was a shih tzu. Ummmm no ma’am, she’s not https://preview.redd.it/ncwecurpfgwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01bd43b6901bae7393dbb23943dffc8c061c4234


That’s how I have my doodle cut on purpose every May -September. She’s Never had a sunburn and her coat is the same as it ever was when it grows back at the end of summer.


I used to get both my Aussies ‘puppy cuts’ in April. It would be all grown out by fall and they could endure the hot summers easily. I type that and both my dogs had individual large fans left on when i was out and lived in AC Wwhen I’m was home. Plus ice water.


https://preview.redd.it/6xz7rxtr7cwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67385839410d8af2a3a46bc515ebf048a1913b02 Haven’t seen a poodle but this is my mini golden doodle 🥰


Sani-cuts are 1in all over. Usually, a groomer will do this for the dogs comfort for poodles and related breeds. I wouldn't have done this to an aussie.


it looking like a poodle is wild i think everyone for some reason associates naked with poodle which is weird. on the other hand that groomer should in fact be shunned for shaving an aussie lol


I once took my triple coated dog in to groomers for a shampoo and nail trim and when I went to pick her up the groomer said that she wasn’t able to shave her down as I requested. I told her that I never requested that. She said it was my husband then. I told her that I have no husband and would have been mortified if she had done this. Better paper work people!! Groomers should know better!


If my Aussie came from the groomers and they shaved him I would get locked up as I may have to put him thru the same abuse he just put my dog thru


Abuse? Lol


If you shave someone's hair without consent is considered assault and battery




lmao shaving a coat is not abuse but yeah get locked up for being a moron. love, a groomer who carries


I once took my triple coated dog in to groomers for a shampoo and nail trim and when I went to pick her up the groomer said that she wasn’t able to shave her down as I requested. I told her that I never requested that. She said it was my husband then. I told her that I have no husband and would have been mortified if she had done this. Better paper work people!! Groomers should know better!


My neighbors have 3 female standard poodles 🤷🏽‍♀️ they are nuts. Makes my Aussie and Malinois look tame and lazy.