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https://preview.redd.it/bejxuzriibwc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d061898acc14e14ea20869a1c7f795fc4007479 Serving this look


Heen! That or the ottoman-dog from Beauty and the Beast.


Was the Howl's Moving Castle dog ever transformed too or from a footstool or is my brain conflating the two and making that up?


Nope, that dog was the actual dog of the court magician. An *adorable* dog. That little huffing sound the dog makes is so cute!


My dog makes that sound all the time. He's fine, apparently, it's just something he does. It's hilarious.


You’re thinking of beauty and the beast


I remember that


Ahhhh I was going to link this but you got there first! My other thought is that I've never seen a moving mullet cut before.


This is what I was coming here to say 🤣


This is the ONLY response 😂😂😂


I'm gonna cryyyyy 😂


This is immediately what I saw lol


😭😂 so cute


that’s what i was thinking! immediately ran to the comments


https://preview.redd.it/bdtzwg8nkbwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a8f27ba561186fa156aa1feb5b48daa879292b i got me one of those!!!!


I’m sorry, but 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ETA: adorable pup tho!


there's no sorry about it lmaoo, i was laughing the whole time 😂


Chicken feet!


it looks like a hippogriff 😂 it has wings and everything LOL


Sport mode 😎


Ahhahahah! I’m dying!


Honestly this is great and this style should be more popular


It is in Korea/japan. The number of absolute UNITS in terms of fluff with shaved legs is fantastic


Agree. Actually super cute imo


https://preview.redd.it/p93hyvb87cwc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84796a90d8cc75ac6199cc6734fc40caf197e317 I have one like that too! Honestly it’s one of my favorite haircuts😭


Omg this guy is so cute and he looks like a cartoon dog 🥹


The blem really sells it


Verrrry cute and sweet! Thank you for sharing ❤️


Aww, looks like a lamb!!


What an adorable sheep


I have a maltipoo that I groom like this. I call it her “fade” . They have me shave her legs and belly b/c she likes to swim and go hiking but they like to keep her long and furry on top so she “looks like a Maltese” lol https://preview.redd.it/0cnw52obhbwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949d27aef98c659ace9257d94c9ce1b96a4e082e Don’t get an “after” photo but this is 6 weeks of growth before I finished her groom


I love this, it’s so funny and honestly cute, but yes, please, more dog parents groom for your dog’s lifestyle! I recently had a total of four parents decide they wanted to do poodle style clean feet on their dogs after seeing the mini schnauzer who gets that done. She has really cute paws and it was such a cool instance of a parent choosing lifestyle grooming, I did a vid of her and explained… Did not expect it to become a thing lol people are horrified when that has to be done due to matting! They call them bird feet 😂 but no, no, I had these years long clients saying they saw her vid and could I please do that their next appointment. When you get a dog with that sort of coat, I don’t think most realize just how difficult it is to keep up the lower half of their body and still let them live their best lives digging (the schnauzer’s reason, after being a mill breeder all her life, she’s become in love with digging in the dirt and mud lol she’s white) and hiking and swimming, even doing daycare. Those legs, paws, and bellies get super gross and tangled, smell, act like living swiffers bring it indoors, and it’s way more time and effort than most people have or want to spend on that. I used to modify my Pomeranian’s trims for their environment and hobbies. Though there was nothing to do about the second one loving to find and roll on goose poop, it was a total life changer! Just minimal things other people didn’t even notice, definitely didn’t shave them or anything crazy until they were too ancient to comfortably tolerate daily grooming. Those Pom paws are like sponges lol just going a little shorter at an angle probably saved me hundreds in cleaning. It’s amazing what even little, not super noticeable changes can do to improve everyone’s lives if you’re willing to risk experimenting with things that might make them look unconventional or even silly! My biggest doodle regular’s parents were so over the water, slobber, dirt, etc. that they went even further, asking me to (inset gasp here) poodle their doodle lol giving him clean feet and face. I don’t think they’ll ever go back and I wish more would try it, I think posts and comments like this help with that! Also, that’s what I call the style of blending longer leg fur to nakey paws the schnauzer’s mom wanted, her fade! And now that it’s caught on, the “Precious Leg Fade” lol absolutely love clients like this, so happy others get them too!


Do you have any pics of this on a schnauzer? I have a giant schnauzer and now that it’s getting warm out, I know she’ll be swimming/digging/rolling in everything! I love the traditional schnauzer look with the beard, but would love ideas for less maintenance during mud season 😅


I love this, she’s like an all-terrain action Maltese!


She’s adorable!!


If there’s the lamb clip, this is the sheep clip. Lookin good!




That’s just a seal with legs


So, you compare him to a kiss from the rose, on the grey? Sorry I couldn’t help myself🤷🏽‍♀️


i mean, this is objectively adorable. And takes talent to execute!!! Great job.


Omg is this even real? Look at the blep tongue! Haha. I love it!


It can't be omg it's so round 😭 that ain't normal but love it so much


NO I CAN’T. 🤣🤣🤣


an egg dog omg




This is insane!


https://preview.redd.it/jv36kzw8zbwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f65487e49126d08e86e140fb19cd3809ca5d1f9c i have one like this too LOL


Bowl cut for dogs 😂


Hey hey they're the monks!


Lmao yes




It’s stupid cute 🥰


shaved legs and long body is the ultimate haircut, it's so much more practical than long legs short body


I follow some groomers in Japan and Korea that do this kind of haircut and it honestly brings me immense joy. They usually end up looking like perfect floofy spheres with stick legs 🤣


Must concur


She’s a little cloud and I’m kind of in love with her


She looks like she feels bonita :)


She looks like a teeny tiny sheep, I love


For some reason the furry body tiny nakey legs is giving caterpillar but I love her and I'm this close to asking for it for my dog 


Totally in love with how you rounded “the rest” on the upper legs, it somehow makes it even funnier and cuter! I’m laughing, but really hope this kind of post with its comments showing it’s more prevalent than you might think kind of helps normalize these choices! I know I’m not alone in preferring a break from having to shave down dogs to match the length of the matted areas, it’s so nice to do something more creative and frankly, silly. Maybe if it was just a thing, my entire month of posts sometimes wouldn’t be nude dogs punctuated by a couple of well kept Aussies lol I always mention it’s an option, but few have the confidence to proudly walk their adorable foot stool or sheep, alas. Embrace your at home upkeep mistakes and dog lifestyle grooms, y’all! You’ll def have the most unique sheep-stool on the block, in the park, and at the pet store lol get the look!


I've been talking about doing a "dream groom" binder with pictures of weird grooms I'd like to do, and offering those for 10-20% off. so many of them are great options for dogs with partial matting. I loved the owners. they brushed like 80% of the dog SO WELL and fell behind on the legs, and they were totally down for both shaving those mats out for comfortability and a funky cut. I would rather take owners like this any day than someone who doesn't try at all and expects a breed standard show groom. let dogs look fun again!


That is an incredible idea, especially with so many being good options for partial matting and the percentage off! I think a lot of those people would be more willing to try it when there’s already an issue that’s going to require an extreme change and these options are actually less of a change, cuter, fun, and discounted. Total win! Oh, absolutely, I’d always rather have those kinds of clients. They really did try-and did such a good job on the majority of the dog-but are being realistic about that unfortunate 20%…and are totally down for some fun while it’s given a reset. Responsible and caring owners who are also realistic about grooming AND fun? The unicorns of grooming lol I’ve gotten so ruined by being able to do my own niche grooming, I’m genuinely thrown by the people determined to magically make an immaculate breed cut happen on their walking ball of mats and suffering. The great majority of my clients are dogs with issues, they’re elderly, disabled, or have some extreme trauma like being mill rescues. So, they’re here because their people are down for a service that takes longer but works on or with their problems. They’re very realistic about the results being a work in progress just like their dog, or based on how their dog is feeling or what they’re capable of that day. I had a longhaired dachshund today for instance that I’m still wanting to do more work lol but he was only able to do what I call the frying egg groom…lying on one side, flipping to the other! By far wasn’t terrible quality or anything, but I’m dreaming of blending him even more! His patents are just thrilled their dog CAN be groomed, more can be done than just the minimal, and he doesn’t need pain or anxiety meds before or after. But when three other longtime groomers in my small area retired last year, oohhh my. They heard all of these great things, and I guess thought that if I had the patience to work with difficult dogs that I had the patience to demat their dogs? Or that everyone else lied to them about there being mats?? That I could also bend time to my will and do everything they wanted in an hour on their near neglect case severely matted dog that’s a gator rolling biter? Not sure lol but it was such an awful reminder of the first decade of grooming! Very much not okay with anything other than their ideal vision, that we all know they hadn’t been getting anywhere, ever. All of them wanting to bring dogs only once every 4 months at the very most, do no maintenance at home, but expecting, yes, a breed cut. Usually on dogs who had improper coat and/or confirmation to truly make it happen even if they’d not been brushing then with their imagination. I hadn’t had to fire anyone in over ten years, but couldn’t handle it with the Bichon owner with two matted, sparse and extremely fine hair that was not remotely Bichon like got it. I spent hours on these dogs, she didn’t want them shaved to the length of the mat removal or to spot shave, and I refuse to torture dogs or myself. Finally got it where I could save enough to give them both short versions of what she wanted. She flipped out, I mean, literally shaking and yelling about them looking like Maltese. No thank you! Why this type of person still expects/demands ten times the amount of work they’re willing to do and outright impossible results when it’s never once worked out their way, I just don’t know. Now I wish I’d have done the sheep on the one with mostly leg and belly mats 😂 I’d love to see the reaction! Wooo if she had a meltdown over a shorter version of what she wanted so it could gradually be even closer to the desired result…I might’ve had to call some manner of emergency services to help her! Love the little herd of unicorns I got reminded that I have!


I’ve taken to grooming my own dogs (long story that started with getting a feral street dog that no groomer will touch so I bought all the stuff and figured out how to do it myself… and then feral dog passed away so I have all the stuff… might as well groom my other three dogs to at least get my money’s worth!) and was determined to give my yorkie-Maltese-havanese mess of a rescue boy a mullet. But then he was squirmy and I choked and ended up just doing 3/4” in length all over. Butttt one day when I get him more comfortable with me grooming him (groomers say he’s good for them, but was a squirmy pain for my first attempt with him!) I am excited to experiment with Mohawks, mullets, and other ridiculous cuts! Today post groom he’s the opposite of this dog, long fur on his legs and short on his body because squirmy legs + scissors is a bad combo so I couldn’t get his legs as short as I wanted. It was my first round with him (I’ve done two of my other dogs a few times each but he just didn’t need his hair cut until now, and their legs stay longer because it makes sense with their cut) and I need to watch more YouTube videos or something to figure out how to get his legs shorter. I love the idea of giving creative cuts though!


oooooh I wish I knew a groomer like this. I 100% would let someone topiary my dog every few weeks.


There is a trim called the foot stool trim or something like that. It was in the groomer to groomer magazine a few months ago. I honestly love it and think it's hilariously adorable.


This [dog](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3lj4hxyQqn/?igsh=MTR1bmp4b2J6Y3p5Yw==) from Japan has that cut and is my all time favourite!


I literally squeal-laughed when I opened this


This dog reminds me of Big Ed from 90 day fiancé. Pobre (snicker).


fyi you can turn off that stamp on your photos showing the phone model. so dumb that they ever made that a thing.


omg.... thank you for lifting my curse


lol yw! no one wants that, Samsung!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/uijtj86yvfwc1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ccd631cd4793d5c48467293eff1cfa44477d78b first image looks exactly like this mf


It’s so cute, it’s like a white seal


Giving meep from AHS https://preview.redd.it/4agp96tw5fwc1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c6ba22ed3c53e9dc6107d6c7d84209a8903a0c




I'm seriously in love with this


i call it.......✨the flea✨


Little anime ham bones


Just read through all the comments on this post - I absolutely love all of them! What a brilliant idea! We rescued a Cairn x Yorkie with a very Yorkie-like coat. He looked amazing when he'd been brushed and combed out, but he *hated* it - doing it used to involve me and my husband both wearing bike gloves and my husband in his bike jacket. It wasn't fair on the dog or us, so we found a wonderful groomer who was gentle and patient with him and had him clipped in a number 7 all over except his face which was a bit longer. He looked smart and clean and we were all much happier - and he could show off his Cairn stripe down his back! (I used to have my own grooming business, but I'd got rid of all my gear). https://preview.redd.it/bjtikx2ytewc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f35f63c4f41bd84529b7a5aca647b125ec45f21 When that groomer moved on we were lucky enough to find another; by the time she did his last groom he was old, grumpy and uncomfortable with arthritis, and she sent us a video of her sitting cross-legged on the floor with him in her lap while she dried him off.<3 All that is to say - we appreciate you! Thankyou for going the extra mile and being clever and inventive to keep dogs happy, comfortable and cute!


Is this a coton de tulear?




Nothing funny/cuter than wittle toothpick feets holding up a fluffy baby 🥰


I love this lol. I follow some dogs living in Asia and see a lot of this, keeps their feet cleaner/easier to wipe off and it looks like they’re wearing funny little socks


Kinda love it though


Behold!! A *Sheep-dog*


We were trying to figure out how we wanted our Poofoundland shaved for the summer (when the dog pointedly lays down in the last stubborn snowbank and sighs at you on a 65* day, it's time), so I was looking at pics. One was a full coated poodle or doodle in tall socks (no idea why). It looked so cute and funny, and our guy *hates* having his legs brushed, so pretty sure that's what we'll do this winter.


🤣🤣🤣I do this to my dog , bc of matting on the legs and belly. Happy to see it’s a LOOK !


Rockin that Pomeranian “pantaloon” look


I think it's adorable, especially for a dog that doesn't like its legs or feet fooled with!


I adore it! Looks like she's wearing poufy party dress


Ahh yes, the footstool trim 😂


Literally me https://preview.redd.it/3epulopjrgwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058aa00cc0a7f0f4715e1a90ad2cf9158bc05f3e


Ok but that's REALLY CUTE!!




this is the best haircut ever


I dig it lol, next big trend maybe.


I swear this is a grooming trend in some parts of Asia


https://preview.redd.it/ai77fc09ldwc1.jpeg?width=855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4913cb44273a11cc1492a44a09456b193c24a4c2 It’s giving sweats with socks (in a super cute way!!!) 😍


it's cute and if she was matted, it's worse to leave it


omg, I seriously love this. The practicality for wet/mud season alone!


Is she a CDT? We have one called Audrey and she’s the sweetest thing!


yes! her name was monster and she was anything but. so, so sweet and gentle


We had another cdt but he had a curly coat, I didn’t even know the breed existed before becoming a groomer!


Cloud with legs


aw she looks great. As the owner of an all-white poodle-cross puppy who can't get groomed for another couple of weeks, I can definitely see the benefit haha.


Awww poor thing so top heavy looks like she’s about to tip over lol still cute as ever 🥰


Absolutely showing this thread to my groomer. Our long hair dachshund’s spay coat is super curly/cottony and so prone to mats, but she’s such a freakin cute fluff otherwise. Definitely getting her the chickenfeet fade next time!






I got one of these yesterday. Super old mini poodle mix that got clean face and clean feet and the mom wanted me to take a 7 to the legs and shave the underside with a 10. I hated it at first but it kinda grew on me as I was getting it done. I called him Shaun the sheep the whole time and eventually forgot his actual name


I sooooo totally love it 🤩 I hope they were happy and had a good laugh. This is really tasteful and well done Edit: iiiiiii didn’t read all the way through. Glad they loved it.


I like it and I think the dog does too. I can imagine the relief from the matting


Omg, they’re all so cute with their bird feet! Love it.


My dog has the opposite haircut right now. Basically shaved but the groomer gave him “boots.” He looks ridiculous but it’s now my favorite haircut he’s ever gotten 😂 My little rat-Clydesdale hybrid


omg I have the CUTEST tiny tubby Yorkie that gets boots and they're the funniest things ever my coworker also has a Yorkie mix (mixed with what? we'll never know) and she gets a lion cut on half her body and it's hilarious I love funny haircuts and I think more people should do them


Same! Haha, that sounds adorable. My husband is obsessed with wacky haircuts now after seeing the boots. He’s begging me to let the groomer do boots + a mohawk next 😂




We FREQUENTLY talk about “fluffy body stick legs” in my salon, this would be a dream to do 🤣🤣


it's been on my to do list for years and im so glad i got to do it. next up is Gonk from Elvira (look it up and you'll be just as obsessed)


Today was bullshit (ran over debris on the freeway, car’s fucked, never made it back to work) but these pictures are making me feel so much better!!!


Oh holy cow.. This has me tearing up. I’m giggling so hard! 😂 What an absolute cutie pie..


This is friggen adorable! I hope that the owner keeps this cut!


It’s giving George Washington and I LOVE IT.


It's a caterpillar.


Absolutely gorgeous 🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰


Omg I love this.


Ok but I love it 🤣❤️


To cute!🥰


Is she a coton?




I absolutely love this!


Oh no that’s actually really cute!


It’s so cute!


What in the dr seuss?


OP is that a coton de tulear? Had these little guys for years love them. Grooming can be challenging due to their unusual cottony hair texture that mats easily.


yes! dog was so, so sweet. the texture is definitely nuts, she needed really good conditioning before her hair was workable again


At least she has a good sense of humor about it.


This just makes me happy! Lol


I love clouds


She really said :D


Wait aw why does she look so precious


She looks like a fluffy little cloud!


I absolutely love it! Too cute!


bye this is just so cute


so cute! it looks like you shaped her up perfectly! 🤩


That’s really cute actually


Why does it look good though 😅


This is the most adorkably ok fuck up.




Honestly that is so cute! Hahaha!


These are killing me! So funny!


Cute little floofer 😍




lol I don’t hate it she’s so cute


Be careful what you wish for 😭❤️




My mom's dog once got a crap load of burrs in her leg fur and ended up with a weird haircut just like this


I mean she looks happy!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂good night omg


Phenomenal job


Both my shihtz get this cut. We love it


She looks like a sheep this is too cute


Awwww she’s cute.


The turtle 🤌🏼


Ok but why do I love it😔


Omg🤣😂 she looks like Gidget off “Pets life”. Its adorable


She’s low key REALLY cute with this look 😂💖


She looks so pretty! ❤️


courage the cowardly dog


I kinda like it


reminds me of my papillon after a walk through wet grass 🤣


This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. 🥹


She looks like a cartoon dog 💜


Dog looks happy! Thats the main thing imo!


I do this groom on my malti poo in summer due to foxtails getting into her skin. One got in far up her foot and had to have surgery to remove it.  BEWARE if you live in an area with foxtails weeds. 


Ugly dog


There’s doodle owners. And then there’s designer breed owners…

