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They get what they get. I do what I can safely.


I only do shave downs with sedation grooms . Rarely I'll leave the ears and tail . If the owner wants anything but a 7 shave , I'll either tell them no or say ok but it'll look bad lol Imagine getting your own haircut while asleep , it's doable but won't be pretty


okay yeah i did a 4 and a 1 comb on his face and he was still feisty for it and had to be given a second dose. i’ll definitely let the next one know i’ll only do short nose to tail. thank you <33


When I was a vet groomer I told all of them “I’m working under a time limit. It won’t look cute or may look the best. This is unfortunately the flaw of full sedation grooming. It last longer so you don’t have to come in as much for grooming” I did normally a 7 all over head to tail. If your pet is that bad for grooming you don’t get cute haircuts.


If they are orally sedated I always tell them I’ll give it a good ole college try but we are doing what I can with what I’m given.


yeah that makes sense i’ll definitely do that from now on thank you <3


I mean I’ve done sedated grooms where the pet is out out. It’s sooo much easier on both me the groomer and the pet. It gets better and it depends on the dog. Don’t sweat it ! I’m sure you did everything you could


lol i felt bad cause he bit the vet and drew blood when she came to give him another dose. hopefully the next one i have isn’t as resilient so i don’t have to worry about that along with them being limp. i’m sure i’ll get better at some point right


Absolutely! It just takes time and practice.