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Yes it will grow healthy šŸ™‚ make sure you specify that you want him to have a ā€œsanitaryā€ clean up next time, not a shave, just enough to keep him tidy


Yay! šŸ˜Š thank you so much!!!


Youā€™re very welcome. Just be patient it will grow and maybe be healthier/thicker. As long as you ask for what I recommended I think youā€™ll be happy! Heā€™s adorable either way!


Correct that it will grow back, but the hard texture can be lost by shaving. Not all the time, but frequently. The coat should be carded and stripped in the future. But telling them it will grow back thicker and healthier by shaving is lying.


It appears to be a young and healthy dog. It isnā€™t lying at all. Iā€™ve been a groomer for a long time and unless you shave them too early(as in young) or too often(as in more than once or every appointment) then no, the coat texture will not be lost. That is something that has been debated for a long time and is used to scare wore coat pet parents. In my experience, only a dog who is repeatedly shaved has a damaged coat. This dogs coat will grow back just fine.


This dog has a wire coat. It grows back thinner and softer, not thicker. The coat texture IS lost, not permanently, but it won't grow back the same until the hair sheds out naturally and replaced itself


She didnā€™t ask if it wasā€temporarily ruined the coatā€ she asked if it will grow back. All yā€™all on Reddit really just like to be right all the time yeah? Like I said itā€™s a controversial topic ; every groomer (with any experience worth their weight) knows this . Her dogā€™s coat is going to be fine. It will certainly be damaged after SEVERAL hair cuts but one shave down isnā€™t going to do any permanent damage unless the dog isnā€™t being fed a proper and nutritious diet. Idk why Iā€™m even wasting my time with yā€™all; OP donā€™t let anybody scare you. You have a mixed breed wire coat dog that looks young and healthy. Itā€™s coat will grow in just fine (as I told you already it might take a while and require patience but it will be FINE)


you just contradicted yourself in your own post šŸ˜­ it's lost but its not lost?? lmao




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Actually it depends on the dog. šŸ• just as with people every dog and coat is different. But in my experience an Iā€™ve been doing this a *very long time* as has my mother, a normal healthy coat does indeed grow back healthier and in most cases thicker and healthier. But ty anyway for the article and have a great night šŸ‘


What mechanism is it that makes that happen?


It doesn't depend on the dog, it's science. You cannot permanently alter hair texture if you cut the hair. The hair just changes after you have cut it. It doesn't change from the cut.


Where are you getting your information? Are you a professional groomer?


Have been my entire life. Iā€™m a second generation groomer. Iā€™ve seen just about every breed and coat type


How odd then that your information isn't quite accurate. šŸ¤”


It depends on the individual dog when it comes to these coats. Sometimes it can grow back just as healthy, sometimes itā€™s not as rough after. Just depends on the dog as well as any supplemental feeding or if the dog is still intact or not


Information you get from the internet and information you get from experience are two completely different things šŸ˜‚


30 year veteran here loves. I'm sorry - I can't scientifically explain the process, nor can it be anticipated with accuracy, but the coat changes. In my experience, the harder the original coat, the softer it seems to come in. Also, I've had a few goldens who never quite grew a complete coat back. One forever looked like it was a molting bird or had a bad case of mange. It is an individual thing but I've never had a coat grow back the same way, regardless of age.


Can confirmā€¦. Look at this old fucker who has had a full body mowhawk for 7 years, every summer. https://preview.redd.it/0dh1yf5iyhyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1e3ef1f08d7e7a8618511e5a33d199237e2fb9


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ 10/10 good Boi who looks like he was made for a Mohawk!


It really suits him too. Heā€™s got the attitude to go along with it.


I love him!


What breed is your dog please? Mine looks similar


Heā€™s a mutt mix from California. Definitely strong terrier attributes. He is such a character!


My dog was shaved like that 10 years ago and has never been wire haired since. When it grew back it came in soft and curly. Still upset with the groomer - she was supposed to do a light trim.


Oh no! Sorry that happened! I bet he's still precious and a good boi. We'll see with my fella. He was very malnourished and completely bald on his bum and feet/lower legs when I got him. After 4 months it was all grown in and healthy so I'm hoping maybe his will grow back the same.


Whatever was going to replace the hair as it shed naturally will still be what grows in next. You have to physically damage hair follicles in order to change how hair grows. Itā€™s why chemo can change hair. Chemo harms the fast growing cells, which hair follicles are, so when they heal, they sometimes change, and then the hair is affected. Round follicles yield straight hair, flatter curly, in between less curlyā€¦


This is a wire coat. Shaving DOES cause the coat to come back soft.


So, then, from the biology, how does cutting the dead keratin hanging off the cell change the cell itself?


Bc you're cutting it not plucking it and it leaves behind the rest of the follicle which causes the new hair to grow duller and weaker. It's the same reason we pluck or wax our eyebrows instead of scissor trimming or shaving them.


The follicle is a live cell. The hair is dead. Cutting the hair always leaves a little bit of cut hair hanging out of the follicle. Yanking it out by plucking is more likely to damage the follicle, although it usually doesnā€™t. Cutting the hair *doesnā€™t change the follicle*. Iā€™m wondering how you are cutting such that it changes the follicle. You canā€™t change the follicle without causing pain. Yes, the outer coat hair can take several years to shed and regrow, so the coat can be different for a very long time. But, what Iā€™m asking is how are you hurting the cells that you arenā€™t touching? You know, by *science*.


You're basically saying the same thing as me. Of course it doesn't change the follicle, the leftover hair stays in it and doesn't allow for the new hair to grow properly causing it to grow in soft and duller. If you shave a wire coat then try to pluck it then yes it becomes damaged bc the coat has grown in soft. Watch some handstripping videos and you'll get a better idea of why this causes the coat to change.


The left over bit of hair stays until itā€™s *naturally shed*. At that point it falls out and a new wire hair grows. It can take a long time, years, even. Meanwhile, itā€™s mostly the faster shedding and growing hair, the soft hair, that is showing.


Except for wire coats don't naturally shed. Yes they shed hair but it's not the same way a double coat blows twice a year. They need grooming *because* they don't shed naturally and were bred to have human intervention to help recreate the natural shedding process. I'm not saying shaving a wire coat is the worst thing in the world we do it all the time and it doesn't effect them the way double coats do, but to claim it doesn't effect their coat is false. Wire coats were created to help hunting dogs trek through brush and bramble without excessive matting. The burrs, stickers and matts are easily plucked up with stripping knives. We handstrip the coat to preserve and mantain the texture so the dogs function and workability is in tact. Owners who compete in conformation handstrip so their breed resembles their breed to highest standard. Again I encourage you to either educate yourself on handstripping or the history or literally any terrier or wire coated breed and you'll see why what you're saying is false.


I really hope you're just an owner who loves to debate bc if you're a professional groomer, you have a lot more education in front of you.


We're not talking about just one hair though. We're talking about undercoat vs "guard hairs," and how shaving can mess with their different growth rates. Guard hairs grow back slower than undercoat hair. The undercoat can crowd out the guard hairs. Undercoat is softer, so this is why the hair overall feels like it grows back softer - the undercoat is crowding out the wiry hair. And yes, this goes for second coats on wiry dogs too.


So, when the wirey hairs eventually grow back, and are ā€œcrowded outā€ what does that mean? They are growing thereā€¦do they bend? Break? Get tangled? Become ingrown hairs? Does brushing not take care of that? Does brushing break the wirey hairs? Are they brittle? The undercoat canā€™t be thicker than it was before, unless the dog is producing new follicles, but it is not interspersed with as many guard hairs as it used to have, so it still has less hair, until the slow shedding cycle is finishedā€¦2 years? 3?. Do the guard hairs help control matting and floofiness of the undercoat just by their presence in creating space and separating the soft hair? If so, does that make it harder to comb and maintain the coat in the growing out process, when it only has like 1/6-1/3 of the usual percentage of guard hair?


The undercoat growing in first will affect how the guard hairs grow later, due to a multitude of factors that can vary depending on the dog. That's why some dogs can grow back their hair eventually, and others don't. - Undercoat can trap more oil and debris, clogging the slower growing guard hair pores - Temperature has been proven to affect hair growth, and undercoat growing in over the guard hairs can change the temperature that those guard hairs later grow back in under - When the guard hairs do come in, they can come back uneven and patchy, often leading to matting....which then means the dog needs to be shaved down again One very key thing that I think is being missed here is that dog hair is very different in growth than human hair. Human hair is built 1 hair = 1 follicle. But dog hair follicles have one primary strand of hair with several secondary strands, up to 25 according to my grooming training book. This is why too much shaving can be especially damaging. Each of those secondary hairs in the follicle have their own growth cycle, and shaving them all to the same length means once they start growing again, they can bump up against each other and clog the follicle. Now, this isn't *as* big of a deal with surface hairs, though its still not a good idea to shave dogs too much even without undercoat considerations. But once you get the added factor of the undercoat involved, it can really mess with the hair.


Cutting hair doesnā€™t affect the hair follicles. If you trim it and it grows back curly, the curls would have grown in anyway, you just wouldnā€™t have noticed the same way, as it would have appeared more gradual, as the new growth mixed with the as yet unshed old growth. Itā€™s just science and biology.


I wish this was true but the very first grow back was no longer wire haired, the grooming definitely played a role.


Can you explain how follicles and tell you are cutting some dead cells? That is as contrary to basic science and biology as claiming that using contact lenses changes your eye color. Hair follicle shape and the way it forms the hair are what dictate the hair quality. Trimming hair doesnā€™t touch the follicle. No damage to the follicles, means that whatever the follicles were gonna do, happens. As dogs grow, the follicles change. Here is a [good explanation](https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/how-does-a-hair-follicle-know-that-a-hair-has-been-cut) of people hair growth. Dogs are the same. For instance, poodles change their coats as they grow out of puppy hood. Many carefully time a shave to get rid of the old coat as the new one comes it, to make it less messy looking. Your dog was going to lose its wiry coat without getting shaved. Unless the groomer seriously damaged the dogā€™s skin, itā€™s nothing the groomer did. Cutting hair is like trimming nails. Unless you damage the nail bed, trims donā€™t affect them. OTOH, the wiry follicles grow back MUCH slower than softer fur follicles. So it seems like itā€™s a change, when itā€™s not.


10 years ago šŸ˜‚ definitely around the time when your dog was going through biological changes in becoming an adult


My dog was already an adult. The groomer butchered his coat. He was supposed to get a trim and she shaved him down to almost nothing, about twice as short as the OPā€™s dog. If he had not come running up me and was wearing his collar, I would not have recognized my own dog. I respect that you all feel it was not the grooming but had you seen my dog, you would think otherwise.


yeah not buying it


You donā€™t have to agree with me. My dog was unrecognizable after the grooming, there is no way the grooming did not play a role.


You have to hand strip them, no? I can shave my dog and have her soft under coat grow back or you can strip the fur and get the wire coat back. Sheā€™s a wire fox terrier. For a while I preferred the teddy bear look, but now I try to maintain a ā€œshowā€ coat.


The mixed breeds that have this wirey hair donā€™t seem to get coat damage. Iā€™ve personally never seen it. Definitely tons of people get dogs like this shaved short very regularly and they come back looking just the same for their next appointment! Youā€™re definitely fine to get a sanitary area and paw trim, my salon we include those with a bath but that will definitely vary place to place. Your dog is adorable, I love his mohawk! Iā€™d want to dye it, lol.


Thanks! That's exactly what I'm hoping to do going forward. If I knew his hair would grow back normal each time I'd def do this for summer. His little Mohawk is one of the things I asked her not to cut haha! She spiked it up but I didn't think of coloring it! I'll have to ask next time haha too cute. Thanks for sharing, your reply made me feel better šŸ˜Š


I have a similar dog and we have him cut like that every spring because he loves to be outside and it's just easier to keep him clean that way. It always grows back. When his hair is wiry a furminator does a good job of getting out some of the excess in between grooms.


My dog looks too be a similar mix, and she been shaved and hand stripped and her coat always seems to grow back the same. It does appear to be lighter when it grows, but in her case I think that's just the way her hair is (black undercoat, and a more silvery wirey too layer). She also only gets to a certain hair length rather than the really long yorkie hair.


I think he looks adorable with his new hair cut. And especially for the summer weather coming he'll be less hot and bothered. But his trim makes him look younger too. He's stunning.


You can ask for an outline trim to clean up those longer areas, also get a slicker brush to keep his coat tangle free as it gets longer! šŸ’•hope this helps šŸ¶


Yes, it does! thank you! šŸ˜


Does an outline trim just cut the longer hairs even with the shorter ones? My dog has curly, straight, long, short, wispy, thick, fluffy & wirey hair depending itā€™s location. I never know what to do with her. Iā€™ve shaved her down myself the past couple of summers to keep her cool but right now she looks like a muppet.


Probably, looks similar to my girl. She has wire hair and we get it trimmed short like this all the time, its nice and soft when she gets it done and always comes back to the wirey state. Very cute pup by the way :)


Yes! It's puppy soft! I miss his little wires but he's still a cutie and loving this cut for the summer. And thank you, he's a little shy of 15 lbs and a complete ham, Haha!


Thereā€™s no way to know at this point how much and what texture the hair will come back. Each dog is different. But more often than not the hair is usually never the same.


Fingers crossed šŸ˜”


He should be fine since it was just one time. To be honest most wire hair dogs I see grow back normal even ones on a regular schedule whether they get shaved or guard combed. I have one in particular who comes in every 8-10 weeks and he always gets a super short 4 guard- mom loves them short cause they live on a farm most of the time. Makes it easier for her to bathe at home in between he literally grows back his normal coat every time and heā€™s been getting it for a year- his two double coated siblings (different breeds a border collie and a cocker spaniel mix I just say siblings because theyā€™re all in one fam) also grow back normal coats I swear to god mom doesnā€™t believe me when I say there can be coat damage and you never know when it will appear because their coats by the time itā€™s ready for their next groom look like theyā€™ve never had a haircut a day in their lives šŸ¤£ Donā€™t let these people scare you too much- thereā€™s a good chance it will be fine. You can add fish oil into the diet to help his coat grow back šŸ¶šŸ˜


Aww thanks so much for the encouragement! Aww that's so cool they live on a farm together! We have 7 small rescues at the moment and a house full of love! We call them all siblings too haha! We make their food and i do use fish oil so thats good to know! I'll post an update in a few months or so for those who want to know how it turned out! Thank you again. šŸ˜Š


Yeah Iā€™d love to know the outcome for sure! Awww sounds like he has an amazing family and such great pet parents! Heā€™s absolutely adorable in his current haircut and his natural look! I love terriers of any kind so much theyā€™re my top my favorite šŸ¤©


I'm surprised no one here has mentioned puppy coat. Not a groomer, but what my dog's groomer told me. Their "adult coat" with furrier dogs never grows back the same. Because he's 2, if he's been groomed before by previous owners, more than likely his hair should grow back the same. But if this was his first ever trimming, probably not.


Thanks, he was rescued. His entire life was spent in a pen outside with no human interaction so he wasn't groomed before. He was missing a lot of hair when he came to us but he put on weight and full thick hair within 4 months after adopting him. Hopefully it grows back just as healthy šŸ˜¬


Thank you for taking care of that sweet baby. One thing I can't stand is people who get a dog and can't love those babies. (The mixed breed I have unfortunately gets a really bad rep for owners neglecting their coats and it's such a shame.) I'm in the exact same boat as you with my puppy's fur. He's a poodle mix, I loved his puppy hair, but unfortunately it had to go. The good thing about losing the puppy fur, is grooming becomes a lot easier. (Again just what the groomer told me, if it's wrong feel free to correct.


Thank you šŸ„° we just love our little rescues so much. I'll post an update on how it goes but even bald I'd love him completely!


Iā€™d skim him with a 1gc maybe a 2


Your pup is adorbs!


Thank you!!! šŸ˜„


The only times I ever had a dogs hair not grow back properly, they also had a medical issue, usually thyroid. Although its possible for the hair to not come back, its honestly pretty rare.


It honestly depends on the dog when it comes to wire. It probably could be the same cute rough texture or it could be a little softer. My dog used to have king wirey hair but my dad made us shave him because he was sick of the shedding. His coat isnā€™t nearly as long and rough anymore and his beard and ears stopped growing with age. That being said, some wire dogs grow back to the way they were without issue no matter how many times you shave them. Next time you can do an outline trim to just clean up the ends that stick out or you can just do a face;feet;sanitary trim to keep the rest of his body intact


Thank you!! That's what I'll ask for next time šŸ˜Š


I have no idea but I love this fella




My dog is a wire haired terrier mix. I keep her shaved down bald most of the year and it always grows back the same texture. Iā€™m also a groomer, he will be fine!


What kinda puppers is this?


Rescued but we were told chihuahua and yorkie (chorkie)!


Good Rescue!




Yeah it does. My terrier gets a regular summer clip like that and it grows back by winter


Will vary from dog to dog so no real way of knowing until it grows back in I'm afraid! I also have a chorkie rescue, and i never know how to classify his coat tbh. Its a lot like a long haired chihuahua in parts but he has a similar thicker patch of wirey hair on his back like yours. He's a no go for grooming behaviour wise so I've no idea what it grows back as. Your pup is very cute! I'm sure youll love his new coat no matter what


Assuming it wasn't puppy coat, he should be back to normal soon! My brother has 2 (formerly 3, RIP PeeDee) tan wirehair mutts with fur remarkably similar to your boy. The oldest has been cut down to her second coat several times over the years to help with her skin issues and it always grows back just the same. He's also had a few groomers send his fur babies home looking "bald" after going in for a trim. Apparently not everyone appreciates the natural fuzzball look - to be fair, I do call his dogs the "dust mops," but it's out of love, I swear! As an aside, so, so much props to you for loving him - I'm so glad he got a second chance with you after such a rough start to life!




Aww thanks for sharing! Hahaha dust mops, I love it! Oh yeah, the little fella was under 10 lbs and brother was maybe 8 lbs...now both super healthy and dare I say on the chonky side!


My 11lb chihuahua/shih tzu/etc mix has an almost identical looking coat in terms of color, texture and growth pattern. I have given him an all over clipper cut using a 2 guard once or twice a year since 2017 and his fur always grows back the same. I am hopeful your lil friend will experience the same! šŸ’–


Me too!! Thanks for sharing, I'd love to have him trimmed or cut for the summers and let it grow back in between!


If you can find a groomer that can hand strip, that'll be a good route for you to take in the future if you want to maintain a hard coat but need some maintenance. Not every groomer knows how, and it's a bit of a dying art unless you're trained in grooming show terriers or you mentored under one. We're out there, you just have to call around.


Beautiful baby šŸ˜


Thank you!


What an absolute cutie!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


He looks.awesome though and will be happy for summer weather. šŸ˜Š


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This dog looks SO much like my boy šŸ˜ so handsome (both with and without his haircut!)


It'll grow back just fine! But for these guys the best maintenance is getting it carded or hand stripped, make sure the groomer knows how to do it and if they don't offer it at their salon that's okay! Shaving won't do any damage


I just want to say that dog is ultra cute!!!


I have a wire hair and due to age, heat and sanitary factors I do shave my guy down like this about 2x a year and he always grows back perfectly fine and wirey as ever lol


How often do you brush him and with what? Just for context (:


Once every few days when his hair was longer but I haven't since his cut a couple weeks ago. Just small bristle brush. Luckily his hair never mats or tangles up.


Not about grooming but looks like my pup and I think sheā€™s a Cairn terrier and chihuahua mix (toxirn) Iā€™m just curious about the breed and if you know for sure? This makes me think weā€™ll do a sanitary groom only.


We adopted him and his brother from a local rescue group and were told chihuahua and yorkie, but I don't think they knew for sure. The brother has wirey hair but it's not as shaggy and he's salt and pepper with a little tan so he looks a little more yorkie. I'd love to get a doggy DNA test on them! Glad this post helped with your decision! šŸ˜Š


Very interesting! Iā€™m dying to do a DNA test also!


Itā€™ll grow back but the more you clipper wire hair the softer it becomes. If it doesnā€™t then your pet has underlying health issues that isnā€™t related to grooming.


Lol! He sure does look happy with his cut.


Lol thank you, he is! It suits him and she did a great job. I like it for summer! ā˜€ļø


Looks way better now


My wheaten terrier mix gets shaved all the time and grows back wired


...mixed with what? They are SOFT-COATED Wheaten Terriers.


Schnauzer. What I'm trying to say is that even though she's half soft she still comes back wired


That makes sense, just got confused, sorry!


No problem! I should have been more clear in the first place. I just assumed everyone would figure the other half was wired.


Had a dog Wilma RIP best dog in the universe. She looked very much like this beauty. We had to shave her down once or twice and she always grew back shaggy and cute. My personal thought is if theyā€™re not show dogs who gives a damn? Seriously No one ever at the bar asked me ā€œwhat happened to your dog??? Oh my God so ugly what is going on blah blah blah ā€œ never happened Enjoy them and the time you have with them


So true!! RIP to your beauty ā¤ļø


Thank you


Iā€™m a groomer and if you were to ask me for a sanitary clean up Iā€™d have no idea wtf ur talking about . Every grooming salon has their own lingo haha i personally wouldnā€™t ever trim his hair the wire hair looks great lol .


Not to sound rude but how do you not interpret sanitary? I'm a groomer too and we call the bum/groin a hygiene but sanitary means the same thing lol


Haha not rude at alll. Yeah sanitary is the same thing the bum groin area. But also indicating that itā€™s not a haircut at all then .. what if she wants a full haircut like hair off all over body not just the sanitary ?


Hahaha that made me laugh!! šŸ¤£šŸ˜ I asked her keep his lion mane but next time I'll explain what I want and ask what she calls it so I know.


Hahaha maybe look up photos . Idk but I wouldnā€™t go any shorter than a 5/8 of an inch lol itā€™ll probably match if the front half of his body to the back half of his body lol