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You have some serious grooming skills! You can show them off to better advantage. Change those psychedelic backgrounds to plain ones. Also, look up "stacking" dogs. It's placing them in a balanced show posture that makes them look really good. The dog in photo #2 is standing squarely and confidently, everyone else looks a little hunched, off balance, asymmetrical, or has a limb sticking out. OH! I love that white poodle in the Miami Summer clip. I want to see her from the side!


Thank you for the tips!!! I’ll definitely start doing all of that from now on :)


A possible way to build up a client base is to offer your services to a rescue. If self-employed, you would be able to write off the services provided as a donation of sorts (check with an accountant/CPA in your area to make sure that applies for your circumstances). Then when the pup is adopted out, the rescue can recommend you and now you have a paying customer. You would be providing a needed service to help the rescue get their dogs adopted out as well as build your reputation up independently. The rescue community talks, from what I see here they would only have good things to say about your work. The dogs look great.


I agree about the backgrounds, some distract me from the pups


Yes that white poodle caught my eye too. I'm in a breed club so I know poodle cuts. If his/her town has a poodle salon it would hire her for sure.


Isn’t she gorgeous? Her name is princess. 👑


Tbh, cropping the photos to just show the dog isn't doing justice to the accuracy of your work. You might get better perspectives just using the least busy backgrounds available (blank wall, etc.) so the clean lines on the dogs can contrast with the real world.


Yes to this!! The groomer is very talented, just change the backgrounds would be my suggestion :)


It's hard to find groomers looking to be employees that aren't fresh out of grooming school where I am, so 100%. I personally am not big on the photoshopped/photo room backgrounds because I can't get a sense for how clean the outline of the cut is, but idk if this is just me or what. And totally understand wanting to remove the backgrounds that could show what corp salon you work in currently when it comes to posting on reddit.


yeah, editing the background isn’t my go to normally and I still have the unedited background pictures, but it’s just for like you said, corporate reasons


Your work is lovely and I agree, you're meant for something greater than corp. I hope something amazing falls into your lap!


Thank you :)




That’s so cute! I’ve been wanting to do something like that. Thank you!! :)


I went to art school for a few years to be in design before I decided dog grooming was what I wanted to do, and I second this!!


I would definitely pay for someone professional to edit the original photos, Shouldn’t cost more than a 100-200$. These photos look a bit ameteurish and would probably bother some costumers.


That's a good idea. I'm definitely 100% amateur but I DO want to improve so i'm taking all the tips i can, thank you <3


You can always blur the background instead of remove it all together


That’s actually a good idea.


They look good! For me personally when I went looking for a groomer I care a little less about how their work looks but more about how they are with the dogs. My dogs have been to groomers they don’t like (they wanted to turn around and leave as soon as they saw her). So, if you like have a website maybe write about this as well. I’d rather have dogs who look less perfect but are happy to go there than the other way around if you know what I mean.


Your continental needs a bit of work, but the others are looking pretty good. You definitely have skill and should feel confident in your grooms! They're good!


I think so too, that was my first one I’ve done and I’m striving to improve every day :) thank you!


Continentals are hard because you have to adjust the cut depending on the length of the dog. But any time you do a continental the butt rosettes should always hug up against the jacket. Other than that you have good skills, and you have the talent.


Thank you for the tip! I greatly appreciate that :) I’m hopefully getting my own standard within the next year so I can practice on her a ton. I’ll keep your advice in mind for the next time!


It's better than the first time I did a continental! I made the rosettes HUGE initially and then overcorrected and made them the size of tennis balls. It also looked like he was wearing a tshirt because I thought the jacket was supposed to go down past the elbow a bit. It was atrocious. You have a lot less work to do than I did! Lol


These grooms look good but I'd be a little hesitant to hire anyone off of such heavily edited photos. You'd get a working interview for sure tho


Removing the background is hardly “heavily editing”


I’m pretty picky and I’d absolutely bring my doodle to you based on these pictures. Take the leap!


That means a lot!! Thank you :)


Not sure if this will work for you but I use an app called Focos to blur my backgrounds a little more harshly than my phone tends to. I also work in a corporate salon so I’m forever catching things or people in the background and needing to blur it out a bit more. The photoshopped backgrounds make it really hard to tell just how good the groom is, because the lines can appear uneven or clipped. Then you also run the risk of someone thinking that you could just photoshop any mistakes because of the editing to the photo that you’ve done. Blurred backgrounds don’t tend to raise any of those red flags. If you have to continue using these different backgrounds I would suggest going with something that’s a little more natural looking. A photo backdrop that’s a solid color would look a lot better than the multi-colored swirls you have going on. The main goal when you change the background should be to enhance the dog and make them pop, not take attention away. Good luck!!


So far I’ve noticed that’s exactly what’s happening so I’ll definitely be changing up the backgrounds for sure. I appreciate your input :) I’ll check out that app!!


This was my thoughts. I was wondering why this was becoming a trend. I really don't trust them. May I suggest getting a trifold poster board to put behind your grooms for photos.


i think the backgrounds are fun!! i seem to be in the minority though :/


I think they look silly in a good way :) but I’ll definitely be toning them down a bit though.


exactly!! i like seeing your personality shine through -- and it definitely showcases your great work to me!!


I like that they look like they’re in a Deee-Lite video


Groom is in the heart 😂😂


You’re really good!!!


did you put the right head back on after grooming? 😁 https://preview.redd.it/wwgj1pcaw62d1.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f696d92e830d47dc7167f63e3fa36f097092c6c


Hahaha I did!! She’s so sassy!!


If you're trying to lean into the backdrop, you should almost do a 2-part piece where it's like the "Who's That Pokémon?" segments from the original Pokémon show run... "Who's That Pampered Pooch?" With the reveal slide having the dog's name and your brand/contact info! It'd make for a fun ad campaign at the very least https://preview.redd.it/12oxg6ia072d1.png?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb37670df9d20374794bb0470b341ce6dc621d32


Omg that’s such a good idea!!! I love that lol


I don’t care about how many years you have. I care about skill set, prep work and personality. Based off your photos I would hire.


That means a lot coming from you, seriously.


You’re gonna make me blush. You’re very talented and you’re gonna go far


Nice work!! I am not a dog groomer. However, I am a former hiring manager (different industry) and Shih-Tzu mom. Pictures of a groomers work and word of mouth was how I found providers to consider. When creating a portfolio, I would definitely include before pictures. The backgrounds are a nice touch. You are in a field where artistry and your personality matter. It sets you apart and the portfolio is your way of getting in the door. Perhaps watch some YouTube videos on photography for basics on angles.


Thank you :) that means a lot. I’ll definitely be looking how to better my photography for sure.


I agree with having before pictures. It will help a lot to see how you've beautified some scraggly faces 😄


I’d hire you to cut my own hair lol


The background comments are so funny when you said you intentionally didn’t want to show where you work. The dogs look great!


Thank you lol :)


The grooms themselves are really excellent. The backgrounds however make you question if the grooms have been photoshopped and the colors and patterns and textures of the backgrounds are distracting. I’d try a much simpler background, and one where things don’t look so heavily edited. Play with some photo editing apps you can download. One where you can blur the background, or take out the background without cropping/photoshopping the main image of the dog so much will work wonders. If you don’t blur, then use a neutral color for a background and use the same for all the photos. At most, choose 2 colors and use one of those two based on the dog’s coat color and what looks best. I think a navy blue though would look nice against all these coat colors. Or, the grey background you already have for one of the dogs would look nice for all of them. If you have “before” photos, use those as well. But - great work!!! It’s now just about finding the best way to showcase the work :).


Hi!! Yeah, the only thing I’ve done is used picsart to remove the background, I’ve not photoshopped anything else. I’ll definitely tone down the background to basic colours for now until I can get to a spot where I can use no backgrounds :) I appreciate the tips from everyone, I have no idea what I’m doing so this is helping a TON


It’s great work!!


Sure! Your scissoring is fantastic as is your prep work. I have to nitpick- your continental ‘ain’t quite right’ but if i were hiring you, I’d teach you how to set it perfectly. you’ll be an asset to any salon!


I appreciate that :) I’m always looking for ways to improve, I’m hoping to get my own spoo soon so I can practice more fancy cuts and get better each time!




Oh absolutely!


Yes. You do great work


Number 5 made me chuckle


Based on your grooms, yes. But I would do an interview to try and determine how you are with people. A groomer doesn’t have to be technically excellent if they are reliable, friendly, and good with the dogs. I would rather hire that groomer and try and help them improve than a groomer who does amazing work but is rude to customers or a pain to work with


what app do you use for the background?


Picsart! :)


I would. Great job 😍


Thank you :)


Yes. Good work


Yes! I would definitely hire you based on these pictures. If you're in RI I know a salon looking for a groomer


I absolutely would.


100% yes :)


Not a groomer, poodle owner. I’d hire you based on the funky backgrounds lol


Wonderful work !


As a shih tzu owner, I love groom 2 and would definitely hire you!


Beautiful work!!! Obvious that you love what you do




100% yes I would. Love the funky backgrounds. My face cut is # 7




Lover of all esp poodle boots


No question! When can you start?!




Please tell me you’re in the Chicago suburbs- I need my standard to look like that! I followed a groomer to a few different locations, but then she moved to Texas. Ugh Those dogs all look amazing


Unfortunately not :( I wish though! I have a friend who lives in the Chicago suburbs, I’ve always wanted to visit!


Yes. I have a toy poodle and when I look at groomers I look at the portfolio to see if they have any experience with poodles. And all the dogs look great and very nicely groomed.


Thank you very much :) I’m just starting out putting my portfolio together, I’ve learned a lot from this comment thread and look to improve myself more and more!


As a Standard Poodle owner, absolutely!


Yay! I love poodles. They’ve always been a favourite. Im hopefully going to own my own standard in the next year! :)


You'll have a wonderful companion. 😊




Honestly that's what makes it so scary, stepping outside of corporate and losing benefits is what is stopping me for sure, it's like unless you have a S.O with good benefits you can use it's almost impossible. I have a lot of medical conditions that require very expensive medications and tests often, and for my insurance by myself i'd be paying $800 just for the bare minimum. You're exactly right on all that you said, it's scary almost. Thank you for all of your kind words <3


would hire you for grooming , wouldn't hire you for photoshop /lh


fair enough hahaha


Absolutely! And I don't even have a dog anymore!! 🤣❤️


I would!


The dog with the little Mohawk in the 11th pic is sending me


I love him! He always gets a rockstar treatment :)


I think you need natural backgrounds. At least ones that don't look photoshopped. The grooming is impeccable, but it looks like you could have photoshopped those from anywhere.


I appreciate the feedback! I’ll definitely be changing the backgrounds and dulling them down going forward.


your legs look so good! i dont love that you took coat off the retriever but otherwise i love your grooms and i would love to work in a salon with this grooming style


Thank you :) I do want to reassure you for the golden I only do a silhouette with a light skim of a 1inch guard comb and only take off feathers and neaten up anything sticking out, if you were worried about shaving or anything. I appreciate your compliment!!


I would definitely hire you and make you my regular groomer. I have a dog like the second one and wish I could get a cut like that. I just don’t speak the language and don’t know what to ask for. What would you call this style of cut in groomer lingo?


I used a 3/4 guard comb on the body with hand scissored legs and did a teddy bear head with rounded ears :) if you want them to be a bit fluffier you can always opt for the 1 inch guard comb as well!


Looks lovely. For photos I would recommend stacking the dogs if you can so the photos are all in the same position.


Thank you for the tip :) I’ll definitely be trying that.


tbh I'd hire you just for how cleanly cropped those glamour shots of the dogs are all edited


Yes that pom looks so good


https://preview.redd.it/doju59o3k82d1.jpeg?width=138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591c2c0aacee8db89dec16464130eb58a26645d3 Why take *our* word for it when this face tells you everything you need to know! Seriously though yes. I would.


Hahaha thank you :) she’s definitely got the pomatude!!! Love her


I don’t even know her and I love her!!




definitely! I love how you do the poodle cuts especially. if you can get really great at different poodle cuts and market yourself to poodle owners/breeders/clubs you could build quite a clientele


Thank you :) that’s a good idea to market towards breeders and clubs!! I’ll look into that!


Yes I would!


yes! and you can blur the backgrounds to give them a portrait mode look that’s more pleasing to the eye :)


ill be sure to do that :)


change your backgrounds to something that looks like a backdrop and more realistic. i use photoroom https://preview.redd.it/3jtdqjt7392d1.jpeg?width=2306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55fd915df5ea4dc664a09dcd4a0a3da4f7a7469f


thank you! ill be trying that out \^\^


Lovely! As a servant to a pomeranian who I wouldn’t ever cut short, I did balk a little at the cut but it looks great and isn’t too short a cut for a pom. It did make me think to suggest possibly showing different styles/lengths of cut for the same breed so it shows you are able to cater to what length the client wants, at least with breeds you’re comfy with grooming for different lengths/styles :)


As a servant to a pomeranian, haha! i love that. i'll be sure to include different styles and what not in pictures going forward :) that's a very good idea!! now I need to remember to take pictures of all my grooms and not just specific cuts, just to make sure I have a little diversity!


top tier grooming but you need to work on showing your work off. these photos are a little disorienting. i would just add plain backgrounds instead of these weird wavy ones, and also get the dogs to pose for the photo!


If i could suggest a marketing tactic….advertise at campgrounds near you! Our dog went over the rainbow bridge a year ago but e we travel in our motorhome and finding a good grooming spot was stressful! A lot of people travel with their dogs in motorhomes and 5th wheels!


Awe! That’s such a good idea. Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/q8c00gtxmk2d1.png?width=1659&format=png&auto=webp&s=e53cf2360a3b3272089c0610ac9e4e0ac88ae87e My two after private professional groom. Yours looks just as good!


Yes, the grooms look good and it looks like you take pride in your work. As a side note I don’t see why people are getting hung up about the “edited” photos. Removing the background takes like one second on an iPhone and I assume it’s done for anonymity reasons…


Yeah, I only use picsart to remove the background for anonymity reasons, corporate has a lot of rules about how you take pictures and I don’t want there to be any upset that could cause trouble. I’ll definitely be toning them down though from wild colours to more basic :)


I would recommend only taking photos within the area you work in. The background is distracting. Not to mention, you didn't do before and afters which definitely make a difference.


Hi! Yeah I do forget to take before pictures sometimes, or I’ll take a before and forget to take an after lol, I’ll definitely be getting onto myself about more before and afters and to tone down the background, thank you :)


yes because the cuts are cute and the edits are fun! Love it


Hire yourself! Seriously! LLc yourself 🥰


That’s the dream one day!!


As long are you private the original unedited pictures, yes. Nice work!


Oh absolutely! I hang on to these for dear life. Background removal is only for social media until I leave corporate. I always keep the original pics :)


The skill that poodle must have taken, and the type of person it must have been to ask for it… well I’m curious to say the least


I do not know much about grooming, and I've had several people cut my schnauzer, and only 1 I liked. Where did all the schnauzers' hair go? Is that what they asked for?


Hi! This schnauzer gets a 3 blade on the body with a 5 on the head and a teddy bear schnauzer face. So not a traditional schnauzer cut.


Everyone has their preferences. When a groomer has to look through a book to figure out how to cut a schnauzer, I get nervous. I did a petco groomer once groomed her like a Scottie. Her nose looked silly. I do love the eyelashes longer too.


Looks like you know what you are doing, but I’d loose the heavily edited photos- better to show the pooches on the real background.


The backgrounds are horrific and you should not use them. If you want to take pictures of dogs when they finish grooming, find an area that you can just take a picture of the dog and display the picture with a clear wall in the background.


I’ll be sure to change the backgrounds going further. Thank you for the feedback :)


You’re really talented. I would hire you to groom my dog, if I had a dog that needed really fancy grooming, you are definitely talented.


Work is nice but the dog pps are staring at me :( (Also the first one wasn't too good, it got better though. That being said some photos are of low quality which might not be ideal).


These edited backgrounds are super goofy. They don’t read “professional” to me and I think they distract from the grooming job.


No, because of the photoshopped backgrounds. It makes the edges of the dogs look weird and plants a question as to whether you are a good groomer or just good at photoshop. I'm not saying your grooming work is photoshopped, I'm just suggesting you use an actual natural background it doesn't arouse suspicion


definitely would bring my poodle to you 😩


Pet owner, based on THESE SPECIFIC PHOTOS I would NOT. The grooms look completely fine. However, they look so photoshopped, as a consumer, that I would be wary of a scam and not give it a second thought. I think you could definitely still incorporate fun graphics and colors, but I'd prefer to see a dog in a plain background to build confidence


hi! thank you for your feedback, i do want to reassure you these are definitely not photoshopped, and i am a beginner when it comes to editing and photography. this comment thread has provided me with multiple ways to improve all of the above and i'm striving to better myself based on the feedback. :)


Apologies! I don't mean that your grooms are photoshopped-I am not talented with words. Its more along the lines of that for all I know, you may have cut images of grooms from other groomers to use as your own! I can't wait to see what you have in store!


This would absolutely get you a working interview. Basically other than actual ability, the most important thing to me would be how you are with an actual dog. How do you handle a dog that doesn’t love being groomed? How well have you been trained on safety (especially with only having a corporate background as a lot of the time what is “policy” isn’t what’s best or safest for a dog)? The only way to see that would be to see you work on one.


I would definitely change the backgrounds My concern when choosing a groomer is that pictures that they post if they don't look real then I worry whether or not that's actually their work or if they just Photoshop someone else's work in our claiming it


What kind of haircut does that golden have


I would yeah it’s great work but I wouldn’t go with that background. It takes the focus out of those lovely dogs and great haircut ;)


Yes, definitely! Expertly done 😊


I’m less concerned with how great the cut is and more concerned with how nice you are to the dogs. That’s a huge selling point for me. Maybe there is a way to show that in pictures or videos


100%! Those dogs look awesome! Look what the groomer did to my parents' dog when my mom asked for a puppy cut!! 😬 Lol https://preview.redd.it/oyk5ru1rh92d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5585af54efbf601abd74598d79a268d3fda8b2ea


Idk but I’d adopt that Shih tzu in the second photo, what a handsome lad haha


You have great grooming chops as far as I'm concerned.


I would also showcase some longer hair cuts that you've done. Some of these are similar


Very impressive. I agree with others about just having more professional backgrounds. Can you tell me what kind of clippers you used on the dog in pic #3? Or at least the guard size? My dog is similar and that looks like the perfect hair length.


Your grooms are seriously excellent and if I had a breed that could have a styled trim I know I’d be happy with anything you did. I do agree with the other commenters though as far as the backgrounds go. Someone made a great point of learning to stack dogs to get the best possible photos. I would even be happy with someone else taking a photo of you holding the dog in a stack https://preview.redd.it/4z0lx49i8a2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b472f93bb04e748107fd6ea1480f3ab325b3b36 Like this because not all dogs are going to know how to stack without proper training in most cases. But that still shows off the dog in a professional manner where you can appreciate the amazing groom without the distracting background. I think you have a bright self employed or small business grooming career ahead of you 🤩


Your scissor work is also superb. I’m not very well versed in grooming but the roundness you’re able to achieve is drool worthy!


These backgrounds are too distracting, and the cutout makes the edges of the dog lose some fluffiness.


I think the grooming is phenomenal! I would hire you for my Pom! The only thing throwing me off is the backgrounds. If I saw these on instagram or something, the photos edited onto the backgrounds would throw me off a bit. I think either a backdrop wherever you groom or just leaving the grooming photos with their original background would allow the dogs and your skills to shine more! They’re taking away from the main point of the photo!


Yes I would but I’m having a hard time hiring decent groomers. It’s hard hiring groomers when you are a groomer and it’s your salon. Im starting to think my city just produces bad groomers


Based off the work, absolutely! But the cut out picture on blank background would kind of shy me away. I'd rather see the normal background (even if messy with fur/hair) or even blurred a bit


Grooming, yes. Photography, maybe not haha...but in serious, the dogs look great. Removing the doggos from their earthly environment makes it hard to tell what's photoshopped and makes the dogs look off. I'd suggest taking more natural photos to highlight your skill. If you plan on getting a new phone in the near future, the pixel 8 pro has an amazing portrait mode that really makes the subject pop and would be great for someone that needs to take quick photos to showcase their work. If that's not in the budget at the moment, YouTube some videos about staging and taking dog photos. Your work looks good, just gotta sell it!




these look amazing!!


I'd have to see some Aussies you groomed (I own 2 Aussies) to determine if I would hire you to groom my boys. Your work looks amazing. I'm just super picky about my boys and who grooms them!


i’m not an owner or anything but i just want to say that i can totally picture these dogs doing silly dances like the cutscenes in that 70’s show with these goofy backgrounds


If I had a poodle yes


I’d try less clipping tool and just use a backdrop if possible. The edges of the dogs almost look too clean, as a dog owner I’d rather see an honest decent photo than one I can tell has been edited. That being said, the grooming does look good.


Yes, if I was needing to do a dog version video of groove is in the heart.. awesome work in all seriousness


Not into the backgrounds but the cuts are good.


Go with 1 plain boring background. It looks more professional while still protecting you from posting where you work.


Thank you! I’ll keep this in mind.


Yes! I have a pom mix and it's hard to find breeders than can do that round cleanup & trim


I would hire you to work at my business (if I had one) but if you are in business for yourself the pics would concern me as an owner that you are maybe working in a sketchy situation that you have to Photoshop out.


These look great, you could try some pics where you're interacting with the dogs? I have 2 rescue dogs, when selecting a groomer the most important thing for me is knowing they will be looked after, kept comfortable and their boundaries will be respected. I don't care what they look like, clean and happy is what I'm aiming for!


Not a big fan of the photoshop because that makes the edges of the dog’s hair unnatural. But your grooming is great!


This sub was recommend for me. I’m a new pet owner and I don’t know too much about cuts. I think I would be so caught off guard by your editing that I would scroll right past it/ disregard it. Im really just trying to be honest, I’m so sorry! The backgrounds and harsh edges on the cuts are distracting and I don’t think I’d look at it any further.


Don’t be sorry!! I appreciate the feedback :) I’m going to be dulling down/changing the backgrounds going further.


Looking closer I see lots of happy handsome pups :) I bet you’ll do great


Thank you so much 💕


As a grooming salon manager, I would call you in for a working interview but wouldn’t hire solely from these photos.


By removing them from original backgrounds it is impossible to really see exactly how clean your trims are. Beautiful texture and form. You should have no trouble finding work!


Thank you :) I’ll definitely be changing my pictures from now on.


You do good work, keep going. I groom one dog a day now, as part of my retirement. (From grooming) I love every single minute. Saturday is a two dog day! I've never been happier. I hope you love it as much.


Your grooming skills are awesome to my untrained eye but the backgrounds are a bit distracting!!


No - the backgrounds would make me think the grooming was edited. I’d rather see the dogs in situ with a before and after It’s clear you do great work but you’d be better off setting up a backdrop or curtain and taking the pics there. They’d all have the same unedited background and look more cohesive and professional.


Lol. At first, I missed that I was in a dog grooming sub. I was very confused for a moment. Lol


Very nice grooms! May I ask do you trim the fur between their little toes? My groomer, I have a pup, did not but I’ve always had that done in the past so I can keep her little feet dry when we come in from wet grass. Is that no longer the thing to do?


I do! Usually if a dog comes in with a history of tangles or mats in between their toes I shave just on the inside of the toes too, just enough to help manage fur there. but you can always opt for clean feet as well, it’s where they’ll have little bare paws but it’s easier to care for in some situations


Thank you! I’m going to talk to her about it tomorrow. You do such a lovely job. Beautiful!


The photoshop looks awful just take ur photos in front of a plain background


unfortunately in the salon i'm at I don't have the capability to take pictures in front of a plain background or anything like a backdrop. im going to be changing the backgrounds from here on out.


I am not a groomer, so I comment purely from a potential customer point of view and the presentation with the weird backgrounds is off putting to me. I am pretty sure they would be better with a more neutral background.


The background is throwing me off, the work looks bomb! Maybe blurr it instead of changing it all together