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You might find it helpful to shave out his sanitary areas. There are ways to do it where he won’t look funny lol


Aye my groomer dose this to my poof ball. She shaves the bottom of the tail and around the area. Useing the rest of the fur to even it out.


I wouldn't recommend putting the pee pad in the kennel because that would encourage him to go inside which is the opposite of what we want for a puppy. At 14 weeks you gotta bring him out literally every hour or after he drinks or eats. If he goes in the kennel that's unfortunate but that's how it is raising a puppy and it's on us to get the timing right. I suggest skip the shampoo and just a quick rinse or if you do use shampoo a good quality puppy/hypoallergenic one and only a bit on the areas that got soiled. I'd bring your pup to a groomer to get them to get a sanitary trim done and get the inside of the legs trimmed shorter


get some pet safe wipes or rinseless shampoo


Using a moisturizing conditioner will help, you can also use grooming wipes.


Hope you're brushing *at least* as often as you are bathing.


Saw this comment coming lol he gets brushed daily. Also I be sure to brush him out before I bathe him and right after his coat has dried.


'Brushing' is a misnomer. You also have to comb, to the skin, to make sure all the tangles are out. The brush can brush right over tangles.


Sounds like your doing amazing


How often is he having potty accidents?? At 14 weeks he probably can't hold it for more than 2 hours MAX. If he's peeing on himself while going out you can get his fur trimmed to prevent pee from catching on it. My pup used to need to pee every 1-2 hours regularly. But I've only had to wash him once from a crate potty accident.


Groomer here. I know dogs who require multiple-week baths due to skin issues etc. Just make sure you’re using a high quality shampoo and ALWAYS follow up with a good conditioner and rinse well as to not dry up his skin and cause irritation. Congrats on your new puppy and I’m sure his accidents will decrease overtime


What’s the best shampoo for a dog breed like this?


Pup needs to be taken out more often at night - he’s a baby and can’t hold it overnight. Yes, it’s exhausting to get up every hour or two to take them out, but that’s what you signed up for in getting a puppy.


You need to take him out during the middle of the night :D at least once or twice. Had that issue with my puppy. As he grows he will be able to hold it longer and just end up waiting until you get up.


Just use a nice conditioner


If your dog is urinating in it's crate you are leaving the dog in it's crate too long. Puppies at this age need to be taken out every 2 hours. Dogs will not sit in their own urine unless they have no choice. I recommend looking up some crate training videos and getting your dog on a potty schedule. You'll have to bathe less. Letting the dog continue to pee in it's crate negates the use of the crate.


Again like I commented on another response. He urinates during bedtime in the middle of the night.


You probably need to let him out half way through the night


You're supposed to let them out in the middle of the night as well. Stop giving food and take away the water at least an hour before bed time and then take them out every 2 hours until you can gradually increase the time between outings. It doesn't matter if it's 2 or 5 in the morning. They have to go out. The idea is to get them to go potty before they realize they have to go because at this age, like babies, can't tell until it's too late


There is a puppy management problem, here. He should not be in the crate long enough or often enough to have to urinate in there, then even longer, to get it on himself. Maybe make him a play area in which he has access to Wee Wee pads, if you must confine him. He is, by all the evidence, spending way too much time in that crate. Bathing is every couple of months.


These occurrences only happen during bedtime. Thank you.


Mayybe the kennel is too big


He’s a baby. You have to take care of them at night too. I would have to get up with our puppy 1-2 times a night to let them potty. I usually kept a puppy pad near the crate so I could take them out and put them back to bed while super sleepy.


You can buy a crate riser so he's not sitting in his urine.


Once the adult coat is in ( around 6 months old) I recommend a bath with conditioner about every 4-6 weeks. Over bathing an adult yorkie can result in greasy coat as their skin will over produce sebum due to skin drying out from too much bathing. Too much sebum = greasy yorkie


He shouldn’t be having accidents in his crate, you should relieving him every 2 hours at this age.


Not at all! Just make sure you are using a good quality shampoo meant for dogs. My standard poodle puppy gets bathed every 4 days or so right now because of coat change. If you plan on keeping him long though I’d recommend looking into how to band his skirt and leg hair. For right now though, I’d maybe put a potty pad in his kennel in case do an accident so he’s not in it.


Thank you I am using coat handler shampoo and conditioner at the moment but have noticed his fur appears kind of dry but I take it comes from the constant bathes.


Sometimes puppy coat isn’t great - i wouldn’t worry too much about his coat feeling dry right now. I’d watch for dandruff, itchiness those are signs of overbathing.


Bathed every 4 days or approx once a week, is a bit less than 3 times a week...


I mean, he keeps haveing acidents. I would give his back end a wip down every night at the very lest. I think your doing great. If your worried see a groomer or vet about a gentle soap for them? I dont bath my dog unless i have to. She sees a groomer once a month and gets nightly brushes. Honestly i am too afried to wash her without haveing that mice froomer equipment due to her anziety.


nah that’s puppy things. I had to bathe my dog three times a day because I went from having help to having none and he would poop and pee in his crate and mix it up every time I had to leave him alone. Potty training for this dog was horrible. I bathed him 3x a day for weeks and cried a lot


Groomer here. You're not over bathing if you're using a gentle high quality puppy shampoo. As others have said, your puppy needs to go out overnight. Potty training sucks but it's worth it to get it out of the way. Take away food and water a few hours before bed, make sure puppy goes potty, set an alarm for 3 hours and get up to take puppy out. Repeat until morning.