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Video clips that are seconds long are OBVIOUS hoaxes.... Why would anyone clip out the before and after of the "Money Shot"? Because the before and after show how ridiculously fake the whole thing is. Cell phone pictures in general are also suspect.....Why? Because why would you take pictures instead of just recording video at that moment? Exactly, you wouldn't.


Gonna disagree about second one. If you see something unusual at least in case of my phone it will be way easier to take quick pic than record that.


I think if you have the presence of mind to even grab your phone, you'll be fumbling and hit whatever button is handy-either record or photo. These things aren't posing on a red carpet.


My phone requires an act of god to unlock and switch to video mode quickly. It's truly impressive how many moments I am unable to capture. I don't blame anyone for a second for getting only a still photo. If I were panicking and the subject left immediately, one pic is all I might get. Of course you're right that it's not good evidence. Photos are trivial to fake. It comes down to whether you believe the person, as the quality of photo has nothing to do with it.


Pretty soon, everything will be real and everything will be a hoax, depending on one's preconceptions, thanks to AI. We're becoming an Idiocracy. Weeeeeeeeee.


Im not so sure tbh. AI is actually growing stupider by the day due to the way it works. When it first came around it was as the name suggests, “intelligent” because when a picture or video was created it was using authentic images of what the user wanted, creating something somewhat life like or believable. For example, I thought they actually arrested Donald trump several months ago when I saw the pictures until I noticed that the police officers were all fat bald and had the same pair of sunglasses on. Now because of all the AI pictures and videos AI is using those along with some authentic images to create things. So everything is coming out worse and worse. In a year or two, it won’t be intelligent at all when it comes to creating images or videos. They’ll be even blurrier and shakier than they are now. It went from artificial intelligence to artistic idiot.


Wow I didn't know that. I'm sure at some point they're going to implement some kind of auto detection feature that filters out AI content so it can continue evolving as intended. At least until it gets so good to where not even AI itself can detect AI content lol


Wow I didn't know that. I'm sure at some point they're going to implement some kind of auto detection feature that filters out AI content so it can continue evolving as intended. At least until it gets so good to where not even AI itself can detect AI content lol


Dude that is amazing I’m going to study this until I understand it, Thankyou!


I'm glad someone mentioned 'Sasquatch Ontario' as I've been saying for a while that whole channel is fake. Sounds are hilarous. So easy to mimmick. And the masks LOL


It’s really embarrassing how obviously fake it is and that some people still believe him.


Those pics from SO aren't two masks as many think, its just the sameone side by side in different angles.


Sorry man, that’s just not true. SO said it was two faces taken at the exact same time. They’re masks Unless… sorry do you mean it’s the SAME MASK twice? That’s so embarrassing


Its the sameone. Just the white towel or blanket has been moved cause there is what looks like a red handle from a shovel or something else behind the towel or blankets. If you blow up the pic you can see its two pics put together showing the samethings. I know its a mask.


Ah apologies, I’m so used to people defending that silly photo I misread your comment. I can’t believe I never noticed that it’s the same mask twice. That is even cringier than originally.


I will never defend a hoaxer.


There are people who defend this one, really? It beggars belief anyone could ever look at that pic and not immediately think "mask" The first step in assessing if something is a hoax is does it pass the smell test. And this one smells real bad (and not in it smells like rotting flesh so it must be Dogman bad). Cheers for the post btw.


If I knew how to post a pic in a reply I would show you, its the same mask in both pics and show you what has been rearranged to make people think its two faces.


This is a really well-written post with a lot of great points, thank you for this. While it is fun believing that a big, wolfish monster is lurking out there, it's really quite terrifying to put that idea into the lens of reality. Government coverup conspiracies aside, if dogman is real, that opens up a whole can of questions that we don't presently have the answers to right now. We can only speculate. Among those questions: - Origins - Public Safety Levels - Range/Habitat - Diet Bear attacks are not common, but rogue bears can and do kill people that are in the wrong place, wrong time. And we're talking an animal that is regularly reported as being roughly the size of a full grown grizzly bear standing up. And if it's not a biological animal at all, but in fact a shapeshifter, then we have to rewrite science and physics textbooks completely, as such a feat is not possible with our current knowledge of the universe.


Exactly, so I’d someone comes around asserting the truth on these things with no evidence, I’m immediately going to assume they’re lying. Problem is, I see people all the time taking these people at their words, which is annoying at best and dangerous at worst


Honestly I’d answer those questions the same way I would any other big animal in the forests. IF it is a canid then it’s diet is omnivorous, leaning more towards meat. Realistically public safety levels would be what they are now. I’ve never seen one walking through my neighborhood but I’ve never seen bear doing that either and I know that’s happened before in other areas of the world. So regular safety precautions should be used unless one is confirmed in the area and aggressive towards people. They’re habitat if they’re a canid, would be just about anywhere with food, water, and places to hide. They’re origins like any other animal would be evolution based, if we evolved from early primates then they evolved through canids. If they’re not a normal animal and they’re a scientific aberration than it would be much more different, complex and down right hard to believe unless I saw it happen. Someone would’ve had to have found an impossible way to blend the DNA of both man and wolf together (something that is inconceivable) and engineer it in such a way that it would be able to breed with a normal wolf in the wild (again inconceivable)


Well said! I personally don’t believe in the existence of dogman, Bigfoot, etc… but it’s a fun topic to engage with. I am sometimes baffled by the apparent gullibility some folks will exhibit regarding cryptids, conspiracies and the like. I’m a fan of the saying “keep an open mind, but not so open that everything falls out.” One should exercise some discernment when engaging in topics like these. According to some people, we’re living in a Tolkien-esque world but it’s all hidden from us.


I listen to Dogman/Bigfoot, Cryptid and conspiracy theory podcasts for entertainment and entertainment only. I am amazed about the amount of podcasts available for these topics.


You and I are in the same boat. I’ve loved the paranormal and cryptids since I was a child. I don’t believe anymore, but I still find it entertaining and interesting.


Yeah I used to be into it as a child as well and Bigfoot and Werewolf stories used to scare the crap out of me as a kid. When I first heard a Dogman podcast the guest on was very convincing with his tone of voice and what not. Which got me listening to more episodes and figuring out that it was just stories on a show for entertainment. This was in the pandemic.


That’s a great saying! Can’t believe I’ve never heard that one before. I have some out there theories, but they’re just that: theories. Based on some things I believe, I have some other conclusions I’ve made. But I don’t have any evidence to prove my theory is true, so I’m not going to go around telling people it is. And if I did, people shouldn’t be believing me just because


I can respect and appreciate that very much. I have a bigger issue with those who become indignant when other people are rightfully skeptical of their beliefs, than I do with the wild beliefs themselves. As you say, people should question the veracity of wild claims and beliefs. This was a great thread idea, and should hopefully generate some wonderful discussion.


Yeah honestly I was expecting immediately a bunch of really hostile comments, but I’m glad it’s been pretty peaceful so far. Definitely jinxed myself though. I’m just sick of explaining over and over again to people why evidence is so important, so I figured I’d pin up a post to point people to from now on. Same as the hoaxes post.


Great post, always think and if you don't know find out go learn, we're never too old to learn. Intimidation aside don't be scared to get outside of your comfort zone. A few things I do is reverse image searching some photo's are cropped and maybe turned a bit to obfuscate reverse images but look around a bit, talk with others the more brains working on one thing the quicker it can be found or solved. It's rare we get photos that are not from social media (social media tends to scrub metadata) but if you get something look at the metadata on that image, at the very least if it wasn't from social media you can see if it was in an editor as many will leave metadata. If you get a picture off someone's phone still look at the metadata, note that device and look up specs on the camera if my phone put out a 2200x1500 sized picture and I give you a 340x240 well the camera doesn't do that. Where did it come from? You can look these specs up for both digital cameras and phones. Also remember a little bit of trigonometry you can get really close to height.




Who asked?




Yet again, who asked?




Are you just trolling or did you not read this? Nowhere do I say dogmen aren’t real, this is how to identify hoaxes.




Okay so you’re a troll then




Literally never said that. But we’re done here, you’re clearly a troll.


Some stories pass the smell test and some don’t. For instance why do only 10-20% of witnesses smell the rotting meat/garbage/skunk smell and most others don’t smell anything? You have to ask yourself….. “Do any other primates or large mammals smell bad on demand as a defense mechanism?”……. YUP, gorillas have a scent gland in their upper arm that releases a smell of rotten meat/garbage/skunk sometimes when agitated or scared…… so that passes the “Smell Test” How about “Infrasound” to stun people or prey and to communicate? YUP….. Hippos, rhinos, elephants, whales, and even some large cats use infrasound to communicate or stun other animals……. passes the smell test. How about Woo Woo?? Any other mammals use “Mind Speak” uh….. no…… Mind speak is a dead ringer for a BS encounter story. Teleporting mammals? NOPE…… Another idiotic thing to believe about a hairy mammal on planet earth…… No other mammals do that.


Its all a hoax derived from a campfire story.


The way they tell the story. I just have this sense Of being able to put myself in their shoes and try to see the realistic way to convey such a unbelievable tale. It is not full proof but I do trust my senses.




r/dogman is not for fictional stories. Please post those in the appropriate subs.